Storia Dell'Architettura II: Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)

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Storia DellArchitettura II

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)

Every great architect is necessarily a great poet. He must be a great original
interpreter of his time, his days, his age.

Noted for his influence in American architecture

Natural and organic architecture
The fountainhead
Il pianoforte
Automobile sempre rossi

Le Corbusier

Rejected the contemporary city

In favour of greater centralisation and height of the city

Years of the Prairie Houses (1899-1910)

- Residence per Frederick C, Robie
- Residence for Darwin
- Frank Lloyd wright: always an individualist, never joined the Americian
Instutitue of Architects. Nonetheless, the AIA recognized his immense
contribution to Americian architecture by awarding him the AIA Gold Medal in
1949. After his death in 1959,
UNESCO Sites by Frank Lloyd Wright (search)

Louis Henry Sullivan (1856 1924)

Sullivan and the Lieber Meister

Form follows functions: Sullivan, Louis H, The Tall Office Building Artistically
Considered, in Lippincotts Magazine, March 1896 pp 403 409
Ornnament in Architecture, 1892, Sullivan, Louis H.,
A system of Architectural Ornament According with a Philosophy of Mans
Power, 1924

Prairie Houses

Residence fo W.W. Willits, Highland Park, Illinois, 1901

Robie House, Chicago, 1906 1909
Residence for Darwin Martin, Buffalo, New York, 1903/5
Residence for Arthur M. Heartley, Oak Park, Chicago

A home in a Prairie Town, womans journals Feb 1901

The fireplace was always designed to be in the centre of the house.

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