Intraocular Pressure After Phacoemulsification in Patients With Uncontrolled Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

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Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-March 2014, pp.


Intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification in patients with

uncontrolled primary open angle glaucoma
Iancu R*, Corbu C**
*Oftaclinic, Bucharest
**Emergency Eye Hospital, Bucharest
Correspondence to: Raluca Iancu, MD
Oftaclinic, Carol Park Residence
2 B Mreti Blvd., Bl. A, Ap. sp 5, District 4, Bucharest, 030987, Romania
Phone/Fax: 021 312 61 19,
Received: August 14th, 2013 Accepted: November 27th, 2013

Rationale (hypothesis). Although cataract and glaucoma represent an increasingly common situation encountered concomitantly,
the management of this association is still debatable.
Objective (aim). We aimed to assess intraocular pressure dynamics after phacoemulsification in patients with uncontrolled primary
open angle glaucoma (POAG).
Methods and Results. The present study was designed as a prospective, non-randomized, cohort study. The study population
comprised of 38 patients with medically uncontrolled POAG who underwent cataract surgery by phacoemulsification between 2011
and 2012. Most of the patients (32/38, 84.2%) needed glaucoma surgery after a variable time (mean time between surgeries was
11.6 +/- 4.18 months). Mean preoperative IOP decreased with 2,1 +/- 3,7 mmHg at 6 months (CI 95% 1.96 to 3.56) and with 1,9 +/3,9 mmHg at 12 months compared with the baseline IOP. Postoperative IOP was statistically significant lower compared with its
preoperative value at 6 months (p=9.11 x 10-8) and at one year (p=9.2 x 10-5). The difference between mean IOP at 6 months and 1
year after cataract surgery was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Preoperatively, all the patients received topical antiglaucoma
therapy. After phacoemulsification, their number did not change statistically significant, but it showed a slight increase. Average
number of topical glaucoma medications used preoperatively was 2.66 + / -0.66, while at 6 months after surgery it was 2.71 + / - 0,75
and at 12 months postoperatively, 2.9 +/- 0.53.
Discussion. IOP decreased statistically significant after phacoemulsification in patients with uncontrolled POAG, but the decrease
was not sufficient for optimal glaucoma management; therefore, many patients needed subsequent glaucoma surgery.
Keywords: intraocular pressure, uncontrolled glaucoma, phacoemulsification

Glaucoma and cataract are frequently encountered
in the same patient, their prevalence increasing with age
[1]. An increasing number of patients who present to the
ophthalmologist with symptoms of cataract or glaucoma
are diagnosed with both conditions [2]. Although it is an
increasingly common situation, the management of
combined cataract and glaucoma is still a subject of
Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is one of the
most common forms of glaucoma in adults. Nowadays,
phacoemulsification represents the gold standard for
cataract surgery. The surgical technique assumes small
clear corneal incisions and foldable intraocular lenses,
which greatly reduce the operating time [3]. Several
studies report that cataract surgery lowers intraocular
pressure (IOP) in normal and glaucomatous eyes [4-6]
and some authors consider it a part of glaucoma
management as well.

Recent studies suggest that lens extraction may be

useful in eyes with primary angle closure glaucoma and
may lead to significant IOP reduction [7-9]. If for angle
closure glaucoma, cataract surgery is considered a
therapeutic option, for open angle glaucoma, things are
not so clearly stated.
For patients with well-controlled POAG, with topical
antiglaucoma medication, and symptomatic cataract,
phacoemulsification with IOL, implantation is the best
option. Cataract surgery rehabilitates vision and can also
decrease IOP and the number of topical antiglaucoma
Consequently, for patients with POAG and cataract,
poorly controlled or uncontrolled with topical medication,
there are several management options to be considered:
staged approach (cataract surgery, followed or preceded

Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-March 2014

phacoemulsification to the glaucoma surgery, visual
function after cataract surgery, complications rate, and the
need for antiglaucomatous medication after cataract

