The Laminating Crew volunteers rotate schedules to laminate materials for teachers every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-11:30 am. The Spring Carnival committee organizes the largest PTA event of the year which includes games, food sales, volunteers and clean up. The Art Discovery Committee provides 20-25 minute art lessons and projects for grades 1 through 5 using supplied materials.
The Laminating Crew volunteers rotate schedules to laminate materials for teachers every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-11:30 am. The Spring Carnival committee organizes the largest PTA event of the year which includes games, food sales, volunteers and clean up. The Art Discovery Committee provides 20-25 minute art lessons and projects for grades 1 through 5 using supplied materials.
The Laminating Crew volunteers rotate schedules to laminate materials for teachers every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-11:30 am. The Spring Carnival committee organizes the largest PTA event of the year which includes games, food sales, volunteers and clean up. The Art Discovery Committee provides 20-25 minute art lessons and projects for grades 1 through 5 using supplied materials.
The Laminating Crew volunteers rotate schedules to laminate materials for teachers every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-11:30 am. The Spring Carnival committee organizes the largest PTA event of the year which includes games, food sales, volunteers and clean up. The Art Discovery Committee provides 20-25 minute art lessons and projects for grades 1 through 5 using supplied materials.
Laminating Crew: A team that supports teachers and staff in
their laminating needs. Volunteers rotate schedules so one volunteer is in the workroom every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9 11:30 a.m.
Spring Carnival: Our Spring Carnival, in conjunction with
Spring Silent Auction, has become THE PTA event of the year! The action-packed carnival has lots of games and requires lots Art Discovery: No art background needed! The Art Discovery of volunteers plus great leaders. Committee members delegate Committee will provide students in grades 1 thru 5 with an activities (e.g. bounce house duty) to the volunteers, arrange opportunity to explore great art in the classroom. All lessons Lost & Found: Help us maintain the Lost & Found area. Once food sales, schedule volunteers, and set up the massive event. and project materials are provided. The lessons consist of a 20 a month, volunteers will make every effort to return items to That evening, the committee pitches in as needed and assists -25 minute presentation and a 30-minute project their rightful owners. At the end of each quarter, volunteers will with clean up. (approximates). collect all of the items from the Lost & Found area that have not been claimed, pack them up, and donate them to a local Spring Silent Auction/Raffle: Our Spring Silent Auction, in Art Showcase: Help set-up and organize the students artcharity. conjunction with the Spring Carnival, has become THE PTA work to display for an evening open for all families. event of the year! The silent auction requires many volunteers Mini Grants: The PTA will accept mini grants submitted by the and great leaders. Committee members procure donations Back to School Night: Duties entail spring/summer planning, staff members of GVE for projects that will enhance educa-tion. from the community and Grass Valley parents, create the aucset-up and execution on the night itself. Help organize planner This committee of five will be responsible for setting up a tion program, and set up the event. That evening, the commitpickup, fifth grade lead zebras, tables, and welcome packets. schedule for an application process, reviewing each applicatee pitches in as needed and assists with end-of-night paytion, scoring each application, and presenting the highestments. Book Fairs: Book fairs promote reading and earn credits to scored grants with funds and a certificate. purchase new books for the library, birthday celebrations, and Staff Appreciation Week: For one school week every year, PBS honors. This committee will arrange these two events with Photography for Yearbook/Newsletter: Love taking picPTA volunteers shower the 75+ people who work at Grass Scholastic Books and the school librarian, Mrs. Woodruff. Dutures?? Help by taking pictures at both PTA and school spon- Valley with extra appreciation. ties include planning volunteer shifts and a teacher preview sored events throughout the year. morning, distributing flyers, and promoting the event. Stuff the Bus: This committee works with Camas High School Yearbook: Design the yearbook using the layout and design to collect Grass Valley food donations for Stuff the Bus, a Coffee-N-Conversation: Quarterly, parents are invited to join tools provided by our yearbook company. Manage sales and competition between CHS and Washougal High School to see the principal and other school personnel for coffee and discuss ordering process as well as end-of-year distribution. who can fit the most food in a school bus. The committee pubschool topics. This committee will provide coffee, tea, juice, licizes the drive, drums up donations from each classroom, goodies, etc.. Picture Day: Volunteers are needed to help distribute the and oversees the pick up by CHS students. flyers provided by the photography company and escort clasFamily Movie Nights: Help with a few movie nights in the ses to photo sessions. Winter Blast: Help organize the event, fill volunteer sched-ules, schools cafeteria, publicize the event, set up the audio equipand set-up. ment, and clean up at the end. Reader Board: Sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly, the outside reader board needs to be changed to reflect upcoming Ziggy the School Mascot: Help Ziggy during his appearances. Fun Run Fundraiser: This is one of our biggest fundraisers, PTA and school events. This job entails getting a list of upcom- The mascot hooves have been filled, be the support person with monies going to art programs and the PTA general fund. ing events from the school secretary, then updating the sign. during the fun! Help with this one-day event held in the fall on the school track. This is a rain or shine duty.