CSE 115 - 115L Course Objective and Outcome
CSE 115 - 115L Course Objective and Outcome
CSE 115 - 115L Course Objective and Outcome
Course type:
Course Prerequisites:
Course Assessment:
Homework/Assignment: 2
Exam: Quizzes 5, Midterm 2, Final - 1
Lab work, lab-homeworks
Midterm 1, Final 1, Project 1
Grading policy:
Attendance - 10%, Homework-10%, Quiz 20%, Midterms-30%,
Final 30%
Lab work 40% (8% lab-practice + 32% lab Quiz),
Midterm-20%, Final 25%, Project 7%, Homeworks 8%
Course Objective
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1) Learn fundamental knowledge on basics of computers hardware and number systems.
2) Familiarize about the basic terminologies used in computer programming.
3) Understand, analyze and implement software development tools like algorithm, pseudo
5) Use an integrated programming environment to write, compile, and execute programs
of data types and simple data structures (arrays, strings and records), decision structures,
loop structures, functions/methods, input and output for console and text files.
7) Apply debugging and testing techniques to locate and resolve errors, and to determine the
effectiveness of a program.
8) Have understanding of professionalism, codes of ethics and responsible conduct.
Catalog Description(Syllabus): This is the first course in the computer science programming
sequence and is required of all computer science and engineering major with no prior
programming experience. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of structured
programming. Topics include fundamental programming constructs: syntax and semantics of a
higher-level language, variables, expressions, and assignment, simple I/O to console and files,
conditional and iterative control structures, functions and parameter passing, dynamic memory
allocation; Fundamental data structures: arrays, records, strings and string processing; Software
development methodology: Fundamental design concepts and principles, testing and debugging
strategies; Fundamental of computers; Professionalism, codes of ethics and responsible conduct,
copyrights, intellectual property, and software piracy.
Textbook and related course materials:
Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 7th edition by J Hanly and E Koffman,
4.5 Hours(Lecture)
3 Hours (Lecture)
4.5 Hours (Lab)
3 Hours (Lecture)
3 Hours (Lab)
Keywords:void, return
Others: Flow chart, pseudo code
Selection structures: Control structures, conditions, the if statement, if
statements with compound statements, decision steps in algorithms, nested if
statements and multiple-alternative decisions and the switch statement.
3 Hours (Lecture)
4.5 Hours (Lab)
3 Hours (Lecture)
3 Hours (Lab)
3 Hours (Lecture)
Structure and Union Types: User-defined structure types, structure type data as
input and output parameters and functions whose result values are structured.
6 Hours (Lab)
3 Hours (Lab)
3 Hours (Lecture)
3 Hours (Lecture)
3 Hours (Lab)
3 Hours (Lab)
*** Strong
** Moderate
number systems.
2) Familiarize about the basic terminologies used in computer programming.
3) Understand, analyze and implement software development tools like
programming language.
5) Use an integrated programming environment to write, compile, and
A, L
A, B, G, I, J,
A, B, I, J
declaration, use of data types and simple data structures (arrays, strings
and records), decision structures, loop structures, functions/methods, input
and output for console and text files.
7) Apply debugging and testing techniques to locate and resolve errors, and
A, B, J
A, J