Material and methods

Considering the high incidence and prevalence of
cataract and glaucoma as separate clinical entities in
general population, it seems reasonable to consider that
the association of both conditions in the same patients is
also common. Considering the great variety of visual
function changes associated with glaucoma and cataract,
there are well-established guidelines for each of them
considered separately, but a consensus on the
management of the patient with both conditions is lacking.
Therefore, it is important to underline the effect of treating
one of them on the concurrent disease progression. For
clarity purposes, we selected only the patients with
concomitant cataract and medically uncontrolled open
angle glaucoma (POAG) (intraocular pressure over 21
mmHg with maximal medical therapy). The surgical
treatment for the patients with cataract was the gold
standard nowadays phacoemulsification.
In the present study, we aimed to assess the effect
of phacoemulsification on intraocular pressure in patients
with concomitant cataract and medically uncontrolled
POAG. The primary endpoint was the change in
intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification. Secondary

Study design
The clinical study was designed as a prospective,
non-randomized, cohort study. This study comprised of
eyes with uncontrolled POAG and cataract surgically
treated with phacoemulsification with IOL implantation,
between 2011 and 2012.
Patients selection
The inclusion criteria are listed in Table 1. Only one
eye was considered for each patient. For patients with
POAG affecting both eyes, the eye with higher IOP was
selected, even if the cataract was more advanced in the
other eye.
All the patients presented the diagnostic criteria for
POAG, IOP 21 mmHg, but 28 mmHg, with at least
three topical glaucoma medication (POAG medically
uncontrolled) and clinically significant lens opacities.
Patients selection met the criteria in Table 1.

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Criteria for POAG

- Assessment of optical nerve damage

preexisting structural anomalies of optic nerve
visual field defects, reliable and reproducible
- Onset in adult life
- Open angle at gonioscopy
- No other causes of optical nerve changes progression
(secondary glaucoma) [2]
- IOP > 21 mmHg with maximal topical treatment or patient
necessitating more than three medication types to maintain
IOP within normal limits
- Lens opacification influencing the visual function and the
quality of life [10], excluding the patients with visual acuity of
less than 1/20
- Age over 50
- Patient with medically uncontrolled POAG (IOP between 21
and 28 mmHg) and cataract, but with a visual acuity of over
- Single functional eye
- Diabetes mellitus type I or II
- History of surgical procedures in the same eye or
contralateral eye
- Concomitant ocular pathology: uveitis, endothelial dystrophy
- Significant refractive disease (high myopia, high

Medically uncontrolled POAG definition

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

computerized perimetry indexes (MD, PD, VFI), visual

acuity, depth of anterior chamber, gonioscopy,
biomicroscopy of anterior and posterior pole, structural
assessment of ocular nerve and nerve fibers layer.

The study group consisted of patients with cataract

and medically uncontrolled POAG who underwent
phacoemulsification. All the patients enrolled met the
inclusion criteria. Preoperatively, the patients were
evaluated assessing the following parameters: IOP, target
IOP, number and type of antiglaucomatous topical
medication, corneal central thickness, the effect of topic
treatment on ocular surface and its duration, Humphrey

IOP evaluation
The IOP was measured by using Goldmann
tonometry, the gold standard for IOP assessment.

Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-March 2014

foldable intraocular lens, aspherical, monofocal or

multifocal, placed inside the crystalline capsule (cases
where intraocular implant was placed in sulcus were not
included in the study). We practiced corneal wound
closure in all the patients.

When quantifying the postoperative decrease in

IOP, it is very important to clearly document the baseline
IOP determined preoperatively. We considered as
baseline IOP, the value estimated preoperatively with the
following algorithm: the estimation was done by using at
least two values measured in the last month before
surgery and if the difference between measurements was
less than 2 mmHg, the time interval between the valid
measurements was of at least 5 days. If the difference
between the two measurements was higher than 3
mmHg, we used the average value. This algorithm is
similar with the one used in Ocular Hypertension
Treatment Study [11,12].

