NIT Tender
NIT Tender
NIT Tender
Pre-NIT Meeting
PSPCL is in the process of floating NIT for execution of works for 22 No.
Towns of Punjab under R-APDRP(Part-B) Project and later on for works under
IPDS & DDUGJY (Deen Dyal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna) schemes of
MoP/GoI. To discuss the various Terms and Conditions of the Tender
Specifications, a Pre NIT meeting is proposed to be held on 11.03.2015 at
10.30 AM at Conference Hall, TTI Complex, Shakti Vihar, Patiala.
Interested prospective bidders are requested to attend the meeting for
offering their valuable comments/suggestions on the proposed various
Terms and Conditions of Tender Specifications. The detailed Tender
Specification is attached herewith for ready reference.
For more information, contact Add. SE/Works, RE&APDRP. Mobile: 9646119101
PSPCL, Patiala.
(E-mail: [email protected])
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E-tenders are invited on behalf of PSPCL from A-Class electrical contractors who have
worked on similar works of Government, Semi-Government, Power utilities for the
supply, erection, survey, installation, testing & commissioning of the following works on
turnkey basis under R-APDRP-Part-B project.
Creation of new 66/11 KV grid substations along with associated transmission circuit lines
with 85% loading after considering load growth for next three years.
Augmentation of 66/11 KV & 33/11 KV existing grid substations and augmentation of
existing 66 KV, 33 KV transmission lines with appropriate size of conductor to achieve
85% loading after considering load growth for next three years.
New 66 KV and 11KV breakers.
New 11 KV lines with 100 mm2/ 80 mm2 ACSR or of appropriate size XLPE/ AB cables on
11 Meters poles only keeping loading of the line up to 150 amps and voltage regulation
within +/-6 %.
Laying of underground Cables of 66KV, 33 KV, 11 KV and LT as per requirement/
availability of right of way.
Augmentation/ replacement of lines under size/ worn out ACSR conductor of HT Lines
with 100 mm2/ 80 mm2or of appropriate size XLPE/ AB cables in such a way that loading
of the line is up to 150 amps and voltage regulation 6 %.
Addition of new 11/0.433 KV DTs(25 KVA to 500 KVA), 33/0.433 KV ( 1000 KVA) into
the system, De-loading of overloaded distribution transformers, Relocation of distribution
transformers to load centres keeping 70% loading conditions and LT length 250 Meters.
Load balancing of DTs.
DLMS compliant DT meters on proposed DTs.
Straightening of leaning poles, replacement of damaged 8/9/11 Meter poles, providing
additional mid span 9/11 Meters poles and providing additional stay set on existing HT/ LT
lines and 11 KV Distribution Transformers as per Standardization Instructions.
Re-earthing of all the existing distribution transformers with 2 no earths and re-earthing of
all the existing 11 KV lines to achieve earth resistance values as per standardization
Replacement of defective 11KV G.O switches with new 11KV G.O switches/AB Switch.
New Air Break switches as per IS are proposed to be installed on 11KV S/Stn of 200KVA
and above.
New LT lines with 100/80/50 mm2 ACSR/ XLPE/AB cable of required size on 9 Meter
PCC poles.
Augmentation/ Replacement of worn out/ under size ACSR conductor of LT lines with
100/80/ 50 mm2 ACSR / XLPE/AB cable of equivalent sizes.
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Contact Person
i. Please note that tenders against this tender enquiry are being invited through E-tendering
mode only.
ii. Tender
website of E-Tendering are available on website
iii. The prospective bidders are requested to get clarification from this office and/or M/s. (n)
code solutions(Mobile No. 09915866332 )in case of any difficulty regarding uploading of
tender well in time and no last minute request for extension in opening of tender on this
account will be entertained.
iv. The prospective bidders are requested to be extra cautious in filing the tender and to get in
touch with this office in case of any difficulty. Once the tender is opened, no request
regarding giving relaxation or for overlooking any mistake committed by the bidder will be
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Broadly scope of work under this project includes survey, reassessing & freezing of
quantities, design, supply, and quality assurance, pre-dispatch testing, transportation storage,
erection, site testing and commissioning etc. of following works on turnkey basis.
i) Creation of new 66/11 KV grid substations along with associated transmission circuit lines
with 85% loading after considering load growth for next three years.
ii) Augmentation of 66/11 KV & 33/11 KV existing grid substations and augmentation of
existing 66 KV, 33 KV transmission lines with appropriate size of conductor to achieve 85%
loading after considering load growth for next three years.
iii) New 66 KV and 11KV breakers.
iv) New 11 KV lines with 100 mm2/ 80 mm2 ACSR or of appropriate size XLPE/ AB cables on
11 Meters poles only keeping loading of the line up to 150 amps and voltage regulation
within +/-6 %.
v) Laying of underground Cables of 66KV, 33 KV, 11 KV and LT as per requirement/
availability of right of way.
vi) Augmentation/ replacement of lines under size/ worn out ACSR conductor of HT Lines with
100 mm2/ 80 mm2or of appropriate size XLPE/ AB cables in such a way that loading of the
line is up to 150 amps and voltage regulation 6 %.
vii) Addition of new 11/0.433 KV DTs(25 KVA to 500 KVA), 33/0.433 KV ( 1000 KVA) into
the system, De-loading of overloaded distribution transformers, Relocation of distribution
transformers to load centres keeping 70% loading conditions and LT length 250 Meters.
viii) Load balancing of DTs.
ix) DLMS compliant DT meters on proposed DTs.
x) Straightening of leaning poles, replacement of damaged 8/9/11 Meter poles, providing
additional mid span 9/11 Meters poles and providing additional stay set on existing HT/ LT
lines and 11 KV Distribution Transformers as per Standardization Instructions.
xi) Re-earthing of all the existing distribution transformers with 2 no earths and re-earthing of all
the existing 11 KV lines to achieve earth resistance values as per standardization instructions.
xii) Replacement of defective 11KV G.O switches with new 11KV G.O switches/AB Switch.
xiii) New Air Break switches as per IS are proposed to be installed on 11KV S/Stn of 200KVA
and above.
xiv) New LT lines with 100/80/50 mm2 ACSR/ XLPE/AB cable of required size on 9 Meter PCC
xv) Augmentation/ Replacement of worn out/ under size ACSR conductor of LT lines with
100/80/ 50 mm2 ACSR / XLPE/AB cable of equivalent sizes.
xvi) Shortening of HT/LT spans by providing mid span 9/11 Meter poles as per Standardization
xvii) Shifting of consumer meters into 20 in 1, 4in 1, & 1in 1 pillar boxes/ MMBs.
xviii) Replacement of electromechanical and defective meters with static energy meters.
xix) New Ring Main Units and Fault Passage Indicators.
xx) New Package Sub-Station of 11/0.433 KV of rating 630/990/1250 KVA.
Tender Specification No.
