Individual Mind Map
Individual Mind Map
Individual Mind Map
*understanding all aspects of
domestic violence*
Vanecia Ellis
UWRT 1102-024
Ms. Morton
March 31,2016
Inquiry #1
Is there a difference
between domestic
violence and abuse?
Followill, Peter. Differentiating between domestic violence and domestic
abuse NOLO. Criminal Law Defense. 2016. Web. 30 Mar 2016.
Domestic violence and domestic abuse both refer to events when a
physical altercation occurs between people who may be married, living
together, and / or dating. Both domestic violence and domestic abuse
consider intentional injury/ assault as a description but one big difference is
when fear is place into the victims mind and that is considered domestic
violence. Domestic abuse considers sexual assault as a characteristic where
in contrast domestic abuse considers rape, sexual assault against a child,
sexual battery, and sexual offense as a characteristic.
Source 2
Leaving Abuse. Domestic violence vs. Domestic abuse. 23
Aug 2015. Web. 30 Mar 2016.
Domestic violence is defined as any crime against a person,
property or any municipal violation against a person or a property
when used as a method of control, punishment, or revenge.
Domestic abuse is defined as any violent act or threatened act
that is committed by any person against another person that has
or is currently in a domestic relationship.
Source 3
Tucker & Associates LLC. Domestic Violence and Domestic
Assault Web. 30 Mar 2016.
Domestic violence and domestic abuse are both criminal
charges that includes threats and/or physical assaults between
spouses, partners, parents, adult children and anyone in the close
family relationship. Domestic violence describes threats or actual
events of physical altercations between domestic relationships.
Domestic abuse is only linked to the actual physical altercation not
the threats.
Inquiry #2
Source 1
Jetter, Alexis. Domestic Violence: A Hidden Cause of Chronic
Illness MORE. Article. 31 Mar 2016.
According to this web article, about 44% of women who have
experienced domestic violence have later reported the physical
effects have remained such as migraines, arthritis, and
gastrointestinal disease.
Source 2
Women Health Organization. Understanding and addressing
violence against women 2012. PDF File. 31 Mar 2016.
Domestic violence can cause immediate and long lasting fatal
or chronic physical and mental health issues. For example,
depression, STI/STDs, unwanted pregnancy, permanent physical
disabilities, etc.
Source 3
Joyful Heart Foundation. Effects of Domestic Violence. Web
Article. 31 Mar 2016.
Domestic violence has also been directly to the cause of PTSD,
depression, dissociation (when an individual has checked out or
not present) in the victims. Other issues such as sexual
dysfunction, issues with a womans menstrual cycle, muscle
tension, and many other chronic physical disabilities.
Inquiry #3
Source 1
Domestic Violence Round Table. Why do abuse victims stay?.
2008. Web Article. 31 Mar 2016.
Reported reasons why victims stay:
Source 2
Hicken, Melanie. Domestic violence survivors: How we
escaped. CNN Money. 11 Sept 2014. Web Article. 31 Mar 3016.
Beverly Gooden tells her story to CNN and how most women
are dependent on their abusers for the necessities of life such as
income, a roof over their head, and some times even health
insurance. She explained how she had been with her husband
since college and didnt have any credit history so was unable to
do many things alone.
Inquiry #4
Source 1
Seifert, Kathryn PhD. Domestic Violence affects all family
members. Psychology Today. 30 Oct 2012. Web Article. 31 Mar
This article explained how domestic violence displayed in the
home shows a young child that is normal to physically assault
those you love. It also says children that grow up in violent home
doesnt receive the loving and nurturing environment as other
children which could effect their brain and skill development.
Source 2
Domestic Violence Round Table. The Effects of Domestic
Violence on Children. 2008. Web Article. 31 Mar 2016.
This focused on the long term effects on the child and how
they see relations later in life. For example, children who watch
their fathers abuse their mother they believe that intimidation and
violence is a way to get what they want from someone.
Source 3
Culp-Reseller, Tara. The hidden consequences of domestic
violence lingers for decades . Think Progress. 26 Sep 2014.
Web Article. 30 Mar 2016.
An estimated 3.3 million children are exposed to domestic
violence against their mothers or female care taker. Being exposed
to this violence has a huge impact on their adult life and could
cause an earlier death. These children also have higher anger
levels, hostility, disobedience and withdrawal.