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Container Berth Geotechnical Investigation Report
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VELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT LTD. FINAL REPORT. CLIENT: MIS. ADANL ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVT LTD. VELCITI CONSULTING BERS (P) LTD. No. 4A, 4th Cross Street, Dhandeeswaram, Velachery, Chennai ~ 600 042. Phone : (044) 2243 5659 / 22432659 Email :
[email protected]
1, INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and scope 1.2 The Site 2, FIELD INVESTIGATION 2.1 Rotary Boring }3. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 2tot 18. REFERENCES 4, FOUNDATION ANA Sto7 4.1 Soil Profile 14.2 Safe Bearing Capacity 5, ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TE! aya | 5.1. Principle of the Test 5.2 Procedure of the Test 5.3 Measurement of the resistivity 16, SAFE BEARING CAPACITY & SETTLEMENT CALCULATION Bole | I6.1 Safe Bearing Capacity Calculation 16.2 Settlement Calculation 3 16.3 Summary | | 16.4 Test Location Tables Bares |B "7 16.5 Summary Tables - Soil Profile 181022 7 ANNEXURE eras 23 7.1. Log of Boring 24 to 42 7.2 Laboratory Test Results 43 1059 7.3 Pile Calculations 60 to 62 7.4. CBR Results a Hits 64 10.66 7.6 ERT Graph |__ orw78 7.7 Gradations | 79087 7.8 Location Map 88 |vena CLIENT: Ms. ADANEENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL EWE LTD. 1, INTRODUCTION Purpose and seope: Geo-technical investigation was carried out at ENNORE. This work was referred to us by M/S, Adani Ennore Container Terminal Pyt Ltd., The primary purpose of this investigation was to obtain data to develop foundation design recommendations for the proposed structure, The location of borings were selected by client’s representatives. To accomplish these purposes, the following tasks were performed: 1, Detailed nine number of soil borings were done up to hard strata to explore the subsurface stratigraphy and obtain soil samples for laboratory testing. 2. Field and laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the index and engineering properties of the soils. 3. Engineering analyses were performed to develop foundation design information for the proposed structure. 2. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Rotary Boring Rotary boring was performed at nine boreholes at one location in accordance with IS: 1892. In this method, borings is effected by the cutting action of a rotating bit which is kept in firm contact with the bottom of the hole. The bit is attached to the lower end of a hollow drill rod which is rotated by a suitable chuck. Pogeveiern CHIENP/ Ms. ADANIENNORE CONTAINER TER ANAL IVE LID, Drilling mud [usually Bentonite} is con juously forced down the hollow drill rods, The mud retuming upwards through the annular space between the drill rods and the side of the hole brings the cuttings to the surface. Standard Peneti ion Test: It is now the most commonly used in situ test. The test measures the penetration resistance of the split-spoon sampler, when it is driven into the soil, at the botiom of bore hole in a standard manner. The N-value, which is the number of blows required to achieve 300 nm penetration of the soil, indicates the relative density of a sand or gravel, the consistency of other soils such as silts or clays and the strength of weak rocks. The test is described in I$ 2131 - 1981. The split spoon sampler is attached to stiff Grill rod and lowered to the bottom of the bore hole. A standard blow consists of dropping a mass of 63.5 kg fice fall through 750 mm on to an anvil at the top of the rods and ensuring that this amount of dynamic energy is transferred to the sampler as much as possible. ‘The number of blows required to achieve each 150 mm penetration is recorded for a full penetration of 450 mm. The initial 150 mm penetration is referred to as seating drive and the blows required for this penetration are not considered as this zone is in