Curriculum Map

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Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map
Sean Fowler
PPE 310
Dr. Lineberry
April 3, 2016

Curriculum Map

The curriculum map for the 2nd semester of the school starts off
with Earth science, focusing on the interior of the Earth and how
continents, rocks, and minerals are made. Once Earths structure is
covered, the 7th graders move on to ecology. Students will be taught
sustainability during rocks and minerals, and the dangers of the Sun
during Ecology.

Curriculum Map

Once the 8th graders complete the 3rd quarter of the school year, they begin
preparing for the AIMS test. The test ties in all of the information they learned throughout
the year from the scientific process, to biology, to physics, and concluding with
chemistry. The time best suited for teaching the 8th graders the benefit of sleep is during
the time leading up to the AIMS test; especially the importance of sleep the night before
their important exam.

Curriculum Map
7th Grade: Sustainability
Ask the students if coal, which they learned is a sedimentary rock, is a resource
that will last forever, or if there is a limited amount. I will call on students for their ideas

about coal and other types of nonrenewable energy resources we use to power our homes
and fuel our vehicles. After students are called on, I will explain to the students what
nonrenewable resources are, how they are in limited amounts, how these resources
negatively impact the world, and what they can do to become more sustainable. I will ask
the students to write, in their own words, a definition of what the word sustainability
means to them and how it relates to the resources on the planet. Upon completion of the
video, the students will once again write their definition of sustainability and have them
notice how different their first definition is than their second.
Students will be shown a YouTube video, explaining what sustainability is. The
video explains the being sustainable means to be responsible with the resources we use
on Earth so that future generations will not be negatively impacted.
Once the video is concluded I will ask the students to write a definition and a
summary in their notebooks of what they learned from the video and to give examples on
how they can be more sustainable in their own lives. Before the students write their
summary, I will tell the students what being sustainable means to me and tell them things
that I either do or can do to be more sustainable. Once students complete their summary, I
will call on volunteers to share what they wrote.

Curriculum Map
7th Grade: Sun Safety
I will ask the students why the energy from the Sun is crucial for plants. The
students will need to speak to their table partners and collaborate with one another with
their ideas from what they remember about photosynthesis. Once students have time to
discuss, I will call on a few of them to share what they spoke about with their partners.
Once I am done hearing students discussions, I will ask the students if they believe it is
as important for the humans to be exposed to the Sun as much as plants need to be. The
students should collectively say no and I will call on a few of them to explain to me

why it is not good for humans to be overexposed to the Sun. This is connected to ecology
because it is vital for animals to consume plants in order for us to be able to consume the
The students will be shown a YouTube video that covers the importance of Sun
safety by using characters from the movie, Despicable Me 2. The videos tells the
importance of wearing sunscreen, wearing a hat, covering your face, spending time in the
shade, and keeping hydrated. The video is geared towards students who will be exposed
to the Sun in the summer, but students in Arizona need this education all throughout the
Once the video is complete, I will ask the students to discuss Sun safety with their
table partners again, but tell them to mention something they learned from the video.
After discussion, I will call on a few students to share what they learned.

Curriculum Map
8th Grade: Sleep
I will ask the students to discuss with their table partners why getting a good
amount of sleep is vital to their success in school. Once students are given time for

discussion, I will call on a few students to share what they and their partner talked about.
After I call on students, I will ask them why they think teachers are always telling them to
get a good nights sleep before state tests. I will wait for students to volunteer to answer
my question, but if students are unsure, I will tell them that they will be watching a video
about the benefits of a good nights sleep. I will emphasize the importance of this video
because the students will be taking the AIMS test soon.
This video is a summary of the importance of a good nights sleep and how it is
crucial for remembering things. During sleep, there is a lot of blood flow to the brain that
assists with restructuring. The more sleep one gets, the more their brain is restructured,
which is directly related to memory.
Once the video is complete I will tell the students to discuss with their table
partners what they learned from the video. After time is given for discussion, I will call
on students to share what they learned from the video that they had not previously heard
before. Once I have called on a few students to share, I will tell the class to write in their
notebooks why it is important to not only get a good nights sleep everyday, but
especially before an important test. I will call on students to share what they wrote ask
them if they will indeed get a good nights sleep now that they learned of its benefits.

Curriculum Map

What is Sustainability?:

Despicable Me 2 Sun Safety Campaign:

The Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep:

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