Profitability Analysis
Profitability Analysis
Profitability Analysis
Assign your DataSource a unique name for generation. In the default settings, this
name comprises the following elements:
Prefix "1_CO_PA"
R/3 system ID
Operating concern
for client 100, operating concern XYZ the name of the datasource would be 1_CO_PA100XYZ.
For a description of the generation procedure and the tools for generating DataSources for
an operating concern, see the SAP Reference IMG in R/3:
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide >> Integration with Other SAP Components >>
Data Transfer to the SAP Business Information Warehouse>> Settings for ApplicationSpecific DataSources (PI) >> Profitability Analysis >> Create DataSource
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the field are proposed based on the operating concern you are creating the DataSource on.
the characteristics and value files are proposed based on the OC. Without CO PA being setup
on the R/3 side
its not possible to do PA on BW side.You can choose which ever field you want depending on
There is a naming convention also for the datasource.
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LIS, CO/PA, and FI/SL are Customer Generated Generic Extractors, and LO is BW Content
LIS is a cross application component LIS of SAP R/3 , which includes, Sales Information
System, Purchasing Information System, Inventory Controlling....
Similarly CO/PA and FI/SL are used for specific Application Component of SAP R/3.
CO/PA collects all the OLTP data for calculating contribution margins (sales, cost of sales,
overhead costs). FI/SL collects all the OLTP data for financial accounting, special ledger
1) Add the fields to the operating concern. So that the required field is visible in CE1XXXX
table and other concerned tables CE2XXXX, CE3XXXX etc.
2) After you have enhanced the operating concern then you are ready to add it to the CO-PA
data source. Since CO-PA is a regenerating application you can't add the field directly to the
CO-PA data source. You need to delete the data source and then need to re-create using
KEB2 transaction.
3) While re-creating the data source use the same old name so that there won't be any
changes in the BW side when you need to assign the data source to info-source. Just
replicate the new data source in BW side and map the new field in info-source. If you recreate using a different name then you will be needing extra build efforts to take the data
into BW through IS all the way top to IC. I would personally suggest keep the same old data
source name as before.
If you are adding the fields from the same "Operating concern" then goto KE24 and edit the
dataaource and add your fields. However if you are adding fields outside the "Operating
concern" then you need to append the extract structure and
populate the fields in user
exit using ABAP code. Reference OSS note: 852443
1. Check RSA7 on your R3 to see if there is any delta queue for COPA. (just to see,
sometimes there is nothing here for the datasource, sometimes there is)
2. On BW go to SE16 and open the table RSSDLINIT
3. Find the line(s) corresponding to the problem datasource.
4. You can check the load status in RSRQ using the RNR from the table
5. Delete the line(s) in question from RSSDLINIT table
6. Now you will be able to open the infopackage. So now you can ReInit. But before you try
to ReInit ....
7. In the infopackage go to the 'Scheduler' menu > 'Initialization options for the source
system' and delete the existing INIT (if one is listed)
Yes you can always generate more then one...count may go till 10 and more ...10 I have seen.
2)If more then one datasource can be genrated ... how does the delta function?
Since COPA data source pulls the data from separate COPA specific tables and its built in a way that it
pulls the data from those tables its not dependent upon the operations that are happening at the
same time in the system.It now has generic delta logic...that is the same logic used by the generic data
Delta records are pulled based on the timestamp which is maitained for each records when updating into
the table and there is always a half an hour default safety interval.
Now the delta is maintained through the delta queue and the pointers for the data update is maintained
separately for each data source.
You can check it in the table ROOSGENDUM in R/3 system.:::::depending upon this the data is pulled for
different data source.
try to compare it wth a generic data source and you will understand a lot.In the same was as more then
one generic data source can be built on one table in R/3.
3)If i create COPA datasource at item level ..... can we use DSO + cube
You can always use DSO to load COPA in overwrite mode....and then load it to the cube..just make sure
that you chose proper keys ...or the semantic combination of keys like used in write optimized DSO.
The standard R/3 System contains the sample operating concern "S001". You can copy this operating
concern to create your own operating concern. When you activate the data structures of your operating
concern, the system creates the following objects in the ABAP Dictionary:
Structure CE0xxxx
segment level
segment table
account assignments
posted characteristics
Structure CE5xxxx
Structure CE7xxxx
1. After getting the Operating Concern from the functional team, go to the tcode KEB0 or follow the below
mentiond path in SBIW.
Data Transfer to the SAP Business Information Warehouse -> Settings for Application-Specific
DataSources -> (PI)Profitability Analysis -> Create Transaction Data DataSource.
In the COPA DataSource for Transaction Data screen: 1_CO_PA%CL%ERK is automatically generated.
Do not change anything. You can add additional characters.
Note: The name of copa data source always start with the numeric One. Here CL is your client number
and ERK is your operating concern name.
Select Field Name for Partitioning (Eg, Ccode(BUKRS) for cost based Profit Centre(PRCTR) for account
In the transaction bar enter the tcode =INIT . Now, you could be able to select the required fields.
Select all Characteristics from the segment level and Select all Value Fields.
Choose InfoCatalog from the application toolbar.
a). For costing-based Profitability Analysis, select the value fields and calculated key figures that are to be
included in the DataSource. It is useful to include all the value fields of the operating concern. These
value fields are already selected but you can deactivate them if necessary. The system checks that the
units of measure relating to the value fields are also transferred.
