pt132 Final

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The Weather as it Was

June 2015

MIN 4.4C


TOTAL 1.6ins


84 F
40 F






Tel: 01726 823333

Somewhere in the early 1860s James and

Susan Tonkin took over ownership of the
Polgooth Inn and they too raised their
family within its confines.

Celebrations at Polgooth Church - see article page 17

Anthracite, Coal and all solid Fuels. Delivery to your door or collect
pre-packed at the shop.
Come and see our selection of Brass and Copper-ware:
Candlesticks and Lamps: Companion Sets in Brass or
Wrought iron-work:

Scuttles and Hods:

Bric a Brac
You are welcome to come in and browse.

Telephone 01726 73121

Opening hours
1 - 5 pm Weekdays
9.30am - 1 pm Saturdays

Polgooth Inn circa 1952 (Courtesy of St Austell Brewery)




The Tonkins Saga


I left behind a moderate winter climate in the southern hemisphere on 15 July 2015 in
exchange for a moderate summer climate in the northern hemisphere. Yes, Polgooth
the home turf of my Tonkin ancestors beckoned me yet again and I returned.
Just to recap, my Grandmother was Rosie Tonkin, her siblings were Edward Sibley,
James Percy and Kathleen May Tonkin and their home was Brake Cottage, Polgooth.
I havent really put a lot of effort into genealogy research since my overseas trip in 2014
as major renovations to my home in New Zealand took prevalence but I would like to
share with readers the few cherished findings that I did stumble upon!
Several months ago I discovered the website of David Sibly Tonkin the Second,
grandson of Edward Sibley Tonkin who left Polgooth 1913 and immigrated to America
age 20 years and 8 months. Sib as he prefers to be called currently resides in Arizona,
USA and is in regular contact with his aunt Mabel Alice, Edward Sibleys surviving
daughter and together they have kindly shared several family photographs and
memorabilia with me.
One of many is the photo underneath revealing for the first time what my Great, Great
Grandparents James and Susan Tonkin formerly JOB looked like. As you can imagine,
I was like a stunned mullet when this unbelievable find arrived on my desk, few would
have believed a find like this from the other side of the world remotely possible!
*Susans father John Job (1800-1859) was Innkeeper of the Polgooth Inn and raised
his family within its confines until his death in 1859.
In exchange for a copy of historic innkeepers James and Susan Tonkin, St Austell
Brewery kindly gave me the above photo which is the earliest copy of the Polgooth Inn
that they have on record.
*Incidentally, the 1911 Census Return lists James Tonkin as widower age 75, head of
the household and Licensed Victualler. When he passed away in 1914 my
understanding is that John Job Tonkin one of his sons took over the running of the Inn
for a while?
In short, evidence exists that the Polgooth Inn remained in the hands of the Tonkins from
the early 1860s to 1914 or thereabouts, a period of 50 years or more!
I continue to communicate with Sib (David Sibly Tonkin the Second) via email and
telephone and remain hopeful that further gems of Tonkin memorabilia are forthcoming.
Treading the highways and byways of my Cornish ancestors, catching up with past
acquaintances/newly found friends and enjoying beverages, food and hospitality at the
aforementioned Inn is always a great buzz for me.
I remain hopeful that readers find this little bit of research/history interesting enough to
respond to or comment on in the autumn issue of the Polgooth Times.
In conclusion I have one final request of readers:
The names Alfred Rundle and Elizabeth Rowe have cropped up during the course of
my research and I was wondering if there is someone out there who can throw some
light on either of these subjects?
Genealogy Research is a work in progress that has no end and the contribution of others
is essential to ensure that those who have passed away are never forgotten and their past
is remembered by future generations.
Keith Robert Savage, New Zealand
e-mail:[email protected]

