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The SI Metric System of Units and SPE METRIC STANDARD Society of Petroleum EngineersThe SI Metric System of Units and SPE METRIC STANDARD Society of Petroleum Engineers Adopted for use as a voluntary standard by the SPE Board of Directors, June 1982. Contents Part 1: SI — The International System of U Tntroduction....... SI Units and Unit Symbols Application of the Metric System Rules for Conversion and Rounding Special Terms and Quantities Involving Mass and Amount of Substance. Mental Guides for Using Metric Units Appendix A (Terminology). Appendix B (SI Units)... gonoon ‘Appendix C (Style Guide for Metric Usage)... ‘Appendix D (General Conversion Factors) Appendix E (Tables 1.8 and 1.9) Part 2: Discussion of Metric Unit Standards... Introduction Ps Review of Selected Units Unit Standards Under Discussion Notes for Table 2.2. a Notes for Table 2.3.‘Second Printing “lure 1984 Copyright 1984, Socity of Petrcloum Enginoers of AIME. Printed in USA This publication or any pars thereo! may not be reproduced by any meane without the pror writen permission ofthe publisher ‘Society of Petroleum Enginoors P.O. Box 833896, Richardson, "75082-9896, Contact the publisher for addtional copies, individual Orin bulk ofthis publication.Preface ‘The SPE Board in June 1982 endorsed revisions to “SPE Tentative Metric Standard” (Dec. 1977 JPT, Pages 1575-1611) and adopted it for implementation as this “SPE Metric Standard.” ‘The following standard is the final product of 12 years’ work by the Symbols and Metrication Committee Members of the current Metrication Subcommittee in- clude John M. Campbell, chairman, John M. Campbell & Co.; Robert A. Campbell, Magnum Engineering Inc.; Robert E. Carlile, Texas Tech U.; J. Donald Clark, petroleum consultant; Hank Groeneveld, Mobil Oil Canada; Terry Pollard, retired, ex-officio member; and Howard B. Bradley, professional/technical training consultant, With very few exceptions, the units shown are those proposed and/or adopted by other groups involved in the Imetrication exercise, including those agencies charged ‘with the responsibility (nationally and internationally) for establishing metric standards. These few exceptions, still to be decided, are summarized in the introduction 0 Part 2 of this report. ‘These standards include most of the units used com- monly by SPE members. The subcommittee is aware that some will find the list incomplete for their area of specialty. Additions will continue to be made but too Tong a list can become cumbersome. The subcommittee believes that these standards provide a basis for metric practice beyond the units listed. So long as one maintains these standards a new unit can be “‘coined” that should prove acceptable. Part 1: SI—The International System of Units Introduction Worldwide scientific, engineering, industrial, and com- mercial groups are converting to SI metric units. Many inthe U.S. are now active in such conversion, based on work accomplished by national! and. intemational? authorities. Various U.S. associations, professional societies, and agencies are involved inthis process, in- cluding, but not limited to, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),} American Petroleum Inst (APD,*3 American Nail, Standards Inst. (ANSD),°* American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),” land. American Natl, Metric Council (ANMC).* The Canadian Petroleum Assn. (CPA) and other Canadian ‘groups have been especially active in conversion Work. The Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME intends to keep its worldwide membership informed on the conversion t and use of SI metric units. “The term **SI" is an abbreviation for Le Systéme In- temational @"Unités or The Intemational System of Units SI isnot identical with any ofthe former ogs, mks, or rmksA systems of metric units but is closely related to {hem and is an extension of and improvement over them, SI measurement syimbols ae identical in all languages. As in any other language, rules of spelling, punctuation, fand_ pronunciation are ‘essential 10 avoid errors in ‘tumerical work and to make the system easier to use and Understand on a worldwide basis, These rules, together with decimal usage, units coherence, and a series of Standard prefixes for multiples and submultples of most ST units, provide a rational system with minimam dif ficulty of transition from English units or older systems of metic units. Refs. 1 through 4 of this paper are recommended 10 the reader wishing official information, development history, or more detail on SI; material from these and other references cited has been used freely in this report. "Appendix A provides definitions for some ofthe terms sed SI Units and Unit Symbols? ‘The short-form designations of units (such as ft for feet, kg for kilograms, m for meters, mol for moles, etc.) have heretofore been called unit “abbreviations” in SPE, terminology to avoid confusion with the term “‘sym- bols" applied to letter symbols used in mathematical equations. However, international and national standard practice is (0 call these unit designations “unit sym- bols”; the latter usage will be followed in this report. ST Units SI is based on seven well defined “base units” that ‘quantify seven base quantities that by convention are regarded as dimensionally independent. It is a matter of ‘choice how many and which quantities are considered base quantities.® SI has chosen the seven base quantities and base units listed in Table 1.1 as the basis of the Inter- national System. In addition, there are two “supplemen- tary quantities” (Table 1.2). Tables 1.1 and 1.2 show current practices for designating the dimensions of base and supplementary physical quantities, plus letter symbols for use in ‘mathematical equations. ‘SI “derived units” are a third class, formed by com- bining, as needed, base units, supplementary units, and other derived units according to the algebraic relations linking the corresponding quantities. The symbols for derived units that do not have their own individual sym- bols are obtained by using the mathematical signs for multiplication and division, together with appropriate exponents (e.g., SI velocity, meter per second, mis or m-s~!; SI angular velocity, radian per second, rad/s or nds), ‘Table 1.3 contains a number of SI derived units, in- ‘cluding all the 19 approved units assigned special names ‘and individual unit symbols. Appendix B provides a more detailed explanation of the SI systems of units, their definitions, and abbreviations.SI Unit Prefixes® ‘The SI unit prefixes, multiplication factors, and SI prefix: symbols are shown in Table 1.4. Some of the prefixes ‘may seem strange at first, but there are enough familiar ones in the list to make it relatively easy for technical personnel to adjust to their use; kilo, mega, deci, centi, milli, and micro are known to most engineers and scientists One particular warning is required about the prefixes: inthe SI system, k and M (kilo and mega) stand for 1000 and 1 000 000, respectively, whereas M and MM or m and mm have been used previously in the oil industry for designating thousands and millions of gas volumes. Note carefully, however, that there is no parallelism because SI prefixes are raised to the power of the unit employed, while the customary M and MM prefixes were not. Ex- amples: km* means cubic kilometers, nor thousands of cubic meters; cm? means square centimeters, not one hhundredth of a square meter. The designation for 1000 cubic meters is 10° m? and for 1 million cubie meters is 10° m?