Exfoliative Dermatitis
Exfoliative Dermatitis
Exfoliative Dermatitis
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / m j a fi
Review Article
Professor & HOD, Department of Dermatology, Command Hospital (Southern Command), Pune 40, India
Classified Specialist, Department of Dermatology, Command Hospital (Southern Command), Pune 40, India
article info
Article history:
Severe cutaneous drug reactions are one of the commonest medical challenges presenting
to an emergency room in any hospital. The manifestations range from maculopapular rash
to severe systemic symptoms like renal failure and cardiovascular compromise. Toxic
epidermal necrolysis, erythroderma, drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms,
acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis and drug induced vasculitis are the common
cutaneous drug reactions which can have severe morbidity and even mortality. Careful
history taking of the lag period after drug intake and associated symptoms, along with
detailed examination of the skin, mucosa and various systems, help in early diagnosis of
these reactions. Early stoppage of the incriminating drug, specific therapy including cor-
with supportive therapy and local measures help in salvaging most patients. An overview
of these important cutaneous drug reactions along with their management is being
reviewed in this article.
2013, Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS). All rights reserved.
Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are rated as the fifth leading
cause of death among all diseases. Approximately 5e8% of all
hospitalisation worldwide is due to ADR. Cutaneous adverse
drug reactions (CADR) are the commonest ADR (30e45%) and
responsible for about 2% of hospital admissions.1 Approximately 2e7% of these may be severe.2 In India, CADR account
for 2e5% of all inpatients, while it affects 2.6% of outpatients.3
CADRs are defined as undesirable changes in either structure
or functions of skin, the appendages or the mucous membranes due to a drug. They range from minor exanthematous
skin rashes to severe, life threatening ones like Toxic
epidermal necrolysis. It can affect all ages and is a global
phenomenon. Female sex, increasing age, more number of
drugs, immunosuppressed patients and autoimmune
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It is mostly caused by drugs (80e95%). The drugs commonly
implicated are antibacterials, anticonvulsants, non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and allopurinol [Table 1]. Rarely
infections (especially Mycoplasma pneumonia), graft versus
host disease (GVHD) and vaccinations have been reported to
cause this condition. Risk factors include concomitant Human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, radiotherapy, lymphomas, leukaemias and systemic lupus erythematosus. HIV
patients are three times more prone to develop TEN compared
to the normal population. Women are more affected than men
for unspecified reasons (61e64%). The mean age for occurrence is 46e63 years.
It is an immune mediated, HLA class I restricted drug hypersensitivity reaction. The drugs or its toxic metabolites act as
haptens providing antigenic stimulus. The stimulated cytotoxic CD8 T-cells clonally expand and along with the help of
perforins, granzyme B, granulysins and cytokines (especially
TNFa) mediate the keratinocyte apoptosis leading to
epidermal necrosis.5 TNFa upregulates Fas (death receptors)
on effector cells and Fas ligand (FasL) on the keratinocytes
leading to their interactions: thus amplifying the apoptotic
pathway. Certain specific HLA genotypes have been implicated in TEN caused by carbamazepine and allopurinol,
namely HLA-B1502 (in Han Chinese/Asian population) and
HLA-B5801 respectively.6 HLA-B*5701 detected in abacavir
hypersensitivity is a recent development.7 People with altered
drug metabolism, especially slow-acetylators, leading to
deficient detoxification of intermediary drug metabolites may
be more prone to develop TEN.
Clinical features
The lag period (period between drug administration and onset
of clinical signs and symptoms) varies from 4 to 28 days
usually. Rarely does it occur after 8 weeks. There is a prodromal phase (not always) of fever, cough, malaise, rhinitis and
arthralgia followed 2 weeks later by the skin rash. Stinging
sensation inside the eyes, conjunctivitis, oral ulcers,
dysphagia or genital lesions leading to painful micturition
may precede the rash by 1e2 days.
The initial skin rash may be erythematous maculopapular, urticarial, purpuric or targetoid and is specifically
tender [Fig. 1a]. They usually first appear on trunk and rapidly
spread over 3e4 days to involve the face, neck and extremities. The scalp is usually spared and the palms and soles
unlike other drug reactions are not often involved. Later
bullous lesions may develop. The lesions rapidly coalesce and
lead to sheets of skin peeling off [Fig. 1b]. They leave behind
erythematous, oozy, raw lesions which can easily become
infected. The Nikolskys sign is positive i.e gentle lateral
pressure on the normal appearing skin adjacent to the lesions
leads to epidermal separation.
Painful mucous membrane erosions can occur on the lips,
tongue, oral cavity, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, conjunctiva,
vagina, urethra, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, if
the process is not halted. Rarely mucous membranes may not
be involved (TEN without spots).
Eye involvement occurs in 80% of patients.8 The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) can be extensively involved. GIT bleeding
and colonic perforation may occur. Upto 30% cases have respiratory involvement.9 Marked hypoxaemia, pneumonia and
sloughing of bronchial epithelium can arise. Other complications include liver function abnormalities, myocarditis, acute
tubular necrosis, glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure and
pulmonary oedema. Sepsis is the commonest cause of mortality and the main pathogens are Staphylococcus aureus and
Pseudomonas. ARDS can also occur.