I am writing this on a non working day at an hour I would prefer to not be

aware of, but thanks to my very elderly dog who needs a comfort break, I
am fully awake and seeing the start of what appears to be a lovely July
day. On the other hand, the golf at St Andrews is likely to be delayed for
the second day due to the inclement weather in Scotland! Hopefully by
the time this magazine is distributed, everyone will have been able to
enjoy sunshine and days out during the school holidays. Do let us know
how you have spent your time, or places of interest you have been to that
others may like to visit.
The plans for improving The Village Hall are underway. Unfortunately
they will not be achieved instantly, but we have started by painting the
exterior and tidying up the outside areas. Thank you to Billy Ensor for her
own individual contribution in our tidy up, Billie has supplied and planted
the trough and hanging basket. Research into funding for the larger
projects is in hand, but if anyone in the village has any expertise or
contacts please do get in touch. We need all the help we can get! These
days, it often seems to be a case of filling in the forms correctly rather
than the actual need to achieve the best results. The support given to The
Polgooth Times by our advertisers means we have been able to make a
contribution toward the purchase of new curtains.
Well done to Garry with his new film club. I have now seen more films in
the last three months than I had seen in the previous five years! Make a
note on your calendars........1st Thursday of the month, each individual
showing will probably cost you less than parking your car in town to go
to the cinema, the refreshments at half time are better value too! There
are more details in Garrys article on page 8.
Thank you to everyone who continues to contribute articles to the
magazine. If you have any suggestions for new content, clubs or events,
please feel free to email [email protected] or telephone me on
01726 65342.
Di Thompson

Polgooth Times dates


Issue 133

Closing date 2 October delivery 13th November

Issue 134
Issue 135

Closing date 8 January delivery 18 February

Closing date 1 April delivery 13 May

Please bear in mind delivery dates when submitting events for

inclusion in the Times. We need events up to February 2016 for
Issue 133.
The Polgooth Times is very grateful for the band of regulars who
deliver the magazine. I would like to hear from anyone who
would be willing to act as reserve to help in this capacity. Please
call Di Thompson (Editor) on 01726 65342 or e-mail at
[email protected].

H unters M oo n Bed & Breakfast

Chapel Hill, Polgooth.
Phone: 01726 66445
Email: enqu ires@huntersm
Four en suite rooms, providing double, twin or family accommodation.
Lovely views, private parking, open all year.
For enquiries, please contact Richard or Pauline Scott

If you are a retailer, or provide a service, in or near Polgooth, youll find

this newsletter a worthwhile advertising medium.
Potential advertisers will get a good deal because:
THE POLGOOTH TIMES is published four times a year

It is delivered free to every household in Polgooth, Little

Polgooth and Trelowth

It has a circulation in excess of 500 copies

Subscribers U.K. and Overseas

Copies supplied to St. Austell Library for County Records

Advertising Charges are reasonable

We cannot guarantee the positioning of adverts. This depends on the
layout decided when the newsletter is compiled.
Advertisements will continue to be published and charged annually,
unless the advertiser notifies Heather Lamble before the deadline of
31 December.
New advertisers may be put on a waiting list.
If any advertisers wish to pay electronically, please contact Roger on
For advertising please contact:
Heather Lamble
Tel: 01726 75299
[email protected]

Annual rates:
Full Page

Should anyone, advertisers

or others, wish to include a
flyer with this magazine we
are now having to make a
small charge. A5 size
would be 25 but anything
that required folding would
be 50. Anything directly
concerning the village is

Advertisements started during the year

will be charged pro-rata.



The format and number of pages are decided soon after the specified
date. Late material may be impossible to fit in, unless especially
important, articles, letters, etc. will be held over for fresh consideration.
Editing of some articles may be essential.
SUBMISSIONS for publication can be hand-written, printed, typed or
photocopied BUT MUST BE LEGIBLE. We can also include
PRODUCE THEM ON A5 SIZE (as this page). This helps reduce work
in compiling the draft. Articles may be emailed to:

[email protected]
The Editorial Committee cannot undertake to confirm times, spellings,
dates, venues, etc. Contributors are asked, please, to check
accuracy of details sent in. Views expressed in letters and articles in
the POLGOOTH TIMES are not necessarily those held by
members of the Editorial Committee, the Committee does not
accept responsibility for opinions, methods, conclusions or views
expressed in content material.
The POLGOOTH TIMES is FREE to people living in Polgooth, Little Polgooth
and Trelowth.
Additional Copies
60 pence
Copies sent by post:
4.00 per 4 issues (payable in advance)
Mr Roger Smith, 44 Little Trelower Park,
Trelowth, St Austell. 01726 67653

