Timpuri Verbe Engleza

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The passage discusses the different English verb tenses, their uses, and how they are formed.

The passage discusses the present simple, present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, past simple, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future simple, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous tenses.

The present simple tense is used to describe habitual or repeated actions, general truths, opinions, preferences, and scheduled future events. It is formed using the base form of the verb for all subjects except the third person singular which adds -s.


limba englez


Prezent Aff.


S + vb + (s,
es pers. III,


Infinitive: to accept
Gerunziu.: accepting (continuu)
Participiu: accepted (perfect)


Present Simple - Af.

I accept
you accept
he/she/it accepts
we accept
you accept
they accept

I play - Eu ma joc.
He plays - El se joaca.

Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru:
- Actiuni obisnuite, care se intampla in prezent sau in mod
regulat, dar nu neaparat in momentul exact al vorbirii.
Mina plays tennis every weekend. - Mina joaca tenis in
fiecare sfarsit de saptamana.
The Post office opens at 8:45. - Posta se deschide la 8:45.
- Adevaruri sau realitati general acceptate.
Vegetarians eat mils, but they do not eat meat. - Vegetarieni
mananca lapte, dar ei nu mananca carne.
Winds carry weather balloons around the earth at the height
of 24 kilometers. - Vantul poarta baloanele meteorologice in
jurul pamantului la inaltimea de 24 kilometri.
- Expresia opiniilor.
I think India is beautiful. - Cred ca India e frumoasa.
Some believe everything they read. - Unii cred tot ce citesc.
- Expresie a preferintelor.
Peter likes cats and dogs. - Lui petru ii plac pisicile si cainii.
Jim prefers maths. - Jim prefera matematica
- Se foloseste pentru a exprima asa numitul prezent istoric,


S + do not
t) + vb

Present Simple - Neg.

I do not accept
you do not accept
he/she/it does not accept
we do not accept
you do not accept
they do not accept


Do/Does + S
+ vb

Present Simple - Int.

do I accept?
do you accept?
does he/she/it accept?
do we accept?
do you accept?
do they accept?

I do not drink wine. - Eu nu beau vin.

She /he does not play football. - Ea /el nu joaca fotbal.
We don't applaud. Noi nu aplaudam.
Do you work here? - Muncesti aici?
Does she /he sing beautifully? - Ea /el canta frumos?

facand astfel referire la actiuni care s-au intamplat de fapt in

We were watching the back door when, all of a sudden,
comes Dierdre. - Ne uitam la usa din spate cnd, dintr-o
dat, vine Dierdre.
Dierdre tells me that she took her brother to the dentist.
- Dierdre mi spune c ea a luat pe fratele ei la dentist.
- Prezentul simplu poate avea valenta de viitor mai ales cu
verbe ca: arrive (soseste), come (vine), leave (pleaca); care
sugereaza evenimente planuite sau programate.
The train from Boston arrives this afternoon at three o'clock.
- Trenul din Boston soseste in dupamiaza aceasta la ora trei.
The lesson starts at 8:15. - Lectia incepe la 8:15.
Expresii care semnaleaza frecvent actiuni obisnuite
exprimate prin prezentul simplu:
ll the time (tot timpul), always (mereu), every day (in
fiecare zi), every holiday (in fiecare vacanta), every hour (in
fiecare ora), every month (in fiecare luna), every semester
(in fiecare semestru), every week (in fiecare saptamana),
every year (in fiecare an), most of the time (in majoritatea
timpului), never (niciodata), often (adesea), rarely (rar,
rareori), sometimes (cateodata), usually (de obicei).
Prezent Aff.

S + have/has
+vb (ED, forma
a III-a)

Present Perfect - Af.

I have accepted
you have accepted
he/she/it has accepted
we have accepted
you have accepted
they have accepted


haven't/hasn't +
vb (ED sau
forma a III-a)

Present Perfect - Neg.

I have not accepted
you have not accepted
he/she/it has not accepted
we have not accepted
you have not accepted
they have not accepted

I've seen your picture. - Ti-am vazut poza. (am vazut-o
You have worked hard. - Ai muncit din greu. (si inca
She has painted a picture. - Ea a pictat un tablou. (a pictat
deja un tablou)
Forma negativa
I haven't (have not) been to Spain. - Nu am fost in Spania.
She has not (hasn't) played football. - Ea nu a jucat fotbal.
Forma interogativa
Have you worked here? - Ati lucrat aici?
Has she written the letter? - A scris ea scrisoarea?
Prezentul perfect (Present perfect), este una dintre
particularitatile limbii engleze, acest timp nu are


Have/has + S +
vb (ED sau
forma a III-a)

Present Perfect - Int.

have I accepted?
have you accepted?
has he/she/it accepted?
have we accepted?
have you accepted?
have they accepted?

corespondent in limba romana.

Ca definitie, prezentul perfect exprima o actiune terminata
in trecut sau o actiune din trecut ce continua si in momentul
De retinut:
- Prezentul perfect este un timp apartinand prezentului. El
face legatura dintre trecut si prezent. Dar accentul se pune
pe momentul vorbirii, peacum.
Prezentul perfect exprima:
- O actiune incheiata la un moment nedefinit in trecut, sau
o actiune din trecut care se extinde si in momentul
I have walked three miles already - Am mers deja 3 mile.
(dar continui sa merg).
She has visited the botanical garden. - Ea a vizitat gradina
botanica. (ea a vazut-o deja, demult).
They have wetted the flowers since 5 o'clock. - Ei au udat
florile incepand cu (de la) ora 5. (si continua sa le ude).
- Actiuni sau evenimente din trecut care conduc pana in
momentul prezent. In acest caz, folosirea timpului prezent
perfect arata ca rezultatul evenimetului sau actiunii care
apartine momentului prezent este cel care conteaza si nu
momentul in care a avut loc actiunea.
He has bought a new flower. - El a cumparat o noua floare.
(si acum are o noua floare)
They have been to Mexico but they have not been to
Japan. - Ei au fost in Mexic, dar ei nu au fost si in Japonia. (in
consecinta, au cunostinte despre Mexic dar nu stiu prea
multe despre Japonia)
- Obiceiuri sau evenimente si actiuni frecvente in decursul
unei perioade de timp care conduc la momentul prezentului.
She has studied English for four years. - Ea a studiat limba
englez timp de patru ani. (si inca mai studiaza engleza)

Trecutul Aff.

S + vb-ED (vb.
regulate) sau
forma a II-a

Past Simple - Af.

I accepted
you accepted
he/she/it accepted
we accepted
you accepted
they accepted


S + didn't + vb
(inf. scurt)

Past Simple - Neg.

