Mavrogenes share the same view. Mavrogenes believes that while increased syntactic maturity
"was a concomitant of increased quality, it is not in itself a major determinant of the rater's judgement of quality.
(Hillocks, 1986: 149)
A study by Grobe (1981) indicates that the correlation between syntactic maturity and writing ability is in fact very low.
Meanwhile, linguists like Williams (1979), are more interested in encouraging students to use clear and direct sentences.
Though the theoretical details of what he meant by direct sentences may be debatable, the concepts of clarity and
readability are worth noting in an ESL context as some second language learners, such as Malay students in Malaysia,
often use complicated sentences that obscure meaning. This is probably due to the preferable practice of using
extensively elaborated sentences when writing in the Malay language and fear of being penalised if they do not do the
same in English. Thus, according to William's approach, such students need to be given practice in rewriting hard to
read sentences into more readable sentences.
From the discussion on grammar it can be concluded that syntactic knowledge is not actually the central element in
determining writing quality.
(b) Rhetorical Structure of Discourse (The Use of Models)
Opposed to the view of grammatical control at the sentential level are those who deal with the control of organisation
and the rhetorical structure of discourse. The impetus of development of these approaches has come from the concern
for students' inability to use the language acquired appropriately and fluently in communicative activities. As
Widdowson (1979:118) puts it,
... the ability to compose sentences is not the only ability we need for communication. Communication only takes place
when we make use of sentences to perform a variety of different acts of an essentially social nature
Because of this, it is proposed that students should be explicitly taught how to cope with language in performing the
various communicative acts such as defining, classifying, generalising and so on.
The use of models has become a popular way of teaching rhetoric (see among others Paulston's, 1972). A model serves
as an initial basis for students to elicit the framework of theoretical structures and stylistic characteristics of a particular
discourse or even language forms, or content for that matter, and later for producing a parallel piece of writing.
Models can make a significant contribution to the teaching of rhetorics to second language learners. Some learners have
considerable difficulty coping with English rhetorics due to the cultural differences in the nature of rhetorics.
Familiarisation with the different types of rhetorical structures will form a schemata or framework of expectation in the
students' mind that enables them to understand and interpret English rhetoric.
Despite its usefulness, the model based approach has been criticised for several reasons. Watson (1982) and Escholz
(1980) feel that models are often too long and remote from the students' real problems. In addition, Escholz views the
mimicking of models as inhibiting the writer's freedom of expression. Such concern, which coincides with the advent of
communicative language learning approach, has assigned the role of models to a secondary position by giving priority to
the learners liberation of expression. With this new role, models are there not "... to be mimicked ... but ... to be drawn
upon as a resource" (White 1988: 7).
(c) Coherence and Cohesion
Two features indispensable to the discussion of text are coherence and cohesion. A notable study by Halliday and
Hassan (1976) on the two features has given a new perspective to these terminologies and this has had major
implications on the way coherence is taught. They assert,
A text is a passage of discourse which is coherent in these two regards: it is coherent with respect to the context of
situation, and therefore consistent in register; and it is coherent with respect to itself, and therefore cohesive.
(Halliday and Hassan, 1976:23).
The work of Halliday and Hassan (1976) has stirred controversies and interest in the field. The strongest criticism was
from Morgan and Sellner (1980) who based their view on the Schema theory of text processing. According to this
theory, understanding and processing a text is an interactive and interpretative process. Thus, a text should be written in
relation to a text processor or a reader.
Specifically speaking about coherence, Morgan and Sellner argue that a text is coherent if the "intended meaning" and
"underlying structures" match the background knowledge of the reader and not because of the reader's knowledge of
language properties as Halliday and Hassan seem to imply. In other words, the cohesive devices used in text are not the
ultimate "source" but the "effect" of coherence.
Johns (1986), when discussing coherence, reiterates the need of a writer to continuously take the reader into account and
constantly guide him or her through the text by providing cohesive devices.