—nor km? and Mm?, respectively. ‘Appendix C gives examples of the vital importance of following the precise use of upper-case and lower-case letters for prefixes and for unit symbols Application of the Metric System General SI is the form of the metric system preferred for all ap- plications. Itis important that this modernized version be thoroughly understood and properly applied. This sec- tion, together with Appendix material, provides guidance and recommendations conceming style and usage of the SI form of the metric system. Style and Usage Take care t0 use unit symbols properly; the agreements in international and national standards provide uniform rules (summarized in Appendix C). It is essential that these nules be followed closely to provide maximum ease of communication and to avoid costly errors, Handling of unit names varies somewhat among different countries because of language differences, but using the rules in Appendix C should minimize most difficulties of communication, Usage for Selected Quantities Mass, Force, and Weight. The principal deperture of SI from the gravimetric system of metric engineering units is the use of explicitly distinct units for mass and force. In SI, kilogram is restricted to the unit of mass. The newion is the only SI unit of force, defined as 1 {kg-m)/s?, to be used wherever force is designated, in- iding derived units that contain force—e.g., pressure or stress (N/m?=Pa), energy (N-m=J), and power [CN my/s=W] ‘There is confusion over the use of the term weight as a uantity to mean either force or mass. In science and technology, the term weight of a body usually means the force that, if applied to the body, would give it an ac- zeleration equal to the local acceleration of free fall (g, when referring to the earth's surface). This acceleration varies in time and space; weight, if used to mean force, varies also. The term force of gravity (mass times ac- seleration of gravity) is more accurate than weight for his meaning In commercial and everyday use, on the other hand, the term weight nearly always means mass. Thus, when ‘TABLE 1.1 — SI BASE QUANTITIES AND UNITS* se Let Symbot ‘oraterratcal Equations, fase Quant Use ase Daren sist (stoning) Type io eter 7 moe logram = tne Second 4 siete curent arpore i thermodynemtamperatire iin t smroun of subeance rot ” iuminous intensity candeia “Birr n tro roast oes een een Ae 8 Pt “Devotees sry tn nrg ge pod ear cuentas. ae arn oun re Ne nods Ain PE tbr yt ‘Ninrna mitre ne etmerary ois musts sce maybe sone anos Ss enrans Sow patcwn 0 psa pales prises jai wath Inoleme gen ne "poow mao sen we shred cresyl ‘TABLE 1.2— SI SUPPLEMENTARY UNITS* See Letter Symbo ‘S1Unit Symbol for Mathematical (Aborevation”), Equations, Supplementary Quanity or Use Roman Use ttc ‘Dimension” S1Unit (Worigh) Type (Seping) Type. lane angle ‘adian rad 8 sold angle steradian o a ‘ns seen basa nt wo aplenty ad oer er Asana ad Pa BS tecas hens ogi sn neice peo Soe ase eo 3Quantity ‘Bsarbed dose ‘acceleration activity (of radionuctises) Angular acceleration fangulrveloaty Celsius temperature density ose equivalent ‘ect capacitance ‘cts charge lctical concuctance slecte ld svength oct inductance magnetic fx magnetic fx density Potential ciference ower Pressure ‘Quant of electricity quanti of heat ‘kant fx ‘adant intensity ‘spect heat stress ‘ermal conductivity velocity ‘scosty, dynamic viscosity, kinematic voltage volume" wavenumber work “04 Garr Cefn gh a Maura ta pal ae er hc it bul Sscouap 8 ‘TABLE 1.3 — SOME CONMON SI DERIVED UNITS. Formula, 1 Unit Symbol Abbreviation”), lise Roman Type _Use Roman Type_ Gy Tig, me? 4 ts - rads regis ‘square meter : agree Celsius ol Kilogram per cubie meteor sievert sv faras F 5 coulom> c Siemens 8 vol per meter henry i volt v ohm a vot v joule J Nm Joule por kelvin aK rewion nv gmt hor He te lux ke mime ‘candela per square meter cam? fuemen its coer ‘ampere per meter . am weber Wo Vs tesla T Wom vot v wa watt w ds pascal Pa Nit oulom> c As joule J Nm wat w Js walt per steracian Wise Joule per klogram kevin Ko) pascal Pa Nine Wat per meter kelvin Wile) ‘mater per second ms pascal second Pas ‘Square metor per second ms vet v WA ‘cubie meter 7 im 4 per meter , im joule i Nm “tacit eume ener ene pose em Soper ‘TABLE 1.4 — Si UNIT PREFIXES ‘1 Prix ‘Symbol, Meaning Si Usa Ror InOthor Mutipication Factor Prefix Type Pronunciation (US)"__Meaning (US.) Counties 7'060'000 000000000000 = 10" @xa™ E ex'a(aasinebout) one quintlion times? trillion * 060,000 060 000000 = 10 pela” asinp etal fone quadrilion timest thousand billion 1000 000000000 = 10 tera T as itera co one tilon times bilion| “1000000000 = 10? gga = G_—Sig’aaasinabout) one billion mest milla 1000000 = 10" mega © M_——asinmoga phone one milion tines 1000 = 10° kilo k asinklo watt ‘one thousand times 100= 10" hectot rece’ toe ‘one hundred times. 30= 10 cekaz da dock’ a (eas ina bout) tentimes os= 0" decie d {asin deci mal tone tenth of 001 = 10% cents i sont ment tne hundredth of 0.001 = 10° mi m ‘ami tary tne thousandth ot (0.000001 = 10:* micro. was micro phone. fone milionth of .000000001 = 10°" nano far” oh (ana in ant) itionth oft liar 1.000000000 001 = 10" pico =p peek’ oh fone tlionth off Biliontn (0.000 000 000000001 = 10° femio fom’ toe fem asin one quaciiionth oft thousand bitionth Tem nine) (0.000 000 000 000 000.001 = 10"™ ato a as i anato my fone quinillonth off tlionth Tnatiatyaictevy petsvacconet ese ater ins ety “elo pled penal ene gcse acetone yb rte Reedy 15h Gare Catone of Wes an ens (CPM). Maye 57. “Aizen sido anscede inca wy Ueuean Songun set mien ae learn res coe curiae clue [nsovece, es cade Spain an pretsy nousbe rocoto! Stun map ees one, Roar retical an Tere ‘orenayanccomg meaneners 4‘one speaks of a person’s weight, the quantity referred to is mass. Because of the dual use, the term weight should be avoided in technical practice except under cir- ‘cumstances in which its meaning is completely clear. When the term is used, itis important to know whether ‘mass or force is intended and to use SI units properly as described above by using kilograms for mass and newtons for force. ‘Gravity is involved in determining mass with a balance or scale. When a standard mass is used to balance the ‘measured mass, the effect of gravity on the two masses is canceled except for the indirect effect of air or fluid buoyancy. In using a spring scale, mass is measured in- Girectly since the instrument responds to the force of gravity. Such scales may be calibrated in mass units if the variation in acceleration of gravity and buoyancy cor- rections are not significant in their use. The use of the same name for units of force and mass ‘causes confusion. When non-Si units are being con- verted to SI units, distinction should be made between force and mass—e.g., use Ibf to denote force in gravimetric engineering units, and use Ibm for mass. Use of the metric ton, also called sonne (1.0 Mg), is common. Linear Dimensions. Ref. 3. provides discussions of length units applied to linear dimensions and tolerances of materials and equipment, primarily of interest 10 engineers in that field. ‘Temperature. The SI temperature unit isthe kelvin (not “degree Kelvin"); isthe prefered unit to express ther- ‘modynamie temperature, Degrees Celsius (°C) is an SI derived unit used to express temperature and temperature intervals. The Celsius scale (formerly called centigrade) is related directly to the Kelvin scale as follows: the temperature interval 1°C=1 K, exactly. Celsius temperature (Tec) is related to thermodynamic temperature (Tq) as follows: Tc=Tk—Tp exactly, where To =273.15 K by definition. Note that the SI unit symbol for the Kelvin is K without the degree mark, whereas the older temperature units are known as degrees Fahrenheit, degrees Rankine, and degrees Celsius, with degree marks shown on the unit symbol CR, °R, °C), ‘Time. The SI unit for time is the second, and this is preferred, but use of the