disturbed soil. The next 300 mm of penetration is referred to as the test drive and the number of blows required to achieve this fully is termed the penetration resistance or N-value, Page 2veer CLIENT; Ms, ADANIENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE ETD. Sampling: The soil that is being removed during drilling of boreholes is regularly examined for changes in the soil stratification. AL fixed regular intervals and at levels where there is change in soil type samples are collected for closer examination in the laboratory. The types of samples collected can be grouped under the following two categories. 1. Disturbed samples 2. Undisturbed samples In disturbed samples there is considerable disturbance in the natural structural arrangement of the soil particles. For meaningful results to be obtained from disturbed samples they must be representative samples. That is, the soil sample must contain all the mineral constituents that are present in the soil at the depth from which the sample has been taken and there should not be intermixing of minerals from various depths. Disturbed soil samples can be collected from split spoon sampler used in standard penetration test and also from soil retained in auger. Pagesveuan CLIENT: 5, ADANTENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL EVE LTD, 3. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION ‘The operations to be performed in the laboratory depend upon the type of the nature of data required for the problem at hand. In case of eohesion less material, like sand, the laboratory tests are usually minimum and the design parameters are worked out from field test data such as fiom SPT-N value, core resistance. For cohesionless soil a) Specific gravity b) Sieve analysis, c) Direct shear test For cohesive soil a) Specific gravity b) Natural moisture content c) Aiterberg's limits d) Sieve Analysis e) UCC test Poge 4veLern CLIENT: Ms, ADANTENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD 4. FOUNDATION ANALYSIS I profile: In order to obtain the soil profile of the site, nine boreholes at one location has been bored. The soil profile reveals that it consists of medi to fine sand/ silty medium to fine sand Asilty clay / silty sandy clay / sandy silt /fine to medium sand with gravel / silty clayey sand Ailty fine sand stratum, The detailed borelog and laboratory test results are enclosed in the annexure. Safe Bearing Capacity: ‘The SBC calculations are made based on the information obtained from one borehole at one location, Extrapolating information from just one borehole may be misleading the designs. However, this may be overlooked by way of conforming the uniformity of soil (with borelog data), during execution of the foundation. And also the Dynamic Analysis for wind load should be considered during Structural Design of the structure. The bearing capacity of granular soil depends upon the unit weight and angle of internal friction of the soil. These two properties of granular soils are determined by standard penetration tests. The following SBC calculation is made based on Static Analysis. PagesELC CUIENT: Ms, ADANTENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL IVT LID. 5, ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TEST Principle of the Test Wenner’s four electrode methods have been considered for the earth resistivity measurements as per IS 3043-1987. In this method a four terminal tester is used. These four terminals are connected by leads to four electrodes driven in the soil The four electrodes are driven into the earth along a straight line at equidistant horizontal spacing (a). ‘The depth of the electrodes (d) shall be 15cm, The current is passed through the two outer electrodes and the earth and the voltage difference observed between the two inner electrodes. The current | flowing into the earth produces an electric field proportional to its density and to the resistivity of the soil. The Voltage V measured