From the above, it can be said that coherence is a significant but complex concept that is governed by a number of
factors either in the text or in relation to other elements outside the text such as the readers and context. Cohesive
devices are only one of the properties and not the main or only element of coherence. Consequently, focusing solely on
cohesion composition classes cannot completely remedy the problem of coherence.
(d) Writing Frequency
The approaches considered so far are predominantly concerned with guidance and control in order to attain a high
writing quality. There are also linguists and teachers who believe that the greater the frequency of writing practice, the
greater the chance for the students to improve their writing skill. However, a study by Arnold (1984) found no
significant differences between a group of tenth graders who wrote at least once a week and those who wrote three times
a semester. Critical reviews by Krashen (1984) and Zamel (1976) on writing and writing frequency also concluded that
practice in writing per se without proper instruction will not increase writing proficiency.
(e) Reading and Writing
Using reading as a method of developing writing ability is not a new notion. Numerous researchers who investigated the
effect of reading on writing have found optimistic results. One of them is Krashen (1984) who hypothesizes that writing
can be acquired via extensive reading. He claims that extensive reading provides sufficient input of grammatical and
discourse structures in a low anxiety condition because the reader focuses completely on the meaning rather than on the
forms. Therefore, extensive reading is one of the supportive environments of learning to write.
The Process Oriented Research and Writing Quality
The unsatisfactory results of and conflicting views on the product orientation research have led researchers to switch
their attention from product based research to the exploration of cognitive processes on composing as it is hoped that the
understanding of what is going on in a writer's mind will help gain useful strategies for teaching writing.
In this kind of approach, emphasis is placed on "how" to write. Writers are guided through the journey of writing from
planning, rescanning to revising his text. These stages are not definite as a writer may revise, rescan or even replan his
writing at any stage so that in the process new ideas and new language forms are discovered. That is why writing is
often referred to as a process of discovery.
From the studies on native speakers for example, Pianko (1979) as well as non-native speakers as in the work of Zamel
(1983b), it is clear that good writers plan, rescan and revise more than poor writers. Good writers seem to understand the
recursive nature of the writing process for they tend to be more flexible with their original plans and goals and are ready
to review the overall plan at any point of writing for clarification of meaning. Poor writers, on the other hand, seem to
look at writing as a linear flow of ideas. For them, revision entails correcting grammatical forms and mechanics rather
than the clarification of meaning.
This new way of looking at writing proposes new techniques of teaching writing. Contrary to the traditional practice of
expecting the students to have a clear view of the form and content before beginning to write a composition by
providing an outline of their work and sticking to it throughout the writing process, the process approach emphasises
revising and redrafting of their work. Revision is seen not as mere editing but a chance to polish and improve their
work. At the initial stage, students are encouraged to write without much concern for grammatical accuracy. If they face
difficulties starting the writing task, the teacher has to help them by providing writing strategies such as brainstorming,
group discussion, pairwork, using diagrams, etc. The students are also given ample time to revise, redraft and produce
several drafts if necessary. The teacher may offer feedback to the ungraded draft. As time is often a constraint, feedback
from peers may be helpful in discovering the problems that exist in writing. The cooperation between peers and the
teacher will create an awareness among the students to take the reader into consideration during the process of writing.
The proponents of this approach believe that it is only by putting the students through the process of writing that they
appreciate the problems of writing.
Principles for Material Development and The Teaching of Writing
Based on the overview of the nature of and research on writing, a number of conclusions can be deduced. These can
serve as general guidelines in the development of writing materials and the teaching of writing at pre-university level
ESL classes.
(a) Writing as communication
The most important principle is that a writing course should emphasize the communicative aspects of a language
(linguistic, sociolinguistic and strategic). The linguistic aspect will supply the students with the tools needed for writing
so that they are able to use the correct forms of words, accurate vocabulary and good grammar. The sociolinguistic
component raises the students' awareness of the type of writing activity they are involved in so that they are able to write
in different rhetorical modes appropriate for different audiences and purposes. The strategic component raises
consciousness of the covert interaction that exists between a reader and a writer.