minute, hour, day, and year is permissible. Angles. The SI unit for plane angle isthe radian. The use of the arc degree and its decimal submultiples is per- missible when the radian is not a convenient unt. Use of the minute and second is discouraged except possibly for cartography. Solid angles should be expressed in steradians, ‘Volume. The SI unit of volume is the cubic meter. This unit, or one of its regularly formed multiples, is pre- ferred for all applications. ‘The special name iter has been approved for the cubic decimeter (see Appendix B), but use of the liter is restricted to the measurement of liq uids and gases. Energy. The SI unit of energy, the joule, together with its multiples, is preferred for all applications. The kilowattchour is used widely as a measure of electric energy, but this unit should not be introduced into any ew areas; eventually it should be replaced by the megajoule. Torque and Bending Moment. The vector product of force and moment arm is expressed in newion meters (N-m) by SPE as @ convention when expressing torque energies. Pressure and Stress. The SI unit for pressure and stress is the pascal (newton per square meter); with proper SI prefixes itis applicable to all such measurements. Use of the old metric gravitational units—kilogram-force per square centimeter, kilogram-force per square millimeter, torr, ete.—is t0 be discontinued. Use of the bar is discouraged by the standards organizations. Ithas been recommended internationally that pressure units themselves should not be modified to indicate Whether the pressure is “absolute” (above zero) or “gauge”” (above atmospheric pressure). If the context leaves any doubt as to which is meant, the word “‘pressure"” must be qualified appropriately: “ a gauge pressure of 13 KPa," or ‘at an absolute pressure of 13 kPa,” etc Units and Names To Be Avoided or Abandoned Tables 1.1 through 1.3 include all SI units identified by formal names, with their individual unit symbols. Vir- tually all other named metric units formerly in use (as well as nonmetric units) are to be avoided or abandoned. ‘There is a long list of such units (¢.g., dyne, stokes, “esu,”” gauss, gilbert, abampere, stavolt, angstrom, fermi, micron, mho, candle, calorie, atmosphere, ram He, and metric horsepower). The reasons for abandon- ing the non-Si units are discussed in Appendix B. Two of the principal reasons are the relative simplicity and ‘coherence of the SI unis Rules for Conversion and Rounding? Conversion ‘Table 1.7, Appendix D, contains general conversion fac- tors that give exact values or seven-digit accuracy for im- plementing these rules except where the nature of the dimension makes this impractical. ‘The conversion of quantities should be handled with ‘careful regard to the implied correspondence between the ‘accuracy of the data and the given number of digits. In all conversions, the number of significant digits retained should be such that accuracy is neither sacrificed nor exaggerated, Proper conversion procedure is to multiply the specified quantity by the conversion factor exactly as, given in Table 1.7 and then round to the appropriate umber of significant digits. For example, to convert 114 ft to meters: 11.4x0.3048=3,474 72, which rounds to 3.47 m, Accuracy and Rounding Do nor round either the conversion factor or the quantity before performing the multiplication; this reduces ac-‘curacy. Proper conversion procedure includes rounding the converted quantity to the proper number of signifi- cant digits commensurate with its intended precision. ‘The practical aspects of measuring must be considered when using SI equivalents. If a scale divided into six- teenths of an inch was suitable for making the original ‘measurements, a metric scale having divisions of 1 mm is obviously suitable for measuring in SI units, and the equivalents should not be reported closer than the nearest I'mm, Similarly, a gauge or caliper graduated in divi- sions of 0.02 mm is comparable to one graduated in divi- sions of 0.001 in, Analogous situations exist for mass, force, and other measurements. A technique to deter- ‘mine the proper number of significant digits in rounding converted values is described here for general use. General Conversion. This approach depends on first establishing the intended precision or accuracy of the ‘quantity as a necessary guide to the number of digits to retain, The precision should relate to the number of digits in the original, but in many cases that is not a reliable indicator. A figure of 1.1875 may be a very ac curate decimalization of a noncritical 1%, that should hhave been expressed as 1.19. On the other hand, the value 2 may mean “‘about 2°” or it may mean a very ac- curate value of 2, which should then have been written as 2.0000. It is therefore necessary to determine the intend fed precision of a quantity before converting. This estimate of intended precision should never be smaller than the accuracy of measurement but usually should be ‘smaller than one tenth the tolerance if one exists, After estimating the precision of the dimension, the converted dimension should be rounded to a minimum number of significant digits (see section on “Significant Digits") such that a unit of the last place is equal to or smaller than the converted precision, Examples 1. A string rod 6 in, long: In this case, precision is estimated to be about % in. (+ in.). Converted, ' in. is 12.7 mm. The converted 6-in. dimension of 152.4 mm should be rounded to the nearest 10 mm, or 150 mm. 2. 50 000-psi tensile strength: In this case, precisior estimated to be about +200 psi (++1.4 MPa) based on an accuracy of +10.25% for the tension tester and other fac- tors. Therefore, the converted dimension, 344.7379 MPa, should be rounded to the nearest whole unit, 345 MPa. 3. Test pressure 200++15 psi: Since one tenth of the tolerance is +1.5 psi (10.34 kPa), the converted dimen- sion should be rounded to the nearest 10 kPa. Thus, 1378,9514:4 103.421 35 kPa becomes 1380: 100 kPa. Special Cases. Converted values should be rounded to, the minimum numberof significant digits that will main- tain the required accuracy. In certain cases, deviation from this practice to use convenient or whole numbers ‘may be feasible, In that case, the word “‘approximate™* must be used following the conversion—e.g., 1% in, =47.625 mm exact, 47.6 mm normal rounding, 47.5 mm (approximate) rounded to prefered or convenient half-millimeter, 48 mm (approximate) rounded to whole number. ‘A quantity stated as it, such as “not more than” ‘or “‘maximum,”” must be handled so thatthe stated limit is not violated. For example, a specimen "atleast 4 in, wide" requires a width of atleast 101.6 mm, or (round- ed) at least 102 mm. Significant Digit. Any digit thar is necessary to define the specific value or quantity is said to be significant. For example, a distance measured to the nearest | m may have been recorded as 157 m; this number has three significant digits. If the measurement had been made to the nearest 0.1 m, the distance may have been 157.4 ‘m-—four significant digits. In each case, the value of the right-hand digit was determined by measuring the value of an additional digit and then rounding to the desired degree of accuracy. In other words, 157.4 was rounded to 157; in the second case, the measurement may have been 157,36, rounded to 157.4 Importance of Zeros. Zeros may be used either to in- dicate a specific value, as does any other digit, or to in dicate the magnitude of a number. The 1970 U.S. population figure rounded to thousands was 203 185 000. The six left-hand digits of this number are significant; each measures a value. The three right-hand digits are zeros that merely indicate the magnitude of the umber rounded to the nearest