College of Saint Mary Lesson Plan Format With Lesson Reflection

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College of Saint Mary

Lesson Plan Format with Lesson Reflection

Title: Case Study with Five Mini Lesson Activities
Your name:
Age or Grade
Kayleen Malizzi
Third Grade
Arts/Daily Five:

Time frame
for Lesson:
15 to 20
per lesson



Nebraska State Standards:
LA 3.1.4 Fluency: Students will develop accuracy, phrasing, and
expression while reading a variety of grade-level print/digital text to
support comprehension.
LA 3.2.1.a Use prewriting activities and inquiry tools to generate
ideas and organize information.
LA 3.2.1.b Generate a draft that develops a clear topic suited to the
purpose and intended audience and organizational pattern,
including a clear introduction, body, and conclusion
LA 3.3.3.e Collaboratively converse with peers and adults on gradeappropriate topics and texts, building on others' ideas to clearly
express one's own views while respecting diverse perspectives.
LA 3.1.3 Word Analysis: Students will use phonetic analysis to read
and write grade-level text.
Objectives: Make certain to include When, Who, What and How (criterion
for success) in your objectives. You may find terms related to Blooms
Taxonomy of Cognitive Development helpful in formulating your objectives.
Sample lead in phrases for writing learning objectives are listed below.
During the activity, the child will be able to:
The students will be able to:

Students will be able to describe the difference between the letter B and the
letter D using their own examples.
Students will be able to work as a small group exchanging ideas to create a
web that will help them to brainstorm for a given writing prompt.
Students will be able to create a draft of a paragraph (5 sentences minimum)
that develops a clear topic suited to the purpose and intended audience and
organizational pattern, including a clear introduction, body/supporting
sentences, and conclusion.
Students will be able to read a passage with a steady pace and
comprehension to what they have read.
Students will be able to recite a passage with the fluctuation of their tone.
During Daily Five Rotations (Writing Center), students will work with peers to
exchange ideas for brainstorming with topic choices provided by the teacher.
Students will be able to create a paragraphs with a minimum of five
sentences that develops a clear topic suited to the purpose, and must
include a beginning middle and end. Link to hamburger rubric for final
paragraph assessment:
During Daily Five Rotations (Reading Center), Students will be given a
passage or a text by the teacher and will be required to read the passage
with a steady pace and a fluctuation of their voice tone at appropriate parts
of the passage. Students will then be asked a series of five to ten questions.
Students will answer the questions with accurate/related information from
the passage read. These questions are included in the Basic Reading
Inventory Booklet/text. I would a stick sheet to write notes on or write with
pencil in my teacher copy the responses I get from D. Or the other students
that I decide to pull aside and work with for extra practice or intervention.
During Daily Five Rotations (Word Work): the student will be able to give a
verbal definition of the difference between the letter B and the letter D,
including at least one example. This will be implemented within being pulled
aside and worked with/assessed with individually. I will keep notes on file to
keep track of student progress in a file or portfolio/online portfolio.

Materials: Include any materials that will be essential to conducting the

Writing lined paper
Journals with labeled topics on them: topics included are: What did you do
over last weekend?
What is your favorite hobby and why? Write about a time that you got
injured. Write about your favorite season and why. Write about your favorite
food and why. Write about a dream that you had. ETC
Blank white paper
Coloring supplies
Space stick
Writing prompt list: link~
Writing picture prompt list: link~
Black line on white paper (explained in activity how to prepare)
Basic Reading Inventory book (used for passages when assessing fluency
and comprehension)
Hamburger writing template with rubric and example poster (writing
paragraphs template) link to rubric template link to writing template and
example poster


Anticipatory Set:
Hello third graders! Today, I brought in Writing/Reading/Vocabulary activity. I
need you to go get your pencil, sit down, then set your pencil down on the desk.
To show me that you are ready to start give me a thumbs up, eye contact, have
your voice off and listening ears and thinking caps on. Then we will start!
***I decided to use my anticipatory set as a way to get students prepared and
to get a focused mind set so that they are ready to do the activity right after I
know they are ready to go. I decided to do this because some of the students
take longer than others in specific activities (especially in writing I have noticed)
so I want to make sure I give myself enough time to explain to the students the
directions and to reteach what I am looking for/ go through an example, then
give them the remainder of the time to work efficiently so that they are able to
get all the way done with the lesson.
Input/Modeling/Guided Practice/Check for Understanding:

Teacher will do:

Anticipatory set:
Hello third graders! Today, I
brought in
activity. I need you to go get your
pencil, sit down, then set your
pencil down on the desk. To show
me that you are ready to start
give me a thumbs up, eye
contact, have your voice off and
listening ears and thinking caps
on. Then we will start!
Activity one: Writing Center
For the first activity, it is
simple: have the students
ready with their pencils,

Student will do:

Students will do all the five
lessons in small groups.
Students will need to always
have a pencil handy when
entering a Daily Five Center.
Students will turn all work in at
the end of their group time so
the teacher can monitor
Students will be required to
work collaboratively with other
students and will be asked to
share their work during certain

and pass out journal

notebooks with topic labels
already pasted on them.
Students will pick a topic
journal and write three to
five sentences about that
topic. If they finish one
they will share with a
partner sitting by them.
Once finished tell the
students that they are able
to write in another topic
notebook of their choice.
While the students are
doing this activity it makes
it easier for the teacher to
sit aside and work with
students who are needing
extra practice with reading
I took D, aside and was able to
select a couple passages out of the
Basic Reading inventory booklet to
have her read to me for practicing
fluency and voice tone. I would
also work with her on simple
vocabulary words because she was
struggling with mixing up her Ds
and Bs
I had D repeat throughout the
reading any word that she
stumbled on and I made sure she
was able to understand what the
meaning was before and after we
made the correction.
This then helped D to start
comprehending what she was
reading and I was able to make it
through a full series of questions
with her.

Once the time of the

rotation is up, I would have
the students return the
journals to the middle of
the table double checking
with each student in the

group that they had

written their name and the
date in on the page that
they were using to write so
I can go back and read
them at a later time.
Then students would
switch and the next group
would do the same
continuing this process till
all five groups had made it
through the rotations.
Activity two: Brainstorming
Writing Center Activity:
Refer to the anticipatory
Once you see that the
students are ready you can
start the small group
lesson on brainstorming.
Ask the students what they
think brainstorming is.
Let them think and
Ask students if they know
of any ways that they
could brainstorm.
Let them think and
If a student says a web
hold off until all ideas
responses have been
Then tell them that the
activity they are going to
do is practicing making a
web of a topic that the
group all agrees on.
Pass out a sheet of large
construction paper to each
of the students and
instruct them to draw a

medium-large circle in the

middle of their paper.
Then ask the group to put
their pencils down so that
they can all decide on a
Once the topic is agreed
and chosen have the
students write that topic in
the middle of their circle
they just got done drawing.
Now instruct the students
to think if they were
writing about that topic
they placed in the center
of their paper what would
they write about?
Have students start
creating branches to their
webs showing the process
of how brainstorming
Give the students time to
do this activity.
Give a two minute warning
until they have to share.
For those students who get
done early have them start
writing a paragraph on the
back of their paper about
the topic using some of the
ideas they came up with.
Once the two warning
minutes are up have the
students go around and
share one at a time what
they had brainstormed on
their paper.
Then once the time is up
have them switch to a new
Repeat with next group till

all the groups have

completed the activity.
Activity three: Writing center
activity using Line template
(Description: in this activity
students are to complete the line
to create a picture two then write
a paragraph about.)
Refer to the anticipatory
set to start.
Once that you see that the
students are ready to start
you may begin the lesson.
This lesson is to teach
creativity and paragraph
Have the students pick
from a variety of lines
drawn with a sharpie prior
to the lesson on a white
sheet of paper.
The students will then
have half the time to
complete the line drawing
and the other half to write
their paragraph.
Instruct the students to
write at least three to five
sentences about their
Volunteers will be asked in
the last three minutes if
they could share their
drawing and paragraph
with the group.
Then have them turn in
their work and switch to
the next rotation.
Repeat this lesson until all
five groups have been

