Psychology PD Introduction
Psychology PD Introduction
Psychology PD Introduction
Parkinsons disease (Idiopathic Parkinsons) makes up 80% of cases of Parkinsonism
Mean age of onset = 55 years old (20-80)
Males:females = 3:2
Prevalence - philippine setting (SEARCHING)
Classification of Parkinsonism
Parkinsons disease is a progressive illness of the central nervous system (OSullivan,
2014) where there is marked loss of specific types of neurons that produce a chemical called
dopamine. The Basal Ganglia plays a big role in this disease wherein different motor and nonmotor symptoms arise. It consists of the striatum (caudate and putamen), globus pallidus,
subthalamic nucleus and the substantia nigra (Figure 1). The degeneration of the inhibitory
nigrostriate fibers, or the neurons of the substantia nigra, result in a decrease of dopamine
within the corpus striatum (Snell, 2010)
Figure 1
The Basal Ganglia involves itself in a direct motor loop which consists of signals
transmitted from the cortex to the putamen to the globus pallidus, towards the ventrolateral
nucleus of the thalamus, and back to the cortex or the supplementary motor area (SMA). It is
said that the connection between the ventrolateral nucleus and SMA is excitatory in nature and
facilitates the discharge of cells in the SMA. The Basal Ganglia aids in the initiation of voluntary
movement through a positive feedback mechanism via activation of the cortex. Instead of
activating the thalamus, the Basal Ganglia inhibits the thalamus which cause hypokinesia in
patients with PD.
Figure 2 describes the direct loop of the Basal Ganglia where the striatonigral fibers
arises from the putamen, although most fibers are from the caudate. It also shows the
connection of the striatum with the substantia nigra pars compacta. The different symbols
represent the following: C = caudate nucleus; cc = corpus callosum; GPe = globus pallidus pars
externa; GPi = globus pallidus pars interna; P = putamen; VL = ventral lateral nucleus of the
On the other hand, an indirect loop would involve the following structures: the subthalamic nucleus,
the globus pallidus interna, and substantia nigra pars reticulata which would go to the superior colliculus and
midbrain tegmentum. This loop decreases thalamocortical activation whereas the basal ganglias projection to
the superior colliculus promotes the regulation of saccadic eye movements. Likewise, the basal ganglias
connection to the reticular formation would regulate sleep, wakefulness, arousal and the trunk and limb
musculature through the extrapyramidal pathways. Other loops associated with the basal ganglia are said to be
encompassing memory as well as cognitive functions.
Areas affected
Medulla oblangata
The onset of Parkinsons disease is insidious, and progresses slowly. Parkinsons
disease manifests in the following ways: Rigidity or stiffness of movement, Bradykinesia or
slowness of movement, Tremors (pill-rolling), loss of dexterity/handwriting disturbances, Gait
disturbance,muscle pain, cramps, aching,and muscle weakness, Depression, nervousness and
other psychiatric problems, speech disturbance and general fatigue.
The symptoms listed above can be classified into primary motor, secondary motor and
and nonmotor disorders.
Primary motor symptoms are: Rigidity, Bradykinesia, Tremors and Postural Instability,.
Secondary motor symptoms are: decrease in motor performance (weakness and fatigue),
Parkinsons disease is predominantly a disorder of the basal ganglia, a group of nuclei located at the
base of the forebrain. The striatum, composed of the caudate and putamen, is the largest nuclear complex of
the basal ganglia. The striatum receives excitatory input from several areas of the cerebral cortex, as well as
inhibitory and excitatory input from the dopaminergic cells of the substantia nigra pars compacta.
Two types of spiny projection neurons receive input from the cortex and substantia nigra, neurons that
project directly to the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi) , the major output site of the basal
ganglia; and neurons that project to the external segment of the globus pallidus , establishing an indirect
pathway to the GPi via the subthalamic nucleus .The actions of the direct and indirect pathways regulate the
neuronal output from the GPi, which provides tonic inhibitory input to the thalamic nuclei that project to the
primary and supplementary motor areas.
O'Sullivan, S., Schmitz, T., & Fulk, G. (2014). Physical Rehabilitation (6th ed.). Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania: FA Davis Company.
Snell, R. (2010). Clinical Neuroanatomy (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &
Hauser,R.A.,MD,MBA.(n.d.).Parkinson Disease.
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