Technical notes:
Along with the selected characteristics and value fields, the fiscal year variant and the record currency are
also included in the replication so that the data in SAP BW can be interpreted correctly.
The technical field PALEDGER (currency type) in Profitability Analysis is encrypted as CURTYPE
(currency type) and VALUTYP (valuation) during the transfer to SAP BW.
In order to meet more robust reporting needs, solution was designed with
integration of CO-PA and BI, with dynamic data transfer from CO-PA to BW cubes.
Standard precautionary measures were adopted to have a parallel run to make sure
the standard CO-PA solution meets the requirements, prior to de-commissioning the
legacy solution. Benefits Fully allocated P&L by business segments Flexible and
adaptive to current and future reporting needs Highly integrated with SD and FI
and better traceability. Designed Dual CO-PA (both account-based and costbased CO-PA). Designed to meet all company specific reporting requirements.
CO-PA reports with impressive performance and robust analytical functionality
- order (RKAUFNR)
All other characteristics - including "Customer" and "Product" - are used and therefore are available for
profitability reports, planning, and account assignments to profitability segments, for example. No exceptions
are defined by default.
If you need to make a different setting to these, change the entries accordingly. In this case, you should check
the index to the object table, expecially if you exclude the characteristics "Customer" or "Product". By defining
an index that is most optimally reconciled to how the segment-level characteristics are to be used, you can
improve performance considerably. For more detailed information about indexes, see the application
documentation for Profitability Analysis and choose Technical Aspects of Profitability Analysis -> Index Support
for Determination of Segment Numbers.
To avoid performance problems, we recommend the exclusion of characteristics that occur frequently, have a
different value with each posting (such as "Automobile chassis number") and are thus not relevant for analysis.
Specify which characteristics of your operating concern should be used to form profitability segments. You do
this by choosing the option "costing-based" or "costing-/acct-based". If a characteristic should not be used,
select "not used".
Hi Experts,
I would like to seek your opinion on what are the criteria that needs to be taken into
consideration when modeling Operating Concerns and Controlling Areas. I have read some
documentation which says that the best practice is to go with a single OpCon and CO Area.
However, I am not clear as how this became "best practice".
Today, we have four different instances based on geography where in two instances, we
have one OpCon/CO Area per country and in another two, they have single OpCon/CO Area
covering the entire geography. Needless to say, each region has different COPA set up.
However, we are looking at harmonizing the design since the reporting
characteristics/requirements across the different business units are similar.
Having said that they have very high data volume. This is an area of huge concern to us as
we do run COPA assessments and Top Down Distribution in our design - we are worried that
a single operating concern will slow down these allocation process due to the huge number
of profitability segments involved if we were to go with a single operating concern.
Before we make any final recommendations, I would like to hear from you experts on the
evaluation criteria and rationale on choosing between single OpCon/CO Area vs Multiple.
Thank you.
I believe the question you are asking is vitally important to all SAP enterprise structure
discussions and I am glad that you raised it.
I agree that one controlling area and one operating concern is most often the view which
gets promoted as a best practice. I think the origin of such a design goes all the way back to
the days of having only the R/2 or R/3 system to report managerial accounting results. The
CO reporting tools inside of R/2 and R/3 could not report across controlling areas or
operating concerns, so there was an absolute technical restriction. If an organization
wanted an aggregated view of their enterprise they were encouraged to create a single
operating concern and controlling area. Not only did this design solve the technical problem
of data access, but it also forced the organization to define a common chart of accounts and
global currency, both of which are necessary to have in place to get the desired aggregated
Later with the introduction of SAP Business Warehouse, as well as 3rd party reporting tools
like BusinessObjects, Cognos and Hyperion, pure Business Intelligence consultants would
argue having a single operating concern and controlling area becomes less important
because data access is no longer a restriction. This was because any of the tools I just
mentioned could report across operating concerns or controlling areas. Yet as you point out,
the global design 'best practice" has stood. Why? Two of the main reasons, in my opinon, is
due to the aforementioned need to agree on the chart of accounts and common currency
and capture that in the transaction, rather than dealing with those topics in the data
The third reason I would say CO consultants tend to promote the idea of single controlling
areas and operating concerns is it forces a common design in everything else such as with
master data (e.g. for cost elements, cost centers) and with transaction posting logic (field
status rules, transfer structures, settlement rules, validations, substitutions, etc.). Thus the
configurations that need to be put in place to support the process designs are done once
and are globally consistent. Whereas with separate CO areas and Op Concerns the likelihood
of differences is great. And when you deal with multiple SAP instances then it is nearly
impossible to keep a global design in sync. In your own organization you mentioned that
you have regional differences, so you know this well. For some enterprises these regional
differences are intended, but for others, maybe not.
1) Can the enterprise agree on a common fiscal calendar for a single controlling area and
operating concern? Often I've seen organizations that have to deal with multiple fiscal year
calendars and this drives multiple controlling areas.
2) Can the enterprise coordinate a period closing schedule across a global organization?
