Bryant J. Moy: Education
Bryant J. Moy: Education
Bryant J. Moy: Education
PO Box 2488 State University, Arkansas 72467
Phone: 501-952-8756 E-Mail: [email protected]
Arkansas State University
Expect 2016
Research Interest
Public Law, Comparative Political Economy, Empirical Legal Studies, Constitutional History and Jurisprudence
Research Projects
Hacker, Hans J., Lisa Bohn, and Bryant J. Moy. A Grave Responsibility: Teaching Social Justice through an
Interdisciplinary, Curricular/Extra-Curricular, Collaborative Experience. (Under Review at PS: Political Science and
Conference Participation
Hacker, Hans J., Lisa Bohn, and Bryant J. Moy. A Grave Responsibility: Teaching Social Justice through an
Interdisciplinary, Curricular/Extra-Curricular, Collaborative Experience. Presented at the Southwestern Social Science
Association, Denver, CO. April 8-11, 2015.
Teaching Experience
Spring 2015. Introduction to United States Government, POSC 2103
Student Evaluation Mean 3.56 (out of 4)
Graduate Assistant
Rollin Tusalem. Fall of 2015
Hans Hacker. Summer I & II 2015
Amy Buzby. Fall 2014
Hans Hacker. Summer II 2014
F. David Levenbach. Summer I 2014
Research Assistant
Data Coder for William Blake, Shon Hopwood and Hans Hackers project, Seasonal Affective Disorder:
Variation in Success of Supreme Court Cert. Petitions. (Law & Society Review Nov. 2015)
Guest Lectures:
The Judiciary Given in Introduction to United States Government (Fall 2015, Dr. Buzby)
Page 2
Types of Federalism Given in Introduction to United States Government (Fall 2015, Dr. Warner)
Wickard v. Filburn Given in American Constitutional Law (Fall 2014, Dr. Hacker)
What You Think About: The Media Given in Introduction to United States Government
(Fall 2014, Dr. Buzby)
Types of Federalism Given in Introduction to United States Government (Summer 2014, Dr. Hacker)
Fall 2014-Present
Assistant Coach to the Arkansas State Moot Court Team
Fall 2015
Technical Skills
Stata, SPSS
Hans J. Hacker
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Arkansas State University
[email protected]
William McLean
Chair of the Department of Political Science
Arkansas State University
[email protected]
Rollin Tusalem
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Arkansas State University
[email protected]