between the inner electrodes is therefore proportional to the field Consequently the resistivity shall be proportional to the ratio of the voltage to current. Procedure of the Test: The procedure for the electrical resistivity test was followed at site as per 043 - 1987. Ata Test site, in the chosen direction, four electrodes were driven into the earth along a straight line at equal intervals, ‘a’. The depth of the electrodes had been IScm. The readings for a station were taken in eight directions (E-W, N-S, NE-SW and NW-SE directions). Pagear CUIENT:M', ADANTENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVT LTD The interval of electrodes are chosen as per 3403 -1987. Thus with these points and the stated eight directions, the entire site is covered for resistiv measurements. Measurement of the resisti The earth resistivity meter crm-500, used gives the value of the resisti ity as: p= 2naR, Wherein ‘p’ is the resistivity of the soil in ohm ~ meters ‘a’ is the distance between the successive electrodes in meters. ‘R’ is the reading in ohms. As the depth of the electrodes is 1Sem, the resistivity obtained as per the above formula is the average soil resistivity at a depth equal to the horizontal spacing ‘a’ between the electrodes. The Test Results are enclosed in the annexure. The resistivity vs distance graphs are also enclosed in the annexure, Pagevetent CLIENT: Mis, ADANE ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD. SATE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL - CALCULATION SHEET (GASEO ON SHEAR CRITERIA) M/S AdaniContainer Terminal Pvt Ltd, CLIENT, LOCATION : Ennore BORE HOLE NUMBER BH-01 (Per IL 4&5 Locations) "TYPE OF FOUNDATION Strip (GTH OF FOOTH 100M WIDTH OF FOOTING, B = 190M DEPTH OF FOOTING, D,= 067 COHESION, CIN hy/sq.em = 0 ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION, = 28 ‘SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOIL. G = 2.65 CORRECTION FOR WATER TABLE = 0s DRY DENSITY = 1.90 SUDMERGED DENSITY = 0.90 FACTOR OF SAFETY FS = 25 VOID RATIO, e+ BEARING CAPACITY FACTORS Ne 26372 ‘THEREFORE THE FAILURE ISA GENERAL SHEAR FAILURE ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL (qu): qu = CNSeddie + Q(NG-1)S,dyi, + 0.5B,N,Syd,i,W" 14,6301 t/m? ‘SAFE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL (cu): 5.8520 yn |SAEE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL (as): 5.850 t/m? Pagesveten CLIENT: Mis, ADAMI ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD. VELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT ETD SEETLEMENT CALCULATION pata Le Sotiniergaton rar eiys sacp area ee ‘Adoni noe Cntoier Trina Pvt ane bi-01 Dupri oF FOOTING, ocr LENGIHOF FOOTING, L 1000 TYPEOF FOUNDATION: stip \wior oF FOOTING. 150m soueperies om [ime] «| 8 we] fmm || sate | ttrress | y : i 2a mm) oe on) cons’) | eae) | agrem*) | (1Pa) | SILTY MEDIUM TO pres 1 | eooo- | roo00 | S"Fwesst | 1000 | 27-62 | oo | aw | - | os 2 | sno | s1200 suveversano| 120 | so | 90 | 2 | - | Si HED a [am | roo [Siseswo™ | roo | nar | sos | a | - | as [rom | 2200 | suncur | 00 | | ses | - | o | is sinatra s | on. | seo [wine | so [ssa | os | a | - | os Intensity at Bottom Of Footing S85 ¥/m2 SETTLEMENT OF THE FOUNDATION (4S PER 15 8009 - PART 4): ‘Total Seitlement = Si + Sc Immediate settlement: fe= 28992 pa avenace) Cen 233.33 kg/cm 6 = 5.950 ym? mR e0r pea) we St= Saune « 0B (LUE, Ved 00034223 mor 3.42225 mm © = 233333 ymt ImmedateSetement 6242225 om CanseldavonSeterent(S) © im | PT Goreipending ose sa] Papeveventt CLIENT: Ss, ADANT ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LID, ‘SATE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL - CAICULATION SHEET (BASED ON SHEAR CRITERIA) AiG M/S AdaniContainer‘Terminal Pvt Ltd, LOCATION Ennore BORE HOLE NUMBER BH-01 (Por BIL,485 Locations) ‘TYPE OF FOUNDATION Square LENGTH OF FOOTING, L-= 200M WIDTH OF FOOTING, B= 200M DEPTH OF FOOTING, D,= 150M COMRSION, CIN kg/sqsem = 0 ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION, = 20 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOIL. G = 265 CORRECTION FOR WATER TABLE = os DENSITY = 2.00 SUBMERGED DENSITY = 1.00 FACTOR OF SAFETY ,FS= VOID RATIO.