Residual effects
Once disease progression is controlled the lesions usually heal
without scarring, unless there is secondary infection. Severe
mucous membrane involvement can result in fibrosis and
strictures of the oesophagus, urethra, vagina and anus. 35%
cases have chronic residual eye problems. Dry eyes, photophobia, synechiae and scarring are the common chronic
sequelae. Others include trichiasis, distichiasis, symblepharon, entropion, ankyloblepharon, lagophthalmos,
corneal ulceration leading to perforation and blindness.10
Patients may also have residual xerostomia or keratoconjunctivitis mimicking Sjogrens syndrome.
Differential diagnosis
Sulphonamides, penicillins, cephalosporins,
quinolones, vancomycin
Phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbitone,
valproate, lamotrigine
Phenylbutazone, piroxicam, aspirin, diclofenac
Nevirapine, protease inhibitors, abacavir
Isoniazid, ethambutol
Assessment of severity
The severity and prognosis of TEN is assessed based on the
SCORTEN scale, first introduced by Bastuji, et al, in 2000.11,12
This scale uses seven independent factors which are as
given in Table 2. The assessment is done within 24 h of
admission of the patient.
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Fig. 1 e Clinical presentation in Toxic epidermal necrolysis. (a) Purpuric lesions on face. (b) Peeling off of skin on the back.
Score 0
Score 1
% of BSA with epidermal detachment
Heart rate
Presence of malignancy
Blood urea nitrogen
Blood glucose (random)
Serum bicarbonate
40 yrs
28 mg/dl
252 mg/dl
20 mEq/L
0 points
>40 yrs
>28 mg/dl
>252 mg/dl
>20 mEq/L
7 points
Mortality rate
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Fluid requirement
Supportive measures
Respiratory system
GI tract
Protective measures
Use of glass rods daily for sweeping the fornices to break the forming adhesions
Lubricants, topical antibiotics and steroids should be used judiciously
Topical preparation similar pharmacologically to the incriminated drug should not be given
Amniotic membrane transplants- for damaged surfaces
Topical bevacizumab (humanised IgG monoclonal antibody) which binds to vascular endothelial growth
factor e for preventing chronic sequelae
6. Soft contact lenses e for persistent corneal defects
1. Use of aerosols and physiotherapy to prevent pneumonitis
2. If trachea and bronchi get involved e intubation and finally mechanical ventilation
Antacids e reduce chances of GI bleeding
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The main pathogenesis in the anticonvulsant hypersensitivity
syndrome is the inability to detoxify intermediate drug metabolites and this is genetically determined. However there
may be other immune mechanisms in play which are not yet
fully determined. Reactivation of herpesvirus-6 may occur
during the course of the disease.30
Oral Prednisolone in a dose of 1e2 mg/kg is drug of choice, but
it is to be continued for a prolonged period of 2e3 months.
Valproic acid, benzodiazepine and gabapentin are ideal
replacement for drugs causing anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome. Haematological, hepatic and renal parameters
must be monitored. Supportive care with accurate fluid and
electrolyte balance is a must. Topical steroids are helpful for
cutaneous manifestations as are antihistamines. Patient
should not be prescribed the same or related drug. First degree
relatives should be counselled about increased risk. A
lymphocyte toxicity assay can be done for relatives to confirm
increased susceptibility.
Clinical features
A characteristic triad of fever, rash and internal organ
involvement is considered diagnostic. The symptoms develop
2e6 weeks after intake of drug, much later than other drug
reactions. However Dapsone can cause early reactions. When
re-exposed to same drug, the reaction can occur as early as
within 24 h.
The sequence is usually fever followed by skin rash, then
lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis and finally systemic involvement. Fever is high grade, ranging from 38 to 40 C and is
persistent. The skin lesions are in the form of maculopapular
Acute skin rash
Atleast one internal organ involvement
Lymph node enlargement of atleast 2 sites
One of the following blood count abnormalities
a. Lymphocytosis/lymphopenia
b. Eosinophilia
c. Thrombocytopaenia
Fever > 38 C
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Maculopapular rash atleast 3 weeks after starting drug
Clinical symptoms lasting atleast 2 weeks after
discontinuation of drug
Fever > 38 C
Raised LFT (Serum ALT > 100 IU/L)
Abnormal blood counts, atleast one of:
a. WBC count > 11,000/mm3
b. Atypical lymphocytes > 5%
c. Eosinophilia > 1500/mm3
HHV-6/EBV/CMV reactivation
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Duration between beginning of drug usage and onset
of the adverse reaction
Was drug present in the body before the onset of adverse
reaction? Factors considered:
a. Drugs half-life
b. Patients liver and kidney function
Results of prechallenge/rechallenge and dechallenge
Relative risk of drug in causing reactions (updated
literature review of drug reactions to specific drugs)
Other causes for the reaction ruled out
Approach to a patient with SCAR
The first aspect is to have suspicion of possibility of drug
reaction. Any new skin rash in patients with no history of skin
disorders should raise a suspicion. The offending drug has to
be identified quickly. When a patient is on multiple drugs,
careful history taking can usually identify the drug causing
reaction. Prior similar reactions give definitive clues. The
incriminating drug should ideally be identified before
Conflicts of interest
All authors have none to declare.
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