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Successful bidder is required to complete the allotted work in a phased manner in 26
months(including two months for mobilization and joint survey) from the date of award of
i) The bidders may download tender specification from PSPCL website https://pspcl. and send demand draft of Rs. -- /- in favour of Accounts/Officer/Cash,
PSPCL Patiala as cost of tender specification .The demand draft towards cost of tender
specification shall be sent to Dy.CE/RE & APDRP (Design), A-1, Shakti Vihar, PSPCL,
Patiala. It shall be clearly indicated on the envelope, that DD of cost of tender specification is
enclosed therein. Tenders of bidders, which do not submit the demand draft towards cost
of specification before the last date and time of bid opening, the same is liable to
ii) The bids shall be submitted in three parts i.e. Part-I consisting of EMD and cost of
specification, Part-II Technical and Commercial bid and Part III consisting of Price bid
only. Details are given in tender specification.
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Tenders received after the due date and time shall not be entertained.
A Bidder may be a private entity or a government owned entity or any combination of such
entities with the intent to enter into an agreement supported by a letter of intent or under an
agreement in the form of a joint venture or consortium.
In the case of a Joint Venture:
(a) All partners shall be jointly and severally liable, and
(b) The JV shall nominate a representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business
for and on behalf of any and all the partners of the JV during the bidding process and, in the
event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.
Tender Specification No.
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Average Annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last 3 years, ending 31st March
of the previous financial year, should be 30% of the of the estimated cost ( i.e. -Crores)given as below:Requirement
Consortium/Joint Venture
All Partners
15 % of
70 % of
100 % of (i)
(i) above
(i) above
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NOTE:Above Scope is indicative only. There is every likely hood that additional scope may be
required due to techno-economical factors, day to day new technical advancement and
practical problems which may come to fore during the period of execution.
Any material/ equipment required for completion of the work shall be deemed to have
been included in the scope of work.
Even though all the work and materials necessary for satisfactory completion of the works
may not be detailed in the specifications & schedules, their costs will be considered to be
within the contract and no claim for extra charges will be accepted, provided always
that there is no substantial revision in the specifications of the work in which case the
consequential changes in price shall be mutually agreed between the owner & you.
PSPCL may at its discretion change the scope of the work to any extent viz. increase/decrease
quantum of work & material/quantities mentioned in specification/work order etc., if required
and even may increase/decrease allotment of work of this tender. The quantities can also vary
at the time of actual execution.
i. The source of supply of material shall be from the approved vendors of PSPCL and/or other
firms, which PSPCL may approve if considered and found, fit after conducting successful
works appraisal. The bidder shall inform the PSPCL about the source of supply of material.
The material/equipment shall be dispatched from the source only after inspection and
approval by authorized representative of PSPCL. Installation of material will be as per
approved drawings and specification. The supplier of material will also supply the type test
certificates wherever required at the time of inspection-call of items, which will be further
examined by the inspection authority.
ii. If any material/equipment is not included in the technical specifications then the same should
be as per relevant ISS or of the reputed make if ISS does not exist subject to approval of
PSPCL. Any material/ equipment required for completion of the work shall be deemed to
have been included in the scope of work.
iii. The dismantled material (not to be re-used) shall be the property of PSPCL and the contractor
shall return the same to PSPCL Stores/ME Labs/TRY without any extra cost within 15 days
of dismantlement. Complete detail of material to be dismantled, shall be prepared jointly by
concerned AE/AEE (DS) and contractor, which shall be subsequently approved by the
concerned Addl.SE/ Sr. XEn (DS) & Addl.SE/Sr. XEn/APDRP before carrying out any
physical dismantlement at site.
The base rates of material & labor and thequoted percentage rate as premium above/below
the PSPCL base rates separately for material & laborby the biddershallbe inclusive of
dismantlement charges and all taxes insurance charges etc. Transportation charges for
transportation of dismantled material from one site to another site or to PSPCL stores shall
also be included in the above base rates of material & labor and thequoted percentage rate as
premium above/below the PSPCL base rates (FOR destination anywhere in Punjab)
separately for material & labor.
Tender Specification No.
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i. After the award and before taking the work in hand, the successful bidder will carry out a
joint survey with field officers not below the rank of concerned Addl.SE/ Sr.XEn/DS for each
work and both will freeze the network design, each & every quantity and get it approved
from the competent authority before the commencement of work accordingly. Quantities may
vary to any extent but within the overall financial cap of particular DPR.
ii. Addl.SE/Sr.XEn/DS along with his field officers / staff shall be responsible to achieve the
targets (i.e. AT&C Losses less than 15 %) in order to ensure the proper utilization of funds so
that 50 % project cost be got converted into grant as available under this scheme.
iii. PSPCL may at its discretion change the scope of the work viz. increase/decrease in quantities
mentioned in specification etc. if required and even may increase/decrease allotment of work
of this tender.
iv. The successful bidder will prepare route maps/plans, layout out plans,
drawings/sketches during the mobilization period and subsequently get them approved
from concerned Addl.SE/Sr.XEn/DS/PSPCL. The work shall only be commenced after
getting the route maps/plans, layout out plans, drawings/sketches approved from the
concerned Addl.SE/Sr.XEn/DS/PSPCL.
Successful bidder is required to complete the allotted work in a following phased manner in
26 months.
Commencement within two month (Mobilization Period and survey) from the date ofissue
of work order and completion within 24 months thereafter subject to the followingcondition:
Successful bidder shall complete 20% of allotted work in all respects within first 8months
from the date of issue of work order including two month of mobilization/surveyperiod.
Successful bidder shall complete further 30% of allotted work out of the balance 80 % inall
respects within next 6 months i.e. within 14 months from the date of issue of workorder.
Thereafter Successful bidder shall complete 30% of allotted work out of balance 50%work in
all respects within next 6 months i.e. within 20 months from the date of issue ofwork order.
Successful bidder shall complete 100% of remaining work in all respects within next
Note: % of completed works will be measured in terms of bills submitted by the
successful bidder duly verified by PSPCL .
Phase wise progress shall be reviewed by PSPCL .In case the successful bidder fails
toachieve the phase wise progress, then PSPCL has the right to get the balance workdone
Tender Specification No.
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The bidder shall bear all the cost and expenses associated with preparation and submission
of hisbid including post bid discussions, technical and other presentation etc. and owner will
in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of
the bidding process.
Tender Specification No.
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11.1 It will be imperative on each bidder to fully inform himself of all local conditions and
factors, which may have any effect on the execution of the contract covered under these
documents and specifications. The owner shall not entertain any request for clarifications
from the bidders, regarding such local conditions.
11.2 It must be understood and agreed that such factors have properly been investigated and
considered while submitting the proposals. No claim for financial adjustment to the contract
awarded under these specifications and documents will be entertained by the owner. Neither
any change in the time schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustments arising thereof
shall be permitted by the owner, which are based on the lack of such clear information or its
effect on the cost of the works to the bidder.
DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID The bidder shall complete the Bid Form inclusive of Price Schedules, Technical Data
Requirements etc. furnished in the Bidding Documents, indicating the material to be
supplied and services to be rendered, a brief description of material and services, quantity
and prices.All the following certificates detailed below may be clubbed together at one place
and attached with Part-2 of tender specifications in the following order:
i) A-Class contractor license from Chief Electrical Inspector, Punjab /Undertaking to register
with Chief Electrical Inspector, Punjab within 2 months of award letter/letter of Intent.
ii) Copy of Employee Provident Code No. and EPF Registration certificates duly attested by
the Gazetted officer/Notary.
iii) Copy of last 3 Financial Years audited Balance Sheets and income tax statements and
demonstrate statement access to, or availability of financial resources such as working
capital, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit and other financial means to
undertake this project other than any contractual advance payments to meet, Cash Flow
Statement and demonstrate statement for purpose of evaluation of Financial resources duly
audited from CA and attested by Gazetted Officer/Notary. Copy of the certificate of turnover
of last three financial Years issued by the Charted Accountant and attested by the Gazetted
Officer/Notary should be attached.
iv)Solvency certificate of 20% of tender amount from a scheduled bank.
v) Undertaking to furnish a Labour License before the commencement of work that in case of
award of contract.
vi)Last 3 years Experience certificate ending last day of month previous to the one in which
Bids are invited along with performance certificate in order to substantiate the requirements
of NIT/Specification. Completion/Commissioning certificate regarding the satisfactory
execution and performance of Works as stated in NIT which should be signed not below the
rank of concerned Addl. S.E/Sr. Xen or equivalent rank and duly attested from the Gazetted
vii) Consortium agreement and Joint Venture agreement (if applicable).
viii) Power of attorney from Members of consortium and joint Venture (if applicable).
ix)Copy of partnership deed (if applicable).
Tender Specification No.
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14.1 Quoted percentage rate as premium above/below the PSPCL base rates (FOR destination
anywhere in Punjab) separately for material &labourfor each item in AnnexureBshall be
reasonable for each item in the judgment of the Owner. Under no circumstance, will a
manifestly unbalanced Bid will be considered.
14.2 The quoted percentage rate as premium above/below the PSPCL base rates (FOR destination
anywhere in Punjab) separately for material & laborshall include inter-alia, all costs such as
cost of engaging personal, cost toward tools, tours & travels that may be required for
successful completion of the work as per tender specification, including cost of site
arrangements, overheads, transportation of material from nearest contractor store/PSPCL
store to site & insurance etc. No claim on account of any taxes, duties and levies or any
interest therein shall be entertained.
14.3 The dismantled material (not to be re-used) shall be the property of PSPCL and the
contractor shall return the same to PSPCL Stores/ME Labs/TRY without any extra cost
within 15 days of dismantlement. Complete detail of material to be dismantled, shall be
Tender Specification No.
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16.1 The Tenders as submitted should be valid for acceptance for at least 180 days from the date
of opening of Section III (Price Bid).
16.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original Bid validity period, the Owner
may request the Bidder to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The
request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by fax. The bidder may refuse
the request without forfeiting its bid security. The Bidder agreeing to the request will not be
required or permitted to modify his Bid, but will be required to extend the validity of his Bid
for the period of the extension.
The tenders shall be submitted in three parts i.e. Part-I, Part-II and Part-III. The bidder shall
submit / up load/fill their bids on line as under:
PART-I: EARNEST MONEY AND COST OF SPECIFICATION: The first part will consist of earnest money deposit (as per clause 1.5 of Section-III Part 1)
and cost of specification in the form of demand drafts in favour of AO/Cash, PSPCL, Patiala
payable at Patiala. The Demand Draft of EMD and cost of specification shall be placed in
separate envelopes and submitted in the office of Dy. CE/RE&APDRP (Design), A-1, Shakti
Vihar, PSPCL, Patiala before the due date of tender opening.
The Part-II will consist of commercial and technical conditions (Qualifying financial effects)
except the item wise rate quoted (price bid). All commercial terms including discount &
deviation, if any, should be specified in this part of the bid. Bank solvency certificate from
any scheduled bank & EPF clearance certificate from Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner authorities and any other documents required to be submitted and uploaded
along with the tenders as per the specification, shall also be submitted in this part. An
undertaking to accept all terms and conditions of this tender enquiry without any
conditions shall also be submitted in this part failing which the price bid shall not be
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18.1 The Bid must contain the name, residence and place of business, Service Tax No. , Vat
Registration No. and PAN No. of the person or persons making the Bid and must be signed
and sealed by the Bidder with his usual signature. The names of all persons signing the Bid
should also be typed or printed below the signature.
18.2 Bid by a partnership must be furnished with full names of the all partners and be signed with
the partnership name, followed by the signature(s) and designation(s) of the authorized
partner(s) or other authorized representative(s). Copy of the Partnership deed will be supplied
along with the Bid.
18.3 Bid by Corporation/Company must be signed with the legal name of the
Corporation/Company by the President, Managing Director or by the Secretary/other
person/or persons authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of such Corporation/Company in the
18.4 A Bid by a person who affixes to his signature the word President Managing Director,
Secretary, Agent or other designation without disclosing his Principal will be rejected.
18.5 Satisfactory evidence of authority of the person signing on behalf of the Bidder shall be
furnished with the Bid.
18.6 The Bidders name stated on the proposal shall be the exact legal name of the firm.
18.7 Bids not conforming to the above requirements of signing may be disqualified.
19.1The Bidders have the option of sending the Bid (Part-1 and 2) by registered post or submitting
the Bid in person and to upload the part-2 as detailed in bid documents. No request from any
Bidder to collect the proposal from airlines, cargo agents etc. shall be entertained.
19.2 Bids must be received at the following address :
CE/RE &APDRP, A-1, Shakti -Vihar, PSPCL, Patiala.
Tender Specification No.
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Any Bid received by the PSPCL after thedate and time fixed or extended for submission of Bids
prescribed by the Owner, will be rejected and /or returned unopened to the Bidder.
21.1 The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bids submission provided that written
notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Owner prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of Bids.
21.2 No Bid can be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of Bids.
21.3 No Bid can be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bids and the
expiration of the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form. Withdrawal /
modification of a Bid during this interval may result in the forfeiture of Bidders Earnest
22.1 The Bids must clearly indicate the name of manufacturer, the type/model of each principal
item of equipment/material proposed to be supplied and erected. The bid should also contain
drawings and descriptive materials indicating general dimensions, materials from which the
parts are manufactured, principles of operation, the extent of pre assembly involved major
construction equipment proposed to be deployed, method of erection and the proposed
erection organizational structure. The material shall be purchased only from vendors
approved by PSPCL.