thousand. To illustrate further, each of the following estimates and measurements is of different magnitude, but each is specified to have only one significant digit: 1.000 100 10 0.01 0.001 0.000 1, It is also important to note that, for the first three ‘numbers, the identification of significant digits is possi- ble only'through knowledge of the circumstances. For example, the number 1000 may have been rounded from about 965, or it may have been rounded from 999.7, in which case all three zeros are significant. Data of Varying Precision. Occasionally, data required for an investigation must be drawn from a variety of sources where they have been recorded with varying degrees of refinement. Specific rules must be observed when such data are to be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided. ‘The rule for addition and subtraction is that the answer shall contain no significant digits farther to the right than ‘occurs in the least precise number. Consider the addition of three numbers drawn from three sources, the first of| Which reported data in millions, the second in thousands, and the third in units: 163 000 000 217 885 000 96 432 768 477 317 168 This total indicates a precision that is not valid. The numbers should first be rounded to one significant digitfarther to the right than that ofthe least precise number, and the sum taken as follows. 163 000 000 217 900 000 '96 400 000 477 300 000 ‘Then, the total is rounded to 477 000 000 as called for by the rule. Note that if the second of the figures to be added had been 217 985 000, the rounding before addi- tion would have produced 218 000 000, in which case the zero following 218 would have been a significant digit. ‘The rule for multiplication and division is that the product or quotient shall contain no more significant digits than are contained in the number with the fewest significant digits used in the multiplication or division. ‘The difference between this rule and the rule for addition and subtraction should be noted; for addition and sub- traction, the rule merely requites rounding digits to the right of the last significant digit in the least precise number. The following illustration highlights this Jifference, Multiplication: 113.2x1.43=161.876 rounded to 162 Division: 113.2+1.43=79.16 rounded 1079.2 Addition: 113.2+1.43=114.63 rounded to 114.6 Subtraction: 113.2~1.43=111.77 rounded to 1118. ‘The above product and quotient are limited to three significant digits since 1.43 contains only three signifi cant digits. In contrast, the rounded answers in the addi- tion and subtraction examples contain four significant digits ‘Numbers used in the illustration are all estimates or measurements. Numbers that are exact counts (and con- version factors that are exact) are treated as though they consist of an infinite number of significant digits. Stated more simply, when a count is used in computation with a ‘measurement, the number of significant digits in the answer is the same as the number of significant digits in the measurement. If a count of 40 is multiplied by a ‘measurement of 10.2, the product is 408. However, if 40, ‘were an estimate accurate only to the nearest 10 and, hence, contained one significant digit, the product would be 400. Rounding Values!” When a figure is to be rounded to fewer digits than the total number available, the procedure should be as follows. ‘When the First Digit ‘The Last Digit iscanded is Retained is less than 5 ‘unchanged more than 5 increased by 1 5 followed only by zeros* unchanged if even, increased by 1 if odd Examples: 4.463 25 if rounded to three places would be 4.463, 8.376 52 if rounded to three places would be 8.377. 4365 00 if rounded to two places would be 4.36. 4:355 00 if rounded to two places would be 4.36. Conversion of Linear Dimensions of Interchangeable Parts Detailed discussions of this subject are provided by ASTM,® API,* and ASME’ publications, and are recommended fo the interested reader. Other Units ‘Temperature. General guidance for converting tolerances from degrees Fahrenheit to kelvins or degrees Celsius is given in Table 1.5. Normally, temperatures expressed in a whole number of degrees Fahrenheit should be converted to the nearest 0.5 K (or 0.5°C). As ‘with other quantities, the number of significant digits to retain will depend on implied accuracy of the original dimension e.g.,* 1005°F (tolerance); implied accuracy, estimated total 2°F (nearest 1°C) 37.777842.7778°C rounds to 383°C. 1000+50°F (tolerance); implied accuracy, estimated total 20°F (nearest 10°C) 537.7778427.7778°C rounds to 54030°C. Pressure or Stress. Pressure or stress values may be converted by the same principle used for other quan- tities. Values with an uncertainty of more than 2% may be converted without rounding by the approximate factor: I psi=7 kPa. For conversion factors see Table 1.7. Special Length Unit—the Vara. Table 1.8, Appendix E, provides conversion factors and explanatory notes on the problems of converting the several kinds of vara units to meters Special Terms and Quantities Involving Mass and Amount of Substance ‘The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, ‘TABLE 1.5 — CONVERSION OF TEMPERATURE ‘TOLERANCE REQUIREMENTS. Toverance Tolerance CF (Kors) =I =05 22 = Seiteand the International Organization for Standardization provide clarifying usages for some of the terms involving the base quantities "mass" and “'amount of substance.”” Two of these require modifying the terminology appear- ing previously in SPE’s Symbols Standards Table 1.6 shows the old and the revised usages. Mental Guides for Using Metric Units Table 1.9, Appendix F, is offered as a ‘*memory ger"” or guide to help locate the ‘‘metric ballpark" relative to customary units. Table 1.9 is nor a conversion table. For accurate conversions, refer to Table 1.7 or to Tables 2.2 and 2.3 for petroleum-industry units, and round off the converted values to practical precision as described earlier. References** 1, “he Intemational Sytem of Units (S1),” NBS Special Publica tion 330, US. Dept. of Commerce, Nail, Bure of Standards, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Goverameat Printing Office, Washingon, D.C. (1981). (Order by "SD Catalog No c13.10:3043.) 2. "SI Unis and Recommendations for the Use of Their Multiples and of Cerin Other Unis,” second edition, 1981-02-15, In Standard 180 1000, In Organization for Stundardization, “American Nat. Standards Inst. (ANSI), New York (1981), 3. "Standard for Metc Practice,” E 38082, American Soc. for Testing and Materials, Piladeiptia, (Similar material published in IBEE Std, 268-1982.) 4. Matic Practice GuideA Guide tothe Use of St—The Inerna- ‘ional System of Unis, second edition. APL Pub. 2563 (now being, revised), American Peoeum Institue, Washington, D.C. (an. 1973). This mueial is derived from ASTM E 380-72.) 