A report from one of your Parish

It's mainly good news this time!
The crime reports show that we live in a fairly crime-free
area. Hardly anything to investigate PCSO Brian Harris
says. Hurrah!
However, some people are still being silly with the bins in
the Playing Field and the Goffin. Eileen Marks contacted
me when the bin next to the gate to the Goffin by
Trelowth Road had been tipped up and the contents
strewn all around...bags of dog poo hanging from trees
etc. Also the bin by the Chapel had been thrown over the
fence and the contents, again, thrown all over the place.
I cleared up all of that.
Angela Champion informed me recently that the bin in
the Playing Field had been tipped out. That was dealt
with, too.
It is such a shame that some people feel they need to
abuse the village so. Thanks again to Eileen and Angela
for telling me.
If you see something which needs sorting, please let us
There is still a vacancy for a Parish Councillor for
Polgooth. If you fancy 'giving something back', please
contact me. Spence and I would love someone else with
Polgooth's interests at heart.
Chris Passmore
Trelowth Road.
01726 64401
[email protected]


Cornwall Adoption Information Mornings

Barrys Energy Blog

15th August 2015

19th September 2015
17th October 2015
21st November 2015

Like many of us I have spotlights in my kitchen and the bulbs seem to fail quite
frequently and invariably in the same month. Generally we are still nervous of
the relatively new lighting bulb technologies and I was guilty as charged so I took
my time to investigate the options.
There are three main types of regular light bulb - CFLs (compact fluorescent
lamp - the standard type of energy-saving light bulb), halogens or LEDs.
For a quick guide, below is a summary of each and how much a typical 700+
lumen bulb (60W) might cost you per year if you have it on for around three
hours a day.
CFL annual running cost 2.04
CFLs are cheap and widely available in a range of sizes and outputs. Some
older CFLs were slow to brighten but this has improved considerably in recent
years. They are four times more efficient than incandescent bulbs and quickly
pay for themselves in energy savings but not everyone likes the light they emit.
Halogen annual running cost 8.42
Light from a halogen bulb is similar to an incandescent in colour and quality, as
both use a tungsten filament. Theres little difference between the two in the
amount of energy used and halogen's are significantly more expensive to run
than other energy savers. With an expected life span of less than two years, a
halogen bulb is unlikely to pay for itself before it fails.
LED annual running cost 1.71
These use almost 90% less energy than a traditional incandescent, making them
the most energy-efficient type of lighting. LEDs are usually more expensive to
buy, but should last up to 25 years. In the long term they are the cheapest
option. An LED could save you more than 180 in energy use over its lifetime,
compared with an old-style incandescent bulb.
So this time I took the plunge and fitted LED replacements.
There are many makes and fittings available and virtually any existing light bulb
can be replaced with an LED alternative. The most important lesson has been
light 'temperature'. This is measured in Kelvin (you'll find it on the packet of any
light bulb). I like a warm white, much like the old-fashioned tungsten bulbs. This
is about 2700 Kelvin (K).
Light is measured in lumens, but this is too complicated to work out every time
you buy a bulb so as rough guide, if you want the equivalent of an 'old school'
100w light bulb, go for 10w, 60w 6w, 40w 4w.LED bulbs can be bought in
many places now - all DIY stores, lighting shops and online.

10.00 am 12 noon
10.00 am 12 noon
10.00 am 12 noon
10.00 am 12 noon

Meetings are held at A107 Advent House Victoria Offices Station Approach
Victoria St Austell PL26 8LG. There is ample parking.
Our Cornwall office is open on one Saturday of every month where you can talk
with our specialist adoption social workers and experienced adoptive parents
about all aspects of adoption.
Our next open morning is August 15th from10.00 am 12 noon.
10.00 am 11.00 am
Presentation with the chance to hear from one of our
11.00 am 12 noon Staff and adopters available for individual questions and
Tea/coffee and biscuits will be available
You can book a slot by calling 01872 444100 or email
[email protected] or just turn up on the day

Friends of the Cherry Clinic

The Cream Tea at 7 Chapel Green for Kenya on May 16th raised the
amazing sum of 310.80. A big thank you for all those who helped
bake cakes, gave raffle prizes and attended.
Also Jackline the five year old orphan Cherry wrote about in the last
Polgooth Times has now got a sponsor and will be able to stay in the
deaf home, be educated, looked after and have a future.

