The Pershing Cable (Aug 1990)
The Pershing Cable (Aug 1990)
The Pershing Cable (Aug 1990)
Update FYI
Child Development Services
A new policy on USAREUR child development
services (CDS) patron priority be=ne effective
June I, 1990. The new patron priorities are:
a. Priority 1: active dutr, military personnel.
b. Priority 2: DOD civilian employees.
c. Priority 3: all other eligible patrons.
uch community CDS rcvi~ its waiting list
into three separates lists, one for each of the prioritie-s. Patrons already on a waiting Jin were
moved to their new list in the order they appe.ared
on the list.
As vacancies occur, the military tin will be used
first to fill them. When the lut of military patrons
is exhausted, the civilian employees list will be
used; and when the civilian employees list is exhaust,ed, the other patron list will be used.
As new patrons register, their names will be
placed at the bottom of the appropriate waiting
list. Children already attending CDS programs
will continue to attend as long as the sponsors arc
Patrons registmng for CDS programs will be
informed of the patron priority policy and an estimate will be given, when possible, on the length of
time before a child will be placed in a program.
rllkl Cllamp;on.
ship,. See page 4
for story.
lnactlv8tlonl First Sergeant John Dudley, acting CSM. 4th Bn., 9th FA, cases the battalion colors during 4-9's inactivation ceremony while LI. Col. Frank Varsolona, the battalion commender, holds the guidon steady. Spec. Jennifer
Wright, D Co., 55th Spt. Bn., stands by to cany away the retired colols.
TF 4-9 inactivates
by Gerard J. Hart
Public Affairs Officer
HEILBRONN, West Germany - Almost 30 years
of Pershing history ended here on August 10 as tbe
4th Battalion, 9th Field Artillery cased its colors for
the last time.
More than 1SOO guests, including 200 smior military, civilian, and German dignitaries, attended the
inactivation ceremony held at Camp Redleg in the
The Honorable Ve-mon A. Walters, U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, gave the
keynote address to the soldiers. He messed the importance of the soldiers' actions and their place in history.
The highlight of the event was the rresentation of
all the Command's colors in front o the reviewing
stand. The same colors provided the background to
the final casin~ of the colors by Lt. Col. Frank Varsolona and actmg-CSM John Dudley.
The colors were passed from Dudley, representing
the soldiers of 4-9, to Varsolona. He held the colors
as Dudley rolled the colors and placed the case on
them. Varsolona thm passed the furled colors to Maj.
the Cable
Pretrial Information, ... page 2
teest on American
c:utture 10< day.
See page 7 for
Under the terms of the IntermediateRange N uclcar Forces T rcaty, each side
must destroy all iu gTOund bunched
nuclear missiles with nngcs between
SOO and S,SOO kilometers. The only exceptions arc that each party may retain
IS missiles for static display or museum
According ro a Stan and Saipe$ report, the Stn.ithsonian Air and Space
Museum requested and reaived two
Pershing II missiles under the treaty
provi,ions. The Smithsonian then coordinated with its Soviet counterpart lO
exchange a Pershing II for an SS-20.
The U. S. On-Site Inspection Agency
assisted in the exchange by helping with
the transfer details. The OSIA arnnged
for th.c use of a U. S. Air Force aircraft
to trmsport the Pershing missile to the
Soviet Union and return with the SS-20.
The Air Force flight was scheduled as
part of a.n OSIA verification inspection
of a Soviet missile site.
The exchange of missiles involved
training missiles only. The data pl1te on
the Pershing missile listed it as Serial
Number 0039.
Wowl This Pershing missile final resting place Is the Smithsonian Institute alongside the
Welcome back
11t Bn.. 11111 Fa
Sgt. 1st Claea David Shadle
Sgt. Gladyl Lawrence
Sgt. Juan O'Neal
4th Bn 9111 FA
Slaff Sgt. Keith Jennings
Sgt. WIiiiam GrNne
Sgt. lsaako Lefotu
Sgt. Angel Olavarria
Reenllstmentl Spec. Jennifer Curry and Capt. Michael Enneking. 56th FA CMD Adjutant General,
S1and proud as Enneklng rHnllsts Curry, the last Pershing crewmembe< to rHnllst.