Chapter 1 Resources

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The key takeaways are that resources are anything that can satisfy human needs, and that for something to be considered a resource it must have utility or usability. Sustainable development and conservation of resources are also important themes.

A resource is anything that can be used to satisfy a need or want. Resources must have utility or usability.

For something to become a resource, it must have value. Value comes from the use or utility of an object or substance.


Mona and Raju were helping Amma to clean their house.

“Look at all these things…. clothes, utensils, foodgrains,
combs, this bottle of honey, books…..Each of these has a
use,” said Mona. “That is why they are important,” said
Amma. “These are resources…..”. “What is a resource?”
Let’s do
was Raju’s question to Amma. “Anything that can be used
List out five
to satisfy a need is a resource”, replied amma. “Look around resources you use
you and observe, you will be able to identify many types of in your home and
resources. The water you drink when you are thirsty, the five you use in
electricity you use in your house, the rickshaw you use to your classroom.
get home from school, the textbook you use to study are all
resources. Your father has prepared a tasty snack for you.
The fresh vegetables he has used are also a resource”.
Water, electricity, rickshaw, vegetable and textbook
have something in common. They have all been used by
you, so they have utility. Utility or usability is what makes
an object or substance a resource.
“How does something become a resource?” Raju now
wanted to know. Amma told the children that things become
resources only when they have a value. “Its use or utility gives
it a value. All resources have some value.” said Amma.
Value means worth. Some resources have economic
value, some do not. For example, metals may have an
economic value, a beautiful landscape may not. But both
Patent: It means
are important and satisfy human needs. the exclusive right
Some resources can become economically valuable over any idea or
with time. Your grandmother’s home remedies have no invention.
commercial value today. But if they are patented and sold by
a medical firm tomorrow, they could become economically
Time and technology are two important factors that
Glossary can change substances into resources. Both are related
Technology: It is to the needs of the people. People themselves are the
the application of most important resource. It is their ideas, knowledge,
latest knowledge inventions and discoveries that lead to the creation of
and skill in doing
more resources. Each discovery or invention leads to many
or making things.
others. The discovery of fire led to the practice of cooking
and other processes while the invention of the wheel
ultimately resulted in development of
Activity newer modes of transport. The technology “A very
Circle those valuable one!”
to create hydroelectricity
resources from
has turned energy in fast “So I am a
Amma’s list that
have no commercial flowing water into an resource too!”
value as yet. important resource.

Resources are generally classified into
natural, human made and human.

Natural Resources
Amma’s List Resources that are drawn from Nature and used without
Cotton cloth much modification are called natural resources. The
Iron ore air we breathe, the water in our rivers and lakes, the
Intelligence soils, minerals are all natural resources. Many of these
resources are free gifts of nature and can be used
Medicinal plants
directly. In some cases tools and technology may be
Medical knowledge needed to use a natural resource in the best possible
Coal deposits way.
Beautiful scenery Natural resources are classified into different groups
Agricultural land depending upon their level of development and use;
origin; stock and distribution.
Clean environment
Old folk songs On the basis of their development and use resources
can be classified into two groups, actual resources and
Good weather
potential resources.
Actual resources are those resources whose quantity
A good singing voice
is known. These resources are being used in the present.
Grandmother’s The rich deposits of coal in Ruhr region of Germany and
home remedies petroleum in the West Asia, the dark soils of the Deccan
Affection from plateau in Maharashtra are all actual resources.
friends and family
Potential resources are those whose entire quantity
may not be known and these are not being used at


present. These resources could be used in the future.
The level of technology we have at present may not be
advanced enough to easily utilise these resources. The
uranium found in Ladakh is an example of potential
resource that could be used in the future. High speed
winds were a potential resource two hundred
years ago. Today they are an actual resource and
wind farms generate energy using windmills like
in Netherlands. You will find some in Nagercoil in
Tamil Nadu and on the Gujarat coast.
Based on their origin, resources can be
abiotic or biotic. Abiotic resources are non-living
while biotic resources are living. Soils, rocks and
minerals are abiotic but plants and animals are
biotic resources.
Fig. 1.1: Windmills
Natural resources can be broadly categorised into
renewable and non-renewable resources.
Renewable resources are those which get renewed or
replenished quickly. Some of these are unlimited and are
not affected by human activities, such as solar and wind
energy. Yet careless use of certain renewable resources Glossary
like water, soil and forest can affect their stock. Water Stock of Resource
seems to be an unlimited renewable resource. But It is the amount of
shortage and drying up of natural water sources is a resources available
major problem in many parts of the world today. for use.

Non-renewable resources are those which have a

limited stock. Once the stocks are exhausted it may
take thousands of years to be renewed or replenished.
Since this period is much more than human life spans,
such resources are considered non-renewable. Coal,
petroleum and natural gas are some examples. Let’s do
Think of a few
On the basis of their distribution resources can be renewable resources
ubiquitous or localised. Resources that are found and mention how
everywhere like the air we breathe, are ubiquitous. their stock may get
But those which are found only in certain places are affected by overuse.
localised, like copper and iron ore.
The distribution of natural resources depends
upon number of physical factors like terrain, climate
and altitude. The distribution of resources is unequal
because these factors differ so much over the earth.