With having only a a single controlling area, all month end jobs must be scheduled or run
online in coordination with each other. This is very hard to setup and to make work
effectively in globally dispersed organizations across the globe and the world clock. Locking
the CO area cannot be done by country, region, etc. it must be done globally. Whereas with
country level controlling areas this is much easier to accomplish.
3) Does your organization need to, or does it even allow, cross charging across countries?
Can CO assessments and distributions be used across country boundaries? If yes how would
invoicing and taxes be handled? If no, is it better to block cross country allocation through
validation rules or by defining separate organizational hierarchies, such as having country
level controlling areas?
4) As Piet mentioned above, does the organization desire to have global costing processes?
If yes, then one controlling area is preferred. But again, with external costing software like
SAP Profitability and Cost Management, maybe that "best practice" can be updated with
modern approaches.
5) When we need to talk about a single global CO-PA design, it sometimes can be difficult to
come to agreement on the operaring concern definition. You have a limitation of 50 custom
characteristics and if the enterprise works in several very different lines of business, then it
is easy to chew up a lot of characteristics to meet each unique business need. Similar story
for value fields you are limited to 120 (or 200 with SAP note) value fields, which can be hard
to fit, if your organization does not have a centralized design. When setting up the
derivation strategy for the characteristic values, this can be tricky and have to deal with all
kinds of exception handling if the various business units do not have a common definition of
the cutomer or material master. For what is customer group for one unit, may be customer
class for another. Should both fields be included in CO-PA? Should a custom field be
included that derives from these two? There are many questions like these to be answered.
6) A final perspective to consider is system landscape and system performance. In the past
companies with huge data volumes found benefits from physically separated SAP systems
into regional instances, and they might have logically partitioned data by client and then
further by enterprise structures. However with today's fast CPUs, giant memory capacity,
parallel processing -- all the features we talk about with SAP HANA -- new options and new
designs are possible which support the one controlling area and one operating concern
Jeff Holdeman
Customer Solution Adoption
See the answer in context
Piet Strydom Apr 12, 2013 3:57 PM (in response to Teck Liang Wee)
I generally go with one controlling area per country, and one operating concern in total. It
very much depends on the local requirements though.
If for example, costing needs to take place across different countries, then you would need
to use one controlling area. But then you need to be careful with actual postings across
company codes, because there is typically a requirement for FI invoices, and transfer pricing
becomes an issue.
I am not certain that having multiple operating concerns vs a single operating concern is
going to have an impact on you processing, whether the data sits in one or 10 operating
concerns, it still needs to be processed.
Note: You have to import the Missed charecteristics from the Client 000. if at all anything is missed
SAP has recommended some OSS note but they are complex.
We are using Costing based Operating Concern. I am clear that how to get values from SD to COPA Value Fields, I.e.
assignment of Value Fields with condition types. But my confusion is how to get the values of cost element and cost
element groups to COPA Value Fields.
Ans: Cost Elements to view in copa are like: Admin, S&D and Personnel Cost Elements
Where are they currently posted? If posted in IO - use settlement KO88 / KO8G... if
posted in cost centers - Create an allocation cycle from KEU1 and execute from
KEI2: Maintain PA structure FI (assign price difference accts to CO-PA value fields)
Ans: You need to understand the nature of the transactions. Purchase orders do not create
postings so there is nothing to show in CO-PA (or even in FI). Goods receipts hit stock, not
the P & L account, so, again, nothing to show in CO-PA. Invoice receipts hit the GR/IR
account, so, once more, nothing to show in CO-PA. On the other hand, when goods are
issued out of stock to CoGS they should hit CO-PA. OK?
Your Purchase Price Variance account should flow to CO-PA if it hits your Profit & Loss account.
That is the basic criterion for all accounts - do they hit your profit? If they only hit the balance sheet
they do not belong in CO-PA. The best person to talk to about this subject is one of your company's
accountants who is responsible for the Profit & Loss account. Ask him what he wants to see in his
CO-PA reports.
SD is the module that feeds CO-PA with most data. For example the VPRS condition which is most
closely related to Cost of Goods Sold (CoGS) and probably the transport, rebate and discount
condition types. It all depends on the structure of the company and what they want. However, it is
good practice to make sure that your CO-PA result agrees with your FI result (with possible
exception of purely financial transactions such as interest and taxes).
Your answer is very good and comprehensive. I like to add one small thing. In case user set
up material master record as direct consumable and user create PO with account
assignment "K". SAP will create financial entry debit to expense GL with combination of cost
center at the time GR. SAP will create both FI and COPA transaction automatically. SAP will
pick GL and Cost Center inform from PO account assignment tab.
1. What is the difference between PCA and COPA as both are for profitability reporting ?
2. What are the differences between Account based and Costing based PA . What would you recommend to the client
3. How many types of Charecteristics , value fields are there ? what are their purposes ?
4. What the the variou derivation method available .? give examples for each once ?
6. How do you do planning in COPA ? How do you export planning value from Excel ?
3. How does the data flows from other modules into COPA.
Create 2 derivation rules using table Lookup from VBPA for the same partner function
1. In one Der Rule, make the sale order item KDPOS as constant value 0000
a. the partner function is updated in VBPA table without line item if the same is derived from customer master and not
changed in sale order.. In this case line item is 0000 in VBPA table...
b. It updates the table VBPA with line item incase it is changed or entered during Sale order creation...