5. Conversion of Operational and Process Measurement Units 1 the Mere (Sl Sytem, fist dion. API Pub. 2568, Washington, D.C. March 197) 6. “A Bibliography of Met Standards," ANSI, New York (June 1975), (Abo see ANSI'S annual catalog of national and interna tional standards) 17. ASME Orientation and Guide for Use of St (Metric) Unis, sixth ‘sion. Gulde SI-, Amercan Soc. of Mechanical Eagingars (ASME), New Yor (May 1, 1975) (ASME abo has published aides $12, Sirength of Materials; SL3, Dynamics; SS, Fad Mechanics: S+6, Kinematic: SIS, Vibration; and S110, team hart) 8. Merc Edtorial Guide, tind edition, American Nal. Mec Couns (ANMC), Washington, D.C. Guly 1981), 9. “General Principles Concering Quaties, Unis and Syebols, General Introduction 19 1S0 31, second dition, Tn, Standard 1S0 31/0, Int Organization for Standardization, ANSI, New ‘York City (198D. ). “Amerian National Standard Practise for Ineh-Milimeter Con version for Industrial Use," ANSI B48, 1-1933 (RI9S7), 180 'R370-1966, Int. Organization for Sanardization, ANSI, New York. (A later edition hat been issued: “Tolernced Dimen- sions-—Conversion From Inches to Millimeter and Vice Vers," 180 370-1975) “Factor for High Pression Convenion,”” NBS LCIO71 (uly 1 9) foanation ProcessngRepresenttions of SI and Other Unis for Use in Systems With Limited Character Sas, Inl. Standard 150 2955-1974, In. Organization for Standardization, ANSI, New York City” Ref. 5 reproduces the 1973 edon ofthis stan ard ints entirety.) “Supplementary Metic Practice Guide for the Canadian Petoeum Industry," Founh edition, PLP. Moore (d.), Canadian Petoleam Assn. (Oct. 197) “Later Symbols for Units of Measurement,” ANSVIEEE Su 260-1998. Available from Amecean Nal, Standards Inst, New Yor cig. Mechiy, E.A.: “The Inemaiona System of Units—Physcal CConstanis and Conversion Fac," NASA SP-7012, Sciatic and Technical Infomation Office, NASA, Washington, D.C. 1973 edition available from U.S. Goverment Printing Office, ‘Washington, DC. Melee, BG: The Texas Vara, Available from Commissioner, General Land Office, Sate of Texas, Austin (Api 30, 194). 16. Fe cin srs bran Sorong Seon SP GE. cot SPE APPENDIX A? ‘Terminology To ensure consistently reliable conversion and rounding practices, a clear understanding of the related ‘nontechnical terms is prerequisite. Accordingly, certain terms used in this standard are defined as follows. Accuracy (as distinguished from Precision). The degree of conformity of a measured or calculated value to some recognized standard or specified value. This concept involves the systematic error of an operation, which is seldom negligible. Approximate. A value that is nearly but not exactly cor- rect or accurate, Coherence. A characteristic of a coherent system of units, as described in Appendix B, such that the product ‘or quotient of any two unit quantities is the unit of the ‘TABLE 1.6— SPECIAL TERNS AND QUANTITIES INVOLVING MASS AND AMOUNT OF SUBSTANCE. a: Stevenieod | Dimensions (80 Symbos, sunt Term ‘Soo Tabio 1.1) Torn Symbol ‘omic weight M ‘mass of aom ig (GPE Symbols Standard) atomic weight . relative atomic mass . (elsewhere) ‘equivalent = mole ‘mol ‘mass of molecule ™ ‘molecular mass kg molar Ss ‘molar (means, ‘divided by ‘mol ‘amount of substance") molarity = ‘concentration ‘oli? molecular weight ™ ‘molar mass mol (SPE Symbols Standard) molecular weight 5 relative molecular mass a (elsewhere) normal — obsoleteresulting quantity. The SI base units, supplementary units, and derived units form a coherent set Deviation. Variation from a specified dimension or design requirement, usually defining upper and lower limits (see also Tolerance). Digit. One of the 10 Arabic numerals (0 t0 9). Dimension(s). Two meanings: (1) A group of fun- ‘damental (physical) quantities, arbitrarily selected, in terms of which all other quantities can be measured or identified. Dimensions identify the physical nature of, or the basic components making up, a physical quantity. They are the bases for the formation of useful dimen- sionless groups and dimensionless numbers and tor the powerful tool of dimensional analysis. The dimensions for the arbitrarily selected base units of the ST are length, ‘mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic tempera ture, amount of substance, and luminous intensity. SI thas two supplementary quant less—plane angle and solid angle. (2) A geometric ele- ment in a design, such as Iength and angle, or the ‘magnitude of such a quantity. Figure (numerical). An arithmetic value expressed by fone or more digits or a fraction Nominal Value. A value assigned for the purpose of ‘convenient designation; a value existing in name only. Precision (as distinguished from Accuracy). ‘The degree of mutual agreement between individual measurements (repeatability and reproducibility). Quantity. A concept used for qualitative and quan- titative descriptions of a physical phenomenon. ? Significant Digit. Any digit that is necessary to define a value or quantity (see text discussion) Tolerance. The total range of variation (usually bilateral) permitted for a size, position, or other required quantity; the upper and lower limits between which a dimension must be held. U.S. Customary Units. Units based on the foot and the pound, commonly used in the U.S. and defined by the Natl, Bureau of Standards. '" Some of these units have the same name as similar units in the U.K. (British, English, or U.K. units) but are not necessarily equal t0 them. APPENDIX B? SI Units Advantages of SI Units SI is a rationalized selection of units from the metric system that individually are not new. They include a unit ‘of force (the newton), Which was introduced in place of the kilogram-foree to indicate by its name that i s a unit of force and not of mass. SI is a coherent system with seven base units for which names, symbols, and preci
Candela (ed)—The candela is the luminous intensity in a given direction of a source that emits ‘monochromatic radiation of frequency $40 (E+ 12) hertz (Hz) and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian."” “Radian (rad)—The radian is the plane angle between two radii of a circle which cut off on the circumference ‘an arc equal in length to the radius."” “Steradian (st)—The steradian is the solid angle which, having its vertex atthe center of a sphere, cuts off fan area of the surface of the sphere equal to that of a square with sides of length equal to the radius of the sphere.”” {Ts tnt supe the eames aco 26 e unit ot Definitions of SI Derived Units Having Special Names? Physical Quantity Unit and Definition Absorbed dase ‘The gray (Gy) is the absorbed dose when the energy per unit mass imparted to matter by ionizing radiation is 1 J/kg. Activity ‘The becquerel (Bq) is the activi- ty of a radionuclide decaying at the rate of one spontaneous nuclear transition per second, ‘The degree Celsius (°C) is equal to the kelvin and is used in place of the Kelvin for expressing Celsius temperature (symbol Tac) defined by Tc =Tx~To, where Tx isthe thermodynamic temperature and Ty=273.15 K by definition. The sievert is the dose equivalent when the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation ‘multiplied by the dimensionless factors Q (quality factor) and N (product of any other multiply- ing factors) stipulated by the Int. Commission on Radiolog- ical Protection is 1 kg, ‘The farad (F) is the capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which there appears. a dif- ference of potential of 1 V when it is charged by a quantity of electricity equal to 1 C. Celsius temperature Dose equivalent Electric capacitanceBlectric conductance Electric inductance Electric potential difference, elec- tromotive force Blectric resistance Energy Force Frequency luminance Luminous flux Magnetic flux Magnetic flux density ‘magnetic induction ‘The siemens (S) is the electric conductance of @ conductor in which a current of 1A is pro- duced by an electric potential difference of 1 V. ‘The henry (H) is the inductance of a closed circuit in which an electromotive force of 1 V is produced when the electric cur- rent inthe circuit varies uniform- ly ata rate of 1 A/s. The volt (V) is the difference of electric potential between two points of a conductor carrying & constant current of 1 A when the power dissipated between these points is equal to 1 W. ‘The ohm (®) is the electric resistance between two points of ‘conductor when a constant dif- ference of potential of 1 V, ap- plied between these two points, produces in this conductor a cur- rent of 1 A, this conductor not being the source of any elec- ‘romotive force. ‘The joule (J) is the work done when the point of application of a force of I N is displaced