Summer Reading Grades 1-2
Summer Reading Grades 1-2
Summer Reading Grades 1-2
Surfs Up
Thunder Boy Jr.
*Trombone Shorty
Crankee Doodle
Please, Mr. Panda
Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall
The Perfect Tail
*Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl (series)
**An Egg is Quiet
**A Seed is Sleepy
Bryant, Jennifer
Buckley, Helen
Buehner, Caralyn
Bunting, Eve
Burton, Virginia Lee
Buzzeo, Toni
Byars, Betsy
Campbell, Lisa
Cannon, A.E.
Carbone, Elisa
Casanova, Mary
Castillo, Laura
Catchpool, Michael
Cazet, Denys
Cecil, Randy
Chaconas, Dori
Chin, Jason
Clarke, Ginjer L.
Cocca-Leffler, MaryAnn
Coerr, Eleanor
Cohen, Barbara
Cohen, Miriam
Cole, Joanna
Cole, William
Conford, Ellen
Connor, Leslie
Cowley, Joy
Creech, Sharon
Cronin, Doreen
Crummel, Susan Stevens
Curato, Mike
Cushman, Doug
Cuyler, Margery
Davies, Benji
Davies, David
Davis, Jacky
Daywalt, Drew
Delton, Judy
De la Pena, Matt
DeSeve, Randall
DiCamillo, Kate
DiPucchio, Kelly
Dodds, Dayle Ann
Donaldson, Julia
Grandfather and I
Its a Spoon, Not a Shovel
Yard Sale
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
One Cool Friend
**Little Horse on His Own
Grandads Island
Fandango Stew
Ladybug Girl and the Bumblebee Boy (series)
The Day the Crayons Came Home
*Pee Wee Scouts (series)
Last Stop on Market Street
Toy Boat
*Bink and Gollie
Gilbert Goldfish Wants a Pet
The Kettles Get New Clothes
Dyckman, Ame
Horrible Bear!
Ehlert, Lois
Elliott, Rebecca
Elting, Mary
Engle, Margarita
English, Karen
Eszterhas, Suzi
Falconer, Ian
Falwell, Cathryn
Feldman, Thea
Fenske, Jonathan
Ferrell, Sean
Fern, Tracey
Ferris, Jerri Chase
Flack, Marjorie
Floca, Brian
Florian, Douglas
Fogliano, Julie
Fox, Diane
Frazee, Marla
Freedman, Deborah
Friend, Catherine
Galdone, Paul
Gantos, Jack
Garelick, May
Geringer, Laura
Gerstein, Mordicai
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Gleeson, Libby
Golenbock, Peter
Gourley, Robbin
Gowan, Barbara
Grandpre, Mary
Gray, Rita
Greene, Stephanie
Greenfield, Eloise
Grindley, Sally
Gutman, Dan
Hale, Bruce
Harrington, Janice
Harrison, David
Hazen, Lynne
Hood, Susan
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Hopkinson, Deborah
Houston, Gloria
Howe, James
Hughes, Shirley
Hulbert, Laura
Hurwitz, Johanna
Hutchins, Pat
Got to Dance
*Whose Feet?
Mr. George Baker
**How Animals Eat
*Keeker and the Sneaky Pony (series)
*Ruby Bakes a Cake
Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti
All Kinds of Families!
The Story of the Little Mole Who Went in Search of
*Pup and Hound Catch a Thief
I Am the Book
A Boy Called Dickens
Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile
*Houndsley and Catina
*Digby ODay in the Fast Lane (series)
*Who Has this Tail?
*Elisa and Russell (series)
The Doorbell Rang
Idle, Molly
Isaacs, Anne
Isadora, Rachel
Ives, Penny
Kalan, Robert
Kann, Victoria
Kasza, Keiko
Katz, Alan
Keane, Dave
Kelley, Ellen
Kelly, Mark
Kennedy, Marge
Kerley, Barbara
Kim, Hanmin
Kimmel, Eric
Kline, Suzy
Kooser, Ted
Helldorfer, M.C.