You will have to pay a little more for dimmable bulbs, but they are available
across the range. Look for the 'dimmable' symbol on the packet. LED is lighting
the future! If you have any questions where I might be able to help please do
not hesitate to contact me on 07887 767630 or email [email protected]

Barry Marsh - Trelowth



PET: Most leading brands of pet food. We carry a wider
range and are cheaper than the supermarkets.
GARDEN: Growbags, fertilizer, compost, peat, seeds, hand
Wide range of top brands
including Tayberry, Tagg, Hoggs, Dickies, Caterpillars, Dr.
EQUINE: Feed, bedding, riding wear, tack, rugs, most
things for horse and rider
HOUSEHOLD: Domestic cleaners, detergents, washing
powders, kitchen essentials
Decking, timber, fencing, hand tools, power
tools, building materials
01726 883838
Open Mon-Fri 7.30 am - 5.30 pm
Sat 8.00 am - 5.00 pm

Polgooth Ladies Group

The Ladies Group have had a busy and enjoyable few months
again. In April we welcomed a speaker from Pentewan
Nurseries who gave a most informative talk on various plants
and also potted up a hanging basket.
There is always
something new to be learnt on these evenings and everyone
enjoys them.
Our speaker for May should have been our lovely friend from
St Austell College, Angela. Unfortunately she was unwell but
we were well entertained by a talk given by Peter Evans of
Pentewan on the coastal walk from Dodman to Gribbon. The
talk was accompanied by super films of the coastline and so
many little hidden coves and beautiful flowers to be discovered
on the way. Magical Cornwall!
June saw us enjoying our annual summer meal. We met at the
Holmbush Inn and twenty eight ladies had an excellent time
with conversation, laughter and very, very good food. We sat
in the conservatory on a warm, sunny evening and the
atmosphere and service in that pub was great.
July will be Help for Heroes. No meeting in August and
September is Harvest Supper. How quickly the year goes by.
We meet in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm on the last Tuesday of
the month and always welcome new members so do come
Amy Evely

Ample Parking Assisted Loading

Beside the A390 St Austell to Truro road

&a F no s u e ki L

Polgooth Film Club

As advertised in the last Polgooth Times, Polgooth Film Club has now
started. We have had 4 showings over the last 3 months, and now have a
total of 55 members. By the time you read this, Ill be gearing up to hold
the next film showing, having had a break for August, on Thursday 3rd
September. Although the film is still to be decided as I write this, it will
be a choice of About Time, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation
Game and Paddington, which our current members have voted for. The
hall is open from 7.00pm for a chat and refreshments beforehand, with the
film starting at around 7.30pm. Film evenings will take place on the first
Thursday of every month from now on.
On our opening night, we watched The Theory of Everything which
went down very well with our audience of 47, scoring an average rating
of 9.1 out of 10. Birdman in June fared less well, with the 23 in the audience generally not agreeing with the critics or the panel who decide the
Oscar winners, giving it a rating of 4.1. Julys film was the Martin Luther
King biopic, Selma, which was very well received, scoring a rating of
9.6 from the 22 present. The special childrens showing held in May half
term was Big Hero 6 and also proved to be a hit, with children and
adults alike, securing a rating of 9.2.
Its not too late if you arent currently a member. Turn up on any film
evening and you can become a member for only 5 for the year, which
includes entry to the film on that evening. Future screenings for members
cost 3 (or 2 for under 16s and 65 & over). Membership also entitles you
to attend any C Fylm film club around the county, of which there are now
16. They are all held on different days of the month to Polgooths club, so
you can go along to ours as well as others if you so wish.
Refreshments are always available at the start and during the interval,
with a raffle also being held at half time. More details, including
confirmation on what the September film will be, can be found on the
Polgooth website at
Garry Hitchens


Polgooth Village Hall

Polgooth Village Hall committee held its latest meeting on
Monday 13 July.
We are still working on improvements to the hall, including
new curtains/blackouts in the main hall, new windows and a
new heating and hot water system throughout. The curtains
should improve the viewing of films at the film club and we
hope they will be in place by the time of the next film showing
(Imitation Game on Thursday 3 September).
The windows and heating will be expensive to replace and we
are applying for grants to fund this. We have had some quotes
and the application process is ongoing.
A painting party has already been working on painting the
outside of the hall and we are meeting to complete the job on
22 August, so if anyone fancies joining us you would be very
welcome - meet at the hall at 9 am together with brush!
There is a plan to site a defibrillator in the village, we are just
trying to establish the most cost effective but reliable way of
doing this.
Seven village groups also reported to the meeting - just goes to
show how much goes on in our village!
Anyone who would like to be part of the hall committee is very
welcome - our next meeting will be held in the village hall on
Monday 14 September at 7.30 pm

