Shrodinger Eq
Shrodinger Eq
Shrodinger Eq
In this paper, we primarily explore numerical solutions to the Quantum 1D Infinite Square Well problem,
and the 1D Quantum Scattering problem. We use different finite difference schemes to approximate the
second derivative in the 1D Schrodingers Equation and linearize the problem. By doing so, we convert the
Infinite Well problem to a simple Eigenvalue problem and the Scattering problem to a solution of a system
of linear equations. We examine the convergence of the solution to the infinite square well problem for high
order stencils, and compare the computed results to an analytic solution. For the scattering problem, we test
both first and second order finite difference schemes for boundary conditions, and compare the convergence
of these schemes.
Finite Difference Methods are used to approximate derivates to solve differential equations numerically. The
goal is to discretize the domain of the given problem, for example the x grid for a function f(x), and use
the value of the function evaluated at a point and neigbouring point(s) to approximate the derivative of
the function at the point. The assumption made is that the functions to be differentiated are well behaved.
Then using truncated taylors sum, one can derive approximations for derivatives. In our project, we needed
approximations for the first derivative and the second derivative.
Depending on the number of neighbouring points used in approximate derivatives, we can define our approximation as being the three point stencil if we are using two neighbouring points along with the evaluation
point, or as the five point stencil if we are using four neighbouring points along with the evaluation point
and so on.
Similarly, we can define our approximations as being centered difference, backward difference, or forward
ui+1 ui
difference depending upon the symmetry of the neighbouring points. For example: u0
the forward (two point stencil) finite difference method for approximating first derivative of u. Similarly,
ui+1 ui1
ui ui1
is the centered finite difference method, and u0
is the backward finite difference
To derive the coefficients for finite difference, we use truncated taylor series to approximate the value of
the function at the point of evaluation of the derivative and at the neighbouring points. We can use the
leading term in truncated error (i.e. real sum - truncated sum) to approximate the error in the truncated
taylor series and predict the accuracy of the approximate derivative. Using a general equivalence relation
f n (x) ... + af (x h) + bf (x) + cf (x + h) + ... depending upon the no of stencils and the type of difference
(backward,forward, or centered) we want, we can find the coefficients a,b,c.. to approximate the nth derivative of f.
For the purposes of this project, we need the following approximations:
Equating Coefficients:
f 00 (x) = af (x 2h) + bf (x h) + cf (x) + df (x + h) + ef (x + 2h)
2a b + d + e = 0
f (x 2h) + 2 f (x h) + 2 f (x) + 2 f (x + h) +
f (x + 2h)
Taylors theorem:
4ah2 00
8ah3 3
16ah4 4
32ah4 5
64ah6 6
f (x)
f (x) +
f (x)
f (x) +
f (a1 )
4eh2 00
8eh3 3
16eh4 4
32eh4 5
64eh6 6
ef (x + 2h) = ef (x) + 2ehf 0 (x) +
f (x) +
f (x) +
f (x) +
f (x) +
f (a2 )
We have: a = e
af (x 2h) + af (x + 2h) = 2af (x) + 4ah2 f 00 (x) +
4ah4 4
64ah6 6
f (x) +
(f (a1 ) + f 6 (a2 ))
We have: b = d
bh4 4
bh6 6
bf (x h) + bf (x + h) = 2bf (x) + bh2 f 00 (x) +
f (x) +
(f (a3 ) + f 6 (a4 ))
f 00 (x) = f00 (x) +
(f 6 (a1 ) + f 6 (a2 )) +
(f 6 (a3 ) + f 6 (a4 )) h4
2. Assymetric Forward Five Point Stencil for Second Derivative: We wish to find an approximation for f(x) as the following non-symmetric five point stencil:
f 00 (x) = af (x h) + bf (x) + cf (x + h) + df (x + 2h) + ef (x + 3h) Carrying out the process outline
above for the centered case, we derived the following coefficients:
;b = 2;c = 2;d = 2;e =
3. Assymetric Backward Five Point Stencil for Second Derivative: We wish to find an approximation for f(x) as the following non-symmetric five point stencil:
f 00 (x) = af (x + h) + bf (x) + cf (x h) + df (x 2h) + ef (x 3h) Note the ordering of the coefficients.