In the 2nd derivation rule, every thing will be same except that you wont specify any Constant for Sales Order Item
Derivation rule contains the parameters and conditions as to how to derive a value for a given
it contains
Source Fields - from where the source field is originatingand the field name
Target fields - contains what is the target field in COPA for the relevant source field.
For example:
When an SD document is posted, system will look for all the characterics available in the doucment like
plant, profit center, division, district, country etc
for each of these characteristics, there must be values for example plant - xx18, profict center - 100000,
district - bangalore, country - India etc.
once we define the characteristic values for each of the characteristic, if the values in the document are
available in the characteristic value definition, then system will fetch these values to COPA
Else it will throw error that characteristic value is not defined
To supplement data that is being processed from the Sales and Distribution (SD)
component or from Planning in CO-PA, define a set of rules in Customizing which
you can then use to calculate the appropriate values and to post them to CO-PA. For
example, you could include the following requirements for calculating values:
They should also be calculated using a multi-leveled callup logic. A price, for
example, should first be found for special combinations of customers and
products. If this price cannot be found, the system looks through the product
groups for a valid price or searches at the division level.
Instead of taking just those individual value fields that already have been
filled with data in the line item as the basis for calculating additions and
deductions, subtotals or value fields filled with data during valuation should also
be used where applicable.
You wish to calculate the value of goods using a condition from the material
master or the goods issue document.
All these above requirements can be met using the condition technique. Before
going into detail about the procedure for displaying the possible strategies, it is
necessary to discuss various concepts. The possible valuation strategies are then
outlined in an example, followed by a description of how to represent business
Costing Sheets
In a costing sheet, you specify which conditions should be used to calculate
anticipated values. This is also where you determine the sequence in which the
conditions are to be considered and the dependencies between them. For example,
you can define the condition that sales commission be calculated on the basis of the
sales revenue.
In Planning, you can use costing sheets from SD alongside those that you created in
In the costing sheet, you specify the following:
Serve as the basis for calculating additions and deductions (base conditions),
Each condition record stores the condition data maintained manually for certain
combinations of characteristic values. For example, a condition record could be a
price ("USD 3") for a certain product or a percentage charge or reduction ("3 %") for
a certain customer.
Access Sequences and Condition Tables
During valuation, the system follows an access sequence to find valid condition
records for a condition type. From a technical point of view, these condition records
are stored in condition tables. The condition table determines the key combination
(such as customer and product group) for which the condition record is to be stored
and to be used in valuation.
A condition table can be used in more than one access sequence. Thus, the access
sequence determines:
The condition tables that are used to access condition records, and
The costing sheet forms the calculation logic for valuation using conditions. Here
you determine the order in which the condition types are processed. Each condition
type can be assigned one access sequence (or none, depending on the condition
category). This access sequence in turn can access one or more condition tables. A
condition table can be used in more than one access sequence. Moreover, it can
store more than one condition record.
You want to calculate a percentage surcharge based on what material group is
involved in a transaction. For certain materials, however, you should define a
percentage surcharge at the material level. You want to apply the surcharge for the
material group only if no surcharge is defined for the specific material being sold.
The surcharge for each material should take precedence over that for each material
To realize this requirement, you need two condition tables: one with the
characteristic "Material group" in the key and one with "Product" in the key. You can
then define one access sequence to access these condition tables. First, the system
uses the product number to read the condition table for the individual product
(since this is to take priority). If no suitable condition record is found in that table,
the system uses the material group to read the other table.
Multiple Costing Sheets
You can use more than one costing sheet with the same valuation strategy. This
makes sense if you want to calculate prices with different quantity fields.
Note that if multiple condition types are assigned to the same value field, the values
are added together. This is also the case when the condition types belong to
different costing sheets.
Multiple Valuation Methods
In valuation, the system never overwrites an existing value (other than "0") in any
value field. This means that values transferred directly from billing documents in
Sales and Distribution (SD) are not changed during valuation. Likewise, values
already taken from material cost estimates cannot be overwritten with the values
calculated in a costing sheet.
Values transferred from the sender document and manually entered values (other
than zero) are consequently never changed during valuation. The only exception to
this is in CO-PA planning, where valuation always overwrites the manually entered
Different valuation techniques - for example, material cost estimate or conditions do not overwrite any value fields that are filled (value <> zero) or add values to the
existing values. You can only add values within one valuation technique.
To set up valuation using conditions, choose Master Data Valuation Define
Conditions and Costing Sheets in Customizing.
Profitability Analysis allows Management the ability to review information with respect to the companys
profit or contribution margin by business segment. Profitability Analysis can be obtained by the following
Account-Based Analysis which uses an account-based valuation approach. In this analysis, cost
and revenue element accounts are used. These accounts can be reconciled with FI(Financial
Cost-Based Analysis uses a costing based valuation approach as defined by the User.
