Developmental Biology

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Developmental Biology

An Introduction

Animal Development

How has the study of

development changed?

Animal Development

What kinds of questions are

developmental biologists asking?

Animal Development
How does the
same genetic
information result
in different types
of cells?

Animal Development

How is cell division regulated?

Animal Development

How do cells form ordered structures?

Animal Development

How are reproductive

cells set apart?

Animal Development

How do changes in
development create new
body forms and what
changes are possible?

Animal Development

How do each of these contribute to the study

of development?

comparative embryology
evolutionary embryology
mathematical modeling

Comparative Embryology


Comparative Embryology

How does the concept of germ layers support epigenesis?

How does the concept of induction fit in here?

Comparative Embryology
What principles did
von Baer articulate
with respect to vertebrate

Comparative Embryology

General features of large group of animals

appear earlier than specialized features of
smaller group

Less general characteristics develop from more


Comparative Embryology

A particular type of embryo, instead of passing

through adult stages of a lower form, departs
more and more from it.

Embryo of higher animal is only like early

embryo of lower animal.

Comparative Embryology

How have fate maps

contributed to our
understanding of

Evolutionary Embryology

How have observations of embryos contributed to our

understanding of evolutionary relationships?

Evolutionary Embryology
Why is the distinction between analogous and
homologous structures important?

How are malformations different from

Mathematical Modeling

Whats the difference between isometric and

allometric growth?

Figure 1.20(1) Reaction-diffusion

System of Pattern Generation

Figure 1.22 Pigment patterns of zebrafish

homozygous for the wild-type allele (A) and for three
different mutant alleles (BD) of the leopard gene

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