a distance of 1 m in the direction of the force. ‘The newton (N) is that force Which, when applied to a body having a mass of 1 kg, gives it an acceleration of 1 mis ‘The hertz (Hz) is the frequency ‘of a periodic phenomenon of Which the period is 1 second. ‘The lux (Ix) is the illuminance produced by a luminous flux of 1 Im uniformly distributed over @ surface of 1 m?. ‘The lumen (Im) is the luminous flux emitted in a solid angle of 1 sr by a point source having a uniform intensity of 1 ed. ‘The weber (W) is the magnetic flux which, linking a circuit of ‘one tum, produces init an elec- tromotive force of 1 V as it is reduced to zero ata uniform rate ints, The tesla (T) is the magnetic flux density of 1 Wb/m?. In an altemative approach to defining the magnetic field quantities the tesla may also be defined as the magnetic flux density that pro- duces on a I-m length of wire canying a current of 1A, oriented normal to the flux den- sity, a force of 1N, magnetic flux density being defined as an ‘axial vector quantity such that " the force exerted on an element Of current is equal to the vector product of this element and the magnetic flux density. Power ‘The watt (W) is the power that represents arate of energy transfer of 1 J/s. Pressure or stress The pascal (Pa) is the pressure or stress of | Nim?, Electric charge, Electric charge is the time in- quantity of tegral of electric current; its unit, electricity, the coulomb (C), is equal to 1 As No other SI derived units havp been assigned special names at this time. APPENDIX C** Style Guide for Metric Usage Rules for Writing Metric Quantities Capitals. Units—Unit names, including prefixes, are not capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence or in titles. Note that for ‘degree Celsius" the word “degree” is lower case; the modifier “Celsius” is always capitalized. The ‘degree centrigrade” is now obsolete. ‘Symbols—The short forms for metric units are called unit symbols. They are lower case except that the first letter is upper case when the unit is named for a person. (An exception to this rule in the U.S. is the symbol L for liter.) Examples: Unit Name Unit Symbol meter** m gram g newton N pascal Pa Printed unit symbols should have Roman (upright) let- ters, because italic (sloping or slanted) letters are re- served for quantity symbols, such as m for mass and L for length. Prefix Symbols—All prefix names, their symbols, and. pronunciation are listed in Table 1.4. Notice that the top five are upper case and all the rest lower case. ‘The importance of following the precise use of upper- cease and lower-case letters is shown by the following ex- amples of prefixes and units. G for giga; g for gram. K for kelvin; k for kilo. M for mega; m for milli, NN for newton; n for nano, TT for tera; t for tonne (metric ton). Information Processing—Limited Character Sets— Prefixes and unit symbols retain their prescribed forms regardless of the surrounding typography, except for systems with limited character sets. ISO has provided a standard!? for such systems; this standard is recommended. Plurals and Fractions. Names of SI units form their plurals in the usual manner, except for lux, hertz, andValues less than one take the singular form of the unit, name; for example, 0.5 kilogram or ¥ kilogram. While decimal notation (0.5, 0.35, 6.87) is generally preferred, the most simple fractions are acceptable, such as those where the denominator is 2, 3, 4, or 5. Symbols of units are the same in singular and plural—e.g., 1 m and 100 m, Periods. A period is nor used after a symbol, except at the end of a sentence, Examples: “A current of 15 mA is, found...” “The field measured 350125 m.”” ‘The Decimal Marker. ISO specifies the comma as the decimal marker®; in English-language documents a dot ‘on the line is acceptable. In numbers less than one, a zero should be written before the decimal sign (to pre- vent the possibility that a faint decimal sign will be overlooked). Example: The oral expression “point seven five"” is writen 0.75 or 0,75, Grouping of Numbers. Separate digits into groups of three, counting from the decimal marker. A comma should not be used between the groups of three®, in- stead, a space is eft to avoid confusion, since the comma is the ISO standard for the decimal marker. Ina four-digit number, the space is not required unless the four-digit number is in a column with numbers of five digits or more: For 4,720,525 write 4720525 For 0152875 write (0.52875, For 6,875 write 6875 oF 6 875 For 0.6875 write 0.6875 or 0.687 5 et 8 pray soc, "anUS poet set rere! na an ea Spacing. In symbols or names for units having prefixes, 1no space is left between letters making up the symbol or the name. Examples are KA, kiloampere; and mg, milligram. ‘When a symbol follows a number to which it refers, a space must be left between the number and the symbol, except when the symbol (such as °) appears in the superscript positon. Examples: 455 kHz, 22 mg, 20 mm, 10° N, 30 K, 20°C. When a quantity is used as an adjective, a hyphen should be used between the number and the symbol (ex- cept °C), Examples: It isa 3S-mam film; the film width is 435 mm. I bought a 6-kg turkey; the turkey weighs 6 kg, ‘Leave a space on each side of signs for multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction, except within a com- pound symbol. Examples: 4 em x'3 m (not 4 emx3 m); kgm? Nem. Powers. For unit names, use the modifier squared or cubed afer the unit name (except for area and volume)—e.g., meter per second squared. For area or Volume, place a modifier before the unit name, including in derived units:—e.g., cubic meter and watt per square meter. For unit symbols, write the symbol forthe unit fo lowed by the power superscript—e.g., 14 m? and 26 ‘Compound Units. For a unit name (not a symbol) de- rived as a quotient (e.g., for kilometers per hour), itis preferable not to use a slash (/) as a substitute for “per’” ‘except where space is limited and a symbol might not be understood. Avoid other mixtures of words and symbols. Examples: Use meter per second, not m/s. Use only one ‘per’ in any combination of units—e.g., meter per sec- ‘ond squared, not meter per second per second. For a unit symbol derived as a quotient do not, for ex- ample, write k.p.h. or kph for km/h because the first two are understood only in the English language, whereas anh is used in all languages. The symbol km/h also can be written with a negative exponent—e.g., km-h~!. Never use more than one slash (/) in any combination of symbols unless parentheses are used to avoid ambigui- ty; examples are m/s?, not mis/s; Wi/(m-K), not WimiK. For a unit name derived as a product, a space or a hyphen is recommended but never a “product dot" (a period raised to a centered position)—e.g., write newton meter or newton-meter, not newton” meter. In the case of the watt hour, the space may be omitted—watthour. For a unit symbol derived as a product, use a product dot—e.g., Nem. For computer printouts, automatic typewriter work, etc., a dot on the line may be used. Do rnot use the product dot as a multiplier symbol for calculations—e.g., use 6.2%5, not 6.2°5. Do not mix nonmetric units with metric units, except those, for time, plane angle, or rotation—e.g., use kgim3, not kg/ft? or ke/gal. "A quantity that constitutes a ratio of two like quantities should be expressed as a fraction (either common or decimal) or as a percentage—e-g., the slope is 1/100 or 0.01 or 1%, not 10 mm/m or 10 m/km. SI Prefix Usage. Genera!