I did not accept
you did not accept
he/she/it did not accept
we did not accept
you did not accept
they did not accept


Did + S + vb
(inf. scurt)

Trecutul Aff.



Past Simple - Int.

I accept?
you accept?
he/she/it accept?
we accept?
you accept?
they accept?

S + had + vb
(ED, forma a

Past Perfect - Af.

I had accepted
you had accepted
he/she/it had accepted
we had accepted
you had accepted
they had accepted

S + hadn't + vb
(ED, forma a

Past Perfect - Neg.

I had not accepted
you had not accepted
he/she/it had not accepted
we had not accepted

scream (a tipa) -> screamed (tipat);

work -> worked
I visited him yesterday. - L-am vizitat ieri.
Forma negativa
I did not drink wine. - Eu nu am baut vin.
She /he didn't play football. - Ea /el nu a jucat fotbal.
Forma interogativa
Did you work here? - Ai lucrat aici?
Did she sing beautifully? - A cantat ea frumos?
Trecutul simplu (Past Simple sau Past Tense) exprim o
actiune svarsit si ncheiat n trecut.
- Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima fapte si
realitati din trecut.
In the past people believed that the earth was flat. - In
trecut, oamenii au crezut c pmantul era plat.
- Descrie un eveniment sau actiune incheiata, petrecuta in
John Loud invented the ballpoint pen in 1888. - John Loud a
inventat pixul in 1888.
- Pentru a descrie starea, conditia sau obiceiuri din trecut.
I went to school by bus when I was a child. - M-am dus la
coal cu autobuzul, cand am fost copil.

He had lived in London before he moved to Romania. - El
locuise in Londra inainte de a se muta in Romania.
You had finished the book before I came. - Tu terminasesi
cartea nainte s vin eu.
Mother had cooked the dinner by the time father arrived
home. - Mama gtise deja cina cnd a ajuns tata acas.
Forma negativa
He hadn't lived in Paris before he moved to Romania. - El
nu locuise in Paris inainte de a se muta in Romania.
He had not finished the book before I came. - El nu
terminase cartea nainte s vin eu.
Forma interogativa

you had not accepted

they had not accepted

Viitorul Aff.


Had + S + vb
(ED, a III-a

Past Perfect - Int.

had I accepted?
had you accepted?
had he/she/it accepted?
had we accepted?
had you accepted?
had they accepted?

S + shall/will +
vb(inf. scurt)

Future - Af.
I will accept
you will accept
he/she/it will accept
we will accept
you will accept
they will accept

S + shall not/
won't +

Future - Neg.
I will not accept
you will not accept
he/she/it will not accept
we will not accept
you will not accept

How long had it been since you saw each other? - Cat timp
fusese de cand v-ati vazut?
Trecutul perfect (Past perfect), exprima o actiune care a
avut loc si s-a terminat in trecut, inaintea altei actiuni tot din
- Este un timp utilizat mai des n limba englez dect n
limba romn pentru exprimarea anteriorittii.
Exista cateva conjunctii si adverbe ce se folosesc adesea in
trecutul perfect pentru a marca succesiunea evenimentelor
(actiunilor). Acestea sunt:
by the time that (in (din) momentul n
care), when (cand), after (dupa), as soon as (de indata
ce), ever (vreodat), never(niciodata), just (tocmai), befor
e (inainte), already (deja), for [time period] (timp de [o
perioada de timp]), since [point of time](incepand cu /de
la [un punct in timp]), never ... before (niciodat ... nainte
When I arrived Susan had already left. - Cand am sosit
Susan plecase deja.
He had just come into the room when the telephone rang.
- El tocmai intrase in camera cand a sunat telefonul.
I will visit him tomorrow. - O sa-l vizitez maine. (Il voi vizita
We shall overcome. - Vom invinge.
In engleza moderna forma shall este foarte putin utilizata.
Cea mai des folosita in Engleza vorbita si scrisa este forma
prescurtata 'll.
I'll go to the seaside next week. - Saptamana viitoare voi
pleca la mare.
You'll spend the holiday in the mountains. - Voi vei petrece
vacanta la munte.
Forma negativa
I will not (won't) drink wine. - Nu voi bea vin.
She will not (won't) play football. - Ea nu va juca fotbal.
Forma interogativa

they will not accept


Shall/will + S +

Future - Int.
will I accept?
will you accept?
will he/she/it accept?
will we accept?
will you accept?
will they accept?

(pt planuri,

Viitorul Aff.

S + shall/will +
have + vb (ED.
forma a III-a)

Future Perfect - Af.

I will have accepted
you will have accepted

Will you work here? - Vei lucrat aici?

Will she sing beautifully? - Va cantat ea frumos?
Timpul viitor (Future Tense), ca definitie exprim un
eveniment, o actiune care are loc ntr-un moment viitor,
apropiat de momentul vorbirii.
Viitorul se foloseste pentru:
- Preziceri ale actiunilor viitoare sau interogatii despre
Computer technology will influence our future. - Tehnologia
computerelor ne-va influena viitorul.
Will he come next week? - Va veni el saptamana viitoare?
- Decizii care tocmai s-au luat si care urmeaza a fi realizate.
I'll finish this report tomorrow. - Voi termina acest raport
- A face promisiuni.
I'll teach you tomorrow. - Te voi invata maine.
- A invita pe cineva la un eveniment, actiune.
Will you come to my house on Sunday?. - Voi veni la mine
acasa Duminica?
Expresii cu idee de viitor:
To be about to ... - A fi pe punctul sa ...
o He is about to jump. - El e pe punctul sa
To be going to + infinitiv - A avea de gand sa ...
o You are going to jump. - Ai de gand sa sari.
To be + infinitiv - exprima ideea unor planuri pentru
viitor, ordine sau conditii.
o There is to be an investigation into the
school team. - O sa fie o ancheta in echipa
o You are to be back by midday. - O sa te
intorci la pranz.
He will have finished the book by the time you come back
home. - El va fi terminat cartea pn cnd te ntorci tu

he/she/it will have accepted

we will have accepted
you will have accepted
they will have accepted



Future Perfect - Neg.

S + shall
I will not have accepted
not/will not +
you will not have accepted
have + vb (ED, he/she/it will not have accepted
forma a III-a)
we will not have accepted
you will not have accepted
they will not have accepted
Future Perfect - Int.
Shall/will + S +
will I have accepted?
have + vb (ED,
will you have accepted?
forma a III-a)
will he/she/it have accepted?
will we have accepted?
will you have accepted?
will they have accepted?