Polgooth Village Hall committee


A day in the life of a call centre worker

We all dread those calls that have to be made to the bank, energy provider,
telephone or TV services, but how is it from the receiving end?
I have worked in a call centre for several years and whilst the basic subject is the
same, each call and caller is different, maybe its an order, a refund, a complaint
or surprisingly, sometimes you feel like the caller has just phoned to have a chat!
From the moment of arriving into work attendance is confirmed by signing onto
my phone, already the pressure starts to rise as the computer programmes are
very slow to start so no one officially knows Im here on time. OK, everything
is ready at last, I start to answer calls. I can usually tell immediately if a caller is
irate, maybe at waiting so long or perhaps they have another unresolved problem
- I feel apologetic and have not even said hello yet! Calls are dealt with and
every time it is straight onto the next.....and so it goes on. At last, a break time. I
must remember to record on my phone why Im not taking calls for the next 10
minutes, slightly refreshed, back to more calls for the next few hours.
My colleague is asking my advice, how do I account for this? Im not talking on
the phone or gone for a break so there must be some code I can use on my phone
to show my manager Im actually busy and it is work related, but a quick check
at the calls waiting information, tells me that 100s of people are waiting. I
havent the time to help my colleague because you the caller are waiting. Next
time you ring a call centre and you feel the need to ask about the weather in
Cornwall or share your life history with the telephonist please bear in mind that
we would love to chat but do know how many frustrated people are waiting.
Next call, Ive not been asked this specific question before, how do I find an
answer? Check the guidance - doesnt help, ok Ill ask my colleague, this time it
is her turn to not have time to help me, ok, lets go and ask a manager, none
available, I dont have the opportunity to apologise to my caller for being so
long because they have now rung off in frustration
OK, not the entire day is like this, probably about 99% of calls are dealt with
relatively easily, questions answered, quotations given, but as the time
approaches for the end of my eight hour working day, my voice box would
really like a rest
Let us have an insight into your working day. It might help us to be more
tolerant. Editor


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Trees Cleared

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The Deaf Wife Problem

121 Alexandra Road

Bert feared his wife Peg wasnt hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might
St aAustell
hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to
discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband
to give the Doctor a better idea about herExtensive
hearing loss. Heres
what you
do, said the Doctor. Stand about 40 feet away from her and in a normalSamples
conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet and so on
Free Measuring
until you get a response.

Free Estimating
That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner and he was in the den. He says
to himself Im about 40 feet away, lets see what happens. Then in a normalFitting
tone he
asks Honey, whats for dinner? No response.

Bowen &
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Bowen or Spinal Touch can help, call 01726 65758
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So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats
Peg, whats for dinner? Still no response.

Telephone 01726 72845

Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks
Honey, whats for dinner? Again he gets no
response. 07968862624


Hewaswater, St Austell
Cornwall. PL26 7JG
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house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in
which, an alarm goes off by going on.

Polgooth Post Office & Store

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the
human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out,
they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.
You lovers of the English language might enjoy this.
There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter
word, and that is UP!

***New Summer opening times ***

Shop 8 am to 10 pm Monday to Sunday
Post Office 8 am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
8 am to 12.30pm Saturday
Local produce from Martins Bakery, Prima Bakeries
& Kittows Butchers
Freshly baked Cornish Pasties, rolls, baguettes,
pastries & croissant from our in-store bakery.
Roddas Cream
Trewithen Milk
Fresh Sliced Cornish Ham
Off Licence
Electrical Key Charging
National Lottery
Mobile Phone Top Up & Sim cards
Bill Payments
Free home delivery service
Cash machine - Free withdrawals
Monthly promotions, offering competitive prices and a friendly service

It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when
we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP!
At a meeting, why does a topic come UP?
Why do we speak UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the
secretary to write UP a report?
We call UP our friends.
And we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver; we warm UP the leftovers
and clean UP the kitchen.
We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car.
At other times the little word has real special meaning.
People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses.
To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special .
A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP.
We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night.
We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP!
To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look the word UP in the dictionary.
In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4th of the page and can add UP to about
thirty definitions.
If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used.
It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with a
hundred or more.
When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP.
When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP
When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things UP.
When it doesn't rain for awhile, things dry UP.
One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP,
for now my time is UP, is time to shut UP !

Sam & Mark Butcher

Tel: 01726 73816




Leave a Gift to Cornwall

This took a lot of work to put together!