—SI prefixes should be used to indicate orders of magnitude, thus eliminating non- significant digits and leading zeros in decimal fractions and providing a convenient alternative to the powers- of-10 notation preferred in computation. For example, 12 300 m (in computations) becomes 12.3 km (in non- computation situations); 0.0123 wa (12.3109 A for computations) becomes 12.3 nA (in noncomputation situations) Selection—When expressing a quantity by a numerical value and a unit, prefixes should be chosen so that the numerical value lies between 0.1 and 1000. Generally, prefixes representing steps of 1000 are recommended (avoiding hecto, deka, deci, and centi). However, some situations may justify ‘deviation from the above: 1. In expressing units raised to powers (such as area, volume and moment) the prefixes hecto, deka, deci, and centi may be required—e.g., cubic’ centimeter for volume and em for moment. 2. In tables of values of the same quantity, or in a discussion of such values within a given context, it generally is preferable to use the same unit multiple throughout, 3. For certain quantities in particular applications, one certain multiple is used customarily; an example is the millimeter in mechanical engineering drawings, even when the values lie far outside the range of 0.1 to 1000 Powers of Units—An exponent attached to a symbolcontaining a prefix indicates that the multiple or sub- ‘multiple of the unit (the unit with its prefix) is raised to the power expressed by the exponent. For example, Tom? =(10-2m)> Ins"! (1079s)! 1 mm?/s— =(10-3m/s Double Prefixes—Double or multiple prefixes should not be used. For example, use GW (gigawatt), not kMW; use pm (picometer), not yim; use Gg (gigagram), not Mkg; use 13.58 m, not 13 m 580 mm. Prefix Mixtures—Do not use @ mixture of prefixes unless the difference in size is extreme. For example, use 40 mm wide and 1500 mm long, not 40 mm wide and 1.5 m long; however, 1500 m of 2-mm-diameter wire is acceptable. Compound Units—Itis preferable that prefixes not be used in the denominators of complex units, except for kilogram (kg) which is a base unit. However, there are cases where the use of such prefixes is necessary to ob- tain a numerical value of convenient size. Examples of some of these rare exceptions are shown in the tables contained in these standards Prefixes may be applied to the numerator of a com- pound unit; thus, megagram per cubic meter (Mg/m>), ‘but nor kilogram per cubic decimeter (kg/m?) nor gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm?). Values required outside the range of the prefixes should be expressed by powers ‘of 10 applied to the base unit. Unit of Mass—Among the base units of SI, the kilogram is the only one whose name, for historical reasons, contains a prefix; itis also the coherent SI for mass (See Appendices A and B for discussions of coherence.) However, names of decimal multiples and submultiples ofthe unit of mass are formed by attaching prefixes to the word "gram." Prefixes Alone—Do not use a prefix without a unit—e.g., use kilogram, not kilo. Caleulations—Errors in calelations can be minimized if, instead of using prefixes, the base and the coherent derived SI units ae used, expressing numerical values in powers-of-10 notation—e.g., 1 MJ= 10° J. Spelling of Vowel Pairs. There are three cases where the final vowel in a prefix is omitted: megohm, kilohm, and hectare. In all other cases, both vowels are retained ‘and both are pronounced. No space or hyphen should be used. Complicated Expressions. To avoid ambiguity in com- plicated expressions, symbols are preferred over words. Attachment. Attachment of leters to a unit symbol for giving information about the nature of the quantity is in- comrect: MWe for "megawatts electrical (power),"" kPag. for “kilopascals gauge (pressure),”” Paa for “‘pascals ab- solute (pressure),”” and Vac for ‘volts ac”” are not ac- ceptable. If the context is in doubt on any units used, supplementary descriptive phrases should be added 10 ‘making the meanings clear. 13 Equations. When customary units appear in equations, the SI equivalents should be omitted. Instead of inserting the latter in parentheses, as in the case of text or small tables, the equations should be restated using SI unit symbols, or a sentence, paragraph, or note should be added stating the factor to be used to convert the calculated result in customary units to the preferred SI units Pronunciation of Metric Terms ‘The pronunciation of most of the unit names is well known and uniformly described in American dic- tionaries, but four have been pronounced in various ways. The following pronunciations are recommended: candela — Accent on the second syllable and pronounce it like dell joule — Pronounce it to rhyme with pool. pascal — The preferred pronunciation rhymes with rascal. An acceptable second choice puts the accent on the second syllable. siemens — Pronounce it like seamen's. For pronunciation of unit prefixes, see Table 1.4. ‘Typewriting Recommendations Superscripts. The question arises of how numerical superscripts should be typed on a machine with a con- ventional keyboard. With an ordinary keyboard, numerals and the minus sign can be raised to the superscript position by rolling the platen half a space before typing the numeral, using care to avoid i terference with the text in the line above. Special Characters. For technical work, it is useful to have Greek letters available on the typewriter. If all ST symbols for units are to be typed properly, a key with the upright Greek lower-case 4 (pronounced “*mew,"" not “'moo"") is necessary, since this isthe symbol for micro, ‘meaning one millionth. The symbol can be approximated fon a conventional machine by using a lower-case u and adding the tal by hand (). A third choice is to spell out the unit name in full For units of electricity, the Greek upper case omega (0) for ohm also will be useful; when itis not available, the word “‘ohm”” can be spelled out. It is fortunate that, except for the more extensive use of the Greek y for micro and @ for ohm, the change to SI units causes no additional difficulty in manuscript preparation ‘The Letter for Liter. On most U.S. typewriters, there is litle difference between the lower-case “el” (“I”) and. the numerical ““one"’ ("1"). The European symbol for liter is a simple upright bar; the Canadians"? employed fan upright script € but now have adopted the upright capital L; ANSI now recommends the upright capital L. ‘Typewriter Modification. Where frequently used, the following symbols could be included on typewriters: superscripts ? and ? for squared and cubed; Greek y. for micro; * for degree; - for a product dot (not a period) for symbols derived as a product; and Greek @ for ohm.‘A special type-b. 11 that contains all the superscripts, 1, , and other characters used in technical reports is vailable for some typewriters. Some machines have replaceable character keys. Longhand. To assure legibility of the symbols, m, n, andy, it is recommended that these three symbols be written to resemble printing. For example, write nm, not vs. The symbol 4 should have a long distinct tail’ and should have the upright form (not sloping or italic). Shorthand. Stenographers will find that the SI symbols generally are quicker to write than the shorthand forms for the unit names. APPENDIX D. General Conversion Factors* General The accompanying Table 1.7 is intended to serve two purposes: 1. To express the definitions of general units of measure as exact numerical multiples of coherent “metric” units. Relationships that are exact in terms of the fundamental SI unit are followed by an asterisk. Relationships that are not followed by an asterisk either are the result of physical measurements or are only approximate 2. To provide multiplying factors for converting ex- pressions of measurements given by numbers and general or miscellaneous units to corresponding new numbers and metric units, Se ee cee cere eee STEN S reciee emer ee Notation Conversion factors are presented for ready adaptation to computer readout and electronic data transmission. The factors are written as a number equal to or greater than ‘one and less than 10, with six or fewer decimal places (e., seven or fewer total digits). Each number is fol- lowed by the letter E (for exponent), a plus or minus symbol, and two digits that indicate the power of 10 by which the number must be multiplied to obtain the cor- rect value. For example, 3.523 907 (E=02) is 3.523 907% 10-7 0.035 239 07. Similarly, 3.386 389 (E403) is 3.386 38910? 