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Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Cleveland Elementary

Background Information
Teacher: Brandi Hillmon and Logan Lazaro

Date: April 11, 2016

School: Cleveland Elementary

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Lesson Focus: Skill Themes Flag Football Unit

# Of students: 20 Students

Equipment and Facilities: 1 full basketball court or 1

full field, 2 footballs, 20 flag belts (10 yellow-10 red),
20-30 orange cones (Cleveland shed big cones).

Safety Considerations: The teacher will conduct the

dance activity in a quality learning environment. All
equipment used will be age appropriate and placed in
a safe manner to reduce the risk of any injuries. Each
student will be spaced out accordingly to help reduce
any conflict. The teacher will verbally review the rules
and expectations before the start of the activity. Before
the start of class, the teacher will have knowledge of
any health related issues the students may have, which
will be provided by the school. If an emergency occur,
the teacher will remain calm while transporting the
students to a safe environment or shelter, based on the
situation. If a student is injured, the teacher will stop
the activity and have the students seated away from the
injured student while the teacher notifies the proper
authorities of the childs injuries. Each student will be
aware of the teachers signals (whistle). All equipment
will be placed on the ground/ floor while the teacher is
providing instructions and the students hands will be
placed on or above their heads.

Lesson Specifics

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16

Behavioral Contingencies: The activities will begin

and end on the instructors cue (whistle). Students will
be given two warnings before having to sit out quietly
on the green bench for not following directions,
misbehaving, or any behavior that is not allowed in
Tiger Pride. The student will sit out for the remainder
of the activity. If a fight occurs, an adult supervisor
will be called to detain the students who were engaged
in the altercation. The rest of the students will be
seated out the way of harm until the situation has been

Previously Learned Skills: Team building, cooperative

learning(communication), running.

Teaching Strategy: I will start the lesson using the

command style teaching strategy. The instruction will
be provided by using an interactive approach and
verbal cues to assist the students in understanding the
COTS that will be used during the flag football

Academic Language: Some academic languages that

will be used are different types of running- sprinting,
jogging. Students will understand the differences
between the two. The students will also understand the
purpose of raising their heart rates and how to raise
their heart rates. Students will gain a strong sense of
understanding the importance of cooperative learning
during the flag football module. Students will also
understand why spatial awareness is important during
busy activities and planning in flag football.


Psychomotor (P):Students will be able to successfully demonstrate teamwork for the activity
unit at least 50% of the time throughout the lesson.
Cognitive (C):Students will be able to to accurately recite the the rules of gameplay in class
with 50% accuracy at the end of the lesson.
H-R Fitness (H): Students will be able to remain actively engaged in MVPA at least 50% of
the time during the duration of lesson


I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning
and performance of physical activities.

Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16


1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of
physical activities.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
3. Demonstrates the knowledge skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity
and fitness.
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.
Describe the pre-class arrangement
Teacher: Brandi Hillmon and Logan Lazaro(front of the students at all times during instruction)
Students: 20 Tiger Pride Students (will be placed on polyspots or in designated sitting areas to await
instruction before beginning their activity)
Equipment: 1 full basketball court or 1 full field, 2 footballs, 20 jerseys (10 yellow-10 blue),
20-30 orange cones (cleveland shed big cones).



Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16



Content Development

(Illustration of

a) Goal Orientation for each


Instant Activity:
Good afternoon class! To start off the
lesson we are going to stretch and do some
exercises to get warmed up today for
playing Flag Football.

Diagram Instant

In this activity, the standards

being addressed are III and IV
and NASPE 2, 4 and 5.
Students will demonstrate and
apply knowledge of movement
concepts, principles that apply
to the learning and performance
of physical activities such as a
warm up. Students will also
value physical activity for health
and enjoyment
Students will exhibit social
behavior with their classmates
and gaining respect for
themselves and valuing physical
activity social interaction
through group activities.

Students will run as fast as they can

from a starting line to the fence of
the field ( at least 100 meters and
Students will do jumping jacks
Students will stretch to their toes, to
the sides, and to the ground
Student will stretch their arms
When finished students will be
seated in a circle facing their
instructors for further instruction of
the lesson..

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16


Set Induction:
Good afternoon class! To start off the
lesson we are going to play Flag Football.