You will have worked in this factory for forty years when
you retires. - Vei fi lucrat n aceast fabric timp de 40 de
ani cnd o sa te pensionezi.
A good sportsman will have been in the top championships
for nearly twenty years. - Un sportiv bun va fi fost in
campionatele de top timp de aproape 20 de ani.
Forma negativa
She will have not finished the book by the time I come
back home. - Ea nu va fi terminat cartea pn cnd ma
intorc acas.
Forma interogativa
How long will it have been when we have a baby? - Cat
timp va fi fost cand o sa avem un copil?
Viitorul perfect (Future perfect simple), exprim o actiune,
un eveniment viitor care va fi fost terminata naintea unui
alt moment din viitor sau ajungnd pn la acesta.
Viitorul perfect este folosit pentru:
- O actiune viitoare care va avea loc naintea unui moment
He will have done the homework by Monday. - El va fi facut
lectiile pna luni.
- O actiune viitoare care va avea loc naintea unei alte
actiuni viitoare.
She will have eaten the cake before I go home. - Ea va fi
mancat prajitura inainte sa plec acasa.

Verbe dinamice si statice

In general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe dinamice.
Aspectul continuu al unui verb arata ca o actiune este, era sau va fi in desfasurare. Formele verbale progresive (aspectul
continuu) se folosesc numai in cazul verbelor dinamice, de miscare, care exprima calitati capabile de schimbare.
Nu se spune:
"He is being tall" sau "He is resembling his mother" sau "I am wanting spaghetti for dinner".
Corect se spune:
"He is tall" (El e inalt), "He resembles his mother" (El seamana cu mama lui), "I want spaghetti" (Vreau spaghete).

- Verbele dinamice folosesc forma continuu si ele sunt verbele care exprima:
o activitate - ask, beg, call, drink, eat, help, learn, listen, etc.
o I am begging you. - Te rog. (Te implor.)
procese - change, deteriorate, growmature, slow down, widen.
o The corn is growing rapidly. - Porumbul este n cretere rapid.
perceptii senzoriale - ache, feel, hurt, itch
o I am feeling well. - Ma simt bine
actiuni tranzitive - arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lose
o She is leaving tomorrow. - Ea pleaca maine.
actiuni momentane - hit, jump, kick, knock, nod, tap
o He is jumping around the house - El sare (acum) in jurul caasei.
- Verbele statice folosesc forma simpla (nu cea continuu). Acestea sunt verbele:
de perceptie, senzatie, activitate mentala - abhor, adore, astonish, believe, desire, detest, dislike, doubt, feel, forgive,
guess, hate, hear, imagine, impress, intend, know, like, love, etc.
o I love fruits. - Iubesc (ador) fructele.
de relatie si posesie - be, belong to, concern, consist of, contain, cost, depend on, deserve, equal, owe, etc.
o My brother owes me a book. - Fratele meu imi datoreaa o carte.




Present Continuous - Af.

I am accepting
you are accepting
he/she/it is acceptin

Prezent Aff. S + to be + vb-ING


Neg. S + to be + not + vb-ING


we are accepting
you are accepting
they are accepting

I am reading an english book. - Citesc (acum) o carte de

She is working through the holiday break. - Ea lucreaza in
pauza de vacanta.
Forma negativa
It is not raining. - Nu ploua. (acum)
Forma interogativa
Are they playing? - Ei se joaca (acum)?
Is he eating? - El mananca?

Present Continuous - Neg.

Prezentul continuu (Present Continuous) exprim in
I am not accepting
general o actiune n dessurare n momentul vorbirii sau o
you are not acceptin
actiune care nu a fost terminat la momentul vorbirii


To be + S + vb-ING

he/she/it is not acce - De asemenea, prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a

descrie o tendinta sau actiune care a debutat recent.
we are not accepting More and more people are going to church. - Din ce in ce
you are not acceptin mai multi oameni merg la biserica.
- Sau pentru a desemna o actiune care este planificata
they are not accepti pentru viitor.
To meet the demand for vegetable food, they are planning
to expand. - Pentru a satisface cererea de alimente
vegetale, ei intenioneaz s se extind.
Present Continuous - Int.
John is leaving for London next week. - Ion pleaca la Londra
am I accepting?
saptamana viitoare.
are you accepting?
is he/she/it acceptin
are we accepting?
are you accepting?
are they accepting?

! Timpurile continuue sunt

forme care aparin
registrului oral, limbii
vorbite i sunt rar folosite
n registrul scris!

Prezent Aff. S + have/has + been + verb- Present Perfect Continuous

- Af.
I have
been accepting
you have
been accepting
he/she/it has
been accepting

It has been raining for two days (and it's still raining).
- Ploua de doua zile (si inca mai ploua).
I have been reading since this morning. - Citesc de azi
dimineata. (si inca mai citesc)
De retinut:
- Diferenta dintre forma prezentului perfect simplu si cea a
prezentului perfect continuu este aceea ca forma continua
pune accentul mai mult pe durata actiunii sau a starii ce se

we have
been accepting
you have
been accepting
they have
been accepting

Neg. S + haven't/hasn't +been +



Have/has + S + been + vbING

Trecutul Aff. S + was/were +vb-ING

Present Perfect ContinuousNeg.

I have not been accepting
you have not been accepti
he/she/it has not been acc
we have not been acceptin
you have not been accepti
they have not been accepti

desfasoara de ceva timp, pe cand la perfectul simplu

accentul e pus pe actiunea desfasurata.
Forma negativa
It has not / hasn't been raining for 2 weeks. - Nu mai ploua
de 2 saptamani.
Forma interogativa
Have you been reading since this morning? - Cititi de azi
Si aceasta forma verbala apartine timpului prezent si se
raporteaza la momentul prezent.
Prezentul perfect continuu (Present perfect continuous)
se foloseste pentru actiuni, stari, sentimente ncepute n
trecut si care se desfasoara si n prezent, poate si n viitor.
Este adesea folosit cu expresii adverbiale ca: for ages (de
mult vreme), for three hours (de trei ore), since
19... (din anul 19...), since last year (de anul
trecut), recently (recent), lately (in ultimul timp)

Present Perfect Continuous

- Int.
have I been acceptin
have you been accep
has he/she/it been accepti
have we been accep
have you been accep
have they been acce
Past Continuous - Af.

I was reading a book. - Citeam o carte.


Neg. S + wasn't/waren't + vb-ING


Was/were + S + vb-ING

Trecutul Aff. S + had + been + vb-ING


You were talking. - Tu vorbeai. (Dv. vorbeati.)

