Classroom Observation Assignment-Form 1 Omer Dogan
Classroom Observation Assignment-Form 1 Omer Dogan
Classroom Observation Assignment-Form 1 Omer Dogan
1-What was/were the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson? (Add state objectives if
known, for example, TEKS 111.4. Grade 2.b.)
PHYS.4A Generate and interpret graphs and charts describing different types of motion
including the use of real-time technology such as motion detectors and photogates
PHYS.4B Describe and analyze motion in one dimension using equations with the concepts
of distance, displacement, speed, average velocity, instantaneous velocity, and acceleration. .
PHYS.4C Analyze and describe accelerated motion in two dimensions using equations
including projectile and circular examples. .
PHYS.4F Identify and describe motion relative to different frames of reference. .
5-How did the teacher assess learning? (informal, formal, formative, summative, oral, openended, quiz, feedback etc) See Chapter 8 for more information on assessment methods
The teacher used informal assessment and also end of the experiment there were 7
questions to be answered by students. During the class he was asking open ended questions to
take the attention of students.
6- What can you say about the teachers philosophy/beliefs and style?
(Traditional/progressive, behaviorist, student-centered vs. teacher centered, authoritative etc)
The teacher was using almost all the methods. However I could say at this moment he
was using the student-centered method of his class.
7-How does the teacher manage classroom? Can you identify classroom management
techniques used?
The teacher used a couple of different classroom management techniques. The first thing
was the rules of classroom. Each student knows the classroom procedures. They had an assigned
seat in the lab-class. After they settle up ,the teacher took the attendance and asked some
questions. In the school there is discipline point system. If a student gets 10 points he or she will
come to the school for Saturday detention. Teacher warned a student and wrote his name on the
board. The third action was going to DPS but student did not continue his action. The teacher
was walking around the class all the time and keeping his eyes on the students.
8-Observe in the classroom setting and determine types of behavior students play when offtask. What do they do when they are not paying attention? How does the teacher re-direct
them or get them back on task?
There were around 12 students on the back of the class. One student was playing with her
phone and the teacher warned her once. 5-10 minutes later ,she was playing again and Mr.
Kahraman took her phone away and he said that her parents need to take the phone from the
front office by paying 5 dollars. After he took the phone he remind them the procedure of using
phone in the class and the consequences of the action.
9-How does the teacher communicate with students (verbal, vocal, meta-verbal or non-verbal
communication such as facial, body language, use of space, motion and time?)
Mr. Kahraman was using his body language mostly. Sometimes he was looking at the
student and staying like this for a couple of seconds. And also he used verbal communication to
communicate with his students.
10-Who were the students in the class? What did you notice about them? (Background,
diversity, attitude, motivation, interaction, participation, etc)
This class was and AP Physics class. Most of the students were motivated and engaged to
the class. They were ready for the class before they come to the lab. Their background was
enough to learn new things. Most of them were participating and asking questions when they did
not understand.
11-What did you see that is effective in engaging students? What do you see that is
ineffective in keeping students engaged?
He showed them a small demonstration instead of telling them what to do. It was very effective
and also he gave them lab manual for the experiment. When he says something to the whole
class, he needed to explain it a couple of times. So to make announcements to the whole class is
not very effective.
12-What are the two instructional strategies you observed and would like to apply in your
I observed a lot of instructional strategies in the lab-class. These two were so effective to me.
These are demonstration and supporting the lecture with experiment. This class was 90 minutes
block and the teacher had time to do different things to teach his lesson. So every class time he
can show some demonstrations to the students.
13-What are two important classroom management strategies that you observed and would
like to apply in your classroom?
The classroom procedures were very effective and walking around the class too. I am not
sure the schools DPS is very effective but it was a working system that I saw in this class. This
class was AP Physics class so we cannot be sure this system will work on a regular class.