Archetype Hype Powerpoint
Archetype Hype Powerpoint
Archetype Hype Powerpoint
By Hailey, Rashi, Kayla,
and Fatima
Fatima - Overview
For this project, our team looked at
several different archetypes of North
and South America. In literature, an
archetype is a typical character, an
action or a situation that seems to
represent such universal patterns of
human nature. In our research, we
found multiple, interesting, similar,
and contrasting characteristics. The
mythology is primarily related to
tribal nature, agrarian societies,
natural elements, the natives, Earth,
and has a tendency to not be as
sophisticated as other regions. What
follows are the specific archetypes of
North and South America.
Archetypes of
North and
Rashi - Hero/Heroine
A hero (masculine or gender-neutral) or heroine (feminine) is a person or main character
of a literary work who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through impressive feats
of ingenuity, bravery or strength, often sacrificing his or her own personal concerns for
some greater good.
Examples of the Hero/Heroine archetype in various stories:
The Great Fisher shows his bravery against a large and dangerous monster to bring back
to end winter and bring back summer to his people also this story created the legend of
the Big Dipper.
The legend of of huitzilopochtli: survived in the forest against the wilderness and brought
food back to his village.
Burnt-Belly: is an orphan hero from Wichita folklore. Like many Plains Indian folk heroes,
he was a poor, dirty orphan boy who was neglected by his tribe and given a disparaging
nickname, but used his powers and his good nature to rise above his humble origins as a
poor man.
Hiawatha is a legendary peace chief of the Iroquois tribes, and one of the founders of the
Iroquois Confederacy who negotiated the first peace between the tribes. nd marry the
Archetypes of
North and
Archetypes of
North and