I was accepting
you were accepting Forma negativa
he/she/it was accept You were not /weren't reading. - Tu nu citeai.
It was not /wasn't raining. - Nu ploua. (candva, in trecut)
Forma interogativa
we were accepting
you were accepting Were they playing? - Ei se jucau?
they were accepting Was he eating? - El manca?

Trecutul continuu (Past Continuous) exprim in general

Past Continuous - Neg.
actiuni in desfsurare la un moment din trecut.
I was not accepting
- Trecutul continuu ca si prezentul continuu sunt forme
you were not accepti
verbale apartinand mai mult limbii vorbite si sunt rar folosite
in registrul scris.
he/she/it was not ac
Deoarece indica o limita a duratei actiunii, trecutul continu
este foarte folosit si pentru a indica actiuni care au avut loc
we were not accepti (trecut simplu) in timp ce o alta actiune era in desfasurare,
sau pentru a indica o actiune in desfasurare care este
you were not accepti intrerupta de o alta.
Carlos lost his watch while he was running. - Carlos si-a
they were not accep pierdut ceasul in timp ce alerga.
I was eating an apple when John came in smiling. - Mancam
un mar cand Ion a intrat zambind.
- Pentru a vorbi despre obiceiuri din trecut. Trecutul continuu
Past Continuous - Int.
este adesea insotit de "always".
was I accepting?
were you accepting? Grace was always eating with the left hand. - Grace manca
was he/she/it accept mereu cu mana stanga.
You were always playing with your brother. - Tu mereu te
were we accepting? jucai cu fratele tau.
were you accepting?
were they accepting?
Past Perfect Continuous Af.
I had been accepting
you had
been accepting
he/she/it had
been accepting

I had been waiting for my friend since seven oclock when
he finally arrived. - Il asteptam pe prietenul meu de la ora
sapte, cnd n sfrsit a sosit.
He had been writing poems for two years when I met him.
- Scria poezii de doi ani cnd l-am cunoscut.
Forma negativa

we had
been accepting
you had
been accepting
they had
been accepting
Neg. S + hadn't + been + vb-ING


It had not been raining when you came. - Nu ploua cand

ai venit.
Forma interogativa
Had you been swiming before she left the piscine? - Inotai
inainte sa plece ea de la piscina

Trecutul perfect continuu (Past perfect continuous

Past Perfect Continuous /progressive) se foloseste pentru a accentua faptul ca o
actiune a fost in curs de desfasurare pe o anumita perioada
I had not been accep
de timp inaintea altei actiuni din trecut.
you had not been ac
he/she/it had not beenacc
we had not been acc
you had not been ac
they had not been acceptin
Past Perfect Continuous Int.
had I been accepting

Had + S + been + vb-ING


had you been accept

had he/she/it been accepti
had we been accepti
had you been accept
had they been accep

Future Continuous - Af.

I will be accepting
you will be accepting
he/she/it will
be accepting
we will be accepting
you will be accepting
they will
be accepting

I will be reading a book tomorrow. - Eu voi citi o carte

Next fall, we will be enjoying all the vegetables we planted
last spring. - Toamna viitoare, vom fi bucurosi de toate
legumele pe care le-am plantat primavara trecuta.
Forma negativa
She will not be writing until Monday. - Ea nu va fi scris (nu
va scrie) pana luni.
Forma interogativa
Will they be playing at your house? - Se vor juca ei la
casa ta? (Vor fi ei jucandu-se la casa ta?)
Neg. S + shall not/will not + be +
Future Continuous - Neg.
- Forma negativa si cea interogativa a viitorului continuu
I will not be accepti
sunt mai rar folosite.
you will not be acce
Viitorul continuu (Future Continuous) exprim o actiune
continua, care va avea loc si se va desfasura la un moment
he/she/it will not be accep
dat din viitor, dupa momentul vorbirii.
we will not be accep
you will not be acce
they will not be acce

Viitorul Aff. S + shall/will + be + vb-ING



Future Continuous - Int.

will I be accepting?
will you be accepting

Shall/will + S + be + vbING

will he/she/it be acc

will we be accepting
will you be accepting
will they be acceptin

Viitorul Aff. S + shall/will + have + been Future Perfect Continuous Perfect

+ vb-ING
I will have been accepting
you will have
been accepting
he/she/it will have
we will have
been accepting
you will have
been accepting
they will have
been accepting

They will have been building that house for 2 years next
Christmas. - Ei vor fi construit (/ construind) acea casa de 2
ani Craciunul viitor.
By five oclock she will have been selling blouses for
three hours. - Pna la ora 5 ea va fi vndut (/ vanzand)
bluze timp de trei ore.
Forma negativa
He won't have been reading when you come. - El nu va fi
citind cand vei veni.
Forma interogativa
Will they have been testing these materials before we get
there? - Vor fi ei testand aceste materiale pana ce o sa
ajungem noi acolo.
Future Perfect Continuous - Viitorul perfect continuu (Future perfect continuous)
exprima faptul ca o actiune se va afla inca in desfasurare la
Neg. S + shall not/will not + have
un anumit moment in viitor.
+ been + vb-ING
I will not have
been accepting
you will not have
been accepting
he/she/it will not have
we will not have
been accepting
you will not have
been accepting
they will not have


Future Perfect Continuous Shall/will + S + have + been

+ vb-ING
will I have been accepting?
will you have
been accepting?
will he/she/it have
will we have
been accepting?

will you have

been accepting?
will they have
been accepting?
Verbele auxiliare
Indicativ simplu
To have (la perfecte)




Infinitiv: to be
Gerunziu: being
Participiu: been

To do

Infinitiv: to do
Gerunziu: doing
Participiu: done


Prezent Aff. S + vb + (s, es pers.

III, sg)

Neg. S + do not
(don't/doesn't) + vb


Infinitive: to have
Gerunziu: having
Participiu: had

To be (la prez. continuu)


Do/Does + S + vb

Present Simple - Af.

I have
you have
he/she/it has
we have
you have
they have

Present Simple - Af.

I am
you are
he/she/it is
we are
you are
they are

Present Simple - Af.

I do
you do
he/she/it does
we do
you do
they do

Present Simple - Neg.

I have not
you have not
he/she/it has not
we have not
you have not
they have not

Present Simple - Neg.

I am not
you are not
he/she/it is not
we are not
you are not
they are not

Present Simple - Neg.

I do not
you do not
he/she/it does
we do not
you do not
they do not

Present Simple - Int.

have I ? ?

Present Simple - Int.

am I ?

Present Simple - Int.

do I ? ?

have you ? ?
has he/she/it ? ?
have we ? ?
have you ? ?
have they ? ?

