Declaration of Sucession

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Declaration of Secession

March 6th, 1976

Declaration of Secession
I Hereby Secede
by Joseph-Michael: DeCota

In these days of toil and trouble, Secession is a topic that seems to increasingly pop up in
conversations and written opinions. I believe that more people every day are seeing state secession as
a viable and even necessary action to counteract increasing personal oppression, repression, stolen
liberties, and monetary incompetence and thievery by International & Central Banks, Multinational
Corporations, and the United States Government. According to the Declaration of Independence,
when such conditions become intolerable for the people, "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off
such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

But why wait for your state to secede? In the meantime, why not make a personal declaration
of secession? Below is my personal declaration of secession. I encourage others to make this same
declaration and add or subtract any statements you deem relevant. Or write your own. Make copies
and distribute them widely. By all means, send copies to your Senators and Congressmen/women and
other ruling tyrants. File copies with the Courts, Counties, and the States. Publish it in the
newspapers. Post it throughout the cities.

May this convey the message that I no longer willingly submit to their arbitrary rules, and the
theft and violence committed against me personally and against others in my name.
Some will dismiss such a declaration as merely symbolic, lacking any legitimate authority.
By how does it contain any less authority than a state and constitution that was created by others a
couple of centuries before I was born? I hereby rescind all of my signatures on government

documents since it was achieved through fraud.

Freedom without Liberty is an illusion!


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Declaration of Secession

March 6th, 1976

Freedom statement:
When a government has repeatedly and deliberately failed to follow its own laws, violated the
fundamental human rights of its citizens, threatened the sanctity of a free press, created
institutions intended to eliminate privacy of communication, waged war at the behest of special
interest that threatens the public safety, killed hundreds of children with drone strikes,
imprisoned and destroyed the lives of countless individuals for victimless crimes, stifled
economic opportunity to maintain the dominance of the financial elite, stolen from the people
through an absurd system of fraud, taxation, and inflation, sold future generations into debt
slavery, and abused its power to suppress political opposition, it is unfit to exist and it becomes
the duty of the people to alter or abolish that government by whatever means necessary to
secure liberty and ensure peace.
To remain neutral is to be complicit, remaining silent is acceptance, just doing your job is not an
excuse, and the line in the sand has been drawn between the people, and the criminals in Washington,
D.C. While the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, a new American revolution is long

At which point will non-violent revolution become impossible?

Here is my declaration:
I, Joseph Michael DeCota, a sovereign human, with indigenous powers, free-born live individual,
and a child of God/Nature, do hereby declare my personal secession from the political entity known
as the "United States of America aka. The United States aka The North American Union." Though
reason tells me that this entity has no inherent legitimacy toward ruling my life (as this arrangement
was not created by me, nor obtained by my consent), I find it necessary to declare this separation.
By this act of secession, I hereby withdraw any past, present, and future consent toward being ruled
by this tyrannical authoritarian organization. Any laws, statutes, ordinances, edicts, rules, regulations,
executive orders, or demands issued by this organization will be ignored as so much verbal static
emanating from tyrants lacking any legitimate authority on me.
By this act of secession, I declare I will no longer consent to being described as a willing citizen or
subject, collectively enslaved under the rule of the "United States Government," nor its permanently
ensconced ruling class, nor it's corporate Fascist collaborators. I hereby refuse to be labeled a
participant of, or a collaborator with, the unbridled power of the state over the most intimate details
of my life, and the criminal actions executed by those individuals declaring to be representatives,
officers, employees, or agents of the "United States Government." Such actions include but are not
limited to: waging war, stealing of my property and the wealth of my labor; and that of other
individuals. Any such actions declared to "be in my name" or "for my benefit or protection" will be
considered blatantly fraudulent. I will hereby consider myself only as a sovereign individual, a free
man on the land, a foreigner on the North American continent, a non-resident alien, responsible only
for the actions I commit as a sovereign individual.