3 386.389, ‘An asterisk (*) after the numbers shown indicates that the conversion factor is exact and that all subsequent digits (for rounding purposes) are zero. All other conver- sion factors have been rounded to the figures given in ac~ cordance with procedures outlined in the preceding text. Where less than six decimal places are shown, more precision is not warranted. ‘The following is a further example of the use of Table 7. ToConven From To Multiply By pound-force per square foot Pa 4.788 026 E+01 pound-force per square inch Pa 6.894 757 E+03 inch m 2.540" B-02 ‘These conversions mean 1 Ibfift? becomes 47.880 26 Pa, I Ibf/in.? becomes 6.894.757 Pa or 6.894 757 kPa, and 1 inch becomes 0.0254 m (exactly. ‘The unit symbol for pound-force sometimes is written Ibf and sometimes Iby or Ib; the form Ibf is recommended. Organization ‘The conversion factors generally are listed alphabetically by units having specific names and compound ur derived from these specific units. A number of units starting with the pound symbol (Ib) are located in the “p™ section of the lst. Conversion factors classified by physical quantities are listed in Refs. 3 and 4. ‘The conversion factors for other compound units can bbe generated easily from numbers given in the alphabetical ist by substitution of converted units. For example: I. Find the conversion factor for productivity index, (BIDy/dbflin.?) to (m°/d)/Pa, Convert 1 B/D to 1.589 873 (E-O1) m3/d and I Ibifin.? to 6.894 757 (E+03) Pa. Then, substitute [1.589 873 (E-01))/[6.894 757 (E-03)] =2.305 916 (E05) (m3/d)/Pa. 2. Find the conversion factor for tonf-mile/ft to ‘MJ/m. Convert 1 tonf to 8.896 444 (E03) N; 1 mile to 1.609 344* (E403) m; and 1 ft to 3,048* (E-01) m. Then, substitute [8.896 444 (E+03)] (1.609 344 (E+03)] [3.048 (E—01)) {697 322 (E+07) (N-m)/m or Jim (697 322 (E+01) Mi/m, ‘When conversion factors for complex compound units are being calculated from Table 1.7, numerical uncer- tainties may be present in the seventh (or lesser last “ significant") digit of the answer because of roundings already taken for the last digit of tabulated values. Mechtly'® provides conversion factors of more than seven digits for certain quantities. 14TABLE1.7ALPHABETCAL LIST OF UNTS (symbols of SI units given in parentheses) To-Const Fam fe sin 0" aro mae Te Eom Snub coun) te Eton Saw was) ie Ete ren) ren te Eto ox Sone 9 te Exes bohm oh) to Eee or ori ie Ee eit US. ey) me {Bea 99 E03 sce Samer ree (ry towers Ess er far Sat eee? Ele w rete) i eva Seton retry a Secret mtr) Hoso7e 1 Soro Sanaa pasa a {ore aso E08 Songs feel = 1 ge) Pascal a dues" E08 ber pasa a jo eso in foe is Es Sarl operon, 2g) mete 1Son07e E-o1 eae mtr) Eun or E80 Brite hal nt etna Tay joe) 155056 £03 Brus ral nt (ear poe) ier £0 Stan al nt (emeceria) jue) {aeeso E203 Sitch ral nt 2°) pao ier ese Bat eral nt) \oeeo Ese Ein tema unt eo) oseee E03 Bu etatonal Tabet) ‘rma cua, tartar 170725 €00 a thomsen oF ‘terra caso) agri) ires71 e600 ea err Tin.) ‘ere coin wat grrr ain saaar 01 Btu (thermochemical)-in./(hr-tt."F)_ fer) ‘ona cu wat er ttm) asso £01 aa eaten a ne} recone va pert enn) s.192204 +8 a urrecamea ne) rr ai) wat prt ein) se 780 e+ce 2 (rr Tee wat 9 peor E01 BS remochonicare aw Same 7s) E-o1 Bu ermectercalnn va ‘fargo 01 Su (nectar va outdo E0e0 Betton! at? fe porto i Hssess ecoe hu (ernecramcat Jo per mate: Gr) USiaes Etos BL temechomca sn) are) Sieeest E00 Bu (remem watger ote tusr ao E208 arrose) wanda tue i, istess E204 et heroctencain =) wt er te (i) bpesorarsees Bu retard) ‘rn erduan) val per mt tein 1) 078260 E00 ‘Btu (thermochemical) (he-f-°F) (thermal conductance) ‘watt per mater® kelvin [Wi(m=K)] 5.674466 E+00 water nets tenn feo soe Else ‘at perreto te (0) oceans eae Bh rata! Tbe on jue era () bear Eas Bu (feresioncae Bi perked) Bela E008 Buu (International Table)(Ibm-“F) Ws ‘heap joe per gam an U0) 4sese" +00 a tomochericaim thn capac) leper ga ain 0 404000 €+09 ince he US. ba olen eect as ben vom mi sah. In 850 sal oon mae ern on ido ave ‘mi Ate sore esse tr asec roma pnts rs eat pect ays wie US aus as werbe oe sara Gh aerate cco TattaraneeeS sang serena st warnserm US ccna eam ‘Soe wana ear goon non may Gomes to hong reser thi vate mas stein 8. Som he clr rat Tate et he abe 05548. The eet comes cri 28 552 Spee! %‘TABLE 1.7— ALPHABETICAL LIST OF UNITS (cont'd) (eymbote of Stunts given in parentheses) To Conver From To Mutipty By" usher US) meter (mm 3523 907 E02 caliber inch). moter (9) 2se E02 Calorie (international Table) joule () 47068 +00 Calor (mean) joule Q) 419002 £+00 Calorie (thermochemical) joule Q) ate +00 calor (15°) joule W) 4.18580 +00 calorie (20°C) joule) 418190 +00 Calorie (klogram, International Table) Joule Q) 41888" +03 Calor (kiogram, mean) joule Q) 419002 E+03 Calorie (kiogram, thermochemical) Joule Q) tee E403 cal thermochemical cm? Joule per mote (in) 41847 E408 al (international Tables Joule per Klogram (ik) 41a" +03 al thermochemical Joule per Klogram (kg) 41a +03 al (international TableV(@°C) Joule er klogram Kevin (Jka )] ‘tase +03 cal thermochemical) (g°C) Joule per klogram kein (ka) Stee E403 cal (hermechemicalymin| watt (W) 6973333 E-02 al (thermechemical's watt (W) 1a +00 ‘al thermochemical cm?min) ‘watt per meter (Wim) 6973903 E+02 al (thermechemical (em) ‘att per meter (Wim) 41g" E404 al (thermochemical (cms"O) wat per mater kelvin [Wom] 41a +02 capture unit (cu. = 10°? m=") per meter") or E-01 carat (metric) ‘elogram (kg) 20 E04 ‘ontimeter of mercury (0°) pascal (Pa) 133322 £403 Contimetor of water (4°C) pascal (Pa) 980638 +01 centpoise ‘pascal second (Pas) tor E-03 ccomistokes ‘meter per second (rs) tor E=06 cular mit meter (i) 5.067 075-10 co kelvin met? por watt (Kr) 2003712 E-o1 op meter 2.365 682 E-04 cutie ‘becquerel (Bq) ar E+t0 ‘yee per second hertz (He) vor E400 day (mean solr) second () 8.640000 E+04 day (siderea) ‘second () 8616 409 +04 ‘degree (angle) radian (rac) 1.745329 E02 degree Celsius kelvin (K) Ty= Tyo + 273.18 degree centigrade (see degree Celsius) gree Fatvennet degree Celsius To= (Ty - 28 degree Fatrentet kelvin (K) Tha (re + 450.0718 ‘degree Rarkine kelvin (K) The “Fhe Btu (Intemational Table) (heemal resistance). kelvin met per watt (Kem?) 1781 102 €-01 “Fete Bu (hermechemical) (thermal resistance) kelvin meter por watt (Kn? /W] 1.762.250 €-01 denier ‘glogram par meter (kg) aia €-07 ‘ayne ‘ewan (Ni aor" E=05 ‘dyne-cm ‘newion meter (Nn) 10 E-07 ‘Syneiem® pascal (Pa) tor E-01 ectronvolt Joule ) 160219 E-19 EMU of capacitance farad (F) to E+09 EMU of eurent ampere (A) to E+0r EMU of electic potential vot (V) to E08 EMU of inductance henry (H) tor E-09 EMU of resistance ‘ohm (9) to E09 ESU of capacitance farad (F) 112680 €-12 ESU of curent ampere (A) 33356 E10 ESU of electric potential volt (¥) 20079 +02 ESU of inductance henry (4) 8.987 554 E411 SU of resstance ‘ohm (0) 8.997554 E411 eg joule W) E-07 ergiom*s ‘Watt per mater (Wim) -03 ens watt (W) E-07 faraday (based on carbon-12) coulomb (6) +08 faraday (chemical) ‘coulom (6) +08 {araday (physical) ‘coulom (C) +08 fathom meter (mn) +00 {erm femtomoter) meter) E-15 fiuid ounce (U.S) meter (> E-05 foot meter (m) E-o1 foot (U.S. survey)" ‘meter (m) E-o1 8
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