1. Maintaining Value Fields
Transaction Code KEA6
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Structures -> Define Operating Concern -> Maintain
Value Fields
2. Maintaining the Operating Concern
Transaction Code KEA0
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Structures -> Define Operating Concern -> Maintain
Operating Concern
3. Maintaining Characteristic Values
Transaction Code OVSV
IMG Menu Logistics General -> Material Master -> Settings for Key Fields -> Data Relevant to Sales
and Distribution -> Define Product Hierarchies
4. Setting Operating Concern
Transaction Code KEBD
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Structures -> Set Operating Concern
Flows of Actual Values:
Defining Number Ranges for Actual Postings
Transaction Code KEN1
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Flows of Actual Values -> Initial Steps -> Define Number
Ranges for Actual Postings
Activating flag for COPA
Transaction Code KEKE
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Flows of Actual Values -> Activate Profitability Analysis
Assigning Value Fields
Transaction Code KE41
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Flows of Actual Values -> Transfer of Incoming Sales
Orders -> Assign Value Fields
Defining Number Ranges for Planning Data
Transaction Code KEN2
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Planning Initial Steps -> Define Number Ranges for
Planning Data
Maintaining Versions
Transaction Code SPRO
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Planning Initial Steps -> Maintain Versions
Setting up Planning Framework
Transaction Code KEPM
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Planning -> Planning Framework -> Set Up Planning
Information System:
Defining Forms for Profitability Report
Transaction Code KE34
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Information System -> Report Components -> Define
Forms -> Define Forms for Profitability Reports
Defining Variables for Reports
Transaction Code KE3E
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Information System -> Report Components -> Define
Variables for Reports
Creating Profitability Report
Transaction Code KE31
IMG Menu Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Information System -> Report Components -> Create
Profitability Report
Enterprise Structure:
Master Data
KA01 Creating Additional Cost Elements - New
Transaction Code KA01
SAP menu Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Master Data -> Cost Elements -> Individual
Changing Additional Cost Elements - Text
Transaction code KA02
SAP menu Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Master Data -> Cost Elements -> Individual
Changing Cost Element Group
Transaction Code KAH2
SAP Menu Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Master Data -> Cost Element Group
In costing-based CO-PA, you need to assign condition types and quantity fields from Sales and
Distribution (SD) to the value and quantity fields CO-PA.
Assign condition types to the desired value fields. These assignments let you transfer "real" conditions
(those that are posted to FI) and "statistical" (fictitious) conditions to CO-PA. Assign value fields.
For real conditions, the corresponding revenue, sales deduction, and cost-of-sales accounts must be
defined as CO-relevant accounts (cost or revenue elements).
Assign the quantity fields in SD to the desired quantity fields in CO-PA. Assign quantity fields.
If desired, reset individual value fields for billing documents of a certain billing type. Reset value fields.
For account-based CO-PA, the system only transfers those posting lines that are posted to FI as well.
Only "real" postings that are posted to FI can be transferred to account-based CO-PA. All you need to do
to transfer this data to CO-PA is make sure that the desired revenue, sales deduction, and cost-of-sales
accounts are defined as relevant for CO.
Simulation occurs on the basis of the Customizing settings valid at the time it is carried out. You can view
the characteristics and value fields of the line item to be written to COPA.
The function "Valuation analysis" allows you to perform an analysis of the valuation strategy valid for
valuating billing document data.
You can also restart the simulation of document transfers for billing documents that have already been
transferred. This option should simplify in particular the analysis of error situations that have arisen.
Billing data is stored by condition types in SD, accounts in FI, and value fields in costing-based CO-PA.
The reconciliation report yields a list of the balances for value fields, condition types, and profit and loss
Therefore basically only those values are transferred into COPA which are
considered as a cost or revenue.
In your case, i think you are trying to transfer the tax amount which is recovered from the
customers and paid again to the Govt. Its neither an income nor a cost to you. And may that
tax amount is going into your current liabilities GL than an income GL.
If the tax which you are recovering in an invoice is posted on a Balance Sheet account it is
not transferred into COPA even though you assign the condition to a value field and also try
this t.code KEA6 if the amount value field not in ke4i. Here you maintain the value field for
amount and then assign
Tcode KE4I
Tcode KE4W
Saad Baig
Apr 30, 2013 2:57 PM
I am facing an issue that my COGS in FI is reconciling with the COPA. Let me explain the
settings which I have made in the system before discussing the issue.
I have created separate value field for COGS in COPA and this value field is mapped with the
condition type VPRS in SD. VPRS is a statistical condition. My COGS account in chart of
account is posted at the time of PGI and COPA is posted when invoice/billing is done.
28 January 2013
5 February 2013
9 February 2013
Value posted in COGS is calculated by multiplying the quantity delivered with standard cost
estimate of February 2013. (I belief that system is behaving correctly in this case).
At the time of billing value field COGS is posted in COPA. The value posted in the value field
is calculated according to the following formula.
COGS in COPA = Quantity Delivered x Standard Cost Estimate at the time of Sales
order Creation
Because of the difference in above formula my COGS in COPA and FI is not reconciling.
Please let me know is my understanding is correct or not. If correct then what is the solution
to correct the calculation of COGS in COPA.
1. VPRS condition usually stores the value at which PGI has happened. If this is not the case
in your case, then talk to your SD guy.. The VPRS shown in the sales order is for name sake..
The value that flows to COPA is the value at which PGI happens (Ideal Situation)
In billing, if you want to know how the system has fetched the VPRS value, Go to the
condition tab of the billing document, select the VPRS condition type and click on blue lens
at the bottom left.
