International Organization For Standardization
International Organization For Standardization
International Organization For Standardization
ISO redirects here. For other uses, see ISO (disam- (IOS in English, OIN in French, etc.), the organizabiguation).
tion adopted ISO as its abbreviated name in reference
to the Greek word isos (, meaning equal).[6] HowThe International Organization for Standardization ever, during the founding meetings of the new organization, this Greek word was not evoked, so this explanation
(ISO) is an international standard-setting body composed
of representatives from various national standards orga- may have been imagined later.
Both the name ISO and the logo are registered trade[8]
Founded on 23 February 1947, the organization pro- marks, and their use is restricted.
motes worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial
standards. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland,[4]
3 History
and as of 2015 works in 196 countries.[5]
It was one of the rst organizations granted general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
Plaque marking the building in Prague where the ISOs predecessor, the ISA, was founded.
(Click to enlarge / read.)
4 Structure
ISO is a voluntary organization whose members are recognized authorities on standards, each one representing
one country. Members meet annually at a General AsThe three ocial languages of the ISO are English, sembly to discuss ISOs strategic objectives. The orgais coordinated by a Central Secretariat based in
French, and Russian.[3] The name of the organization nization [11]
in French is Organisation internationale de normalisation, and in Russian, A Council with a rotating membership of 20 member
. According to the ISO, as its name bodies provides guidance and governance, including setin dierent languages would have dierent abbreviations ting the Central Secretariats annual budget.[11][12]
Information technology
Participating members are called P members, as opposed to observing members, who are called O members.
Joint Project Committee Energy eciency and renewable energy sources Common terminology
Subscriptions from member bodies. These subscriptions are in proportion to each countrys gross national product and trade gures.
Sale of standards.
7 International Standards
other publications
See also: List of International Organization for Standardization standards
ISOs main products are international standards. ISO also
publishes technical reports, technical specications, publicly available specications, technical corrigenda, and
Technical reports These are issued when a technical
committee or subcommittee has collected data of a
dierent kind from that normally published as an International Standard,[19] such as references and explanations. The naming conventions for these are
the same as for standards, except TR prepended instead of IS in the reports name.
For example:
ISO/IEC TR 17799:2000 Code of Practice for Information Security Management
ISO/TR 19033:2000 Technical product documentation Metadata for construction documentation
Technical and publicly available specications
Technical specications may be produced when
the subject in question is still under development
or where for any other reason there is the future
but not immediate possibility of an agreement to
publish an International Standard. A publicly
available specication is usually an intermediate
specication, published prior to the development
of a full International Standard, or, in IEC may be
a 'dual logo' publication published in collaboration
with an external organization.[19] By convention,
both types of specication are named in a manner
similar to the organizations technical reports.
For example:
ISO/TS 16952-1:2006 Technical product documentation Reference designation system Part 1: Abbreviations
General application rules
ISO/PAS 11154:2006 Road vehicles Roof load
Technical corrigenda ISO also sometimes issues technical corrigenda (where corrigenda is the plural of corrigendum). These are amendments made
to existing standards due to minor technical aws,
usability improvements, or limited-applicability extensions. They are generally issued with the expectation that the aected standard will be updated or
withdrawn at its next scheduled review.[19]
ISO guides
These are meta-standards covering matters related to international standardization.[19] They are named using the
format ISO[/IEC] Guide N:yyyy: Title.
For example:
ISO/IEC 13818-
TR Technical Report (e.g., ISO/IEC TR
DTR Draft Technical Report (e.g., ISO/IEC DTR
TS Technical Specication (e.g.,
5800. Hence, the lms speed is often referred to as
by its ISO number.
As it was originally dened in ISO 518, the ash
hot shoe found on cameras is often called the ISO
10 See also
11 Notes and references
[1] The three ocial full names of the ISO can be found at the
beginning of the foreword sections of the PDF document:
ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004 Standardization and related activities General vocabulary (PDF). Archived (PDF)
from the original on 21 July 2011.
[2] ISO members. International Organization for Standardization. Archived from the original on 9 February 2015.
[3] How to use the ISO Catalogue. Archived from
the original on 4 October 2007.
[4] About ISO. ISO. Archived from the original on 4 October 2007.
[5] The number of membre working countries an be found on
the rst page of the report. Annual Report 2013 (PDF).
ISO. Retrieved 18 June 2014.
[6] About ISO - Our name. ISO. Archived from the original
on 19 September 2012.
[7] Friendship among equals (PDF). ISO. (page 20)
[8] ISO name and logo. ISO. Archived from the original on
19 September 2012.
[9] A Brief History of ISO. University of Pittsburgh.
[10] Friendship among equals - Recollections from ISOs rst
fty years (PDF), International Organization for Standardization, 1997, pp. 1518, ISBN 92-67-10260-5,
archived (PDF) from the original on 26 October 2012
[11] Structure and governance. International Organization
for Standardization. Archived from the original on 19
September 2012.
[12] Council. International Organization for Standardiza-
[16] ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Organization for Standardization. Archived from the original on 15 December
[17] ISO/IEC JPC 2 Joint Project Committee - Energy eciency and renewable energy sources - Common terminology. International Organization for Standardization.
Archived from the original on 6 October 2012.
[18] General information on ISO. ISO. Archived from the
original on 5 October 2007.
12 Further reading
JoAnne Yates and Craig N. Murphy, Coordinating
International Standards: The Formation of the
ISO (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on
22 September 2010. MIT Innovations and Entrepreneurship Seminar Series, Fall 2006.
Kuert, Willy (1997). Friendship Among Equals
- Recollections from ISOs rst fty years (PDF).
ISO. Archived (PDF) from the original on 26 October 2012.
13 External links
Ocial website
Publicly Available Standards, with free access
to a small subset of the standards.
Advanced search for standards and/or projects
Concept Database, a terminological database
of ISO standards.
Certication Bodies TRA Certication
Personnel Certication
Content license