€ ‘THEREFORE THE FAILUREIS A GENERAL SHEAR FAILURE ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL fu); qu = CN.Sedeie + A(Ner1)SqAgig + 0.5ByN,Sydy1,W" 40.2800 t/m* ‘SAFE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL (qu) FOS=2.5 16.1120 ym SAFE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL (a3): 16.112 t/m? Page 10vere CLIENT: Mis ADANT ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD, LVELCISE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT.LTD. ‘SELILEMENT CALCULATION DATA projpct Sub Soil Investigation for Jetty & Backup Area uUENT ‘Adan Enaore Cortes Termival Pvt tad, BH No. RHO DEPTH OF FOOTING, DF= 150m LENGTH OF FOOTING L= 200m TYPE OF FOUNDATION: Square WIDTH OF FOOTING, B 200m Soll Properties _ sow | prio | Es ayer| Prom to Type ‘thickness | N 4 Cae (ny 7 m) fan) | (@earees) [(gfem') | (MPa) | SET MEDION To 1_| 0000 10.000 FINESAND 10.00 | 27-62 | 200 30 - 29 2_| s0000- | 11.200 | sutvctaveysano| 1.20 10 | 190 26 20 SILTY MEDIUN TO 3_| 11200. | 19000 FINESAND 790 | 11-27 | 195 28 25 | s.000- |_22000 SILTY CLAY 3.00, u1_| 185. oo | 15] TTY AYEY SAND s | 22000. | 20000 WITLI soo | 34-43] 205 pr 15. Intensity at Bottom OF Footing 16.112 t/m2 [SETTLEMENT OF THE FOUNDATION (AS FER 15 8009 - PART 1): ‘Total Settlement = i + Se Immediate settlement: B= 25.000 Mp2 (AVERAGE) Given, 25000 kg/m? = 16112 yar ws a3 200m Si Saune = 9B (Le )/E, un 000131371 mor 13:13708032 mm. E = 2500.00 tym? Immediate Settlement (Si) 1313708032 mm Conslidation Settiement ($0) @ mm Total settlement (5) 13.43708032 mm Corespordingtosbc 16112 Ka" | Page 11vere CLIENT: Ms, ADANE ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD, ‘SATE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL - CALCULATION SHEET {@ASEO ON SHEAR CRITERIA) M/S AdaniContainer Terminal Pvt Ltd CLIENT, LOCATION: Bron BORE HOLE NUMBER DH 02 (For B11283 Locations) "TYPE OF FOUNDATION : Rectangle LENGTH OF FOOTING, L= 300° OM WIDTIt OF FOOTING, B = 200M DEPTH OF FOOTING, D,= 190M COHESION, CIN ky/sqem = 0 ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION © = 1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOIL, G = 2.65 CORRECTION FOR WATER TABLE = 05 DENSITY = 2,00 SUBMERGED DENSITY = 1.00 FACTOR OF SAFETY, FS = 28 VOID RATIO.e. = ‘THEREFORE THE FAILUREIS A GENERAL SHEAR FAILURE ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL (au) Qu NS.dcic + A(Ng-1)Sqgiq + 0.5B,N,SydyiyW" 14.7389 ym ‘SAFE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOUL Cau): Fos =25 = 178955 ym’ 17.896 t/mé Page 12CLIENT: Mis, ADANI ENNORE CONTAINER VELCITH CONSULTINGENGINEERS PVT. TD SELELEMENT- CALCULATION Sub -Soil Invest igtion for Jetty & Backup Area ERMINAL PVE LID, cuIENY ‘Aden Grote Container Terma Pt Lh HHLNe, m-02 DEPT oF FOOTING, Dr 150 LENGTH OF FOOTING, 3.00 TYPE ORFOUNDATION: ——_Rectarale Winn oF FOOTING. R 200% soll opertios som [on | «|e Layer| From vo ¢ Thickness | N, Pa a | vee | Ges gues |e Hasinr) | eared [(g/ont)| Ps) SILTY MEDIUN TO. i 1 | cov. | 6000 | ““rweswws | 1600 22-2100] 200 | 31.34 30 2 | rs000- | 15000 | survenesino | 3.00 | 18-21] 195 | 30 Be SIN HEDUN TO a | ro. | 25000} “enesexo 600_|26->100] 205 | 33 0 4 | aso. | sn000 | swovsurvas | soo | >100 | 210 150 | 15 Intensity at Hotton OFFocting_17.8955466666667 Yn2 SEYTLEMENT OF THE FOUNDATION (AS PEK 1S 8009 - PART): ToualSetlemen. = $i + Se Immediate settlement Be= 20009 Mpa avenact) Given, 300,00 kg/em® o = 17896) ym? y=o3 B20 m 51> Soume 2 08 (LACIE, 1-136 0.0147650 mor 14.7650190364444 mm E = 3000.00 t/m* nmedisteSetloment i) 4765019036444 mm ConselldationSettement (Se) 0 mn (i Teaientement @) sa 7650190360000 mm ConespondingtoS8C_47.8955ai_kN/m* | Page 131 3804 oc ovsz see avez | 007 oor | auvnds | anvs | 1 oro ov'sz +91 ezoz | ooz | ooz | auvnos or on'sz uz over | ost oor | savnds oro o0'se ootz oozt | ost | ooe | suvnds oro 00'sz weer rV9t ost ooz | auvnds | oro seez we sas 190 st anus | (edn) ALIS perswosssed |" go sn1ndow WwW ww) pNILOOd | ONILOOS 40 H1dza | 40 HIGLM DNILOOS 40 36AL WW NI w/a) ANAWAILLAS IVLOL.