1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture..
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert..
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present thepresent.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear..
19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

An adventurous legal eagle has spent the day dangling off the precipice of a
quarry and rolling her sleeves up as a zookeeper all in the name of charity.

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in
hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in
England or French fries in France . Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which
aren't sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we
find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither
from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers
don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One
goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy
that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends
and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what
does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be
committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a
play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run
and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy
are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your

Shelly Pritchard, a will-writer from Truro, has been challenged by Leave a

Gift to Cornwall charities to experience the wide and varied causes that
touch people during their lifetime. Leave a Gift to Cornwall is an initiative
that aims to raise awareness of how leaving a legacy in a will can make a
hugely positive impact on local charities.
Through her firm McClures Solicitors based in Plymouth, Shelly, is offering
unlimited free will-writing sessions during 2015 for people who wish to make
a donation to a Cornish charity. She aims to visit each of the 14 member
charities of Leave a Gift to Cornwall during 2015 to meet their beneficiaries
and find out first hand what work they do.
First stop was Penryn-based charity BF Adventure, where she experienced
the highs and lows of the charitys work by abseiling down a quarry. She
then went on to the Merlin MS Centre near St Austell to experience one of
their hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers and meet some of the people
with neurological conditions that the charity supports. Shelly then went on
to Wild Futures Monkey Sanctuary near Looe, where she met some of its
furry beneficiaries and experienced what it is like to work with the monkeys.
The charity rescues monkeys as well as campaigns and educates on primate
welfare issues.
But her challenge has a more serious message according to the Law
Society, more than 60% of adults in the UK are yet to write a will. Shelly
said: I normally offer to meet clients wherever is convenient and
comfortable for them but this is taking it to the extreme! Cornwall has so
many special causes from those that support animals and children to those
for specific healthcare conditions. This challenge has been a fantastic way
to find out what is out there, whilst raising awareness of the importance of
having a properly drafted will.
Adrian Richards, chief executive of BF Adventure and chair of Leave a Gift to
Cornwall, said: Writing a will can seem pretty far down the list of priorities
for most people, but Shelly is going out of her way to make it accessible and
easy to get it sorted. We hope lots of people make the decision this year to
have their will written or updated, all whilst supporting a worthwhile Cornish
charity. To make an appointment go to www.leaveagifttocornwall/wills, or
call 01752 682001.


Random thoughts as we age

The biggest lie I tell myself is ..."I don't need to write that down,
I'll remember it."
Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes
and come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller!
Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet!
I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks!
I don't need anger management. I need people to stop annoying me!
Old age is coming at a really bad time!
Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the
courage to change the things I can and the friends to post my bail when I
finally snap!
I don't have grey hair. I have "wisdom highlights".......... I'm just very
Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a
piece of paper!



If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees.

The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back
"no".....which is shorter than "yes"
I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do that
second week.


Telephone: 01726 74070
[email protected]

Even duct tape can't fix stupid ........ but it can muffle the sound!

Why do I have to press one for English when you're just going to transfer
me to someone I can't understand anyway?

Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice!

Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud?

At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering

what I came in there for.





Polgooth Church
Only last year the Church celebrated the longevity of its Christian witness
in this village. This past weekend caused us to celebrate another
milestone - thirty years since the doors opened to another phase of its life
when the present building was converted to become the new place of
worship and service.
All having any links with the Church over this period were welcomed to
join us on Saturday July 4th for refreshments and time for sharing
experiences. Opportunity was given to add a photo or personal comment
to the memory boards.
Those who attended enjoyed exactly that as thoughts were clarified with
the evidence of a multitude of activities in, near, or off the premises, so
creating a wealth of reasons for nostalgia. It also enabled fresh
connections to be made.
There are obvious occasions like Sunday service, weddings, christenings,
festivals like Easter, Harvest and Christmas, along with more solemn
occasions like funerals.
However there have been whole community events; those with family
emphasis; and many clubs for children and youth at different times.
Photos displayed told their own story, verifying that hundreds of folk
played a part in our story.

33 Years Experience- competitive rates
Simon Sweet St Austell 61167

We as Church in these times feel privileged to have been a part of this

period of its history and would like to continue to welcome you to help
us compile a more comprehensive record. Maybe you have a photo or a
memory to share, if so please forward to [email protected] or
pass them on to any known member of the Church. No doubt all will
eventually become part of the village archives for future generations to
The Church also welcomes your comments on how you view its relevance
today as it meets the challenge of the next phase of its life.