Henkes, Kevin
Hess, Nina
Hest, Amy
Hickman, Pamela
Higginson, Hadley
Hill, Susan
Hines, Anna
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Holub, Joan
Holzwarth, Werner
Kraus, Robert
Kulling, Monica
Kvasnosky, Laura McGhee
Labatt, Mary
LaRochelle, David
Lear, Edward
Lehman, Barbara
LEngle, Madeleine
Lester, Helen
Levis, Caren
Lewison, Wendy Cheyette
Lichtenheld, Tom
Lin, Grace
Lobel, Arnold
Logue, Mary
Long, Loren
Luciani, Brigitte
Ludwig, Trudy
Macaulay, David
Maestro, Betsy
Mantchev, Lisa
Markle, Sandra
Marshall, Edward
Martin, Emily Winfield
Mattick, Lindsay
McBratney, Sam
McClintock, Barbara
McCloskey, Kevin
McDonnell, Patrick
McFarland, Lyn Rossiter
McGuiness, Dan
McKissack, Robert
McLimans, David
McMillan, Bruce
McMullan, Kate
McNamara, Margaret
McPhail, David
Medearis, Angela Shelf
Meshon, Aaron
Messner, Kate
Metzger, Steve
Milgrim, David
Strictly No Elephants
Waiting for Ice
*Fox on Wheels
The Wonderful Things You Will Be
**Finding Winnie: The True Story of the Worlds Most
Famous Bear
Youre All My Favorites
Emma and Julia Love Ballet
**The Real Poop on Pigeons!
**Me Jane
*Pilot & Huxley: The First Adventure
*Try Your Best
**Gone Wild: An Endangered Animal Alphabet
The Problem with Chickens
*Dragon Slayers Academy (series)
*Pearl and Wagner: Four Eyes (series)
**Election Day
*Rick is Sick
*Sick Day
*Lucys Quiet Book
Take Me Out to the Yakyu
*Marty McGuire
Detective Blue
*Swing Otto Swing
Millen, C.M.
Mills, Claudia
Minarik, Else
Minor, Florence
Moon, Nicola
Morales, Yuyi
Murawski, Darlene
Nielsen-Fernlund, Susin
Nelson, Jessie
Nelson, S.D.
Newbery, Linda
Newell, Jeff
Nolan, Lucy
Novesky, Amy
Offill, Jenny
Osborne, Mary Pope
Palatini, Margie
Park, Linda Sue
Paschkis, Julie
Paterson, Katherine
Pattison, Darcy
Pauli, Lorenz
Piven, Hanoch
Pizzoli, Greg
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Potter, Alicia
Prelutsky, Jack
Prince, April Jones
Proimos, James
Provensen, Alice
Ransome, Lesa Cline
Rappaport, Doreen
Raschka, Chris
Rash, Andy
Redmond, Shirley Raye
Reid, Barbara
Reynolds, Aaron
Reynolds, Peter
Ries, Lori
Roeser, Matt
Rogers, Gregory
Ross, Pat
Rostoker-Gruber, Karen
Ryan, Pam Munoz
Rylant, Cynthia
Rylant, Cynthia
Sachar, Louis
Sacre, Antonio
Sadler, Marilyn
Salisbury, Graham
Sanders-Wells, Linda
Santat, Dan
Sarcone-Roach, Julia
Sayre, April Pulley
Schaefer, Carole Lexa
Schoenberg, Jane
Scillian, Devin
Scieszka, Jon
Shannon, George
Sharmat, Marjorie
Shulevitz, Uri
Sierra, Judy
Siminovich, Lorena
Simon, Seymour
Smallcomb, Pat
Smith, Janice
Smith, Lane
Snicket, Lemony
So, Meilo
Spinelli, Eileen
Spinner, Stephanie
Spires, Ashley
Springett, Martin
St. George, Judith
Staake, Bob
Stead, Philip
Stevens, Janet
Stewart, Melissa
Stower, Adam
Suen, Anastasia
Sutton, Laurie S.
Swanson, Susan Marie
Taback, Simms
Taylor, Sean
Scotton, Rob
Seabrooke, Brenda
Seeger, Laura
Shannon, David
Thayer, Ernest
Thiesing, Lisa
Thomson, Bill
Tobin, Jim
Tuchman, Gail
Tullet, Herve
Underwood, Deborah
Vere, Ed
Viorst, Judith
Virjan, Emma
Viva, Frank
Warburton, Tom
Ward, D.J.
Watkins, Adam
Watt, Melanie
Webster, Christine
Weeks, Sarah
Weiss, Ellen
Wells, Rosemary
West, Colin
Weston, Martha
Wheeler, Lisa
Wiesner, David
Wight, Eric
Willems, Mo
Williams, Suzanne
Wilson, Karma
Wiseman, Bernard
Wishinsky, Frieda
Won, Brian
Wong, Janet
Woodson, Jacqueline
1000 Times No
**What Happens to Our Trash?
Bug in a Vacuum
Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping (series)
*Otter Everywhere
*Mac and Cheese
*Twins Have a Fight (series)
Carry Me!
*Moose and Mouse
*Dr. Clock-sicle
Spinster Goose
*Whose Afraid of Granny Wolf?
Mr. Wuffles!
*Frankie Pickle and the Pine Run 3000
*The Thank You Book (Elephant & Piggie series)
That is Not a Good Idea!
Mommy Doesnt Know My Name
The Cow Loves Cookies
*Morris and Boris at the Circus
**Remembering the Titanic
Hooray for Hat
Apple Pie 4th of July
**This is the Rope, A Story from the Great Migration
Companys Coming
Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China