| 1108 10 245} Cager'sximoa sa) supqourered jeoruyp9}099 “py aad [euyuuoy, oureyuey asoug wepy SHaY fHa THA LOM AUVAIADS NN [NV SIN SINE 2 {IWNINYSL YANIVINOsi 804 000E S6L'SZ 9ZTE osz OTXOE AVININVLISY | GNVS z 000e Lss'se LBZ 007% OVX OF gavads GNYS z 000 PL997 LU9Z 002 OEXOE gavnos aNvS z oo Oo0E £60'6Z es'bz 00'z OLXOF UVINONVLITA | GNVS a oro OOS 9Lg'ST wSZz 007 O7XO'S UVINONVLIAN | GNVS Zz oro oo0E Ore ts BrEz ost OrXO gawnds ‘aNvs zs oro O0'0E B89TZ BzTz ost Oe XO'S guvnds NYS oc O0'0E VESET ‘¥s'6L ost O'EXO' | UVINONVLOIY | GNVS oro 000E S9LL O6LE ost OTXOE UVINONVLOTY =n (eax) sstea | A248 | uugeruas | “os. 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S6S'TRTSTF-4 | SALVNIGMO-O9 10-H@-s10uug : wonwoy = ToeDD aI PLOT a oo a ee 97 | unipows oy auy Aasa ysumosg z = pues S Doe oh ome 7E | unpow or auy Aas ystumose é = : 6 ve sz ep As A018 ystunosg z Paes 2 eS, = se © fouorumpausAuisdaisusumoss| © (pven09) | aN TVA | Coan vaag1 | 19Aga7 : meen oN oy AY || SSaNOUEIG | Gaoall a0n, NOLLARIDSaG TOS. Pacer NVQV SW UN! SPELIDLOFE-N. Si NOLLYDOT VaUY ALLL 90 Ha - axouug : 1gS7F~ a! SALYNIGUO-OD uonesoy, MITAeste WANIVINOD: {ONNA INVA SIN, 30- Ha~sz0uug : os TERT 5 oo w gv £¢ | auyorumpau fans usumcue e es a Tt “e 92 | pvesunipawo au ystumose z POTS ae ee od ae 0 | auyoruinipaw Aus usunera es (prveatea) | aA oan agaay | 1aAa7 aaa oN Sr eyiyo aay aa| SS NOUR | Geta! eaGr xowarosaaos | oN SPVLEOLIFI-N. S6S'TSEStP- A! SULYNICHO-OO 60- Ha -d0uug + wonwoT $$ re a oe ae iS SLE |unpoworouy Aus hex ysumore| © = € sue sve ‘Aero Aas ystous 3 - se sve of pues Aas usA2i9 L 2 = 9 oe ye |puesuym rep Aus foiB ysumorg| 9 : Fa ee eo ee i St lunpoworauyAuscaidysumose] —§ 5 : ze zat st ues hakep Ass yottor9 7 zw o 9 = re |pucsauyorwnipaw Aus ys] = PUES Sh Ee os a £0 | suyorunsus Ans ysumose z 0 £0 0 | sisustam pues auy Ausumos | (oapans09) | anVvA aaa | Tana : 5 ON dS DAY Woutoa | Jon SS eee | pexxyat SPULITLOFI“N. SOSLIEST= 4! SALVNIGNO-OD uoqesoy, IWOTaArecon gs oy e os oF ox 2uy As umosg yt09 a pues wnipe os oo e av oe 1 Sup Ais umnoug usta. # : : 6 ov te ‘feo Aus YssAO1D ot 0s oor oT te ae | puesauyounpaw misuse] 6 : ve vex | ese Aes Aas usu 8 z et est w pues uy Ay usw “ : - st 1 st Pues auy Als ustho19 ° 6 “ 9 cot | ser |puesouycrumpauaysysro | —s 5 z Fa mi ae es ay Se | umpoworsuy muses |? (onan) anal oa, TaAST TANG oN Te aun | SSANDIBL evra fon xouariosianos | oN | NVQV SWING MITACLINT: Ms, ADANEENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LED ANNEXURE »» LOG OF BORINGS »» LABORATORY TEST RESULTS »» PILE CALCULATIONS »» CBR RESULTS »» GRADATIONS »» ERT READINGS & GRAPH »» LOCATION MAPveicntt CLIENT: Mis, ADANL ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LID, VELCITI CONSULTING ENt Bal Ep INEERS PVT.LTD. isbion) ifoa and Foundation Del BORE LOG ‘Cleat [rAdani Ennore Container Terminal Pot Ltd, [Dateof Starred s0-00-2014 ~Praject Lacat Sub = Sol Investigation fr Stty & Backup Avea [Dateot Completed: 03-07-2018 = Emore=BI1-01- | SLNo=07-— [Ground Water Level: 810 S-B3Toy EGE COORDINATS: ED SDIR_N «HTSUS cm MCD Standard Pere’ Teat Data ity 7 Graphical Representation of Penetration Resistance LAYERS eaiotayer ta) Remarks Consistency Depib at which tests conducted Relative lo 20 40 oo 80 100 020 27 130 | armas, st | vey tusavan| ance ross psy adiomto ine | vey Broonisn ay mettmto re 149.99] 430 Leuyagny] done oo | vey 600 Javesiaay| seme Bek 750 Tisravaa] PP Mediu 10 10405005) dion ites |S 1209 jose] MH rownish gy sihy dion sh tell eae ine sand {os10707) ¥ 2” 1500 | ppaavisy| ee A) ea. 1659] yas) ond Page 24IENT) Ms, ADANI JNORE CONTAINER TTRMINAL DV VELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT. L Cent [FAdani Ennare Caniatner Terminal