22.2 The above information shall be provided by the Bidder in the form of separate sheet drawing,
catalogue etc. in duplicate. Such descriptive materials and drawings submitted by the Bidder
will be retained by the Owner. Any major departure from these drawings and descriptive
material submitted will not be permitted during the execution of the Contract without specific
written permission of the Owner.
22.3 Oral statements made by the Bidder at any time regarding quality, quantity or arrangement of
the equipment or any other matter will not be considered.
22.4 Standard catalogue pages and other documents of the Bidder may be used in the Bid to
provide additional information and data as deemed necessary by the Bidder.
22.5 The Bidder, along with his proposals, shall submit a list of recommended erection equipment
and materials which will be required for the purpose of erection of equipment and materials
supplied under the Contract.
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23.1 Bids shall be opened electronically in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to
attend, on the date and time for opening of Bids given in the invitation to Bids or in case any
extension has been given thereto, on the extended bid opening date and time notified to all
the bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents. The Bidders representatives who
are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.
23.2 The Bidders names, Bid prices, modifications, Bid withdrawals and the presence or absence
of the requisite Earnest Money and such other details as may be considered appropriate will
be announced at the opening of the bids.
23.3 No electronic recording devices will be permitted during Bid opening.
To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the PSPCL may at its
discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of his Bid. The request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be
sought, offered or permitted.
The Owner will examine the Bids to determine whether these are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished,
whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the Bids are generally in
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The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Bidding process and
reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without incurring any liabilitythereby to
the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders on
the grounds for the Owners action.
Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid validity and extended validity period, if any, the
Owner will notify the successful Bidder in writing by registered letter or by cable or Telex or
Fax, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that its Bid has been accepted.The
notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.
31.1 At the same time as the Owner notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has been accepted
the Owner will send the Bidder the Contract Form incorporating all agreements between the
31.2 Within thirty (30) days of the Notification of the Award(issue of L.O.A./L.O.I), the
successful Bidder shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Owner. In case the
successful bidder fails to submit the Contract Agreements duly signed within 30 days from
the date of issue of L.O.A./L.O.I, the payment will not be released till the bidder submits the
Contract Agreement.
31.3 The final Contract Agreements shall be signed within 30 days from the date, firm submits the
final Contract Agreements complete in all respects.
The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease the Contract value or the quantity of Bid
and services specified without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions
Tender Specification No.
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33.1 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain
for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid
and entering into a Contract for construction of the Works. The cost of visiting the Site shall
be at the Bidders own expense.
33.2 The Bidder shall inspect the site of Works before Bidding and include in his Bid the cost of
compensations payable for the standing crops or tree cuttings etc. involved therein, if any.
The Owner shall not be liable for any payment to the Bidder on this account.
33.3 The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Owner to
enter upon its premises and lands for the purpose of such visit.
The Bidder shall store all the Material/Equipment in the well-maintained Store at his cost. All
the services required for maintaining the Stores shall also be at the cost of the Bidder.
The Work shall be completed and commissioned and shall have passed the Tests on
completion and energized within 26 months (including 2 months of mobilization and joint
survey period) from the date of issue of work order as per clause- 5 of this section.
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Proper account of the Plant/equipment brought at Site and actually erected shall be prepared
by the Contractor on completion of the Works and final payments shall be adjusted on the
basis of the same.
PSPCL has tied up with PFC/REC Ltd. for financing/funds toward the cost of the project.
PSPCL intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract(s) for
which this Bidding Document is issued.
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It is necessary that PSPCL (including beneficiaries of PFC/REC Ltd.-financed activity), as
well as bidders, suppliers, and contractors under PFC/REC Ltd. - financed contracts,
observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such
contracts. In pursuance of this policy, it is defined, for the purposes of this provision, the
terms set forth below as follows:
(i) Corrupt practice means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;
(ii) fraudulent practice means any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other
benefit or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) coercive practice means impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm,
directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the
(iv)collusive practice means an arrangement between two or more parties designed to
achieve an improper purpose, including influencing improperly the actions of another
a) PSPCL will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for
award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or
coercive practices in competing for the Contract; and
b) PSPCL will sanction a party or its successor, including declaring ineligible, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to participate in PFC/REC Ltd. -financed
activities if it at any time determines that the firm has, directly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for, or in
executing, an PFC/REC Ltd. -financed contract
c) Furthermore in case any personnel/workmen/laborers employed by the contractor indulges in
accepting any bribe, gift or advantage from PSPCL consumers during the contractual period
and the charge is established, the PSPCL shall reserve the right to impose penalty of Rs 2 lacs
for the first default and Rs 5 lacs for the second default in addition to direct the contractor to
remove personnel/workmen/laborers allegedly involved in bribe etc. In case of subsequent
default, action to terminate the contract shall be initiated by PSPCL.
Dy.CE/RE &APDRP(Design),
PSPCL, Patiala.
(PART 1)
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Quotations/tenders (Part I & Part II) should be enclosed in double covers duly sealed both
addressed to CE/RE&APDRP, PSPCL, Patiala. Both inner & outer covers shall be sealed and
subscribed with tender specification No. as given on the Enquiry/tender notice together with
the date on which the tender opening is due and the name of work. These envelopes will be
further enclosed in a large envelope.
The following procedure will be adopted for the opening of the tenders:
First, the main envelope containing the bids will be opened in the presence of bidders
representatives who choose to be present at that time/ date. After opening the main envelope,
the envelope marked Part-I (Earnest Money and cost of specification) shall be opened first
and if earnest money is found to be as per the requirements of the specification, only then the
Part-II Technical/ Commercial bid shall be opened. The bids without earnest money and
the cost of specification shall be out rightly rejected. Thereafter, the bids will be technically
& commercially evaluated by PSPCL.
Further, Part-III of the bids (Price Bid) shall be opened in case of only those bidders whos
Part-I & Part-II of the bids after evaluation is found to be conforming to specifications
and shall convey their unconditional acceptance to PSPCLs terms & conditions. The
date & time for opening Part-III of bids will be intimated to the qualifying bidders. The
Price Bids (Part-III) will be opened in the presence of representative of the qualifying
bidders who choose to attend.
INSPECTION OF SITE BY THE BIDDERS: Bidders should inspect the site and examine and obtain all information required and satisfy
himself regarding all matters and things before submission of his tender such as:
Page 33
The tender shall be required to submit earnest money @ 2.0% of the tendered cost in the
shape of demand draft subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lac. The Demand draft representing
earnest money should be in favour of Accounts Officer/Cash, PSPCL, Patiala, payable at
Earnest money shall be forfeited in case of with drawl/modification of an offer within
validity period, as required in the NIT/Tender Specification after opening of tender
In case of successful tenders, Earnest Money shall be converted as security deposit.
In case of tenders are not accepted, the earnest money shall be refunded within 30 days of the
award of order/contract to the successful tenderer or after the expiry of additional/period
whichever is later.
Page 34
Page 35
For knowing methodology for claiming price variation against those items where price
variation is allowed shall be as per Annexure-C.