Present Perfect - Af.

I have had
you have had
he/she/it has had
we have had
you have had
they have had

Prezent Aff. S + have/has +vb (ED,

forma a III-a)

Present Perfect - Neg.

I have not had
you have not had
he/she/it has not ha

Neg. S + haven't/hasn't + vb (ED

sau forma a III-a)


Have/has + S + vb (ED sau

forma a III-a)

we have not had

you have not had
they have not had

Present Perfect - Int.

have I had?
have you had?
has he/she/it had?
have we had?

are you ?
is he/she/it ?
are we ?
are you ?
are they ?

Present Perfect - Af.

I have been
you have been
he/she/it has been
we have been
you have been
they have been

do you ? ?
does he/she/it
do we ? ?
do you ? ?
do they ? ?
Present Perfect - Af.
I have done
you have done
he/she/it has
we have done
you have done
they have don

Present Perfect - Neg.

Present Perfect I have not been
I have not don
you have not been
he/she/it has not be e
you have not
we have not been
he/she/it has
you have not been
they have not been not done
we have not d
you have not
they have not
Present Perfect - Int.
have I been?
have you been?
has he/she/it been?
have we been?

Present Perfect - Int.

have I done?
have you done
has he/she/it

have you had?

have they had?

have you been?

have they been?

have we done?
have you done

have they don

Trecutul Aff. S + vb-ED (vb. regulate) sau
forma a II-a

Past Simple - Af.

I had
you had
he/she/it had
we had
you had
they had

Past Simple - Af.

I was
you were
he/she/it was
we were
you were
they were

Past Simple - Af.

I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you did
they did

Neg. S + didn't + vb (inf. scurt)

Past Simple - Neg.

I had not
you had not
he/she/it had not
we had not
you had not
they had not

Past Simple - Neg.

I was not
you were not
he/she/it was not
we were not
you were not
they were not

Past Simple - Neg.

I did not
you did not
he/she/it did
we did not
you did not
they did not


Past Simple - Int.

had I ? ?
had you ? ?
had he/she/it ? ?
had we ? ?
had you ? ?
had they ? ?

Past Simple - Int.

was I ?
were you ?
was he/she/it ?
were we ?
were you ?
were they ?

Past Simple - Int.

did I ? ?
did you ? ?
did he/she/it
did we ? ?
did you ? ?
did they ? ?

Past Perfect - Af.

I had had
you had had

Past Perfect - Af.

I had been
you had been

Past Perfect - Af.

I had done
you had done

Did + S + vb (inf. scurt)

Trecutul Aff. S + had + vb (ED, forma a


he/she/it had had

we had had
you had had
they had had

Past Perfect - Neg.

I had not had
you had not had
he/she/it had not ha

Neg. S + hadn't + vb (ED, forma a



Had + S + vb (ED, a III-a


Viitorul Aff. S + shall/will + vb(inf. scurt)


he/she/it had been

we had been
you had been
they had been

we had not had

you had not had
they had not had

Past Perfect - Int.

had I had?
had you had?
had he/she/it had?
had we had?
had you had?
had they had?

Future - Af.
I will have
you will have
he/she/it will have
we will have
you will have
they will have


he/she/it had

we had done
you had done
they had done

Past Perfect - Neg.

Past Perfect - Neg.
I had not been
I had not done
you had not been
you had not d
he/she/it had not be one
he/she/it had not do
we had not been
we had not do
you had not been
they had not been
you had not d
they had not d
Past Perfect - Int.
Past Perfect - Int.
had I been?
had I done?
had you been?
had you done?
had he/she/it been?
had he/she/it
had we been?
had we done?
had you been?
had you done?
had they been?
had they done
Future - Af.
I will be
you will be
he/she/it will be
we will be
you will be
they will be

Future - Af.
I will do
you will do
he/she/it will
we will do
you will do
they will do

Future - Neg.
I will not have
you will not have
he/she/it will not ha

Neg. S + shall not/ won't +


we will not have

you will not have
they will not have


Shall/will + S + vb(inf.scurt)

Future - Int.
will I have?
will you have?
will he/she/it have?
will we have?
will you have?
will they have?

Future - Neg.
Future - Neg.
I will not be
I will not do
you will not be
you will not d
he/she/it will not be o
he/she/it will
we will not be
not do
you will not be
we will not do
they will not be
you will not d
they will not d
Future - Int.
will I be?
will you be?
will he/she/it be?
will we be?
will you be?
will they be?

Future - Int.
will I do?
will you do?
will he/she/it

will we do?
will you do?
will they do?

planuri, intenii)
Viitorul Aff. S + shall/will + have + vb
(ED. forma a III-a)

Future Perfect - Af.

I will have had
you will have had
he/she/it will
have had
we will have had
you will have had
they will have had

Future Perfect - Af.

I will have been
you will have been
he/she/it will
have been
we will have been
you will have been
they will have been

Future Perfect - Af.

I will
have done
you will
have done
he/she/it will
have done
we will
have done
you will
have done
they will
have done

Future Perfect - Neg.

Neg. S + shall not/will not + have
I will have not had
+ vb (ED, forma a III-a)
you will
have not had
he/she/it will
have not had
we will have not had
you will
have not had
they will
have not had


Future Perfect - Int.

will I have had?
will you have had?
will he/she/it have h

Shall/will + S + have + vb
(ED, forma a III-a)

will we have had?

will you have had?
will they have had?

Future Perfect - Neg.

Future Perfect - Neg.
I will not have been I will have not done
you will not have be you will
have not done
he/she/it will not have bee he/she/it will
have not done
we will not have bee we will
have not done
you will not have be you will
have not done
they will not have b they will
have not done
Future Perfect - Int.
will I have been?
will you have been?
will he/she/it have b
will we have been?
will you have been?
will they have been?

Future Perfect - Int.

will I have done?
will you have done?
will he/she/it have d
will we have done?
will you have done?
will they have done?

Indicativ continuu



Prezent Aff. S + to be + vb-ING


Neg. S + to be + not + vb-ING


To be + S + vb-ING

Present Continuous - Af.

I am having
you are having
he/she/it is having
we are having
you are having
they are having

Present Continuous - Af.

I am being
you are being
he/she/it is being
we are being
you are being
they are being

Present Continuous Af.

I am doing
you are doing
he/she/it is doin

we are doing
you are doing
they are doing

Present Continuous - Neg.