'H', the cost was taken from the goods issue (Ideal situation)
'A', it was redetermined from the valuation segment of the material master
in case of 'D' or 'E' it was copied from the preceding document (Sales order)
2. The diff between Period indicator 4 and Current cost estimate will come if the std cost has
changed after PGI and before billing... Say, Std cost at PGI was 100 and at billing say it is
108... If the period indicator is 4, it will bring the cost comp split of 100.. If the indicator is
"Current cost est", it will bring the cost comp split of 108 into COPA
Br, Ajay M
See the answer in context
Products: sap_erp_financials Topics: enterprise_resource_planning
You should reconcilie FIs COGS with CO-PAs COGS value field which is valuated using
costing key instead of this value field which is mapped with the condition type VPRS in SD.
I recommends costing key which have 4 Released standard cost estimate matching
goods issue date" in period indicator field.(COGS in COPA = Quantity Delivered x
Standard Cost Estimate at the time of PGI)
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Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer May 2, 2013 5:55 AM (in response to Saad Baig)
COPA gets posted with 2 types of COGS i.e. one through VPRS and the other one as Cost
Component Split of the std cost.... Which of these is not matchiing with FI??
If the VPRS COGS is not matching (Though chances are less) - You can redetermine the
pricing conditions @ Billing,. Ask your SD guy to do those settings
If the Cost Comp Splt is not matching - Use the Period indicator 4 in your costing Key...
however, it seems you are changing std cost estimate each month, without which this
problem cant occur.. Its not a right practice to change it each month
Br, Ajay M
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Saad Baig May 2, 2013 12:48 PM (in response to Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer)
Ajay you are right that there are two COGS in COPA i am actually concerned with the VPRS.
My VPRS calculated in SD is not correct. What do you say, can we correct this from CO ?
I have used the indicator " Current Cost Estimate in Material Master" in the period indicator
in costing key for standard cost estimate. You are saying that Period Indicator 4 i.e.
4 Released standard cost estimate matching goods issue date should be used (SAP also
recommend this for reconciliation with FI) but i am unable to understand the logic behind
indicator "Current Cost Estimate in Material Master".
In other word whats the difference difference between "4 Released standard cost estimate
matching goods issue date" , " Current Cost Estimate in Material Master" and "Cost Estimate
at the time of Posting"
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Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer May 2, 2013 2:06 PM (in response to Saad Baig)
Hi Saad
1. VPRS condition usually stores the value at which PGI has happened. If this is not the case
in your case, then talk to your SD guy.. The VPRS shown in the sales order is for name sake..
The value that flows to COPA is the value at which PGI happens (Ideal Situation)
In billing, if you want to know how the system has fetched the VPRS value, Go to the
condition tab of the billing document, select the VPRS condition type and click on blue lens
at the bottom left.
'H', the cost was taken from the goods issue (Ideal situation)
'A', it was redetermined from the valuation segment of the material master
in case of 'D' or 'E' it was copied from the preceding document (Sales order)
2. The diff between Period indicator 4 and Current cost estimate will come if the std cost has
changed after PGI and before billing... Say, Std cost at PGI was 100 and at billing say it is
108... If the period indicator is 4, it will bring the cost comp split of 100.. If the indicator is
"Current cost est", it will bring the cost comp split of 108 into COPA
Ans- KE4R, Maintaining the value field for each Cost Components from the Cost Components Structure.
And the Point of Valuation is 01.
4-when the material used in sales order at the time of billing copa document get
Ans- Yes
Real time valuation of actual data- All application functions that transfer data to CO-PA are assigned
to one of these points of valuation. For external data transfers, points of valuation 01 and 03 are used for
actual and plan data, respectively.
If a valuation strategy calls for valuation using material costing, the system uses the point of valuation to
control which cost estimate is read and how the cost components are assigned to value fields in CO-PA.
I hope it helps
PGI happens with the std cost existing at the time of PGI. Fi doc is posted with this value
In COPA, you can fetch the same value at the time of billing depending on your costing key settings
- Period indicator 1 = Current Cost estimate i.e cost est on the system dt on which invoice is posted
In Ke27 you access the actual cost est calculayted from CKMLCP
Dhawal Mehta
Jun 28, 2013 3:06 PM
Hello All,
Client has a requirement where he wants to see cost estimates in the COPA Planning report.
Cost estimates are executed during year end and in this process, client will execute a
costing run before year and end and mark prices. Cost estimates will not be released, hence
we will have a price updated as "Future Price" in the costing view of material master.
I have worked in COPA planning earlier but am not familiar with valuation aspect of it.
Hence, I would like to know how the mechanism of valuation works in COPA planning and
what are the config requirement for it.
Correct Answer by Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer on Jun 29, 2013 6:30 PM
1. Set up Val Strategy in KE4U for Point of Valuation 03 and 04 / Rec Type F
3. Assign the Costing Key in KE4J or KEPC to the reqd material types
Br, Ajay M
See the answer in context
Venkata Sudhakar Reddy Kovuri Jun 28, 2013 9:11 PM (in response to Dhawal Mehta)
Check Profitability Analysis->Valuation-> setup valuation using Material Cost estimate>Define Access to Standard Cost Estimates
In this check settings for costing key, in particular "Period Indicator" where you can select
future cost estimate based on mater master..