The tenders as submitted should be valid for acceptance for at least 180 days from the date of
opening of Price bid (Part-III).
Every bidder shall produce along with tender a solvency certificate of 20% of tender amount
from a scheduled bank. If he fails to produce such a certificate, his tender will not be
Page 36
The contractor shall fully indemnify PSPCL or the officer-in-charge against any action, claim
or proceeding relating to infringement or the use of any patent or design or any alleged patent
or design rights and shall pay any royalties which may be payable in respects of any article /
or part thereof included in the contract.
In the event of any claim being made or action brought against PSPCL Officer-in-charge in
respect of the matters aforesaid the contractor shall immediately be notified thereof for taking
necessary action provided that payment of indemnity shall not apply when such infringement
has taken place in complying with the specific directions issued by PSPCL but the contractor
shall pay any royalties payable in respect of any such use.
a. All Charges on account of Octroi (if any), terminal or sale-tax/VAT/entry tax, and/or other
duties on material obtained for the work (excluding materials provided by PSPCL on
payment) shall be borne by the contractor.
b. SERVICE TAX: Service Tax shall be borne by the Contractor.
c. WCT (WORKS CONTRACT TAX): Deduction of Works Contract Tax @ 4% or as
applicable from time to time at source as per provisions of VAT Act shall be made from the
Bills of the Contractor as applicable and the amount so deducted shall be deposited by the
PSPCL with the Sales Tax authorities.
d. VAT (VALUE ADDED TAX): At present VAT is applicable within the state of Punjab on
the material. The bidders will include VAT in their rates accordingly. Exemptions available
to PSPCL on levy of VAT/Sales tax shall also be made available to contractor as they are
working on behalf of PSPCL and since material is being used for distribution projects.
e. TDS (INCOME TAX): TDS @ 2.0 % or as applicable from time to time shall be deducted
from the bills of contractor if required under Income Tax Act and the amount so deducted
shall be deposited by the PSPCL with the Income Tax Department. The contractor shall be
issued the requisite certificate required for claiming any refund from Income Tax Department
if eligible for the same.
f. WORKERS WELFARE CESS: PSPCL reserves the right to deduct Workers welfare CESS
as per prevailing rates of 1 %.
Page 37
The details of plant, equipment & machinery available with the tenderer in working order for
deployment on the work shall be submitted relevant information on the capability, financial
resources and experience about himself.
The PSPCL reserves the right to split up the work in the scope of this contract among more
than one contractor during the progress of work due to unsatisfactory progress of work of the
contractor. (The provision of reserve the right to split the work at the initial stage of award
can be incorporated in specific case where relevant, with the approval of the Competent
Authority). The PSPCL will not entertain any claim from any contractor as a result of such
splitting up. The PSPCL also reserve the right to exclude /include any items of work
from/into scope of the contract during the progress of work due to any reason whatsoever.
The Engineer-in-charge reserves, the right to inject labour, T&P and materials at the
contractor's cost at any stage of work if the progress is not commensurate with the committed
schedule and the contractor will not have any right to object.
Page 38
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Page 40
The time of completion shall be deemed to exclude working during night shifts. However,
Engineer may consider granting permission for working during night shifts if considered
essential to complete the work in the stipulated time, on a specific request by a contractor.
Night work shall not entitle the contractor to any extra payment. Where night work is in
progress, sufficient lights shall be provided by the contractor at his cost to safeguard the
workmen and the public and suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent accidents.
Excavated areas and under-ground open structures shall be properly barricaded and shall be
provided with red lights to prevent accidental falls.
During the course of contractors work, other works either by the PSPCL or by other
contractors or by both simultaneously will be in progress with in the project area. Contractor
is to make his best effort to work in harmony with others in the best overall interest of the
project and its speedy construction and comply with engineer's instructions in making
alternative arrangements at any time for maintaining the work scheduled at no extra cost to
Tender Specification No.
Page 41
The contractor shall not without the prior written approval of the Accepting Authority assign
or transfer the contract or any part thereof, of any share, or interest therein to any other
The contractor shall not sublet any portion of the contract without the prior written approval
of the PSPCL.
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Page 46
The contractor shall permit owner/ Engineer at the time of making any payment to him for
works done under the contract to deduct such sum as will (with the earnest money deposited
by him) amount to 5% (five percent) of gross value of work done. Such deduction is to be
held by owner/ Engineer-in-charge by way of Security Deposit. All compensation or other
sums of money payable by contractor to the owner/Engineer under the terms of this contract
may be deducted from or paid by the sale of sufficient part of security deposit or from any
sums which may be due or may become due to the contractor by owner/Engineer on any
account whatsoever and in the event of his security deposit being reduced by reasons of any
such deduction or sale as aforesaid, the contractor shall within 10 days thereafter make good
in cash any sum or sums which may have been deducted from or raised by sale of his
security deposit or any part thereof. The security deposit shall be refunded to the contractor
after the expiry of defects liability period which is twelve months from the date of handing
over the works to PSPCL or payment of final bill whichever is later. However for the
material having warranty period more than one year the security deposit shall be retained
proportionate to the warranty of that item. No interest shall be payable to the contractor on
the amount of security deposit. The security deposit is to be deducted on the gross amount of
running bill. The earnest money deposited at the time of tender will be treated as part of the
security deposit.
Against Security of 5% to be deducted from the bills of contractors, they have the option of
depositing BG valid up to warranty/ defects liability period for the same amount (minimum
5% of Work Order value).BG should be of scheduled Bank as per prescribed procedure of
a) In any case in which under any clause or clauses of the contract, the contractor shall have
rendered himself liable to pay compensation amounting to whole of his security deposit
(whether paid in lump-sum or deducted by installment or in case of abandonment of the work
owing to serious illness or death of contractor or any other cause, the engineer-in-charge on
behalf of the PSPCL shall have power to adopt any of the following courses as he may deem
best suited to the interest of the PSPCL:
i) To rescind the contract (of which rescission notice of 15 days in writing to the contractor
under the signature of Engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive evidence) and in that case the
security deposit of contractor shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of the
ii) To employ labor paid by the PSPCL to supply materials to carry out the works, or any part of
the works debiting the contractor with the cost of labour and the price of the material (as to
the correctness of which cost and price, the certificate of the Sr. Executive Engineer shall be
final and conclusive against the contractor) and crediting him with value of the work done, in
all respects in the same manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the
contractor under the terms of the contract and in that case the certificate of Sr. Executive
Engineer as to the value of the work done shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.
Page 47
i) If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time limit for completion of the work on the
ground of his having been unavoidably hindered in execution or of any other ground, he shall
apply in writing to the Engineer-in-charge and the Engineer-in-charge may if in his opinion
there are reasonable grounds for granting extension, allow such extension as he thinks
necessary or proper. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final and
Tender Specification No.
