Parts of A Thesis

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Parts of a Thesis


Introduction and background of the study

The Scope is Mainly the coverage of your study

and the Delimitation is the limitation of your
study or topic

Introduction & background of the Study

Definition of Terms

The first chapter of your thesis is your

This is where you provide an introduction to the
topic of your thesis: you give the context in
terms of content of the research project

Must be arranged alphabetically. It must be also

stated if you used your definition of terms,
technically or operationally.

Objective of the Study (general & specific)

Significance of the Study
Will mainly focus on the question who will
benefit from the study
Will state the contribution of your study and the
usefulness of your study in the society
Statement of the Problem
The problem must be reflected to your title or
readers must know your problem by just simply
reading your topic.
The problem must not be answerable by yes or
no and must be arranged in the flow of your
documentation or study.
Hypothesis / assumption
Conceptual Framework
Elaborated the research problem in relation to
relevant literature. This section may summarize
the major (dependent or independent) variables
in your research. The framework may be
summarized in a schematic diagram that
presents the major variables and their
hypothesized relationships. It should also cover
the following:
1. Existing research and its relevance for
your topic
2. Key ideas or constructs in your approach
3. Identify and discuss the variables related
to the problem
4. Conceptualized relationships between
Independent variables (presumed cause)
Dependent variables (presumed effect)
Intervening Variables (other variables that
influence the effect of the independent
Scope and Delimitation

II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature
In this part you must get your date and
information from any books, magazines, and
news papers. You must label your published
material, whether local or foreign.
Related Studies
In this part you must get your date and
information from unpublished material such as
previous or old study, research or thesis. In some
format, you must label your unpublished
material, whether local or foreign.
III. Methodology of the Study
Research Design should be specified and
Population and samples describe the
population of interest and the sampling of
subjects used in the study
Research instrument
- describe the instrument and
what it will measure
- State qualifications of
informants if used in the
Validation Procedure discuss how the validity
and the reliability will be established. Specify the
level of reliability
Data Gathering procedure - How instrument will
be administered
Data processing procedure and statistical
treatment of data
-describe the processing and treatment of data
IV. Presentation, analysis and Interpretation
of Data

Presentation of Data
Analysis of Data
Interpretation of Data

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