The coefficients are the same as for above:
;b = 2;c = 2;d = 2;e =
4. Centered Three Point Stencil for First Derivative
Approximating double derivative as f 0 (x) = af (xh)+bf (x)+cf (x+h), we wish to find the coefficients
and find an order of approximation for the error.
h2 00
f (x) + O(h3 )
f (x + h) = f (x) + hf 0 (x) + f 00 (x) + O(h3 )
f 0 (x) = af (x h) + bf (x) + cf (x + h)
f (x h) = f (x) hf 0 (x) +
a + c 2 00
h f (x)
ah + ch = 1
a c
+ =0
2 2
a = 1/2h; b = 0; c = 1/2h
f 0 (x) = af (x h) + bf (x) + cf (x + h)
= 1/2hf (x h) + 1/2hf (x + h) + O(h2 )
f 00 (x) = af (x h) + bf (x) + cf (x + h)
= 1/hf (x h) + 2/hf (x)1/hf (x + h) + O(h2 )
More on Error
We used Taylors theorem to use find the error in our approximations to derivatives. However, this is only
the theoretical error. Generally we get more accurate results as we decrease the step size h . However, as
h gets smaller, we have to account for numerical error and be wary of the phenomena of rounding error and
catastrophic cancellation. We can derive a bound on the numerical error by doing a forward error analysis,
i.e. by keeping track of rounding error in each arithmetic calculation and taking the worst case errors. The
bound will be a function of mach /hn for some positive integer n. We can therefore find an optimal h value
for which our calculation will be the most accurate for a calculation of a derivative. We just need to equate
our numerical error with our theoretical error due to taylor sum truncation, and solve for h.
We could derive an optimal h step size for the case of a centered three point stencil approximation for the
second derivative. But, note that our project involves eigenvalue calculation and linear system solving for
1/h by 1/h size matrices (see below). To save computing time, we will not go beyond h = O(103 ) for our
step sizes, and therefore error in our calculation will be dominated by the theoretical error due to truncation
of taylor sum. The numerical error dominates only for very small h.
Eigenvalue Problem
The wavefunctions, u, are eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian operator, and satisfy the Schrodinger Equation:
is the Hamiltonian Operator, and the eigenvalues E are the energies of a particle with wavefunction
where H
In the one dimensional case, u is dependent only on the spatial coordinate x, and the one dimensional
Hamiltonian is given by
= ~ + V (x)
2m x2
where ~ is a constant, m is the mass of the particle, and V(x) defines the potential energy function for the
is dependent upon x via the V(x) term. To give a dimensionless analysis, we define
particle. Note that H
~ = 2m = 1, so that
= + V (x)
We now have a system of n equations relating the wavefunction of a particle to its energy. Given a
potential function V(x), we wish to evaluate the wavefunction to high accuracy at each of the sample points
u(xj ). We will limit our analysis to potential functions that go to infinity at the boundaries a and b of our
grid, and will assume that the points xj are equally spaced.
Note that this system consists of n solutions to the second order ODE
u(x0 ) ( 2 )u(x1 ) = Eu(x0 )
u(xn ) = Eu(xn1 )
u(x0 )
u(x1 )
~u =
u(xn1 )
u(xn )
By using an appropriate finite differencing scheme, and utilizing boundary conditions, the system of
linear equations may be expressed only in terms of the sample points u(xj ) j = 0, 1, ... n
(i.e. excluding u(x1 ), u(x2 ), ... and u(xn+1 ), u(xn+2 ), ...).
In this case, system (3) may be written as
H~u = E~u
where H is a matrix containing the coefficients of each u(xj ) in the system of linear equations. Here, E is
an an eigenvalue of H, and the energy of the eigenvector ~u, which corresponds to the value of a wavefunction
u(x) taken at sample points xj .
Note that E is simply a scalar, and equation (4) may be alternatively written as
HE ~u = 0
For the infinite square well, the particle is only found in the finite interval (a, b).
Equivalently, V(x) = x
/ (a, b).
This situation can be used to give boundary conditions for the system. Since V(x) =
u(x) must vanish for all x
/ (a,b), and
/ (a, b),
u(xj1 ) + V (xj ) + 2
u(xj+1 ) = Eu(xj )
where any u(xk ) = 0.
Thus, the matrix H will take form
Since the particle is localized in a finite interval, it exists in a bound state, and its possible wavefunctions
and energies are quantized. Each wavefunction and Energy has an associated quantum number q = 1, 2,
3,... We can solve this problem analytically, and we find that the Energies are E = 2 q 2 . The wavefunctions
are sin(qx).
Solving for the eigenvalues of an n x n H matrix will give the first n eigenvalues E, corresponding to
quantum numbers q = 1, 2, ... n. Inserting E with quantum number q into equation (4) allows the linear
system to be solved for ~u with quantum number q.
Matlab Implementation
schrod: The MATLAB code schrod.m solves for the H matrix for the centered three point stencil that was
described in Section 3.2.
fivepointschrod1: This function solves for the H matrix for the centered five point stencil problem.
The first and the last rows of the fivepointschrod1.m are adjusted to use forward and bacward five point
implementation respectively that are also described in Section 3.2.
schrodcenter: This function takes in coefficients for any centered difference stencil in an array along
with an array containing coefficients for forward/backward stencil for the first and last rows of H. This allows
the infinite square well problem to be solved using arbitrary order finite difference schemes.