Present Continuous - Neg.
Present Continuous I am not having
I am not being
I am not doing
you are not having
you are not being
you are not doin
he/she/it is not havi
he/she/it is not bein
he/she/it is not doing
we are not having
we are not being
we are not doing
you are not having
you are not being
you are not doin
they are not having
they are not being
they are not doi
Present Continuous - Int.
am I having?
are you having?
is he/she/it having?
are we having?
are you having?
are they having?

Present Continuous - Int.

am I being?
are you being?
is he/she/it being?
are we being?
are you being?
are they being?

Present Continuous Int.

am I doing?
are you doing?
is he/she/it doin
are we doing?
are you doing?
are they doing?

! Timpurile continuue sunt

forme care aparin
registrului oral, limbii
vorbite i sunt rar folosite
n registrul scris!
Prezent Aff. S + have/has + been + verbPerfect

Neg. S + haven't/hasn't +been +



Have/has + S + been + vbING

Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Continuous

- Af.
- Af.
I have been having
I have been being
you have
you have been being
been having
he/she/it has
he/she/it has
been being
been having
we have been being
we have been having
you have been being
you have
they have
been having
been being
they have
been having

Present Perfect
Continuous - Af.
I have been doing
you have been doing
he/she/it has
been doing
we have been doing
you have been doing
they have been doing

Present Perfect Continuous

- Neg.
I have not been havi
you have not been h
he/she/it has not been hav
we have not been ha
you have not been h
they have not been

Present Perfect Continuous

- Neg.
I have not been bein
you have not been b
he/she/it has not been bei
we have not been be
you have not been b
they have not been

Present Perfect
Continuous - Neg.
I have not been doing
you have not been doi
he/she/it has not been
we have not been doin
you have not been doi
they have not been doi

Present Perfect Continuous

- Int.
have I been having?
have you been havin

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect
- Int.
Continuous - Int.
have I been being?
have I been doing?
have you been being have you been doing?


has he/she/it been doi

has he/she/it been h
has he/she/it been b ng?
have we been doing?
have we been having
have we been being? have you been doing?
have you been being have they been doing?
have you been havin ?
have they been bein
have they been havi g?
Past Continuous - Af.
I was having
you were having
he/she/it was having
we were having
you were having
they were having

Trecutul Aff. S + was/were +vb-ING


Neg. S + wasn't/waren't + vb-ING


Past Continuous - Af.

I was being
you were being
he/she/it was being
we were being
you were being
they were being

Past Continuous - Neg.

Past Continuous - Neg.
I was not having
I was not being
you were not having
you were not being
he/she/it was not ha
he/she/it was not be
we were not having
we were not being
you were not having
you were not being
they were not having
they were not being

Past Continuous - Int.

was I having?
were you having?
was he/she/it having

Was/were + S + vb-ING

were we having?

Past Continuous - Af.

I was doing
you were doing
e/she/it was doi
we were doing
you were doing
they were doing
Past Continuous - Neg.
I was not doing
you were not doi
he/she/it was not doin
we were not doi
you were not doi
they were not doing

Past Continuous - Int.

Past Continuous - Int.
was I being?
was I doing?
were you being?
were you doing?
was he/she/it being? was he/she/it doing?
were we doing?
were we being?
were you doing?
were you being?

were you having?

were they having?
Trecutul Aff. S + had + been + vb-ING

Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Af.

I had been having
I had been being
you had been having
you had been being
he/she/it had
he/she/it had
been having
been being
we had been having
we had been being
you had been having
you had been being
they had
they had been being
been having
Past Perfect Continuous Neg.
I had not been havin

Past Perfect Continuous

- Af.
I had been doing
you had been doing
he/she/it had
been doing
we had been doing
you had been doing
they had been doing

Past Perfect Continuous

- Neg.
I had not been doing
you had not been doing
he/she/it had not bee
n doing
we had not been doing
you had not been doing
they had not been doin

Past Perfect Continuous Int.

had I been being?
had you been being?
had he/she/it been
had he/she/it been being?
had we been being?
had we been having?
had you been being?

Past Perfect Continuous

- Int.
had I been doing
had you been do
had he/she/it been doi

you had not been ha

he/she/it had not been hav
we had not been hav
you had not been ha
they had not been h
Had + S + been + vb-ING

were they doing?

Past Perfect Continuous Neg.

I had not been being
you had not been be
he/she/it had not been bei
we had not been bei
you had not been be
they had not been b

Neg. S + hadn't + been + vb-ING


were they being?

Past Perfect Continuous Int.

had I been having?
had you been having

had you been having


had they been havin

had they been being



had we been doi


had you been do

had they been d

Viitorul Aff. S + shall/will + be + vb-ING

Neg. S + shall not/will not + be +



Shall/will + S + be + vbING

Future Continuous - Af.

I will be having
you will be having
he/she/it will
be having
we will be having
you will be having
they will be having

Future Continuous - Af.

I will be being
you will be being
he/she/it will
be being
we will be being
you will be being
they will be being

Future Continuous - Neg.

I will not be having
you will not be havin

Future Continuous - Af.

I will be doing
you will be doing
he/she/it will be doing
we will be doing
you will be doing
they will
be doing

Future Continuous - Neg.

I will not be being
you will not be being
he/she/it will not be
he/she/it will not be being
we will not be being
we will not be havin
you will not be being
they will not be bein
you will not be havin g
they will not be havi

Future Continuous Neg.

I will not be doi
you will not be d
he/she/it will not be d
we will not be d
you will not be d
they will not be

Future Continuous - Int.

Future Continuous - Int.
will I be having?
will I be being?
will you be having?
will you be being?
will he/she/it be hav
will he/she/it be bei
will we be having?
will we be being?

Future Continuous - Int.

will I be doing?
will you be doing
will he/she/it be doing

will you be having?

will they be having?

will you be being?

will they be being?

will we be doing

will you be doing

will they be doin

Viitorul Aff. S + shall/will + have + been Future Perfect Continuous - Future Perfect Continuous Future Perfect
+ vb-ING
Continuous - Af.
I will have
I will have
I will have been doing
you will have
been having
been being
been doing
you will have
you will have
he/she/it will have
been having
been being
he/she/it will have
he/she/it will have been doing
we will have
been having
been being
been doing
we will have
we will have
you will have
been having
been being
been doing
you will have
you will have
they will have
been having
been being
been doing
they will have
they will have
been having
been being
Future Perfect Continuous Neg. S + shall not/will not + have
+ been + vb-ING
I will not have been having
you will not have
been having
he/she/it will not have
we will not have
been having
you will not have
been having
they will not have
been having

Future Perfect Continuous Neg.