Human Made Resources
Let’s do Sometimes, natural substances become resources only
Make a list of when their original form has been changed. Iron ore
five human made was not a resource until people learnt to extract iron
resources that you from it. People use natural resources to make buildings,
can observe around
bridges, roads, machinery and vehicles, which are
known as human made resources. Technology is also
a human made resource.
“So people like us use natural resources to make human
made resources,” said Mona nodding in understanding.
Do you know? “Yes,” said Raju.
Human Resource
refer to the number Human Resources
(quantity) and
abilities (mental People can make the best use of nature to create more
and physical) resources when they have the knowledge, skill and
of the people. the technology to do so. That is why human beings
Though, there are are a special resource. People are human resources.
differing views Education and health help in making people a valuable
regarding treatment
resource. Improving the quality of people’s skills so
of humans as
a resource, one
that they are able to create more resources is known as
cannot deny the human resource development.
fact that it is
the abilities of “Crops ruined
human that help due to that’s it!
in transfering the drought”.
physical material “Can I find
into valuable a solution?”.

“…its all thanks

to the knowledge,
education and
skill… we could find
a solution…

Read and Ponder: Humans are interdependent on

each other. Farmers provide food grains for every one.
Scientists suggest various means to combat problems
related to agriculture and improve farm production.


Mona had a nightmare. She
dreamt that all the water on
the earth had dried up and all
the trees cut down. There was
no shade and nothing to eat or
drink. People were suffering and
roaming around desperately
looking for food and shade.
She told her mother about
the dream. “Amma can this really
happen?” she asked.
“Yes,” Amma replied. “If we
are not careful then even renewable
resources can become very scarce and the
non- renewable ones can definitely get exhausted”. “What
can we do about it,” Raju asked. “Lots,” replied Amma.
Using resources carefully and giving them time to Sustainable
get renewed is called resource conservation. Balancing Development
the need to use resources and also conserve them for Carefully utilising
the future is called sustainable development. There resources so that
are many ways of conserving resources. Each person besides meeting
can contribute by reducing consumption, recycling and the requirements
reusing thing. Ultimately it makes a difference because of the present, also
takes care of future
all our lives are linked. generations.
That evening the children and their friends made
packets and shopping bags out of old
newspapers, discarded clothes and baskets
from bamboo sticks. “We will give a few to every
family we know,” said Mona. “After all it is for
a very good cause,” said Mustafa, “To save our
resources and to keep our earth alive”.
“I am going to be very careful not to waste
paper,” said Jessy. “Many trees are cut down
to make paper,” she explained.
“I will see that electricity is not wasted in
my house,” shouted Mustafa. “Electricity comes
from water and coal.”

Some Principles of
“I will make sure that water is not wasted at home,”
Sustainable Development said Asha. “Every drop of water is precious”
Respect and care for all “Together we can make a difference!” chorused the
forms of life children.
Improve the quality of
human life These are some of the things Mona, Raju and their
Conserve the earth’s friends did. What about you? How are you going to help
vitality and diversity in conserving resources?
Minimise the depletion The future of our planet and its people is linked with
of natural resources our ability to maintain and preserve the life support
Change personal
system that nature provides. Therefore it is our duty to
attitude and practices
toward the environment ensure that.
Enable communities • all uses of renewable resources are sustainable
to care for their own • the diversity of life on the earth is conserved
environment. • the damage to natural environmental system is

1. Answer the following questions.
(i) Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?
(ii) What is resource conservation?
(iii) Why are human resources important?
(iv) What is sustainable development?
2. Tick the correct answer.
(i) Which one of the following does NOT make substance a resource?
(a) utility (b) value (c) quantity
(ii) Which one of the following is a human made resource?
(a) medicines to treat cancer
(b) spring water
(c) tropical forests
(iii) Complete the statement.
Biotic resources are
(a) derived from living things
(b) made by human beings
(c) derived from non-living things
3. Differentiate between the followings.
(a) Potential and actual resources
(b) Ubiquitous and localised resources


4. Activity
“Rahiman paani raakhiye,
Bin paani sab soon.
Paani gaye na ubere
Moti, manus, choon…”
[Says Rahim, keep water, as without water there is nothing. Without water
pearl, swan and dough cannot exist. ]
These lines were written by the poet Abdur Rahim Khankhana, one of the
nine gems of Akbar’s court. What kind of resource is the poet referring to?
Write in 100 words what would happen if this resource disappeared?
For Fun
1. Pretend that you live in the prehistoric times on a high windy plateau. What
are the uses you and your friends could put the fast winds to? Can you call
the wind a resource?
Now imagine that you are living in the same place in the year 2138. Can
you put the winds to any use? How? Can you explain why the wind is an
important resource now?
2. Pick up a stone, a leaf, a paper straw and a twig. Think of how you can use
these as resources. See the example given below and get creative!

You can use a stone… Use/Utility

To play stapu toy

As a paper-weight tool
To crush spices tool
To decorate your garden/room decoration piece
To open a bottle tool
In a catapult weapon

You can use a leaf… Use/Utility

You can use a straw… Use/Utility

You can use a twig… Use/Utility


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