Potential Functions:
We have several function handles for one dimensional potential functions.
constpoten describes a constant potential of zero. barrier.m and describes a rectangular potential extending
over [0.4,0.6], harmosc describes the linear harmonic oscillator, morse gives the morse potential, and varied
gives a piece-wise potential of varying effects.
plotenergygraphs: We can find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H using the matlab command
eig(H). This function then checks the calculated energies against the analytically calcuated energy values.
See below for explanation and plots.
comparError: This compares convergence rates for both three point and five point stencils for a given
quantum number q and a given range of values of grid points N.
Constant Potential: The constant potential function is relevant because it allows for an analytic solution
to the Schr
odinger Equation . This will allow for error convergence analysis.
Rectangular Barrier: The rectangular barrier can be used to demonstrate the phenomenon of quantum
Linear Harmonic Oscillator: The Linear Harmonic Oscillator also gives an analytic solution to the
odinger Equation, and provides a good approximation for the vibrational states of a diatomic molecule.
Morse Potential: The Morse Potential provides a good approximation to the vibrational states of a
molecule, and includes the anharmonicity inherent in chemical bonds.
Figure 1: Comparing Energy Calculation for Different Stencils against True Answer.
Figure 1 shows the plot of energies using the three point stencil and the five point stencil. They are plotted
against the true parabolic energy on the above figure; N=1000 grid points were used. Therefore energies
were calculated for quantum numbers 1 to 1000. The finite difference schemes only follow the true parabolic
shape for smaller quantum numbers. The five point stencil is good for a larger range of quantum numbers
than the three point stencil.
This suggests that in using finite difference schemes to solve the schrodingers equation, we are effectively
solving for a slightly different problem than the actual quantum harmonic oscillator. This is consistent with
the fact that we are truncating taylor sums to get approximations for the second derivative.
We can predict that the convergence of small quantum numbers for increasing no of grid points N will be close
to our prediction of O(N 2 ) for three point stencil and O(N 4 ) for five point stencil. For larger quantum
numbers, the convergence should be increasingly worse.
Eig vs Eigs
Since H is a sparse matrix, we can use the MATLAB function eigs to find the eigenvalues much faster for
larger numbers of grid points N. While eig can only find eigenvalues quickly for smaller N values, eigs can
find a few eigenvalues of a sparse matrix for very large N values very quickly. We use this section to find
convergence plots for small quantum numbers using eigs. To do so, we first have to make MATLAB recognize
that H is a sparse matrix by using the function sparse(H). Then we can use the command eigs(sparse(H),5,0)
to find the first five eigenvalues for the infinite square well. The MATLAB code where eigs is implemented
is called eigsconvergence.m. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of eigs by getting more digits of accuracry
for q=1 quantum number using the three point stencil.
Scattering Problem
For the scattering problem, the particle may be found in an infinitely large interval. The wavefunction of a
completely free particle may be expressed as a traveling wave, or
u(x) = Aeikx
When a potential barrier is present, a traveling wave incoming from the left of the potential will partially
pass over the barrier and continue as an altered traveling wave, and part of the wave will be reflected off the
barrier and travel in the direction of its origin. Thus, a compact support potential function over the interval
[a,b] will divide the dimension into three regions: Region 1 is (-, a), Region 2 [a,b], and Region 3 (b, ).
In Region 1, the wavefunction may be expressed as
u1 (x) = Aeikx + Beikx
where k = E V0 . This may be considered as an incoming traveling wave Aeikx from the left, and a
reflected wave Beikx traveling to the right.
In Region 2, u2 (x) is unknown and depends upon the nature of the potential barrier.
In Region 3, the particle is quasi-free, and u3 (x) consists only of an outgoing traveling wave
u3 (x) = Ceikx
These combinations satisfy the condition of equation (5), except for x0 , and xn , which depend on the
terms x1
/ [a, b] and xn+1
/ [a, b].
For x0 and xn we require the boundary conditions for the system.
Noting that u1 (a) = u2 (a) and u3 (b) = u2 (b), the boundary conditions are
u2 (x0 ) = Aeikx + Beikx
u2 (xn ) = Ceikx
For a dimensionless approximation, set A = 1 so that the boundary conditions are:
u2 (x0 ) = eikx0 + Beikx0
u2 (xn ) = Ceikxn
Since B and C are unknown, this form of the boundary conditions is not particularly useful. However,
taking the derivative of each condition gives:
u02 (x0 ) = ikeikx0 + ikBeikx0 = ikeikx0 + iku2 (x0 ) ikeikx0 = 2ikeikx0 + iku2 (x0 )
u02 (x0 ) iku2 (x0 ) = 2ikeikx0
u02 (xn ) = ikCeikxn = iku2 (xn )
u02 (xn ) + iku2 (xn ) = 0
A finite difference scheme may be used to represent u02 (x0 ) and u02 (xn ) in terms of u2 (xj .
