Bookreportq4 2016-Zacharypesl
Bookreportq4 2016-Zacharypesl
Bookreportq4 2016-Zacharypesl
Novel Notes
The Stranger
Albert Camus
Zach Pesl
May 25, 2016
Essential Quotes
Add two quotes that capture the essence of the
novel. Be sure to cite the quotations properly.
Historical Context
Include information on the time period, social,
economical, cultural, and other significant
influences that characterize this novel.
Albert Camus set for his novel, The Stranger to
take place in 1940s in the Algiers, French Algeria,
which was in North Africa. A time when World War
II was occurring. During the war the people faced
absurdity and fear, which was what Camus tried to
convey in his works.
Character Analysis
All the characters in the novel have different
perspectives on death, but the most unique was
main character, Meursault. Who does not display
any emotion at this mothers funeral whereas, his
mother's friends are shedding tears and grieving
over her death. Meursault does not hold a belief like
the chaplain of afterlife,since he believes physical
death means the final end of life to a person. His
reactions towards the subject of death startle the
rest of society and he is condemned a monster.
The sun serves as a symbol to the audience to
show how much it affects the characters emotion
and that there are some situations no one can
escape. After being exposed to the sun he begins
to have negative emotions.
This is a time when he can free himself from the
standards of the world beyond bars. Where hes
free to live the way he desires. He can act this way
without having judgement placed upon him.