The Methods For Superhuman Productivity
The Methods For Superhuman Productivity
The Methods For Superhuman Productivity
We live in The Age of Dramatic Distraction. Many shiny toys to chase every waking moment yet so few of
those pursuits create real value and grow a life brilliantly lived.
Too many of us are overscheduled, overconnected and overstimulated by all the noise, interruptions and
complexity of current society.
The cost of this way of operating? Youll arrive at the last hour of your final day and realize you spent your
highest potential on your lowest leverage activities.
Epic performers, A-Players and World-Builders play a very different game. The Elon Musks, The Mark
Zuckerbergs, great artists and top scientists all run their days under completely different mindsets and rituals
than those who get trapped in the groove of being busy being busy.
As a private coach to many of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet and founder of The Titan
Summit, which brings together ultra-performers from 43+ nations for 4 days of elite training on productivity,
business acceleration and lifestyle optimization every December in Toronto, Ive observed firsthand how
human beings who get more done in a week than most get done in a quarter realize their results. Ive also
developed a complete methodology for exponential productivity that I teach participants at this event.
Here are 4 of the game-changing elements of my approach:
#1. The 20/20/20 Formula.
The way you start your day powerfully shapes how productively you live it. Reserve the first 60 minutes for
personal preparation. As the Spartan warriors said: Sweat more in training and youll bleed less in war.
Spend your first 20 minutes in intense exercise. Sweating releases BDNF, a brain chemical that actually grows
neural connections. Working out also releases dopamine (the neurotransmitter of motivation) and serotonin,
which makes you feel happy.
For the next 20 minute pocket, review your annual plan and reflect deeply on your quarterly goals. Clarity
precedes mastery and this practice will deepen your focus through the day.
Invest the final 20 minutes of this morning routine on learning (i.e., read autobiographies of great humans or
listen to a leadership podcast or download the lessons of yesterday into your journal).
#2. The 90/90/1 Rule.
This habit alone has delivered vast value for my clients. Simply stated: for the next 90 days, dedicate the first
90 minutes of your work day to your single most important opportunity, the one thing that if you executed on it
flawlessly, would cause everything to rise.
Average performers get to work and check their email or surf the net. For the true leader, reaching the office is
the start of showtime. They understand that developing a monomaniacal focus on their vital few priorities
unleashes legendary results.
#3. The 60/10 Method.
Good research confirms that what makes the best athletes the best in the world is not what they do in their
sport but how effectively they recover. For example, it was the rituals that star tennis players did in between
points that made them stars. What made the Russian weightlifters so undefeatable was their work-rest ratios.
So, set a timer for 60 minutes and during those intervals, turn off your technology, shut your door and dive
with massive intensityinto the project that matters. Then, recover with a pristine break like walking,
listening to music or reading. Just try this protocol for a month and witness the gains.
#4. Find Your Circle of Genius.
Behavioral scientists have discovered the phenomenon of emotional contagion. This describes the fact that,
unconsciously, we adopt the beliefs, feelings and behaviors of the people we spend most of our time with.
Want to get ultra-fit? One of the finest ways is to join a running group or make friends with athletes. Ready to
be happier? Then remove the energy vampires and complainers from your life. Set to build a truly world-class
company? Then start spending far more time with those who have been there and done it. Their mindsets and
ways of being will automatically influence you, over time. And associating with people whose lives you want
to be living shows you whats possible. And once you know more, you can achieve more.