Page 48
If at any time during the continuance of the work the performance in whole or in part by
either party of any obligation under this contract, shall be prevented or delayed by reasons of
any war, hostility, acts of public amenity, Civil Commotion, sabotage, floods, explosion,
epidemics, fires or other acts of God, strikes and lockout (hereinafter referred to as
eventualities) then, provided notice of the happening of any such eventuality is given by
either party to the other within 15 days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party
shall be reasons of such eventuality be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party
have any claim for damages against the other in respect of such non performance or delay in
performance and construction of work under this contract shall be resumed as soon as
practicable after such eventuality has ceased. Appropriate extension in time of completion
shall be granted.
Extra Items.
Definition of extra items
a. Extra items of work are items that are completely new and are in addition to the items
contained in the contract.
b. Substituted items are items that are taken up with partial modification or in lieu of items of
work in the contract.
Extra items of work shall not vitiate the contract. The contractor shall be bound to execute
extra items of work as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Determination of rates for extra/substituted items
a. The rate of extra items will be worked out at market rates prevailing at the time of
commencement of execution of these items. For substituted items, the agreed rate of the
original item will be adjusted for the difference in market rates of original and substituted
items. The analysis of rates on market rates should be on similar lines as adopted in the
justification of tender.
a. The contractor shall submit his rates along with proper analysis for all extra/ substituted
items. These shall be duly considered by the Bid Evaluation Committee to forward the
statement(s) for obtaining the approval of the Honble CMD PSPCL.
b. The value of extra and substituted items shall be restricted to 2% of the tender amount.
Details under this clause has been elaborated at clause no. 2.4 of Part-2 of Section-III.
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Page 50
The contractor shall submit the proposed construction programme to the PSPCL for approval
within one month from the date of issue of work order (i.e. during Mobilization period).The
programme shall include the following:
The order in which the contractor proposes to carry out the works (including each stage of
design, procurement, manufacture and delivery to site, construction, erection, testing and
All major events and activities in the production of construction documents.
The schedule date for completion of all milestones as approved by the PSPCL
The periods for the pre-construction reviews and for any other submissions, approvals and all
consents specified if any in tender.
The sequence of all tests specified in the contract.
The contractor shall provide, in writing a general description of arrangements and the
methods which the contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of works .No significant
alteration to the Programme or to such arrangements and methods shall be made without
informing PSPCL. If the progress of works does not conform to Programme, PSPCL may
instruct the contractor to revise the Programme, showing the modifications necessary to
achieve completion with the time for completion.
The above notwithstanding , the contractor will be fully responsible to ensure that work are
carried out in a timely manner so as to complete the whole of the works within the agreed
time for completion and to complete the individual sections in broad conformity with the
indicative milestone schedule .As a general rule, the contractor shall develop his detailed
construction Programme in consultation with PSPCL so as to clearly describe the milestones
that are to be achieved during each month of the contractual period based on the following
The works shall be scheduled on a mutually agreed basis so that they proceed at a steady pace
commensurate with the overall scale and the objectives of the contract with due consideration
to the priorities established by the PSPCL so that early benefits can be realized from
completed section.
Works should be taken up in an integrated manner so that each section is completed in its
entirely , ready for commissioning as the project proceeds and all works shall be completed in
their entirely within the time for completion , including testing ,rectification of the defects .
PSPCL reserves the right to request a change in the priority schedule for the activities as
given by the contractor based on mutual agreement .In the event that the contractors actual
progress falls behind the planned progress for reasons that are not outside the control of the
contractor, then the contractor will be required to accelerate his progress to the extent
Tender Specification No.
Page 51
Contractor shall supply all information regarding procurement of material and progress of
construction work, as is required by the Sr. Executive Engineer, for compiling the weekly
progress representative. Weekly progress reports shall be prepared by the contractor in an
approved format and submitted to the PSPCL in six copies .The first report shall cover the
period up to the end of calendar month after that in which the commencement date occurred,
reports shall be submitted monthly thereafter, each within 3 days of the last day of the period
to which it relates. Reporting shall continue until the contractor has completed all the work
which is known to be outstanding at the completion date .Each report shall include:
photographs and detailed description of progress, including each stage of design ,
procurement ,manufacture , delivery to site ,construction, erection ,testing and
commissioning .
Charts showing the status of construction documents, purchase orders, manufacture and
For manufacture of each item of plant and materials, the name of manufacturer , manufacture
location ,% progress and the actual or expected dates of commencement of manufacture,
contractors inspection ,tests and delivery.
Records of personnel and contractors equipment on site.
Copies of quality assurance documents, test results and certificates of materials.
Safety statistics, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities relating to
environmental aspects and public relations .
Comparisons of actual and planned progress , with details of any aspects which may
jeopardize the completion in accordance with the contract , and the measures being ( or to be)
adopted to overcome such aspects and
Early warning of any specific likely events or circumstances which may adversely affect the
implementation schedule, with details of proposals to mitigate the effects of such events.
All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity and structures and other remains or things of
geological or archaeological interest discovered on the site shall (as between the parties) be
the property of PSPCL. The contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his staff,
labor other persons from removing or damaging such article or thing. The contractor shall
immediately upon discovery of such article or thing, advise the PSPCL who may issue
instructions for dealing with it .
If, by reasons of emergency arising in connection with and during execution of that contract,
any protective or remedial work is necessary as a matter of urgency to prevent damage to
faculties, the contractor shall immediately carry out such work .if the contractor is unable or
unwilling to do such work immediately, the PSPCL may do or cause such work to be done as
PSPCL may reasonably determine is necessary in order to prevent damage to the faculties. In
Tender Specification No.
Page 52
a) General obligations: The contractor shall carry out, and be responsible for, final design of
the works, including any site surveys, sub soil investigations, material testing, and all other
things necessary for proper planning and design. Design shall be prepared by qualified
designers who are engineers or other professionals who are knowledgeable about the
requirements of the IE rules 1956 and electricity rules 2005 and experienced in design of
transmission and distribution systems.
