Bryant J. Moy: Education

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Bryant J.

PO Box 2488 State University, Arkansas 72467
Phone: 501-952-8756 E-Mail: [email protected]

Arkansas State University

Expect 2016

M.A., Political Science

Thesis: Economic Freedoms Clash with Voter Turnout
Committee: Dr. Rollin Tusalem (Chair), Dr. Hans Hacker, and Dr. Jacob Ausderan
GPA: 4.0
Arkansas State University


B.A., Political Science

Graduate Cum Laude
GPA: 3.75

Research Interest
Public Law, Comparative Political Economy, Empirical Legal Studies, Constitutional History and Jurisprudence

Research Projects
Hacker, Hans J., Lisa Bohn, and Bryant J. Moy. A Grave Responsibility: Teaching Social Justice through an
Interdisciplinary, Curricular/Extra-Curricular, Collaborative Experience. (Under Review at PS: Political Science and

Conference Participation
Hacker, Hans J., Lisa Bohn, and Bryant J. Moy. A Grave Responsibility: Teaching Social Justice through an
Interdisciplinary, Curricular/Extra-Curricular, Collaborative Experience. Presented at the Southwestern Social Science
Association, Denver, CO. April 8-11, 2015.

Teaching Experience
Spring 2015. Introduction to United States Government, POSC 2103
Student Evaluation Mean 3.56 (out of 4)
Graduate Assistant
Rollin Tusalem. Fall of 2015
Hans Hacker. Summer I & II 2015
Amy Buzby. Fall 2014
Hans Hacker. Summer II 2014
F. David Levenbach. Summer I 2014
Research Assistant
Data Coder for William Blake, Shon Hopwood and Hans Hackers project, Seasonal Affective Disorder:
Variation in Success of Supreme Court Cert. Petitions. (Law & Society Review Nov. 2015)
Guest Lectures:
The Judiciary Given in Introduction to United States Government (Fall 2015, Dr. Buzby)

Foundation of Constitutionalism Given in Introduction to United States Government

(Fall 2015, Dr. Warner)

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Types of Federalism Given in Introduction to United States Government (Fall 2015, Dr. Warner)
Wickard v. Filburn Given in American Constitutional Law (Fall 2014, Dr. Hacker)
What You Think About: The Media Given in Introduction to United States Government
(Fall 2014, Dr. Buzby)
Types of Federalism Given in Introduction to United States Government (Summer 2014, Dr. Hacker)

Awards and Honors

Travel Grant Political Science Department, $500 Spring 2015
Travel Assistance Award Graduate School, $400 Spring 2015
B.A. Outstanding Student Award Department of Political Science 2014
Angelo Humanities & Social Science Scholarship, 2013
Arkansas State University. 2010-2014. Deans List, two semesters. Chancellors List, four semesters.
Member, Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society 2012
Mixon Law Firm Fellow, Moot Court Scholarship 2011

Fall 2014-Present
Assistant Coach to the Arkansas State Moot Court Team
Fall 2015

September 18, 2015

Speaker at the Dedication of the Humanities and Social Science Building
Trading Places: In a socioeconomic and race perspective Political Science Department Film Series Spring 2014

Technical Skills
Stata, SPSS

Hans J. Hacker
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Arkansas State University
[email protected]
William McLean
Chair of the Department of Political Science
Arkansas State University
[email protected]
Rollin Tusalem
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Arkansas State University
[email protected]

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