Select Centr Elect Coding Long Coding Helper Byte Debifati: Stopuri Spate (Donut Style)
Select Centr Elect Coding Long Coding Helper Byte Debifati: Stopuri Spate (Donut Style)
Select Centr Elect Coding Long Coding Helper Byte Debifati: Stopuri Spate (Donut Style)
[09 - Centr. Elect.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 9: Debifati toate casutele sau modificati casuta DEC in cifra 0
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[09 - Cent. Elect.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 0:
- bifati Bit 5 (Assistance Driving Light - Leaving Home active)
- bifati Bit 7 (Coming-Home active)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[09 - Cent. Elect.]
[10 - Adaptation]
Channel 01: numarul de secunde care doriti ca coming home sa fie activ
- de la 0 pana 120
Channel 02: numarul de secunde care doriti ca leaving home sa fie activ
- de la 0 pana 120
[Done, Go Back]
[09 - Centr. Elect.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 18:
- debifezi Bit 5 (Cold Diagnosis Turn Signals active)
- debifezi Bit 7 (Cold Diagnosis Side Turn Signals active)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[17 - Instruments]
[10 - Adaptation]
Channel 02 :
00001 - German
00002 - English
00003 - French
00004 - Italian
00005 - Spanish
00006 - Portuguese
00007 - no text
00008 - Czech
[Done, Go Back]
[56 - Radio]
[10 - Adaptation]
Channel 02: 0 = dezactivare / 1 = activare (afisarea vitezei in km/h pe
display-ul radioului)
[Done, Go Back]
Dupa aceasta operatie se apasa butonul meniu (de la radio-CD) si in acelasi
timp se apasa
[09 - Centr. Elect.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 17: bifati Bit 5 (Front Fog lights deactivated with High Beam)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[46 - Cent. Conv.]
[10 - Adaptation]
Channel 03: Auto Lock after 15km/h (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)
[Done, Go Back]
[46 - Cent. Conv.]
[10 - Adaptation]
Channel 04: Auto Unlock after removing the key (1 = Activate / 2 =
[Done, Go Back]
Optional se mai pot seta ca la inchiderea/deschiderea masinii sa se aprinda
avariile sau sa
se auda un clacson scurt
Pt acestea, modificari si:
Optional channels - flash blinkers or sound horn said:
Channel 05: Unlock, horn sounds (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)
Channel 06: Lock, horn sounds( 1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)
Channel 07: Unlock, turn signals flash (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)
Channel 08: Unlock, turn signals flash (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)
[09 - Central Electric]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 00: - bifati Bit 4 (Daytime Running Lights (North America))
(recomandat 35%)
[46 - Central Conv.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 6:
- bifati Bit 6 (Comfort function autom. closing)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[53 - Parking Brake]
[04 - Basig Settings]
Grup: 006
Activating basic settings
(Aici etrierul se va deschide.)
[Done, Go back!]
Acum se pot inlocui placutele de frana
[53 - Parking Brake]
[04 - Basig Settings]
Grup: 007
Activating basic settings
(Aici etrierul se va inchide.)
[Done, Go back!]
Nota: Grup-ul 010 in "basic settings" are caracter de test; in prima faza
etrierul se
deschide 1x, dupa care strange de 3x.
[09 - Cent. Elect.]
[10 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 23:
- bifati Bit2 (Internal Turn Light Control Algorithm active)
- selectia la Bit-ul 3-4: 08 Turn Lights via Fog Lights
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
pana in 2007:
[01 - Engine]
[Login - 11]
Enter 11463 to activate cruise control
[Do It!]
[46 - Cent. Conv.]
[10 - Adaptation]
Channel 04: Auto Unlock after removing the key (1 = Activate / 2 =
[Done, Go Back]
[09 - Centr. Elect.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 3:
- bifati Bit 4 (Xenon without Shutters)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[Done, Go Back]
[17 - Instruments]
[Login - 11]
introduceti codul 11463 sau 01283 sau 13861 pentru a activa adaptarile
[Do It!]
[Adaptation - 10]
introduceti valoarea numarului canalului ales:
[46 - Central Conv.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 9: Bifati Bit 1 "Rain Closing (0 = nonrecurring / 1 = permanent)"
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[09 - Cent. Elect.]
[07 - Coding]
Se selecteaza 2 - 1K0 955 559 AF -- RLS 190808 046 0204
Se selecteaza Coding Helper si se bifeaza Bit 1 "Rain Light Function
Active" si Bit 2 "Rain Closing Active"
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[Display] - less common modules
[76 - Parking Aid]
[Adaptation - 10]
[17 Instrument Cluster]
[07 Coding]
xx? xx: Versiune Tara
Atentie! 0 poate fi vazut ca Germania, dar mai nou este inclusa in optiunea
1 - Europa (EU)
2 - USA (US)
3 - Canada
4 - Marea Britanie (UK)
5 - Japonia(JP)
6 - Arabia Saudita(SA)
7 - Australia (AUS)
[Transfer coding]
[Do it!]
[09 - Centr. Elect.]
[07 - Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 22: Bifati casuta "Rear Parking Lights as Blinker active(North
America)" (bit 6)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]