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Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer Jun 29, 2013 6:30 PM (in response to Dhawal Mehta)
1. Set up Val Strategy in KE4U for Point of Valuation 03 and 04 / Rec Type F
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3. Assign the Costing Key in KE4J or KEPC to the reqd material types
Apr 21, 2011 3:20 PM
Dear experts,
So i have assigned cost component to value field and i m using standard costing key with
standard setting.
but need to define valuation strategy material,material type or any other characterstics.
which valuation strategy i will use?.
Which record type and point of valuation i will use.i am not doing actual costing and
material ledger.
What are sequence of step in order to t/f cost to copa through valuation strategy not through
Correct Answer by Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer on Apr 22, 2011 12:35 PM
Assign it to Rec Type F, PV=01, Mat Type = All those mat types which have Price Control S
(usually FG/SFG)
br, Ajay M
See the answer in context
Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer Apr 21, 2011 5:17 PM (in response to RAMAN RANA)
In DETAILS tab: Assign it to Appl = KE, Check Mat Cstng, and Qty Field = ABSMG
In Assignment tab: Assigning 001 to Point of valuation 01 and Record Type = F
br, Ajay M
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RAMAN RANA Apr 22, 2011 7:37 AM (in response to Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer)
Hi ajay,
Suggested by you
a. Select Valuation Strategy 001 in KE4U
In DETAILS tab: Assign it to Appl = KE, Check Mat Cstng, and Qty Field = ABSMG
In Assignment tab: Assigning 001 to Point of valuation 01 and Record Type = F
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In DETAILS tab: Assign it to Appl = KE, Check Mat Cstng, and Qty Field = ABSMG
system is showing error "Maintain costing sheet for the application"
Guide me on th same
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Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer Apr 22, 2011 9:05 AM (in response to RAMAN RANA)
Hi Raman
br, Ajay M
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RAMAN RANA Apr 22, 2011 10:06 AM (in response to Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer)
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Hi Ajay,
Shall i assign costing key to record type 'F' and point of valuation '01 and material
type all or FG/SFG only or need to assign any other record type and point of valuation
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Ajay Maheshwari SAP Trainer Apr 22, 2011 12:35 PM (in response to RAMAN RANA)
Assign it to Rec Type F, PV=01, Mat Type = All those mat types which have Price Control S
(usually FG/SFG)
br, Ajay M
satish kumar
Dec 29, 2010 11:43 AM
Dear Experts,
could you please give me example and purpose of derivation rule (meaning) in COPA ie., why do we
define derivation..
1. Characteristics Material Group can be taken thru table look up of MARA table from the material
number . Similarly Customer Group can be derived via table look up from KNVV table..
2. Suppose you have Strategic Business Unit as characteristics , and combination of Product Group
and Sales Region derives the same .. In this case you can have a derivation rule which says that if
Product Group = x and Sales Region = Y , then SBU = Z in derivation rule values..
Hope it clarifies..
See the answer in context
Sarada Sil Dec 29, 2010 12:34 PM (in response to satish kumar)
Hi ,
In COPA , you pull reports based on various dimensions , like product , plant , company code , region ,
division , product group etc... . We define these dimensions as Characteristics in COPA ..
Now , if we have to pull data in these dimensions.. we have to make sure that all these characteristics
are populated in a COPA Document ..All the characteristics are not always are available during creation
of billing document ..hence we need to have a COPA Characteristics derivation strategy ..
Strategy may be :
Derivation of Region
Derivation with move and clear functions
Derivation within enhancement steps
Derivation of quantity units
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satish kumar Dec 29, 2010 12:53 PM (in response to Sarada Sil)
Dear Sankar,
Thanks a lot for your prompt response, could you elebroate little bit on this.
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Sarada Sil Dec 29, 2010 12:56 PM (in response to satish kumar)
Examples :
1. Characteristics Material Group can be taken thru table look up of MARA table from the material
number . Similarly Customer Group can be derived via table look up from KNVV table..
2. Suppose you have Strategic Business Unit as characteristics , and combination of Product Group
and Sales Region derives the same .. In this case you can have a derivation rule which says that if
Product Group = x and Sales Region = Y , then SBU = Z in derivation rule values..
Hope it clarifies..
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satish kumar Jan 10, 2011 5:48 AM (in response to Sarada Sil)
Hi Sankar,
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You assign the debit cost element groups to a settlement cost element.
You settle by cost element - that is, the debit cost element is the settlement cost element.
The object in question has incurred both direct and overhead costs. The direct costs are to be divided
50% each between a fixed asset and a cost center, while the overhead is to be settled in full to an
administration cost center in CO.
To do this, you would create a source structure with two source assignments:
1. Direct cost elements
I am pasting a summary below which would help you in understanding the sign logic between FI/COPA for diff cost ele catg
12: Credit in FI = Minus in COPA (i.e. Cr memo/returns)
Debit in FI = +ve in COPA
11: Credit in FI = +ve in COPA
Debit in FI = Minus in COPA (i.e. Cr memo/returns)
01: Credit in FI = Minus in COPA
Debit in FI = +ve in COPA
i have activated both type of COPA ie ( accounting & costing based copa ) as
i am getting performance issues during the executing of COPA Report.
so i am want to activate only costing based COPA. i wanted to know if any
sap notes on it. do i need to consider any thing before i do it.