The contractor responsibility for design will normally be limited to those activities which are
necessary to comply with the requirements given in construction documents. Final design and
construction documents will usual include conducting the necessary surveys, site
investigations, sub soil investigation and detailed design for the following works:
i. Finalization of alignments for new and /or relocated sub transmission lines.
ii. Finalization for location and layouts for DTs.
iii. Finalization of foundation design and drawing for all structures.
iv. Finalization of construction drawing for road crossings, railways crossings, river crossings,
utility crossings etc, as applicable.
v. Any other design that may be reasonably required for satisfactory completion of works.
vi. Finalization of layout plans for new and /or rehabilitated substations.
vii. For reconductoring works, assessment of the structural stability of existing supporting
structures against wind , seismic forces and original loads and detailed design and
construction design for any necessary strengthening and rehabilitation works.
viii. Finalization of site grading, architectural, structural, electrical and stationary designs and
drawings etc.For new facilities as applicable.
b) The contractor will not be required to redesign or submit drawings for works that are
adequately covered by PSPCL standard drawings/ PSPCL Standardization Instructions, nor
will he be required to prepare new designs for the plant and equipments that is adequately
covered by manufacturers drawings. In case PSPCL drawings contained in specification do
not cover all the works that are required under the contract then the contractor shall submit
the appropriate standard drawings to PSPCL for approval.
c) To the extent required, all design shall be prepared using commercially available design
software. All construction drawings, sketches, layout plans, route plans etc. shall be prepared
using Auto cad, at the appropriate scale which shall be agreed with PSPCL.
d) The contractor holds himself, his designers as having the experience and capability necessary
for the design .The contractor undertakes that the designers shall be available to attend
discussions with PSPCL at all reasonable times during the contract period.
e) The contractor will be fully responsible to ensure that its designs, construction drawings,
sketches, layout plans, route plans etc. and construction documents satisfy the requirements
for constructing works that are complete and sufficient in all respects and satisfy the
objectives of providing completed facilities that can be operated efficiently and economically
.No approval of or failure to object to, the contractors designs, construction drawings,
sketches, layout plans, route plans etc. and construction documents by PSPCL will relieve
the contractor of its responsibility.
Tender Specification No.
Page 53
The contractor will be responsible for any and all losses of materials and damage to works till
they are handed over as a result of floods, earthquake, wars, rains, storms and other such acts
of God etc. The owner will not be responsible for any compensation as a result of such
Tender Specification No.
Page 54
3.25 PAYMENTS:a) Measurement of the works executed by the contractors shall be recorded by the JE of
respective DS Division. Concerned AEE/AE of DS organization will check 100 %
measurements recorded by JE/DS and out of which 20 % of measurements shall cross
checked by respective Addl. SE/ Sr. Executive Engineer/DS .The bills shall be further
verified by concerned Addl. SE/ Sr. Executive Engineer/DS and Addl. SE/ Sr.
XENs/APDRP jointly. Shortages detected, if any, will be to the contractors account. All
payments pertaining to these works shall be made by AO/ APDRP, A-1, Shakti
Vihar, PSPCL Patiala on receipt of duly verified and approved bills of contractors.
Tender Specification No.
Page 55
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Page 57
The contractor shall not be assigned or sublet without the written consent of the
CE/RE&APDRP, PSPCL, Patiala and if the contractor assigns or sublets his contract or
attempts to do so without consent of the above authority or by any proceedings is adjudicated
as insolvent or makes any composition with creditors for their benefit or attempts to do so or
if concerned Addl. SE/ Sr. XEN/APDRP shall certify in writing that in his opinion contractor:
a) Makes default in commencing the work within a time as prescribed in the completion period
from the date of issue of work order and continue in that state after a reasonable notice from
b) In the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge at any time, whether before or after the date or
extended date for completion, make default in proceeding with the work, with due diligence
and continue in that state after a notice of seven days from Engineer-in-Charge.
c) Fails to comply with any of the terms & conditions of the contract or after 7 days notice in
writing with orders properly issued there under.
d) Fails to complete the work, work order and items of work on individual dates for completion
and clears the site on or before the date of completion or fails to achieve the progress as set
out in the contract.
e) If contractor commits breach of any terms/conditions envisaged in the contract
Tender Specification No.
Page 58
Jurisdiction for filing any suit in case of any dispute shall be the Courts at Patiala, Punjab.
Tender Specification No.
Page 59
i) If any time, any question arises relating to the interpretation of these Regulations, it shall be
referred to the PSPCL, whose decision on the point shall be final.
ii) Cases involving relaxation of these regulations shall be referred to the PSPCL for decision.
iii) Save as otherwise provided for in these Regulations the provisions of PSPCL Regulations of
Conduct of Business, 1980 shall be in addition to and not in derogation of these Regulations.
The bidder shall give unconditional acceptance to PSPCL Tender Specification which implies
that each and every provision of specification is acceptable to bidder. However deviation, if
any, technically or commercially be indicated clearly in schedule of deviation (Annexure-F)
mentioned under Clause No. 19 of Technical Section (Section IV) of this specification.
Page 60
The contractor shall pay not less than fair wage to labour engaged by him on the work. Fair
wage means wage whether for time or piece work notified from time to time for the work and
where such wages have not been so notified the wages prescribed by the Punjab Government,
PWD/PSPCL for District in which the work is done.
The contractor shall not withstanding the provisions of any agreement to the contrary, cause
to be paid fair wage of labourers indirectly engaged by him on the work in claiming any
labour engaged by his contractor in connection with the said work as if the labourers had
been directly employed by him.
In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed on the works for the performance of
the Contractor's part of the agreement the Contractor shall comply with or cause to be
complied with the Punjab Govt. Contractor's labour Regulations made by the Government
from time to time in regard to payment of wages, wage period, deductions from wage and
other terms of employment of inspection and submission of periodical returns and all other
matters of like nature.
The Dy.CE/SE concerned shall have the right to deduct from the money due to the contractor
any sum required or estimated to be required for making good of non-fulfillment of
conditions of the Contract from the benefits of the works. Non-payment of wages or
decisions made from him or their wages which are not justified by the terms of the
Contractors or for observance of the regulations.
It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that trees in the camp site and in the
vicinity, there fruit etc. are not damaged by his labour or agent. Cost of such damage, if any,
shall be assessed at the discretion of the Sr. Executive Engineer and deducted from the bill of
the contractor.
Suitable temporary hutting, accommodation as in the opinion of the concerned Sr. Executive
Engineer may be necessary, outside the premises of the PSPCL's land. The Contractor shall
not put up any unauthorized canteens or tea shops on PSPCL's property without the
knowledge and prior approval of the Sr. Executive Engineer in writing.
Trenches, Latrines, bathing enclosures and platform separately for men and women and their
regular cleanliness to the satisfaction of the Medical Officer In- charge of the area.
Page 61
In these regulations unless otherwise expressly indicated the following works and expressions
shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them respectively, that is to say:
Labour means workers as employed for PSPCL/Public Works Department by the Contractor
directly or indirectly through a Sub-Contractor/or other person or any agent on his behalf.
'Wage' shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of wages Act, 1936 and
includes time and piecework rate wages.
The Contractor shall fix the wage periods in respect of which the wages shall be payable.
Wages of every workmen employed on the Contract shall be paid before expiry of the day
after the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable.
When the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the Contractor, the
wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the day succeeding the one on which
his employment is terminated.
Page 62
Deductions for absence from duty i.e. from the place or places where by the terms of his
employment he is required to work. The amount of the deductions shall be in proportion to
the period for which he was absent.
Deduction for damages to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed persons for
custody or for loss of money for which he is required to account where such damage or loss is
directly attributable to his neglect or default.
Any other deduction, which the PWD/PSPCL may from time to time allow.
