Semantic Cards Teaching Strategies Goals
Semantic Cards Teaching Strategies Goals
Semantic Cards Teaching Strategies Goals
Lesson Topic/Focus:
Weekend handwriting
AusVELS Domain(s):
Year level(s):
Literacy writing
Lesson duration:
AusVELS sub-strand(s):
Creating texts
Learning Target
Visible targets for learning which
I can recount information about my weekend.
the children are aware of.
Assess whether students can use the sounds and their prior knowledge of words and letters to
write their own sentences about their weekend.
Sound out the words to form sentences.
Challenge the students who are able to write more than one sentence.
Teaching focus:
Have all the students attention constant scanning
Use and refer to the semantics cards
Focus on time management
Behaviour management strategies hands on head
This is the third time I will be teaching weekend writing I will use my feedback to improve on my
lesson planning and teaching further.
Different teaching strategies were
Background to the learning:
implemented to enhance the
different learning abilities of the
Who, what, when, where cards semantic cards
children in the classroom.
Encourage students to look at the word wall.
The students are familiar with writing sentences about what they did on the weekend.
Some students need extra support small whiteboard on their table for them to copy the sentences
directly from.
James, Sukhman, Ashuel, Annie, Nina,
Some students work better when they discuss what they did on the weekend before writing their
Jonathan, Sanjay, Luke, Danyon,
Resources to assist childrens
Lesson resources:
White board
White board markers
Writing books
Semantics cards who, what, when, where.
Lesson content:
A. Introduction
Students gather as a class on the floor.
Today we are going to write about what we did on the weekend.
I want you to think about what you did (who, what, when, where) and TTT to
your partner and share with them.
Get students to share what their partner did on the weekend rather than what
they did to ensure they were listening.
Use one of the students examples and model it on the board.
What, who, where On the weekend I.
What goes at the start? What goes at the end?
I want you all to focus on the comprehension do the words make sense
If you dont know how to spell a word do you ask the teacher?
What are some different strategies or things in the room that can help you?
-Word wall, sentence strips, first sound, last sound, stretchy snakes.
Rub off the example sentence to ensure students are not just copying when
they return to their tables.
Consolidation, practice, extension
Children return to their tables some are allocated tables
Teacher/s rove helping but not giving answers to spelling.
Once students feel they have finished they can bring their sentence to the
teacher for correction
Early Finishers- Extension Activities:
Draw a picture to accompany their sentence.
Power Reading
Literacy games
Spot light some students of varying abilities can share their examples.
Post-lesson review and evaluation:
I felt this lesson was a success. Dividing the children up into smaller groups to suit their individual
learning needs really enhanced their learning and engagement with the task.
Again, I need to focus on watching the time as we ran out of time and many students did not complete
the task.
Lesson/activity transition
Step 1: Upon completion of the closure discussion students will be sent back to their tables to clean
up crayons and pencils and put away their books.