Pot Lea, Project Soil ns ctigation for Jetty & Backup Arca Location —[; Eanore=BIt-01 | SLNo- 01 |Greuad Water Level: 310 M Below EGL CODRUINNTES TE 27RHIIHE = HOTS 71 MCD. ‘Standard Pevel : 7 “Tost Data 2]: 2|st 3 B|2 S|2el y Grapbiest Representation] 2\3 Description of Sat bd (Neve (eg of Penetration Revisiance| & ale P|ee| = & e alez| 2 es 2/43 lo 20 Ww oy 80 100 00 | Browns peysitymeoim | 555 | ygoo | 2 | man 25; 2a0 1 fine sand | ieee 13/15/16} Br u 1950 Me <4 rowuish grey silty medinm [oses/06) a. foo sof brownish ey sity medion | sy 2100 | us 22:50 A | Medi x4 on, weal ‘i (ovis) a) asoaf ee | Brith ey sity met | 95g iB ‘enc sand 5 2400 | iy32q fete 3 2850 | ayatnoy| Pome a 2700 | gag | tod 6 [3000R83) Brossishevysity stay | 5.00 4 2850 | uatvon| Par 30.00 Ae Hand tisisas, Borehole Temninated @ 3000CLIENT: Mis, ADANE ENNORE CONTAINER FERMINAL PVE LID, Tscaion [enone IL-8 ae le EAM Below 3 g Paid Ee : ee Pare Derren 9 04, $ |Fe EE | otreneiration Resistance “13 Ales Bi & ZEEE ae a vofaenfisme] | i a 23/29/50\2cn] dense =i00 | very as 25/50icm | dense te, [19/23/28] | dense ihe sand 1600 |e lose | iver ovens] doce A 3 12001 Faasa2) Dee rm 1330] aba | ene i 1308] sda [ome ito, il id 16.5 i Medi Cont Page 26CLIENT: St, ADANE ENNORE CONTAIN SPVTLTD., Goll fora and Fores Digs Bo} TORT-LOG Cent [Aan one Conair Tonal Pot Lal, [Daca Sted 07-770 cot Sub Soll nv eigatoa or Jetty & Backup AFeA [Date of compre OS0T-20F2 Tocation |: Ennore- BH - 02 I SLNo Ground Water Level : 2.80 M below EGL COORDINGTES FP 0170S. N= TGA 16 LE AIRS NICD. Standard Pentaton z TestDate 2 Pals g |is 5 2 2 |2k i a6 S = 20 @ a) 10 >| de cof 1840 | son? aay [M = fovea | toamnemaemcsns ef 6 F wnaymafsetn| | a ex 1950] yoiean | Doe rn 2140 | any | Dove Ee ABrownish grey silty nediur to se 40 sis 3 Rs ‘ine snd $00) 7250 | tisaias | >100 | ven MOT D5/5tem | dense ~100 | ven : as0| ao bel 2/5dam | ane ¥ >100 mo] 20 | va wo | 21 Ges sity sds cay 800] 280 | 5500? | aa vow | 1° x00] pl | as Borehole Tennnaied @ 30.0001 age 27Wis. ADANI ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PY VELCIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS FVT. LTD. Gall xphoration Des ‘Cent? Atani Ennere Container Terminal Pot Lt, [Date of Started 08-07-2014 Troject |: Sub Soll Tx estigntion for Jelly & Backup Area [Date of Completed: 6-07-2071 Location [6 pi-0 | SL No- 08 [Ground Water Level : 2.80 M Below EOL COORDINATES | E RSHIGADS N= HeCPTAL LS RL 4175- MCD Standard Penetration 3 “est Data ole le B 5 le |$ a ? 2) 2 \& ode Graphical Representation S 1 E/E] vescrpmmorsn | 2) ES) gs 2 [S/S | | Pamrenetset | yee lee of Penetration Resistance sje eile 8 |lges &g 2B ele Flee z 20 W060 80 100 Sie 19} nao [eel | 38 300 | asian | Pe so |... | ven 450) tigiasa7y | dense a a0 | va Gieysh ov netimto | go] 600 "y 1 pad 160 950 _| dese 2 | vey 789 | 02428) | dense 0m) ae 900 | 22629) | dence : 1050 | onda, [ete 1169] s 2 2 Greys sandy sit 2 yy | Metion 13.00 HO] 120 T tos 21 cies voxny psi ' ety meting | a 1500 Matin sits 43,00] \ Borelole Temninated @ 15.0001 Page 28CLIENT: Ms, ADANT ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD. VELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT. LTD ‘Gail Fs ploratfon and Foandavion Design DNison) BORE LOG Tit sore Conan Tena Pt Lid opel nf dey & Hackup Aree SEND 06 onDAT ST = ANTTLA N= 1I.AD Standard : Test Dat 3 : al? Elsi ® 4 AAlPE) 2) tpeetereten p= EE], | Fe |orapniat representation] NR | lnm see S| Se] E | FE | ottrenctraton Resistance a S|\2\|3 $)e5| $ | ee é g g\ee| * [as #\ét z aw 0 60100 » ‘ Notion 450] ogios} a ma lien 300 | dda] om = 150 | oocdnoi se » 00 | azn am onli 750 | fas Denke Donsh xy metiom fine gp ‘sind 32 cei 9.00 | pisiasin wes Alles 1020 J ain] OS 2% 1200 | sadam] Dose st S Der 1350 Trasrisaqy) PA alien eal 1900 J 6167201 ee | Dorchale Temninated @ 15.00M Page 29JNTAINER TERMINAL PV wie CLIENT: Ms, ADANT ERNORE Ce TELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT: L1D1 “Sar Exploration