Activity four: Writing Center

Activity with Picture and question
(Description: in this activity
students will be supplied with a
packet of pictures to look at and
they will select one picture to
then write a paragraph about it
using three to five complete
Refer to the anticipatory
set to start.
Once the students show
that they are ready to
listen to what the lesson is
going to be about, you can
start your instruction.
Explain to the students
that they are going to be
doing some more
paragraph writing practice.
Tell them that they are
going to be using their
creativity and imagination
but this time they are only
going to visualize and write
instead of drawing and
Show the students the
packet of pictures that
they will be looking at or
the picture prompts online
so that they can then come
to a final choice to what
they want to write about.
After the students make a
choice instruct them to
write three to five
complete sentences about
the picture or prompt that
they chose.
Give the students the

remainder of the group

time to write and then they
at the end will turn in their
writing to be looked at a
later time.
Have students then switch
to their next rotation.
Repeat this until all five
groups have made it
Activity five: Final Writing Center
(Description: in this activity
students will have the prior
knowledge of how many
sentences a strong paragraph
should have. The students will be
writing paragraphs using the
hamburger approach so that they
learn the concepts that they
must have a beginning, a middle
with at least three supporting
sentences, and then the end
which restates/recaps what was
talked about in the beginning.)
Refer to the anticipatory
set to get started.
Once all students in the
group have pencils down
and thumbs up you can
begin the lesson.
Tell the students that they
will be doing a lesson on
how to write a strong/juicy
Then go into the explaining
the steps.
~Step one: The Beginning
or the top of the bun: This
is the introduction or what
our topic is. (State the

topic in a sentence here

(pint to the top of the bun
on the template as
~Step two: The body or
the burger and toppings:
this is the middle of the
paragraph where you
answer questions like,
who, where, when and
why? This is the
description of the
paragraph the juicy part
of the burger.
~Step Three: This is the
end or the bottom bun: the
conclusion is where you
tell us why you liked
whatever your topic was?
Or where you tell how your
story will end. Happy, sad,
good, or bad. Make sure
you restate your topic
somewhere in this step!

Once you explain the

activity pass out the
hamburger templates to
the students so that they
can write for the remainder
of group time.
At the end of group time
have the group hand in
their written work so that
you can look at it at a later
time to grade using the
Hamburger paragraph
assessing rubric.
Once all work is turned in,
have the group switch to
their next center.
Repeat this activity till all

five groups have been


For the closure students will be asked to share their activity work during their Daily
Five activity time. Students will give some type of positive feedback toward a group
members work. Then they can switch to their next rotation.

Students with behavioral problems with be closely monitored during Daily Five
Group Time. They will be given the three strikes and youre out discipline. If
struck out the student will be instructed to return to their desk and they will
read for the remainder of that rotation. Then then after that rotation is up they
can talk to the teacher about why they had to sit out from group time and
apologize for their behavior. Then they will be allowed another chance to
Students with visual impairments will have the permission to sit next to the
teacher so that they can see what the teacher is explaining to do in for the
activity. Also the teacher can project the instructions or an example of what
she/he would like their students to achieve in the lesson.


Review all of the previous sections of your lesson plan and
Complete item in the following section prior to teaching your lesson.

Content Knowledge:
Prior to teaching these mini lessons students will have little knowledge of how to
write a strong paragraph.
Prior to this teaching these mini lessons, students will have little or some
knowledge of how to brainstorm for writing.
Teaching Methods/Strategies:
I chose to do mini lessons through a daily five rotation. This is the best way that
I can visit with all the students or to keep them occupied with a lesson/ activity
while I pull students aside who need extra practice in their reading fluency and
comprehension, for an example, of which I used in this mini lesson unit.

Overall, I think that the lessons went really well. The students enjoyed getting away from just having to write in their
journals or only writing about what they did over the weekend. The third grader challenged me to motivate them to
write, although I stuck to the plan and I implemented a drawing mini lesson because I know that all of the students
enjoy time to draw. I would go back and add in in maybe a mini lesson on spelling/grammar/punctuation or a mini
lesson on run-on sentences because I was finding that that was also a struggle for a lot of the third grade students
that I was able to work with especially my case study student. I think that by adding that in it will make there writing
that much stronger!

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