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Declaration of Secession

March 6th, 1976

By this act of secession, I will no longer be a party to the collectivist "we" used to describe those
residing within the geographical boundaries claimed by some as the "United States of America." I
will no longer be subject to the responsibilities, agreements, debts, or liabilities, claimed by that
institution and "shared" by its subjects and citizens.
By this act of secession, I will no longer consider my body subject to the rules and regulations of that
entity known as the "United States Government." Any attempt to force my consumption or use of any
products or services will be branded as illegitimate and ignored. Any attempt to restrict my
consumption of any food or drug will be branded as illegitimate and ignored. Any attempt to actively
apply such restrictions by this entity will be considered an act of violence and dealt with accordingly
in a peaceful, though effective and persuasive, manner.
By this act of secession, I will no longer consider my physical, property (tangible or intangible)
subject to any "laws" or regulations put forth by the entity known as the "United States Government."
Any taking or taxing of such property (tangible or intangible) will be considered theft and will be
dealt with accordingly in a peaceful, though effective and persuasive, manner. Any physical
constraints or restrictions on my being will be considered an attack on my body and will be dealt
with accordingly in a peaceful, though effective and persuasive, manner.
By this act of secession, I will no longer deem any restrictions, regulations, or limits on the use of my
labor as legitimate, nor the taking or taxing of the fruits of such activity. The interference in the
voluntary, contractual associations and agreements that involve my personal labor will not be
tolerated. Such agreements and contracts will be considered sacrosanct and immune to the dictates
and interventions from that entity known as the "United States Government."
By this act of secession, I will no longer maintain any allegiance or loyalty to the political abstraction
named "The United States of America." I will not recognize its "boundaries" as legitimate nor use
their existence as a regulator or hindrance toward interacting with those individuals who reside
outside said "boundaries." I will also declare no aggressive intentions toward destruction or take-over
of this entity. I will also by this act declare no immediate allegiance or loyalty to any other present or
future political abstraction.
By this act of secession, I hereby declare absolutely no reverence or respect for that political entity
known as the "United States of America" nor its self-declared ruling body known as the "United
States Government." I will from this time forward view both with suspicion and as dangerous
predators, preying on the lives, fortunes, and liberties of free individuals.
By this act of secession, I will not automatically obey any illegitimate "laws" or orders, not
previously mentioned, put forth by that entity known as the "United States Government." Any
perceived obedience by me will be the result of carefully calculated submission to an entity
exhibiting superior firepower.
Any state agents sent forth by the "United States Government" to contact me will be dealt the
equivalent respect and kindness that is shown toward me by such agents. Any perceived obedience by
me will be the result of carefully calculated submission to an entity and its agents exhibiting superior

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Declaration of Secession

March 6th, 1976

By this act of secession, I will not tolerate, as a free-willed, free-living, free-thinking, peaceful
individual, any violent, unjustified attacks on other such individuals and private organizations or their
property by this entity known as the "United States Government." I will utilize all available time,
talents, and resources available to me to expose and ridicule those agents of the "United States
Government" that initiate such attacks. I will also help and support any active, peaceful
countermeasures to help prevent or overturn any such violent, aggressive actions against sovereign
lives and property.
By this act of secession, I will no longer listen to any speeches, comments, or information
communicated by that entity known as the "United States Government." All such information will be
instantly declared not credible and subject to verification and confirmation by reliable, non-state
sources. Any verbal or written communication emanating from this entity will automatically be
considered a lie until proven otherwise.
By this act of secession, I remain open to the idea of being ruled by similar such entities, but such an
action will occur only with unequivocal consent by me and legitimized by mutual contractual
By this act of secession, I do not make the arrogant assumption of speaking for other sovereign, freeborn individuals. This declaration is relevant only to me and not to any other sovereign individuals
known personally to me or related by birth. However, I encourage other like minded individuals to do
the same. I encourage and even implore them to stand up for their lives, liberties, families and
property. I passionately advise they throw off the chains of bondage that inhibits, strangles, and even
kills them, destroys and steals their wealth and property, and poisons the futures of all who seek to
live unchained.
No shedding of blood or violent extremism is necessary.
Just take the time to officially declare withdrawal of your consent.
Domari Nolo.
Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed
August 12, 2010
joseph-michael: DeCota...
one Sovereign Natural Born Live, of Dade County, Florida Republic, as North American National,
and Free Man On The Land, as Non-Resident Alien in US-occupied North America.


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