Start/Stop Signals:
In order to get the
attention of my
students I will say
In the game of capture the Football all of
I,2, eyes on me and
you are going to be separated in two teams they will respond
of ten. One team will wear Blue Jerseys
with 1,2 eyes on
and the other team will wear a Yellow
you. When I say
Jerseys. The field will be separated into
Go students will
two sections one half of the field divided
begin the activity.
by cones will be Yellow Teams side and the When I say freeze
other side of the cones will be Blue Teams students will stop
side. The goal of the game is for the
what they are doing
opposite team to capture the football(not
drop the equipment
flag) and bring it back to your side for a
and freeze. Wait for
point. Also if an opposing team or a team
further instruction to
member that does not have the same color go sit on their polyas you enters your side. You can tag them
and they will go to your prison until
someone of their same color rescues them
by tagging them to return to their side.
There will no hitting, pushing, shoving,
tripping, or pulling of clothing. Also there
will be no throwing the ball or passing to
teammates. You have to carry it over for it
to count as a point..
The purpose of this activity is to keep your
heart rates up, keep you motivated, and to
teach you the importance of following
directions and working together.

Grouping Strategies:
For this Unit students
I will have students
to sit down in a group.
I will pass the Jersey
to them. The ones that
receive the yellow
jersey will run to the
right side of the field
and sit down until we
are ready to play. This
is also the same when
I give a student a blue
jersey they will go to
the left of the field.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16


Lesson Core - Task 1:

Diagram Task 1
In the game of Capture the Football all of
you are going to be separated in two teams
of ten. One team will wear Blue Jerseys
and the other team will wear a Yellow
Jerseys. The field will be separated into
two sections one half of the field divided
by cones will be Yellow Teams side and the
other side of the cones will be Blue Teams
side. The goal of the game is for the
opposite team to capture the football(not
flag) and bring it back to your side for a
point. Also if an opposing team or a team
member that does not have the same color
as you enters your side. You can tag them
and they will go to your prison until
someone of their same color rescues them
by tagging them to return to their side.
There will no hitting, pushing, shoving,
tripping, or pulling of clothing. Also there
will be no throwing the ball or passing to
teammates. You have to carry it over for it
to count as a point..

The standards being addressed

are CA Standard I, II, and III.
NASPE Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, and
5. The students will demonstrate
competency in motor skills and
movement patterns that are
needed to perform the skills used
in Flag Football. Students will
understand spatial ,body
awareness. The students will
understand the importance of
maintaining a level of physical
fitness, while demonstrating
psychological and sociological
concepts and strategies through
participation in enjoyable,
challenging activities. Students
will participate and appreciate
the skills learned. Students will
enjoy the movements and learn
to cooperate in a group setting.
Teaching Cues for Task 1:

Demonstration Plan:
The instructor will demonstrate the cots
and remind them during gameplay.
Instructor will consistently keep the
students on task.
Questions to Check Understanding
How do you score a full point in Flag
Football? If you enter into another teams
side of the field what can they do? You can
not leave the prison until what happens?
If students are having a hard time. We can
change the rules to make it a lot simpler.

Start facing forward with

one foot in front of the
Start to move swiftly
alternating your legs each
Land each stride on your
opposite foot and stay
light on your feet
Stay on the balls of your
feet and keep your stride
smooth and fluid
Keep your head uplooking forward as you
Counter-balance your
body and increase your
running power by

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16

For example removing the tag and prison

rule. We can make the field smaller as well
to make the game a little easier. To make
the game a little harder maybe having a
larger field area of play and the official
rules set in place.

pumping your arms


Start facing forward with

your feet together
Start traveling by taking
a smooth step forward on
one foot
Your body should remain
in an upright position
Follow your first step
with another-using your
opposite leg-advance by
alternating steps
Swing your opposite arm
to the leg that steps
forward-for balance
power and speed.
Keep your head up-look
forward and use a heel-to
-toe motion as you

Common Errors Task 1:

1. Students often forget that
they can only tag when opposing
teams are on their side not the
other way around
2. Students may try to pass the
ball to teammates.
3. Students may get their own
ball not understanding that they
need to get the opposing teams

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 03/07/16

1 mins

When told to do so, the students will pick
up all the equipment and will sit down on
the grass as a group in front of their
instructors to wait for the closure of the


Good Job Tiger Pride! You all did such a
wonderful job. Can anyone tell me two
things you learned from Flag Football?
How do you score a point? Can you pass
the ball during Flag Football? Next time
on Wednesday when we have Tiger Pride
we will play with the Rainbow
Parachute.Ok Tiger Pride, bring it in!
One, Two, Three, Tiger Pride! See you all
on Wednesday!


Diagram The



ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES: While the students are participating in the Flag Football Activity, the
teacher will assess the students techniques using a informal assessment based on participation and
following the rules.
References Used:
SparkPE lesson: http://www.sparkpe.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/K-2-Straddleball.pdf

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