Food Chain Lesson Example
Food Chain Lesson Example
Food Chain Lesson Example
Plan Template
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Last Name
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Lesson Duration
5 Grade/ Science
Sorting Bones (10 min): Students will work with their partners to categorize the bones using a reference
22. Stop students from removing bones.
23. Pass out a bones reference sheet to each set of partners.
24. Instruct them to carefully place each bone in the correct box on the bone chart.
25. Then tell them to put all the bones and pellet remains on the plate.
26. Collect the plates, while instructing students to take off their gloves, take their toothpicks, foil
and napkins and throw them away.
Discussion (5 min): Students will be discussing their results and the purpose of looking at the bones in
the pellets.
27. Have students share what types of animals and bones they found.
28. Have students guess why ornithologists would look at the bones in these pellets.
Transition (5 min):
29. Have students leave their science journal and pencils on their desk, and then get out a highlighter.
30. Have students write down their homework and put their planners away.
New Vocabulary (5 min): Students will be introduced to the new vocabulary needed in this lesson.
1. Have students copy down the following vocabulary words and definitions (1st level consumer, 2nd
level consumer, 3rd level consumer ).
2. Then instruct them to take their highlighter and highlight the new vocabulary words (1st level
consumer and 2nd level consumer).
Food Chain and Food Web Yarn Activity (20 min): Students will physically create a food web with 2
food chains. Then they will identify the different parts using academic vocabulary.
Explain the task: We will be creating a food chain and then a food web using yarn and cards.
Review what a food chain and food web are.
Gather 6-7 volunteers for the activity and assign them a part. (sun, sea weed, coral, fish, bigger fish,
shark, humans)
Verbally, using academic language and descriptions, walk through the creation each food chain to form a
food web around the classroom. Have students help determine what eats what.
Have students in their seats identify each plant/animal as a producer, 1st, 2nd, 3rd level consumer, and
Modeling and Drawing Food Web (20 min)
Explain the task: Drawing and labeling their own food chains and web.
Show an exemplar and explain specifically what students need to have in their picture.
Give students time to draw, color, and label their food webs.
Instructional strategies and planned supports to meet the needs of individuals, and/or groups of students
who are in your class during the lesson and may require different strategies or support.
Provide visual aids (examples, anchor charts, pictures) and manipulatives (yarn, charts)
Have group discussions, group work, and individual questioning where misunderstandings can be
Review and apply applicable vocabulary words through discussion and activities
Write the instructions on the board.
Allow them to reconstruct the animals using the bones they found and the bones reference chart.
They can determine which animal the owl enjoyed best based on their findings.
Write a reflection on their experience and also research food chains and webs that are found
Allowed to go ahead and write down the vocabulary words for the next lesson.
Make appropriate accommodations according to each students plan.
Monitor students according to their plan.
Consult with resource teacher/special education teacher for appropriate accommodations as
Provide visual aids (examples, anchor charts, pictures) and manipulatives (yarn, charts)
Have group discussions, group work, and individual questioning where misunderstandings can be
Review and apply applicable vocabulary words through discussion and activities
Write the instructions on the board.
Instructional Resources and Materials
Books, texts, and other materials needed for the lesson
Lesson plan adapted from:
Pickett, Linda. (2012). Day 7B Owl Pellet Investigation. Retrieved from:
White Owl, Barn Owl by: Nicola Davies
11 Owl Pellets (one per pair)
11 snack Ziploc bags
1 pellet to model
11 Paper plates
napkins/paper towels (optional)
11 centimeter rulers
23 toothpicks
6 magnifying glasses (optional)
1 box of latex gloves (1-2 pairs of gloves per person)
Animal bones reference chart
Producer, Consumer, Decomposer, Herbivore, Carnivore Graphic Organizer
Students Science Journals
Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
2 yarn balls in different colors (e.g. red and blue)