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Ensure that you print and thoroughly read all documentation provided in this Welcome Package. All
instructions given MUST be followed accurately and timely.
You must bring ALL required iems indicated on the Seabag List. Should you arrive at the training without
required items, we will have no choice other than to direct your family offsite to purchase the necessary
items, or 2) refuse your entry into the training.
Intake for the Combat Medical training will occur between the hours of 0900 and 1200 on Saturday, 24th
of July 2016. Cadets flying in to Cleveland Hopkins Airport (CLE)need to find flights that can place you
there by 1200. A lunch will be provided on the day of intake at the camp at approximately 1300.
Cadets arriving to the training site via private vehicle are to report in BDUs/NWUs.
Cadets traveling by air are to wear civilian clothes.
Summer Whites are to be hung in garment bags (using plastic hangers) during travel.
Parents, friends, family members, etc., are encouraged to stay in communication with you during your
training. There will be no phone or incoming U.S. Mail services; however, outgoing mail will occur at
least 2 days per each week of training. Incoming emails will be accepted at the following address: (insert
LCDR Hooven). The subject line of the email must include the name of the Cadet to whom the email is
to be given and the name of their training (ie: Cadet Gomer Pyle/Combat Medical).
The Command respectfully requests the communications be kept short and that all communications be
positive. It is not in the best interest of the cadet to receive bad news or negativity while they are
training. A list of emergency contacts and telephone numbers are provided in the enclosed instructions
should you need to communicate with the Command.
In closing, I look forward to providing each of you with an experience you will not soon forget. You will
leave this training with the skills required to assist your fellow man in their greatest time of need, with
confidence and efficiency.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me via e-mail at [email protected]. be sure to
cc your training officer as well.
LTjg Courtney Schroeter, NSCC
*Emergency Number; 440-321-7686
*This number is not for cadet updates or training information, it is for EMERGENCY use only.
Cadets are responsible for their own spending money - KEEP IT LOCKED UP!
NWUs/BDUs will be worn in proper order only: Complete and in acceptable condition and appearance.
All other items will be marked with Cadet's last name & last 4 digits of SSN# on manufacturer's
Cell phones will be collected upon check-in and locked in our administrative offices until dismissal
of the training contingent. Those traveling by air will be given the opportunity to contact their parents/guardians upon arrival.
The use of phones, tablets, computers, iPods, MP3 players, and the like, will not be permitted.
The NSCC, the training command, nor the camp facilities, are not responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of personal items. Cadets who do not surrender their electronics at check-in, may be
subject to disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the advanced training.
Cadets are NOT permitted to bring candy, gum, magazines, weapons, or other contraband items.
Bathing suits for both genders should be conservative in cut and color; female suits shall be one
piece. Male shorts should be modest in length, dark in color and without designs, no speedos
Shaving gels such as Edge are allowed, but all other aerosol cans are prohibited.
Male/Female hairstyles must be within regulations in both length and color (All female cadets will
be required to adhere to the proper regulations of hair management).
Cadets may use 2 sea bags if necessary and up to 1 additional backpack may also be used.
If your cadet requires special dietary accommodations (due to medical diagnosis, not preference),
please advise us as soon as possible.
If your cadet requires daily medication, please DO NOT DISCONTINUE USE prior to training.
Parents often (unnecessarily) remove cadets from their maintenance medications before trainings
and this is NOT recommended, nor is it necessary. Our goal is for all cadets to have a productive
and enjoyable experience (Please be sure to have your physician to complete NSCADM001
pages 7 & 8 for any prescribed medications).
Regular USPS mail will not be accepted on behalf of your cadet. Email only! (See Welcome Letter for email address and instructions)