Educ629tip Amanda K Yarbrough

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EDUC 629

Laclede County R-1

School District
Educational Technology Plan 20142017
Amanda K. Yarbrough

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EDUC 629

Table of Contents
TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and
Strategies 1
TIP 2: Needs Assessment..
TIP 3: The Planning Process..
. 5
State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures .

.. 6

. 6

.. 6

. 6

.. 7
TIP 4: Implementation: Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and
Strategies.. 7
TIP 5: Executive Summary..
. 7

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EDUC 629

TIP 6: References...

.. 8

TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies of Laclede County

R-1 Schools
Mission: The mission of the Laclede County R-1 School District is to
promote the maximum development of each students academic, physical,
social and emotional potential to prepare students to function as productive
citizens in a changing society.

Vision: Instructional technology is a teaching method and a learning tool

that will give students the tools they need to promote them toward success
as they become college and career ready. By the end of the 2016-17 school
year, all students grades fourth through twelfth grades will have a 1:1
experience with technology and allow teachers to interactively instruct and
incorporate technology into daily planning.

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EDUC 629

Goals and Strategies:

Goals for 2014-15 school year:

100% of the classrooms in the district to have an interactive

whiteboard. Goal met.
Keep 1:1 usage for Junior High students and stay updated to
current requirements.
Open one additional wireless network to allow teachers and
students to bring in their own devices (tablets and laptops) to
use in the classroom. Goal met.
Increase the incoming internet bandwidth for the district to allow
more information pass through our system. Goal met.
Purchase iPad Minis, touch-screen laptops, and carts to
maneuver the devices to other rooms. Goal met.

Goals and Strategies for 2015-16 school year:

Continue to purchase more laptops and tablets to reach 1:1 for

the district.
o An increase in the equipment budget from $25,000 to
$50,000 to purchase additional laptops and tablets.
Work closer with the faculty through the Technology Committee.
o The district will continue utilizing the technology
committee to discuss and plan for the digital changes with
the technology director and the superintendent facilitating
that committee.
o Surveys and open communication between the faculty and
the Technology Committee to determine what technology is
needed in the classroom along with the professional
development needed to utilize that technology.
Replace aging network infrastructure to better facilitate the
move to a 1:1 environment.
o Update to faster cabling, replacing all network switches to
the same standard that will enable the network to be
uncongested and more reliable.
o Install 70 wireless access points throughout the district,
resulting in 2,100 devices that can be connected at the
same time.

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EDUC 629

TIP 2: Needs Assessment

Strengths What are the current strengths?

The district currently employs a full-time technology director, a full-time

technology assistant and a part-time technology assistant.
All junior high students are currently on 1:1 technology.
All classrooms (elementary through high school) have an interactive
Smartboard for teacher and student use.
Increased network bandwidth from 20 Mbps to 50 Mbps.
New hardware/software for faculty/student use:
o Elementary :
15 iPad Minis and a portable cart to hold the devices were
supplied for check out for grades K-3.
All classrooms were supplied with three student laptops per
classroom for grades 4-6.
o Junior High/High School:
30 laptops and 2 portable carts for the Social Studies
30 laptops and 2 portable carts for the English department.
15 laptops and 1 portable cart for the Science department.
Smartboards were put in each classroom for the Math
Replaced the entire high school computer lab with 25 state of
the art touchscreen, Windows 8 PCs.
Expanded wireless network range into every area of all buildings.

Weaknesses What are the current weaknesses?

Additional laptops/PCs are still needed at all grade levels to have a 1:1
learning environment.
Better connectivity of student computers in the junior high to the network for
Internet access.
More technology personnel to meet the increased 1:1 student learning
environment demands.
Wired and wireless network infrastructure must be upgraded as the amount
of devices increases.
An increase in the technology budget is needed in order to maintain current
structure and increase hardware and software.

Opportunities What are the future opportunities?

Through upgrades to our system, we are able to encourage the BYOD

initiative thus allowing for less to be spent on computers for students/faculty
as that cost would be incurred by students/personnel.
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EDUC 629

By encouraging the 1:1 initiative, students are able to collaborate both within
the classroom, across the district and with other schools in our area.
We will have a greater opportunity to provide a wealth of information and
tools for the students and teachers.
With the utilization of technology with teacher, we will be able to provide a
more dynamic learning experience for students that are on a different
learning curve, and provide a richer teaching experience with the capability
of teaching on a more individual level.

Threats What threatens those future opportunities?

The current funding for the eMints program has expired, causing the
technology department to take on the expense of support and repairs for 120
Lack of community buy-in in supporting a tax levy to help increase the
funding for technology in the district.

TIP 3: The Planning Process

Goals and Strategies for 2015-16 school year:

Continue to purchase more laptops and tablets to reach 1:1 for

the district.
o An increase in the equipment budget from $25,000 to
$50,000 to purchase additional laptops and tablets.
Work closer with the faculty through the Technology Committee.
o The district will continue utilizing the technology
committee to discuss and plan for the digital changes with
the technology director and the superintendent facilitating
that committee.
o Surveys and open communication between the faculty and
the Technology Committee to determine what technology is
needed in the classroom along with the professional
development needed to utilize that technology.
Replace aging network infrastructure to better facilitate the
move to a 1:1 environment.
o Update to faster cabling, replacing all network switches to
the same standard that will enable the network to be
uncongested and more reliable.

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EDUC 629

Install 70 wireless access points throughout the district,

resulting in 2,100 devices that can be connected at the
same time.

At this time, the instruction model that the district will be using is face-toface, as the district is still making improvements to have more access points
within the schools. As connectivity becomes better, instruction can move
into blended learning, where part of the instruction is live and part is


Instruction will be delivered in the classroom through the use of live

instruction incorporating the use of Smartboards.
Laptops/PCs will be used for students to do research and prepare
projects in the classroom.
As connectivity through access points are improved, laptops/PCs can
be used in asynchronous instruction through the use of various
applications, programs and blogs.


Laptops/PCs for student and faculty use

Software programs: Microsoft Office, Prezi
Applications: Edmoto, Live Binders, Google Docs


Students will be familiar with the technology used in the workforce to

be college and career ready.

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EDUC 629

Teachers will be able to interactively instruct and incorporate

technology into daily planning.
Students will be able to have digital portfolios that go with them from
7th-12th grades displaying examples of what they have learned.

TIP 4: Implementation
Budget and Timetable for Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Measures
Professional Development Plan
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 3

TIP 5: Executive Summary

Crosswalk of Goals
A goal comparison of the National Educational Technology Plan, the
Educational Technology Plan for your state, and the Imaginary County Public
Schools Strategic Plan.
National Educational
Technology Plan / ISTE NETS

Educational Technology
Plan for (your state)

Imaginary County Public

Schools Strategic Plan


TIP 6: References:

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