Sanjay Mohe
Sanjay Mohe
Sanjay Mohe
We give importance to the transition from outdoors to indoors, blurring the boun
daries. We try and create spaces which are unique in their feel providing the user
with a series of experiences experiencing elements of nature within a space, ex
periencing light, breeze, sound, unfolding of layers and volumes. quote_end
- See more at: SANJAY MOHE
About Company
Mindspace was formed in 2004 by Vauki Prakash, Suryanarayanan and Sanjay Mohe. O
ur firm is currently lead by Suryanarayanan, Medappa and myself. Of a total staf
f strength of 35, 20 are architects. We have consciously restricted the size of
our firm, to create a family-like bonding. It is important for us to be connecte
d to each other. Transparency is another important factor in our office. There a
re no closed cabins. The underlying idea is to create quality architecture and e
njoy the process.
We looked at climate as the main influencing factor on life style - our culture,
behavior, eating habits, fashion and most importantly architecture. Hence the c
entral idea of our architecture lies in its response to climate and context. Bei
ng sensitive to the elements of nature - Our design process involves understandi
ng the forces of nature, trying to use their energy to create a healthy and ener
gy efficient environment where the five elements (light, earth, air, water and s
ky) become an integral part of the built, breathing life into them. Using LIGHT
to modulate spaces - Light has been the most dynamic element we have used and we
are constantly trying to refine the quality it can add to spaces. Even a dark r
oom needs a crack of light to know how dark it is. This not only minimises the n
eed for any artificial sources of lighting but also creates animated spaces with
interplay of light and shadow. Blurring Boundaries - We give importance to the
transition from outdoors to indoors, blurring the boundaries. To sum up, our bui
ldings are not consciously designed to capture attention from the exterior. We t
ry and create spaces which are unique in their feel providing the user with a ser
ies of experiences experiencing elements of nature within a space, experiencing
light, breeze, sound, unfolding of layers and volumes. The external form of the
building is derived to complement the functions within. We try to create an equ
ilibrium between man, his needs, emotions, culture, his aspirations, elements of
nature and technological advancement. - See more at: http://www.insideoutside.i
PEOPLE Sanjay Mohe s guiding principle is that buildings can be modern with a defi
nite dash of common sense. He talks about his way of using spaces