Since, x0 is the rightmost point in [a,b], the scheme for u02 (x0 ) san only involve involve u2 (xj ) to the
right of u02 (x0 ), so a forwards scheme must be used.
Similarly, xn is the leftmost point in [a,b], so a backwards finite difference scheme must be used for
u02 (xn ). For the first order, forward and backwards schemes for u0 (x):
(u(x0 ) + u(x1 ))
u (x0 )
u0 (xn )
(u(xn ) + u(xn1 ))
The two linear equations are:
ik u(x0 ) + u(x1 ) = 2ikeikx0
u(xn1 ) + ik
u(xn ) = 0
This gives a system of equation consisting of linear combinations of only u(xj ), such that:
HS ~u = ~b
and ~b is a vector of all zeros, except for the first entry, which is 2ikeikx0 .
Obtaining ~u is a simple matter of computing HS1~b.
MATLAB Implementation
The functions scatter and scatter2 solve the scattering problem for ~u given a potential function, number of
sample nodes, and desired interval. Additionally, since the values of E are no longer quantized, an input
value for E is required.
scatter: The function scatter uses a first order forward/backward finite difference scheme of u0 (x) to
represent the boundary cases of the matrix HS and a second order centered scheme for u00 (x) for all other
scatter2: The function scatter2 uses a second order forward/backwards finite difference scheme for u0 (x)
to represent the boundary cases of the matrix HS , and a second order centered scheme for u00 (x) for all other
converge: The function converge was used for the convergence analysis of scatter.
converge2: The function converge2 was used for the convergence analysis of scatter2.
Convergence of scatter
In this case, a square barrier extends over [0.4, 0.6], the energy of the particle was 900. Let this be known
as test case 1. This plot is for 200 sample points.
We observe experimentally that P is periodic in region 3, rather than a constant. This effect holds for
any choice of potential function, energy, step size, and interval. We hypothesize that the amplitude of the
error wave in region 3 could serve as a test of the convergence of the function.
For finite-difference schemes, convergence of various orders depends on the spacing between the sample
points. If the amplitude of P is to conform with this behavior, then the amplitude of the error wave should
decrease as step size decreases. For test case 1 with increasing number of sample points (and therefore
decreasing step size), we obtain the following result:
As step size decreases, the amplitude of the error wave decreases, and the wavefunction in region 3
approaches a constant value. Thus, satisfies our requirements for a test of convergence.
Using the MATLAB code converge, the amplitude of was extracted for test case 1 for varying n, and
the following log-log plot obtained:
Note that this is algebraic convergence of order 1, the analytically expected convergence for a first order
finite difference scheme.
Convergence of scatter2
The function scatter2 uses a second order finite difference scheme for the boundary conditions of HS , so
algebraic convergence of order 2 is expected. For test case 1 and n = 200, we obtain the following plot of
probability density:
Note that the magnitude of the error wave is noticeably smaller than for the analogous plot for scatter.
Since scatter2 uses a second order finite difference scheme, as opposed to the first order finite difference
scheme of scatter, this is an expected result.
Using converge2, the amplitude of for scatter2 and test case 1 for varying step sizes was extracted, and
the following log-log plot obtained.
Note that this is algebraic convergence of order 2, the analytically expected result for a second order
finite difference scheme.
We conclude that finite difference schemes offer an easy way to solve the 1D Schrodingers Equation numerically. Generally, the results are more accurate for higher order finite difference methods. For example, for
the infinite well problem, we obtained more accurate results with a small number of grid points by using
the five point stencil than by using the three point stencil. However, we also observed that the computed
energies diverged from the analytic solution for high quantum numbers.
We confirmed the predicted effects of using smaller step sizes in approximating derivatives numerically in
Section 4.3. We saw that the convergence of error using the three point stencil was O(N 2 ) and the convergence of the five point stencil was O(N 4 ).
We also found that we can utilize MATLABs eigs command to solve the eigenvalues of the sparse matrix H.
In the scattering problem, we found that the error in the probability density takes the form of a wave, and
the amplitude of this wave corresponded to the convergence of the numerical solution. Decreasing the step
size decreased the amplitude of this wave, with a first order finite difference scheme converging O(N 1 ) and
a second oder scheme converging by O(N 2 ) as analytically predicted.
1. McQuarrie, Donald A. Quantum Chemistry. Mill Valley, CA: U Science, 1983. Print.
2. Griffiths, David J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2005. Print.
4. lunmeih/math471fall12/project1.pdf