Postoperative follow-up
Postoperative reexaminations were performed after
surgery with the following periodicity: one day, one week,
one month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months
after surgery. Postoperatively, the following parameters
were assessed:
- Number of topical antiglaucomatous medication

Target IOP
After glaucoma was diagnosed, we calculated target
IOP for each patient. Target IOP represents the value of
IOP at which it is least likely that glaucoma will progress.
Target IOP should be estimated according to glaucoma
severity; for more severe glaucoma, we should consider
smaller values for target IOP. Studies like Early Manifest
Glaucoma Trial and Collaborative Initial Glaucoma
Treatment Study conclude that target IOP should be with
25%-30% less than the baseline IOP [13-15]. We
calculated target IOP value extracting 30% from baseline
IOP in each patient, but we also considered that this value
should not be greater than 18 mmHg.
Glaucoma medication (number and type)
To perform the statistical analysis, the number of
topical antiglaucoma medication was numerically
quantified, considering the number 1 for each topical
pharmaceutical category. Thus, if patients used betablockers and topical prostaglandin analogs, it was coded
with 2. There were also cases where patients used
preoperatively systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
Each tablet of acetazolamide 250 mg was coded with 2.

This study comprised 38 eyes with cataract and
medically uncontrolled POAG. The mean age of the
studied population was 71.7+/-8.27 years. The sex ratio
was 61.5% females and 38.5% males.
All the patients underwent cataract surgery
(phacoemulsification with IOL implantation). The vast
majority (32/38, 84.2%) also needed glaucoma surgery
after a variable time (mean time between surgeries was
11.6 +/- 4.18 months). Only 6 patients out of 38 (15.8%)
no longer required trabeculectomy after cataract surgery.
The follow-up period considered in the study was the time
between the cataract surgery and the glaucoma surgery
in 32 patients, and for the rest of 6 patients, the mean
follow up was 23 +/- 8,16 months. We evaluated all the
patients at 6 months and one year; if the glaucoma
surgery was performed, we considered as final IOP the
pressure measured before trabeculectomy.
Eyes were placed into 1 of 3 groups based on
preoperative IOP as it follows: 28 to 27 mmHg (6
patients), 26 to 24 mmHg (13 patients), 23 to 21 mmHg
(19 patients).
Preoperative IOP varied between 21 and 28 mmHg.
Mean preoperative IOP decreased with 2,1 +/- 3,7 mmHg
at 6 months (CI 95% 1.96 to 3.56) and with 1,9 +/- 3,9
mmHg at 12 months compared with the baseline IOP.
Postoperative IOP was statistically significant lower
compared with its preoperative value at 6 months and at
one year (Table 2). The difference between the mean IOP
at 6 months and 1 year after cataract surgery was not
statistically significant (Fig. 1).

Cataract surgery
The phacoemulsification surgery will be briefly
described. All the cataract surgeries were performed
through a small incision of 2.2 mm. The incisions were
made in clear cornea, after corneal incision capsulorhexis
being performed, followed by hydrodissection and
hydrodelineation. The crystalline nucleus was split and
removed by phacoemulsification. The irrigation-aspiration
was used to remove any cortical fragments remaining
after phacoemulsification. All the patients received a
Table 2. Mean IOP changes at 6 months and 1-year follow-up.

Mean age

preoperative IOP

Mean IOP 6
months post

Mean IOP 1
year post

P value preop/
6 months

P value
preop/1 year






9.11 x 10-8

9.2 x 10-5


Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-March 2014

Number of topical antiglaucoma treatment

The average number of topical glaucoma
medications used preoperatively was 2.66 + / -0.66, while
at 6 months after surgery it was 2.71 + / - 0,75 and at 12
months postoperatively, 2.9 +/- 0.53. The difference
between the values at 6 months and the ones at 12
months was not significantly different. Preoperatively, all
the patients received topical antiglaucoma therapy. After
phacoemulsification, their number did not change
statistically significant, but it showed a slight increase.
Postoperatively, there was an improvement in visual
acuity of at least two lines on Snellen eye chart in all the
Fig. 1 Mean IOP change at 6 months and 1-year follow-up,
stratified on preoperative IOP values