Please tell me any implication will i get? in the live production system if i
change from 4 to 2.
Ans: Kindly remove the activation in KEKE and save it without assigning the
costing based COPA. Then in KEA0, select the operating concern and go to
the menupath extras-settings where you will be able to remove the flag on
account based COPA. Then you need to save the settings and generate the
operating concern. After completing this, you may activate the costing based
copa in KEKE.
In the transaction OKKP (in the view activate components/control
indicators) you have to change the customizing to Component active for
costing based profitability analysis (2)
The data for the account-based CO-PA is written into the already existing
CO-tables: COEP, COEJ, COSP und COSS. So there will be no impact on
the tables.
Reposting existing documents ( like invoices) could be a problem since at the
time of posting there was a account based COPA document. So at the time
of reversal system will expect the same else will throw error KI144. This
error message can be changed into an information or a warning message
.Read note 98262 regarding this. This problem could also come for
documents 'in process' i.e if sales order and GI has been done with account
based COPA and at the time of billing it is inactive.
So try and ensure specially that all your sales orders are fully billed before
you deactivate account based COPA.
Right now we are using both cost based and account based copa. In future
we want to deactivate Account based copa as we are not using much
account based copa. Now a lots of questions are coming in our mind like :-
Following are the point of differences between Costing based vs. Account
based copa (ABC)
1. Account based copa uses transaction tables (COEP, BSEG) and hence
affects performance of CO transactions.CBC takes values from CE1XXXX to
CE4XXXX tables. XXXX means Operating Concern name.
2. Estimated / Statistical values not possible in ABC, say, calculating frieght
upon invoice on a thumb rule basis to have better view of profitability per
customer.. no valuation strategy in Accounts based COPA..
3. Reports based on line items not possible in ABC.. possible in CBC.
4 Actual Top Down distribution only available in CBC not in ABC .
5. Revaluation of actual data to plan data is not available in ABC
6. No key figure schemes are available in ABC
7. In ABC, settlement cost elements are used to settle values to prof
segments unlike value fields in CBC
8. Production variance / COGS accounts shud be defined as cost element in
System creates a document for each type of COPA as it stores values in
different tables and what you can do with this data also differs like you can
do TOP down in Costing Based Copa..
Hence, you will have two COPA documents always......................
available in the profitability analysis (CO-PA) database. The costs are then
distributed based on the reference data proportionately to the respective
individual characteristics pertaining to high-level characteristics. SAP COPA
Top-Down Distribution is a process where in values posted at generic
segments such as Company Code, Product Groups and Customer Groups is
distributed to specific segments such as Customer, Profit Center, Material.
This is month end process.(KE28)
Key Concept
transaction KEU5. However, these can only allocate costs from cost centers
to CO-PA profitability segments, and not from one profitability segment to
With top-down distribution, you can allocate costs from one profitability
segment (higher-level characteristics) to another (lower-level characteristics).
The purpose of this is to ensure that a CO-PA report can be viewed on a
granular level (for example, by product) even though the original posting
was not made at that level of detail.
This quick guide helps show you how to set up top-down distribution in
account-based CO-PA so that it works exactly the same way as in costingbased CO-PA.
whereas account-based CO-PA was subsequently introduced to deal with reconciliation with the
general ledger.
In this tip, when I refer to the general ledger, I mean the classic general ledger and the SAP
General Ledger. However, Simple Finance only uses the SAP General Ledger. In Simple
Finance, you move all data into the same document as you migrate, so you don't need to
reconcile data with the classic general ledger anymore.
Those cost elements which are not part of Prod cost - Need to be allocated to COPA
via Assessment cycle
You can create a PA Transfer Structure in KEI1, and use the same in Assessment
Cycle KEU1... (Execute from KEU5)
BAsed on your PA Transfer Str, the values will be allocated from Cost Center / Cost
Element to Value Fields / CHars in COPA
in KEU1 transaction we have two options. one is Allocation strucuture and other one
is PA transfer structure. What is the relevance of these scenarios and when do we use
these functinalities.
Can you please give business examples for these two options.
When you allocate - The cost center is credited and COPA (prof Segment) is
The credit entry is posted to cost center using a secondary cost element (Catg 42)...
This is determined from Allocation Str
The Debit entry to COPA is posted/allocated to COPA in a Value Field.... PA Trf Str is
the place where you map Cost Ele to Value field.. Upon allocation, the value will flow
to the specified value field
Note that in KEU1, you can directly specify "Assessment cost ele" and by pass the
Alloc Str
Note that in KEU1, you can directly specify a Value Field and by pass the PA Trf Str
Summarization level
Summarization levels store a copy of an original dataset in summarized form. In the
original data, the individual profitability segments are defined by a number of
characteristics. Summarization means that selected characteristics are left out. Any
segments that are identical after these characteristics are left out are grouped together
into one segment in the summarization level.
If Statistical Condition type is mapped with value field and its not flowing to COPA ..
you must have some enchancement in your COPA Valuation Strategy ( KE4U) which
is stopping that ..
Simulate the billing document in KE4ST and check the valuation tab to find wether
system is stopping it .. or contact your ABAP Team to check wether valuation
strategy is there in KE4U