I will not have been being
you will not have
been being
he/she/it will not have
we will not have
been being
you will not have
been being
they will not have
been being

Future Perfect
Continuous - Neg.
I will not have
been doing
you will not have
been doing
he/she/it will not have
we will not have
been doing
you will not have
been doing
they will not have
been doing


Future Perfect Continuous - Future Perfect Continuous Future Perfect

Shall/will + S + have + been
Continuous - Int.
+ vb-ING
will I have
will I have
will I have been doing?
will you have
been having?
been being?
been doing?
will you have
will you have
will he/she/it have
been having?
been being?
been doing?
will he/she/it have
will he/she/it have
will we have
been having?
been being?
been doing?
will we have
will we have
will you have
been having?
been being?
been doing?
will you have
will you have
will they have
been having?
been being?
been doing?
will they have
will they have
been having?
been being?

Scheme timp verbe

Varianta 1
Prezent Simplu

S + vb + (s, es pers. III, sg)
S + don't/doesn't + vb
Do/Does + S + vb

Trecutul Simplu


S + have/has +vb (ed, sau forma a III-a)

S + haven't/hasn't + vb (ed sau forma a III-a)
Have/has + S + vb (ed sau forma a III-a)
S + vb-ED (vb. regulate)
S + vb (forma a II-a pt vb neregulate)
S + didn't + vb (inf. scurt)
Did + S + vb (inf. scurt)
Trecutul Perfect S + had + vb (ed, forma a III-a)
S + hadn't + vb (ed, forma a III-a)
Had + S + vb (ed, a III-a form)
Viitorul Simplu S + shall/will + vb(inf. scurt)
S + shall not/ won't + vb(inf.scurt)
Shall/will + S + vb(inf.scurt)
Viitorul Perfect S + shall/will + have + vb (ed. forma a III-a)
S + shall not/will not + have + vb (ed, forma a IIIa)
Shall/will + S + have + vb (ed, forma a III-a)

Perfect Continuu
Trecutul Continuu

S + to be + vb-ING
S + to be + not + vb-ING
To be + S + vb-ING
S + have/has + been + vrb-ING
S + haven't/hasn't +been + vb-ING
Have/has + S + been + vb-ING
S + was/were +vb-ING
S + wasn't/waren't + vb-ING
Was/were + S + vb-ING

Trecutul Perfect

S + had + been + vb-ING

S + hadn't + been + vb-ING
Had + S + been + vb-ING
Viitorul Continuu
S + shall/will + be + vb-ING
S + shall not/will not + be + vb-ING
Shall/will + S + be + vb-ING
Viitorul Perfect Continuu S + shall/will + have + been + vb-ING
S + shall not/will not + have + been + vb-ING
Shall/will + S + have + been + vb-ING

Varianta 2


Prezent Simplu S + vb + (s, es pers. III, sg)

S + don't/doesn't + vb
Do/Does + S + vb

- verbul reprezinta o actiune prezenta, nelimitata in timp.
ctiunea se intampla in mod frecvent,zilnic,uneori,rareori sau
Ex:Eu merg la scoala in fiecare zi=I go to school everyday.

all the time, always, every day (week, month,
year), most of the time, often, usually,
sometimes, rarely;
-n actiuni viitoare, cnd este precedat de if,
when, until as soon as, before, after.




S + to be + vb-ING
S + to be + not + vb-ING
To be + S + vb-ING

- verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat

prezent care in momentul acesta se petrece simultan cu o alta
actiune. Este legat de actiuni concrete.
-o actiune care se afla in plina desfasurare in momentul
Eu mananc acum=I'm eating now.i'm dancing now

now, in this moment;

- numai verbele dinamice au form continuu;
- vb statice (de perceptie,senzatie activit.
mental, relatie, posesie: believe, realise,
think, suppose, understand,see know, hate,
love understand,own mean,need, hear)

S + have/has +vb (ed, sau forma a III-a)

S + haven't/hasn't + vb (ed sau forma a
Have/has + S + vb (ed sau forma a III-a)

- verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui

moment dat prezent.
- pentru o actiune incheiata de curand, dar nu se cunoaste cu
exactitate momentul incheierii acesteia sau pentru o actiune
inceputa in trecut care se continua si in prezent; efectele
actiunii se resimt si in present
- cam perfectul simplu de la noi (?!)
EX:Mi-am terminat tema=I have finished my homework.
EX:Am locuit aici inca din 1990. =I have lived here since

- cu adverbe de frecvent: always, sometimes,

often, etc
- just, yet
- la interogativ se foloseste adverbul already
pentru a

S + have/has + been + vrb-ING

S + haven't/hasn't +been + vb-ING
Have/has + S + been + vb-ING

- verbul reprezinta o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat

- cu prepozitii temporale since, for, until
(present) si continuind sau nu in acel moment si din acel
- pentru o actiune inceputa in trecut si care nu s-a incheiat
Ea manca de 10 minute=She has been eating for ten minutes.

Trecutul Simplu S + vb-ED (vb. regulate)

S + vb (forma a II-a pt vb neregulate)
S + didn't + vb (inf. scurt)
Did + S + vb (inf. scurt)


S + was/were +vb-ING
S + wasn't/waren't + vb-ING
Was/were + S + vb-ING

Trecutul Perfect S + had + vb (ed, forma a III-a)

S + hadn't + vb (ed, forma a III-a)

- verbul reprezinta o actiune trecuta, nelimitata in timp si s-a - cu adverbe de timp: in the morning, the day
before yesterday, last night (month, etc);
actiunea a avut loc si s-a terminat, ieri, acum 5 ore, acum 2
zile, anul trecut.
EX:L-am vazut ieri.=I saw him yesterday.
Am fost acolo acum 3 ore=I was there 3 hours ago.
- verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat,
trecut, care in momentul acela se petrecea simultan cu o alta
- se traduce cu imperfectul de la noi.
Eu citeam o poezie pe vremea asta ieri=I was learning a
poem at this time yesterday.

-cu while
-this time yesterday, -Monday at this hour, et

- verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui

moment dat (trecut)

- before

Had + S + vb (ed, a III-a form)

- o actiune care a aparut inaintea alteia in trecut.

Ex:Nu am avut bani pentru ca mi-am pierdut geanta=I did
not have any money because I had lost my wallet.
intai mi-am pierdut geanta si apoi nu am mai avut bani.

Trecutul Perfect S + had + been + vb-ING

S + hadn't + been + vb-ING
Had + S + been + vb-ING

- verbul reprezinta o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat

- since, for.
trecut si continuind sau nu in acel moment, cand a fost oprit - all day (night, year, etc)
de o alta actiune a carui urmari continua si azi.
- o actiune continua inainte unei actiuni situate in trecut
ex:Ei vorbeau de peste doua ore, cand Tom a ajuns=They had
been talking for over two hours before Tom arrived.