Alex and Tanya would like

to welcome you to

The Polgooth Inn

Open all day, everyday for
food & drink

Families welcome

Give us a bell on
01726 74089
or email us at
[email protected]


Two years ago we started a campaign to get
Christmas lights in the village of Polgooth.
After many discussions with authorities, building companies &
generally people that know about lightsit will not be a reality.
We have raised nearly 4000 and believe that as you all helped
us raise it, you should help us decide how it should be spent.
There will be a voting box in The Polgooth for you to place your
There is one rule - it must benefit/enhance the village
Thank you


Its the Return Of

Locals TakeOver
When ?

On Saturday 21st November 2015

What ?

The Polgooth Inn will be run entirely by our locals


For those of you wishing to join in the unique night of fun

(and a little hard work), please come into The Polgooth Inn
on Monday September 14th @ 8pm to put your name
down & a brief on the event

Need More Details ?

It was such a success in 2013, we just have to do it again.
We need a broad selection of people to work for free, in all
areas of the business - Kitchen, washing up, bar, cellar, meet &
greet and waiting on tables
Tanya & Alex will be donating the normal Saturday night wage
bill to the charity pot
Your pre-booked customers will pay for their food & drink
- its the tips that get added to the pot
2013 takeover was a highly entertaining evening & this one will
be no different
For those of you wishing to be a little less hands-on, please
book a table & show your support.

Thank You


Tregongeeves Farm Cottages and River Valley Holiday Park

Offer 4 and 5* accommodation set within 5 minutes of
Polgooth village.

Why not pop in have a look around

and pick up our brochure.
Have a look at our web site or
give us a call 01726 68202 /73533


Electrical Contractor
VAT Reg No. 131 6119 07
Estimates Free

St Austell (01726) 65300

Truro (01872) 501720
Mobile 07779103928
Sunningdale, Recketts Road, Polgooth, St Austell PL26 7DA

Contact Kevin Clark



TEL: - 07886 791392





01726 72959


Mahatama Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot

most of the time, which produced an impressive
set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little,
which made him rather frail and with his odd diet
he suffered from bad breath. This made him (oh
man, this is so bad, its good.) a super calloused
fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
There was a person who sent twenty different
puns to his friends, with the hope that at least ten
of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in
ten did!!!!!!!




Please note these are by appointment only. If you wish to make an
appointment to see Steve please either email
[email protected] telephone 07555 069714 or write to
Steve Double MP, House of Commons, Westminster SW1A 0AA.
Surgeries are on a Saturday morning commencing at 9.10 am.
Appointments are of 20 minute duration. There will be occasions
where we will add an additional surgery in around the constituency.
St Austell


Saturday 5 September
Saturday 3 October
Saturday 31 October

Saturday 12 September
Saturday 17 September

Newquay - Newquay Christian Centre, Seymour Avenue, Newquay

St Austell - Conservative Club, Biddicks Court, St Austell

Spence, Kate and Guy welcomed Edward Peter Spencer

their family on 9th June at 5.59 am, weighing 7lb 13 1/2.



Advertisers Telephone Numbers

Polgooth Times Information

A1 Weston - Driving School

Averlea Residential Home
Bowen Therapy Centre
Capitol Carpets
Carnmoggas Holiday Park
Chambers Marcus - Painting & Decorating
Clark J.V & Sons Electrical
Cornwall Screenprint
Enviroscape Solutions
Everything Stone
Family Law
Grigg M.A Country Store & restaurant
Hawke R.A & Co. coal & fuels
Hunters Moon Bed & Breakfast
Heligan The Lost Gardens of
J & L Plumbing
Lee Harvey computing
Lobbs Farm Shop-Heligan
May Whetter and Grose
May D & Sons (Hewaswater) Country clothing etc
May Denis & Sons (Goonvean) sand, cement, etc.
Giles McGuffie - Get the Gardener
Newells Travel
Pengelly Plant Centre
Polgooth Inn
Polgooth Village Stores
Poltarrow Farm
River Valley Garage (formerly Hillside)
Shane Perry, Aerial & Satellite Services
Stellar Solar Ltd
Sweet Bros car servicing/repairs/recovery
Tregongeeves Farm CottagesHoliday accom
2KS Building Services
Village Salon
Weed Control Specialist

72845 /07968862624
01872 277363

Printing of Polgooth Times by KCS Trade Print Ltd. 01566 773696

News information and diary events for inclusion in the forthcoming

issue should be put in the Red Box in the shop or emailed to
[email protected]
Thanks to those who regularly contribute to our magazine.