(b) Grammar and Writing
Even though the acquisition of basic grammar is undeniably necessary in writing, teachers should not be obsessed with
the idea that syntactic complexity is the fundamental aspect of a composition. Instead, students should be made aware of
the need to produce clear and readable texts.
(c) Models as teaching aids
Models of essays can be used successfully if they are appropriately integrated into the sequence of activities in a writing
class. For this matter, both good and bad models may be used for analysis.
(d) Coherence and cohesion - the two important entities
In writing, students need to be trained in how to think and write logically and coherently. All features associated with
coherence and cohesion must be explicitly taught to the students both in isolation and in context. This is because
teaching cohesive devices in isolation only, such as at sentence level, neglects the crucial aspect of text construction.
Students sometimes produce cohesive but incoherent texts. For this purpose, models of coherent and incoherent texts
can be analysed in class to expose the students to the concepts of coherence and cohesion.
(e) Learning is performing
In order to learn writing, students have to experience performing the writing themselves. Instead of delaying the practice
of essay writing, students should be given plenty of opportunities to write provided they are accompanied by proper
(f) Integrating reading and writing
Because extensive reading is necessary in developing writing competence, efforts should be made to integrate extensive
reading with writing. Students may be asked to produce written assignments based on reading sources or they may be
given set texts to read for the writing lessons.
(g) The need for a conducive environment
As writing often places intricate demands on the learner, teachers should try to provide a conducive atmosphere with
interesting lessons to increase motivation and to enhance the learning process. This means that teachers should, as far as
possible, prepare aids for writing lessons and guide the students towards producing essays of their own.
(h) Promoting Self Evaluation
Self-monitoring needs to be encouraged. Students need to be critical of their own work and be trained to make
judgements on whether they have successfully communicated their ideas or not. In other words, students should
proofread their essays. To ensure that students do revise their work, teachers can ask students to submit drafts to be
corrected. Teachers can pinpoint the errors made and give comments on how to improve the essays. Essays are returned
to the students for corrections before they can hand in the essays for grading.
(i) Peer marking
Peer marking is another strategy which can help improve students' writing. By being critical of others, the students will
get a wider experience of the learning process. Students should be advised not to be sensitive to the criticisms made by
others on their work. Feedback from their colleagues will help them realize the weaknesses that they are unable to detect
(j) Pair and Group work
Working together in groups during a writing lesson is a beneficial way of engendering discussion that can broaden their
viewpoints through the exchange of opinions. Besides, this will enhance the four skills of listening, speaking, reading
and writing apart from encouraging them to think.
(k) Prewriting Activities
Teachers need to initiate the writing process by providing induction that stimulates writing activities. Activities
conducted should be geared towards the performing of certain rhetoric being taught to the students.
(l) The need for a context
As writing in schools is an academic requirement with abstract needs which are removed from the students' real life,
context becomes very essential in a writing lesson. By providing a situation to the students, the task developed becomes
more authentic, enabling students to relate better to the writing assignment.
(m) Integrated Skill
The integration of skills is inevitable in communicative acts as real communication involves a number of different skills.
By analogy, language skills should not be taught in isolation. While focusing on a particular skill, practice in other skills
must also be provided. Although the integration of skills does happen in a language class, it is often incidental and
teachers may not be aware of it. Therefore, conscious effort should be made to ensure full opportunity for integration.
The above principles have hopefully highlighted areas that need to be taken into account in the preparation of materials
for writing and in teaching writing at pre-university level ESL classes. However, these are in no way absolute. As
teachers, we have to be flexible in selecting teaching techniques as adhering rigidly to one approach will not solve all
the problems of our students. Teachers, have to be creative and sensitive to other variables such as the learners' needs,
the situation of learning etc. and try to modify our teaching methods according to the needs of the learners. Similarly,
materials for writing need to be tailored to suit the learners.
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