Viitorul Simplu S + shall/will + vb(inf. scurt)

S + shall not/ won't + vb(inf.scurt)
Shall/will + S + vb(inf.scurt)

- verbul reprezinta o actiune viitoare nelimitata in timp.

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year,
- actiune care se intampla in viitor, maine, la vara, anul viitor. etc
EX:voi munci maine=I will work tomorrow.


S + shall/will + be + vb-ING
S + shall not/will not + be + vb-ING
Shall/will + S + be + vb-ING

- verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat

viitor care in momentul acela se va petrece simultan cu o alta
- o actiune din viitor cae va fi intrerupta de alta tot din viitor.
ex:Voi privi la tv cand soseste ea.=I will be watching TV
when she ...

Viitorul Perfect S + shall/will + have + vb (ed. forma a

S + shall not/will not + have + vb (ed,
forma a III-a)
Shall/will + S + have + vb (ed, forma a

- verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui

moment dat (viitor)

- dup think, hope, expect, pt. a exprima
ntmplri din viitor care nu sunt prea sigure

Viitorul Perfect S + shall/will + have + been + vb-ING

S + shall not/will not + have + been +
Shall/will + S + have + been + vb-ING

- verbul reprezinta o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat

viitor si continuind sau nu in acel moment
Acest timp nu prea se foloseste, pune mai mult accentul pe
perioada lunga de timp decat Future Continuous

- already

Explicatii generale pentru timpurile verbului in engleza

Timp simplu - verbul reprezinta o actiune nelimitata in timp.(prezent, trecut sau viitor)
Timp continuu - verbul reprezinta o actiune in derulare la un moment dat, care in momentul acela se petrece simultan cu o alta actiune.
(prezent, trecut sau viitor)
Timp simplu perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune inceputa anterioara unui moment dat (prezent, trecut sau viitor)

Timp continuu perfect - verbul reprezinta o actiune aflata in curs pana la un moment dat si continuind sau nu in acel moment (prezent, trecut
sau viitor)

Varianta 3


Prezent Simplu S + vb + (s, es pers. III, sg)

S + don't/doesn't + vb
Do/Does + S + vb





-actiuni obisnuite, care se ntmpl n mod regulat, dar nu

neaprat n momentul vorbirii;
-adevruri sau realitti general acceptate;
-exprim opinii, preferinte;

all the time, always, every day (week, month,

year), most of the time, often, usually,
sometimes, rarely;
-n actiuni viitoare, cnd este precedat de if,
when, until as soon as, before, after.

S + to be + vb-ING
S + to be + not + vb-ING
To be + S + vb-ING

-actiune care se afl n plin desfsurare n momentul vorbi

-actiune care este n desfsurare n prezent, dar nu se
ntmpl exact n momentul vorbirii
-tendint sau actiune care a debutat recent.-actiuni dintr-un
prezent mai lung, dar temporar.-actiuni de lung durat sau
-pentru situatii care se schimb;

now, in this moment;

- numai verbele dinamice au form continuu;
- vb statice (de perceptie,senzatie activit.
mental, relatie, posesie: believe, realise,
think, suppose, understand,see know, hate,
love understand,own mean,need, hear)

S + have/has +vb (ed, forma a III-a)

S + haven't/hasn't + vb (ed sau forma a
Have/has + S + vb (ed sau forma a III-a)

- actiune petrecut si ncheiat ntr-un moment din trecut ce

nu poate fi precizat; cu rezultate ce se vd n prezent;actiune care s-a ncheiat recent; actiune trecut, parte a unui
proces nencheiat nc;

- cu adverbe de frecvent: always, sometimes,

often, etc
- just, yet
- la interogativ se foloseste adverbul already
pentru a

S + have/has + been + verb-ING

S + haven't/hasn't +been + vb-ING
Have/has + S + been + vb-ING

- actiune care a nceput n trecut si continu n prezent;

- cu prepozitii temporale since, for, until

-fapte si realitti din trecut; actiuni repetate

-actiune care s-a desfsurat si s-a ncheiat ntr-un moment
trecut determinat, precizat;

- cu adverbe de timp: in the morning, the day

before yesterday, last night (month, etc);

-actiune n desfsurare ntr-un moment din trecut;

-actiune care se desfsoar concomitent cu o alt actiune;
-pt a descrie o scen din trecut.

-cu while
-this time yesterday, -Monday at this hour, et

Trecutul Simplu S + vb-ED (vb. regulate)

S + vb (forma a II-a pt vb neregulate)
S + didn't + vb (inf. scurt)
Did + S + vb (inf. scurt)


S + was/were +vb-ING
S + wasn't/waren't + vb-ING
Was/were + S + vb-ING

Trecutul Perfect S + had + vb (ed, forma a III-a)

S + hadn't + vb (ed, forma a III-a)
Had + S + vb (ed, a III-a form)

- actiune care s-a petrecut nantea unei alte actiuni din trecut. - before

Trecutul Perfect S + had + been + vb-ING

S + hadn't + been + vb-ING
Had + S + been + vb-ING

- actiune care s-a desfsurat continuu pe o perioad de timp

si s-a ncheiat naintea unui alt timp.

- since, for.
- all day (night, year, etc)

Viitorul Simplu S + shall/will + vb(inf. scurt)

S + shall not/ won't + vb(inf.scurt)
Shall/will + S + vb(inf.scurt)

-actiuni care vor avea loc ntr-un moment din viitor;

predictii, promisiuni, invitatii, oferte, cereri
-interogatii despre viitor, planuri ale actiunilor viitoare.

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year,



S + shall/will + be + vb-ING
S + shall not/will not + be + vb-ING
Shall/will + S + be + vb-ING

-actiune viitoare n plin desfsurare ntr-un moment din


Viitorul Perfect S + shall/will + have + vb (ed. forma a

S + shall not/will not + have + vb (ed,
forma a III-a)
Shall/will + S + have + vb (ed, forma a

-pt. a sublinia o actiune care care va fi terminat ntr-un

moment al viitorului;

- dup think, hope, expect, pt. a exprima
ntmplri din viitor care nu sunt prea sigure

Viitorul Perfect S + shall/will + have + been + vb-ING

S + shall not/will not + have + been +
Shall/will + S + have + been + vb-ING

!! n engleza modern forma shall este f. putin utilizat!

! Cea mai des folosit n engleza vorbit si scris este
forma prescurtat 'll !

- already

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