Di Thompson, (Editor)10 Pondhu Road, St Austell.
01726 65342.
Sally Williams (Compiler) Treloweth Farm Cottage, Trelowth
01726 75129
Roger Smith ( Treasurer) 44 Little Trelower Park, Trelowth
01726 67653.
David Holman (Webmaster) 38 Polyear Close, Polgooth
01726 64267.
Lynda Thomas 1 The Old Cooperage
01726 77800.
Nik Howard Tynance, Fore St, Polgooth.
01726 73189.
Heather Lamble (Adverts) 50 Polyear Close, Polgooth
01726 75299
Katherine Spencer Netherton, Trelowth Road.
01726 61889
Polgooth Times
Check out our website
We are making our website more active and invite you to publicise
any events you think readers may be interested in by e-mailing
[email protected].

For advertising please contact:

Heather Lamble
Tel: 01726 75299

We are working with social media including links to Facebook and

also uploading past issues of the magazine. Please let us know if
you have any comments about the website.

[email protected]



Police: Ring 999/112 for EMERGENCY - but for Local Enquiries the number now is
101 and ask for your Local Police Station
The NHS 111 service. You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it is not a
999 emergency. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free
from landlines and mobile phones.
The Polgooth Post Office & General Stores
The Shop is open

Monday to Saturday 8am - 8pm Sunday 8am8pm

PO Counter Open Weekdays 8am to 5.30pm Sat (8 am - 12.30pm). The last post is
collected at 4.45pm on weekdays, 9.30am on Saturdays, no collection Sundays. Tel:
01726 73816 (see advert)


POLGOOTH LADIES GROUP will be meeting on the last
Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. For further details
please contact Mrs Carol Peatheyjohns on 63457.
POLGOOTH KEEP FIT CLUB In the Village Hall. Monday 2.00 pm
Term-time only. Contact Irene 67757
POLGOOTH PANTO GROUP Contact Garry Hitchens on 61220 for
details. All welcome. Annual productions.
POLGOOTH CHURCH Coffee morning in the Chapel, on the first
Monday of the month at 10.30 am.
POLGOOTH VILLAGE HALL BookingsContact Michelle Taylor 73150


Contact Angela Champion 72440

The Polgooth Inn . 01726 74089, email: [email protected]

Monday-Thursday 11am11 pm
Friday & Saturday 11am12am
Sunday 11.30am11pm
The Mobile Library opening times from 16.01.15 then fortnightly
Trelower Park
16.0516.25 pm
Woodgrove Park (top)
16.3016.35 pm
Refuse Collection takes place on Wednesday. Recycling fortnightly.
See special notices re Public Holiday Collections.
Coal and Anthracite is delivered by R.A. Hawke & Co.
Mondays in Polgooth - Wednesdays at Trelower Park
Tel: 01726 73121 (see advert)
Daily and Sunday Newspapers are delivered by
The Post Office & General Stores (delivery or collection).


Arrange seasonal events throughout the year. To get involved
contact Kate Spencer on 61889
At Polgooth Village Hall every Friday from 6.00 pm7.30 pm
411 years olds welcome . Entry 1 per child. Re starting on Friday 4th
At Polgooth Village Hall every Wednesday from 9.30am11.30 am during
term time. 2 per session

St. Mewan Parish Church
For details please contact the churchwardens, Myrna Baker 01726 73698 or
Ian Coleman 01726 61360

Travel Cornwall Bus Service 471 is now operating between St Austell and Gorran

Polgooth Methodist Church

Age UK Minibus to Truro. 2nd and 4th Friday of each month leaving Trelowth Road
at 1.15 pm. Return fare 2. For more information contact Pam Harrison 66681 or
Barbara Littlejohns 71265

St Augustine of Hippo, Roman Catholic Church


For details please contact Tony Warren on 01726 75362

Woodland Road, St Austell (opposite ASDA)
Sunday Mass Times: Saturday 6.00 pm Sunday 8.30 and 10.30 am
Holy Days: 10.30 am & 7.00 pm
Telephone: 01726 73838


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