The small population size is the main drawback of
our study.
The mean postoperative IOP at 6 and 12 months
was statistically significant lower than the corresponding
preoperative values, and the mean percentage change
from baseline was clinically significant. Despite the
reduction in IOP values after phacoemulsification, the
number of glaucoma medication did not change
significantly, but it showed a slight increase. Our findings
concur with the findings of previous studies that document
phacoemulsification [16,17]. However, the majority of
studies enrolled patients with no glaucoma or with
medically controlled glaucoma. Therefore, a direct
comparison could not be made, the present study
enrolling only patients with medically uncontrolled
Although reduction of IOP by a mean of 2.7 mmHg
after cataract surgery was statistically significant, this
small change is often not sufficient to treat the patient with
uncontrolled POAG only by cataract surgery.
Consequently, only 15.8% of the patients did not require
further glaucoma surgery for lowering IOP to the desired
target values.
Previous studies have shown that cataract lens
removal improve glaucoma control by reducing IOP.
Although a clear relationship between cause and effect
has been recorded and checked, the mechanisms by
which cataract surgery influences IOP are not fully
understood. Possible mechanisms can include the
following: reduced aqueous humor secretion, reduced
resistance to aqueous humor efflux, altered
biomechanical barrier or blood-aqueous humor barrier [3].
Other studies demonstrate IOP reduction after cataract
surgery in patients without associated ocular pathology
[18,19]. This may bring some information regarding
pressure reduction mechanisms. If IOP decrease would
be caused by the increase in trabecular outflow, we would
expect a greater decrease of IOP in eyes without
glaucoma compared to patients with POAG, because in

Figure 2 depicts the distribution of IOP changes on

preoperative groups of IOP. All the patients (100%) in the
high preoperative IOP group showed a decrease in IOP.
The group with the lowest preoperative IOP had the
smallest number of patients with a decrease in IOP (58%)
and the highest number of patients with increased IOP
after surgery (37%).

Fig. 2 Distribution of postoperative IOP variation on

preoperative IOP groups

Factors associated with postoperative intraocular

postoperative IOP and demographic/clinical factors were
as follows: mean preoperative IOP (r = 0.377, p <0.001),
baseline age (r =0.07, p = 0.87), gender (r = 0.03, p =
0.23). The only factor significantly associated with
postoperative IOP was preoperative IOP (p <0.001),
although the correlation was weak (r=0.377). Higher
preoperative IOP was associated with higher
postoperative IOP while lower preoperative IOP was
associated with lower postoperative IOP.

Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-March 2014

the latter, the trabeculum is compromised. Therefore, if

reduction in IOP would be associated with reduced
resistance to flow through the trabecular meshwork, the
decrease in IOP may be due to increased uveoscleral
rather than trabecular outflow [3]. Other possible
mechanisms are decreasing aqueous humor secretion
due to traction on the ciliary body determined by the
postoperator contracted capsule through the zonular
fibers, or altered biomechanical barrier or blood - aqueous
humor barrier [20,21].
The present study confirms that cataract surgery
with intraocular lens implantation lowers IOP. The group
with the highest preoperative IOP had the greatest
decrease in postoperative IOP. This demonstrates that
the decrease in IOP after phacoemulsification is
proportional with the value of preoperative IOP and the
eyes that required the greatest reduction have benefited
most. These results demonstrate that phacoemulsification
with foldable IOL implantation can be considered as an
option for treatment in eyes with glaucoma and high IOP.
Our findings suggest that sutureless clear corneal
phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens
implantation can be considered as the first option in

patients with fairly uncontrolled primary open angle

glaucoma. Of the 6 patients who have not required further
glaucoma surgery, 5 are part of the group with low
pressure values ranged between 21 and 23 mmHg. In this
group, 26% of the patients did not require further
glaucoma surgery.
Cataract surgery alone is not a good option in terms
of medically uncontrolled POAG management. In this
study, phacoemulsification was followed by glaucoma
surgery in 84.2% of cases. For patients with uncontrolled
POAG and cataract, the surgical treatment for both
conditions could be considered. This could be done as
combined surgery (phacotrabeculectomy) or staged
approach (phacoemulsification followed by glaucoma
surgery or the other way around). Cataract surgery alone
compared to combined procedures has the advantage of
providing rapid visual rehabilitation with fewer
The present study was done on eyes with
preoperative medically uncontrolled glaucoma, therefore
the extrapolation of the results to eyes with preoperative
medically controlled glaucoma cannot be considered.








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