aed Foundation Design DRIOn) =| tes BORLLOG est — [oat Troors Conair Tena Pt Lid, [Dai of tert OEE ia | Project [5 i for Jetty & Backup Area “of Completed: 21-06-2074 ai Toralion i 10M Below GL. “CO ie Nor Standard Penelt = |____ Tes Date Sle : 4 z\e 2\2 | Graphical Representation | 2 || desertoonofsel |g | a E | ct Penetration Resistance A 2 qe io 4 @ z a\4 2 é a $ & #\2 lo 20 40 oo 60100 les vo | partna fee] [| 200 | pons] 3.00 fc) Dense ‘ Rediish brown sity media) 5 <¢ Laie) to fine sand i ers |e 1152328) | &me 3 | vey 500 | pronaiag | dense a | 00 | Ne9 650 | 172634) | dense se | vey 8.09 | irer2aam | dense { als 90) (asi924) Dane 2 i 1100 ] rorsnoy | Ps co ay meson 6] 9 Let s n 1230 | esionay [™ Dol 140 | jgahtun [ME Nesinn Page 30veLelt CLIENT: Mis, ADANT ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PYFLTD. VELCITT CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT.LTD. ‘ x (Goll Exploratiin and Foundation Design Di nORE TOG = Cleat Adan Enwore Contatuer Termlaal Pvt Lala [Date of Started 20062014 Propet | Su Sl nse Vey & Backup Area [Date of Completed: 2906-2077 —Toeation ore-BH-06 | SLAO- 05 [Ground Water Level jclow EG a COORDINATIS FAAS N-HOTT ra Standard Penetration 7 Test Data 4 2 se 5 : Para flay b | crunsteaRepretnindon| BEANE | erermegren al |eea|eaie 2 | Graphical Representation | 218 Descrantran OL Sail] all ec E | of Penetration Resistance | & g 2\Es ge e|6z 2 [0-30 60 30 100 420 || ottoay | Bee | wo ae {1425/29} | dense 10 30 [24°30 hou >c0 a, [2650 ism | dense # 730 | ear | Pe = | we mn {1772432} | dense ossin oo ao mton) sal] ay] ven 10:30} te2u30) | dense 100 | vey Lass WANS sem | dense vAlLsen lee 13.50 17/26/30 .4c0 | dense 5.00 at Medi 18.01 footy | Mem) 16.50 2 ‘Medium | 1 nonisy | 13.00 a Medi 06/07/09) oil Ca] Page 31vert CLIENE Mi, ADANI ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD. VELCITT CONSULTING ENGINFERS PVT. LTD. ] z =r (Goll Exploration fusion) Cine Dateot Seated 76-06-7014 Project | Sub Soll Investigation for deity & Backup Area [Date of Competed: 29-06.2070 Location —[: Eanore= Bii-0¢—[SLNO= 03 [Ground Water Level: 3.00 M Blow ECL CODNDINNIESTE ai YenTar76 IRL3.785- NICD Standard Penetration = Hest Daa 3 £ vile é yz 4 Fle} z Z}E] pewrpionorson | =] S2| g | 2E [GaphestRerrsention| | gié esertnilon of Sul elez| 2 ES | of Penotration Resistance | 5 213 3 (ieee! eal eve a & aVEE| > | a5 2/8: 3 ly 20 a0 60 100 eer |e 1930] pate | Meson 38 Meum ‘ Besos vay neko 1699) wf sa a 725) snes 4 Md @ 2109 | gan | Hed 6 78571 gsaae | 4 2 Drownih ey sty clay. | 9.00 S100 20.001 isda | a 2100 siso| gan | tow >100 x30] sgad_ | tna 400 | Brownsh grey ie saso | 200) | ven ‘medium sand 159 1 305040 | dense Contd. Page 32vec CLIENT Ms ADANT ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVT ETD, VELCITT CONSULTING ENGINEERS FVT.LTD.. ‘Client [-Adani Fnwore Container Tevavinal Pvt Lid ee TOT Project [Sub = Soll Investigation for Jetty & Backup Area [Dave of Compleied: 29-06-2014 Location —f Ennore-BH-06 | _SLNO-=0S bevel £3.00 M Below COORDINNIES ZF -WSHTTSDS N= TWTOU. AG ‘Standard Pensteati “Test Data gle 5 2 abe 2/2 /3 2|2 $ 2 | Graphical Represeniaion | 2 Ne | | Desecesion ot Salt ea Le ££ | orPeneteation Resistance | & Sails 5 fe z & 2\¢ gé é|é 3 lo_20 40 60 80100 ww | 2100 | ven 7600 | 301S01em | dense >100 | vey 3130) 26s0,q | done em) | veo Beownish grey fine t SOx | dinse : Shotineand | 1060 Taam $051 Ohm _| dense z >100 | very PO) sou. | ane m0 | Nor 490 ook Oia | dense >i00 | ven 45001 aeistien | deme 200 | vewy 591 s0Sdinm | die ; Broa pera | snedium sand wih grave eae (Peay $80 | s0/sdiom | dene >100 | vow : 50.00] soisdjen, | deme sooofe Borehole Temninated @ 0.00 age 33vine CLIENT: Mis, ADANI ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVILTD. VELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERSPVT. LID, (Sell Elerion and Vandation Deign Daisin} BORE LOG: Gi ire Container Terminal Pyt Lid, [Date of Slated : 23-06-2014 Project av esdgatin