Top 5 Outcomes

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Top 5 Outcomes:

26.Student will show knowledge of the Servant Leadership theory of leadership by Greenleaf.
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experiences: Philanthropy events
Outcome: Robert Greenleaf once said in order to be a servant leader one must serve before he leads. Robert Greenleaf broke this theory
into seven Cs. These seven C characteristics all lead to what the servant leadership model is all about, change. In order to be a servant leader
one must serve first. On my road to becoming a servant leader I noticed all the opportunities there are to serve all around campus. Whether it
be fundraising, cleaning up around campus or proposing ideas to benefit out campus, they are all examples of service around campus. Serving
should not be something that one dreads as Robert Greenleaf said it begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. A servant leader
focuses primarily on the growth and well being of people and the communities in which they belong. Servant Leadership differs from many
interpretations of the world leadership. While traditional leadership involves one at the top of the pyramid, servant leadership is different
because it shares power and puts the need of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

27. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Greenleaf)
Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experiences: Philanthropy within my fraternity
Outcome: Learning the servant leadership model has brought out a whole different aspect to the term leadership. After viewing all the servant
leadership presentations in HDF 190, it brought the thought to my head that servant leadership is portrayed all around campus almost
everyday. Whether it is Greek Life raising money for fundraisers, or people picking up trash in order to keep our campus clean, they both
portray aspects of servant leadership. Being involved in Greek Life here at URI, it is required to be involved with different philanthropies around
campus to better benefit our community. But ZBT brought out the aspect that philanthropy events shouldn't be mandatory events. Us as
brothers enjoy giving time for philanthropy as it gives us a chance to give back to the community.
Although my small group was not able to portray servant leadership because of weather, we were able to come up with a possible antidiscrimination campaign that can be pursued by future flite students in pursue of there servant leadership campaign. We decided on this
because it can be a project that can be beneficial for our campus for many years to come. It can force many students to spread awareness for
a campaign that many have problems with to this day.

6. Student will express a personal code of leadership / membership ethics

Target Class: HDF 190
Additional Experiences: Lacrosse season senior year
Outcome: Ones leadership qualities may be brought out in many diverse situations. From being a captain of a sports team to helping your
classmates build the highest spaghetti tower in the class. Playing lacrosse in high school for four years helped us keep growing until my senior
year. As a senior, me and two of my friends were given the honory position of captain. The six years prior of lacrosse, Mount Sinai lacrosse(my
high school) had not made even made a close attempt to making it to playoffs. Through hard work and team building me and my two friends
were able to lead our team to the Long Island championship. To do so we really had to build our team working as hard in practice then we
would in a game. Making sure everyone who can make an impact does so. We took it game by game and slowly progressed as the season
went on. Aside from the lacrosse team, the pasta building exercise allowed for many leadership qualities to come out in everyone. Everyone
was respectful, listening to what everyone had to say and putting everyones thoughts into play. Taking the position of actually hands on building
the tower was simple because of the communication our group possessed. We were able to put all our thoughts together to create a process
that worked for all of us.

5. Student will demonstrate the ability to manage stress

Target Class: BUS 111
Additional Experiences: Catering parties in the summer
Outcome: Stress is something that many people let get the best of them. Stress can handled in many different ways depending on the situation.
Working at a catering hall in the summer, handling two parties a day became a little bit of a struggle. Between setting up, cleaning up and
setting up again, me and my coworkers were put under a lot of stress by our boss. We were then able to figure out a plan to divide the work
evenly between us. We realized instead of half of us setting up and half of us cleaning, we would put all our effects together and help each
other out. By communicating with others we were able to finish our work in more effective timing. We created a process that not only benefited
us, but benefited our guests by giving a cleaner environment with fast service. Aside from work, college is one of my first real experiences with
stress. During my first semester, all classes were going well besides my business calc class(BUS 111). I did not put the work that was
necessary in competing this class. Returning second semester taking the same class put unwanted stress on my shoulders that freaked me
out. By going out of my way to create a study plan for this class, my grades have been much higher than the previous semester. I am able to
complete my homework on time, study for my tests and quizzes, and still have plenty of time to complete my other four classes core work as

8. Student will express a personal values statement

Target Class: PSY 115
Additional Experiences: Applying for a job
Outcome: A major component I have learned being away from home is always be grateful for what my parents do. Being away from your
hometown friends during school makes you adapt and meet new friends away from home. During this process of finding new friends I made
many friends with little to no family at home. Seeing how much harder life can be with no family support really made me grateful for the work
my parents put in for me everyday. At this point in my life, success depends on the ability of myself to repay my parents to my maximum
capability. I started this by applying for a job just to take some financial weight off my parents shoulders. By doing this, they have given me
more freedom to live on my own knowing I can support myself for little things in life. Of course I rely on them heavily in college, I hope for that
to change as I finish up my four years here at URI.
Talking to my PSY 115 professor about my friends with little to no family waiting for them at home, he told me to make them family. Although not
everyone is lucky enough to have a caring family, the least one can do is make them feel loved and give them someone to fall back on when
there are no other options.

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