No fines shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss shall be made
from his wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing causes against
such fines or deductions.
The total number of fines, which may be imposed in one wage period on a worker, shall not
exceed three percent of the wages payable to him in respect of that wage period.
No fines imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by installments, or after the
expiry of 60 days from the date of which it was imposed.
The Contractor shall maintain a register of fines and of all deductions for damages or loss.
Such register shall mention the reason for which fine was imposed or deduction for damage
or loss was made.
The Contractor shall maintain a list in English, Hindi and in the local Indian Language clearly
defining acts and conditions for which penalty or fine can be imposed. He shall display such
list and maintain it in a clean and legible condition in conspicuous places on the work.
Tender Specification No.
Page 63
Contractor shall not permit or suffer the introduction or the use of intoxicant upon the works
embraced in his contract or upon any of the ground occupied or controlled by him.
Page 64
Tender Specification No.
Page 65
Page 66
The source of supply of material shall be from the approved vendors of PSPCL and/or other
firms, which PSPCL may approve if considered and found, fit after conducting successful
Works appraisal. The bidder shall inform the PSPCL about the source of supply of material.
The material/ equipment shall be dispatched from the source only after inspection and
approval by authorized representative of PSPCL. Installation of material will be as per
approved drawings and specification. The supplier of material will also supply the type
test certificates wherever required at the time of inspection-call of items, which will be
further examined by the inspection authority.
If any material/equipment is not included in the technical specifications then the same should
be as per relevant ISS or of the reputed make if ISS does not exist subject to approval of
PSPCL. Any material/ equipment required for completion of the work shall be deemed to
have been included in the scope of work.
i) After the award and before taking the work in hand, the successful bidder will carry out a
joint survey with field officers not below the rank of concerned Addl.SE/ Sr.XEn/DS for each
work and both will freeze the network design, each & every quantity and get it approved
from the competent authority before the commencement of work accordingly. Quantities may
vary to any extent but within the overall financial cap of particular DPR.
i) Addl.SE/Sr.XEn/DS along with his field officers / staff shall be responsible to achieve the
targets (i.e. AT&C Losses less than 15 %) in order to ensure the proper utilization of funds so
that 50 % project cost be got converted into grant as available under this scheme.
ii) PSPCL may at its discretion change the scope of the work viz. increase/decrease in quantities
mentioned in specification etc. if required and even may increase/decrease allotment of work
of this tender.
iii) The successful bidder will prepare drawings, sketches, layout plans; route plans etc. during
the mobilization period and subsequently get them approved from concerned Addl.SE/Sr.
XEn/DS/PSPCL. The work shall only be commenced after getting the drawings, sketches,
layout plans, route plans etc. approved from the concerned Addl. SE/Sr. XEn / DS/PSPCL.
Tender Specification No.
Page 67
i) Complete list of tentative total quantity of material required for execution of RAPDRP (PartB) Work is attached as Annexure-B. Since this requirement may increase or decrease to any
extent as per prevailing conditions at site as such successful are required to extensively
execute the work of joint survey as detailed in Clause No.3 above. The entire material
required for the completion of work shall be arranged/ supplied by the contractor at site as per
actual requirement and in case the material has been procured/manufactured by the contractor
beyond the actual requirement, the owner (PSPCL) shall not be responsible to take
over/adjust the material rendered surplus. The material has to be of the best quality and as per
PSPCL Specifications.
Note: a) Detail of material required for completion of conversion and erection (Annexure-B) is
tentative which may be vary as per actual site conditions and the payments shall be made on
actual basis after due verification by Addl.SE/Sr.XEn/APDRP & Addl.SE/Sr.XEn/DS as
detailed in bidding documents.
b) The technical description/specifications/drawings of all major items (Distribution,
Transmission and Sub stations)are given in Annexure-D. The material to be supplied should
be strictly as per the specification.
5.1 The construction practices/erection of material shall be carried out strictly in accordance with
approved construction drawings, sketches, layout plans, route plans etc./specifications
attached with the tender, provisions/directions in PSPCL Standard drawings/practices and
PSPCLStandardization Instructions for Distribution worksannexed at Annexure-E.
5.2 Quality of the erection work being executed by contractors shall be monitored by the
concerned Addl.SE/Sr.XEn/APDRP & Addl.SE/Sr. XEn/DS, under whose area; the work is
being carried out. Monitoring/checking of the erection work will be carried out by above
officer extensively to ascertain that work is being executed as per PSPCL standard
instructions/provisions of the contract.
5.3 The contractor shall be responsible for the Watch & Ward of the works/material until the
same is taken over by the PSPCL.
5.4 The contractor shall be required to provide insurance cover at his cost, valid till the handing
over of works to PSPCL, against damage/theft for any reasons thereof, during storage,
erection and commissioning of all the material and such Insurance Policy shall be submitted
by the Contractor before any payment is made by the PSPCL to contractor. The contractor
shall be responsible for lodging the claims, if any, and also get the same settled with
insurance company at his own level besides making goods the material/works involved in
such claims within reasonable time to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge to avoid any
delay in the completion of work/contract. No extra payment shall be made by the PSPCL for
any loss to the contractor in settlement of such claims by Insurance Company.
5.5 If any, shut down is required by the contractor during erection/dismantlement, contractor will
contact the concerned Addl. SE/Sr. XEn (Operation Division) who shall arrange the shut
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8.1 Bidder must establish that a proper quality assurance program is being followed by them for
manufacture of plant/equipment. Quality Assurance Program must have a structure as
detailed in following paragraphs.
8.2 Quality assurance and failure prevention starts with careful study and scrutiny of our
technical Specifications and requirements. Bidder/manufacturer shall carefully study all the
technical parameters and other particulars and the Bidder/manufacturer shall categorically
give his confirmation that these requirements shall be met in a satisfactory manner.
8.3 Bidder/manufacturer shall furnish the checks exercised in design calculations. The salient
features of design shall be made available to the PSPCL.
8.4 Bidder/manufacturer shall indicate the various sources of the items being procured. Type of
checks, quantum of checks and acceptance norms shall be intimated and random test and
check results should be made available for inspection whenever so desired.
Tender Specification No.
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(To be filled by Bidder)
Bidder shall carefully state below any and all points in this proposal which are not in
accordance with PSPCLs Technical Specification and the General Instructions:Sr. No.
Para no.
Tender Specification No.
Page 73
Para no.
NOTE:The bidder is to clearly indicate any deviation in technical & general terms and
conditions in this table only. In case, the Technical Specification as well as General
conditions of Tender Specifications are acceptable in toto, the word NIL shall
invariably be put in the above Columns. In case, nothing is mentioned here then it shall
be presumed that there is no deviation in the offer and terms and conditions of the
specifications are acceptable to the bidder in toto. Any deviation found elsewhere in
hard copy/soft copy but not explicitly mentioned/referred above will be ignored and no
communication regarding the same shall be entertained later on.
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