for Jelly & Backup AFG [De of Comnpited- 04-07-2074 Location |: Ennore - BH - 07 I SLNO- OF Gri Water Level: 3.00 M Below © COORDINATIS F -ADSIBPSOS No HGTA17.15 RL: 3925- NICD Standard Panetrath i @ Test Data aa STEE| , | Fe [ccapicarrepreenntion| 4 2b | esl ese ¢|22 i EE | otpencteation Resistance | & mls Eles| 2 |28 a eS 3° ag e p20 40 0 80100 | Re 129 | stuns [ses] | 38 3.00 | franszg | Pose 0 40) usag2n Maca 4 600 | isang | Os 36 720 | iiidgoy | 2 A sel | i 2] oownish sity medium io 9.00 | tionazy | Poms fhe sand 7 1030 | iyddog | Ps st | vey ae [182628] | dense 4 1350] igabag | Pome 15.00 i Medi ppsoenyy | Mesum 20 1630 | ipsa Metin Page 34vetcut (CLIENT: Mis, ADANI ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVF LID. Date of Sorted GIO Sub= Sal Investigation for Jetty & Haclaup Area [Date of Com lst: 01-07-2073 Emnore- BHL-07 —[ O04 [Ground Water Levcl M00 M ilow EOL ORDINNTES TE SESS Ne MUTATING RL: 3935: MCD Standard Penetrato C a “Test Data Rel AS e ; Bs Z]Z2] 2 | Fe | crappie Representation | $ 2/8 e122 3 EE | or penetration Resistance | & 5/e|3 Heel sie g z flee] 2 |2é 2 |2: i jo 20 40 60 80 100 1780] ups sxe 1800 Ans ‘Mediu vosneon | | st is 4 1930] iygtsom [edon Brownish silty medium to. ot tum , fine sand 2650] 2100 frosts) ue 3 2250 | auytlan | Dow 38 2400 | 52a | Bm 2550 al Dense ea 116192 27.00 ah Hard 52123) sa st 2850) teasas | He | Brimitserato chy : ‘with sand 30.00 Ba Hard (1423/26) - px2830) | Cond Page 35fis, ADANLENNURE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD, VELGITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. ‘Goll Exploration and Foundation Design Dhison) BOR Client PutLid [pute of Siatea 77-05-2014 Projet | Sub = Sci Investigation or Jelly & Backup Area — [Date of Completed: 04-07-2074 i 14 |Ground Water Level: 800 M Below EGE 3925-MCD. % Standard Penetration ; “Test Data 3 : 3g : : Elez 4 & z Zt Graphical R 5 g\2 Oeeereaa |keal aie lars caphical Representation | ela Deesrintoom BES HL) 194 |e oe eae ‘of Penetration Resistance | E a 2/33 #|42 ly 2 40 0 80100 rm 3300 vn 300 | orang \ i Browns rey sity lay with | ap Ee 34.50 a Hard ee 932381 oe 2100 very ee ise dense wo) 2 | vay ee 502m dense a0 | very oe, $Diam | dense wo} 210 | vey i 50 5m dense a am $0iem | dense Browns grey fin to mecium 5 4 ey fa uso | 10 | very 50m | dense s10 | very Ae, 50 rica dense 100 | ver At $0. dense sw | ver ot 50. dense >100 | very é au 50m dense sooo Borehole Terminated @ SO00Mf Page 36INE: Mis, ADANTE NORE CONTAINER 1140 VELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT. LID. Gal sem oe ead Foveiados DSI. TORE LOG Chin Adani Enos Centenar Teratoal Pst La Date of Std TE OCROTE : 1 Sol Tsun Ror Tey © Mackay Area” [Dat at Comical 2500-2073 Location > Enwore BH=08 | SLNOs2 round Water Lael 2.50.6 elon EOL COORUINNTES f= ROTTS NST. RL: 8789- MCD Standard Peneiaton 5 2 TestDate elele ties ; Fi £) ee 2)2: = | Graphical Representation | 2 [es || ee Peenlion SUS Val EE | crrenctration tesitence | & 4 a|2s t% 2 s | Fi aé 148 2 lo 20 @ 8100 1 pron sity fn end with stels| 030] 030 lo20 > 1 | reona fsomm] | 0 3 ae 1315/18) ae Brownish silty medium to fing 4.00 Al Dense 2 Ee 810 tors 2 $90 | tusaonz | Pens wo | 200 | ve 630 | 18/50iem | dense ioe | vey 800 1 aais0im | dense 9.50 3, Medi fossa, | ecu 100 a8 Der i secre tusarng, | Dense a Gry sty maton tae J ogf | a “ 1250 | sidan | to 400 | uns sxe Page 37 Gn}© ENT: Ms. ADANI NORE CONIAINER TERMINAL PE 11D VELCITI CONSULTIN ~~ SaiTFpivrstion and Foundation Design Dison) Ne BORE LUG INEERS PVT. LTD. Client —f-Adani Ennove Container Terminal Pu Li Dateof Sarted 15-06-2014 reject esigution for Jelly & Backup rea [Date of Complete: 25-06-2014 Location |: Fnsore-RH-08——— | SLNO= 13 [Ground Water Level: 290 M Below EGL. CODNDINGIFS: F DRITTSS Ne O77. RL E370 - MCD ss Stand Penration Test Data AIP st 3 2 gz) Ele Zt | & | rapwicat Representation | | 1 E| desertion of ot #2) 2 | 22 5 gia S| £8 | orpencteation Resistance | § Sle <5)|) 3/38 2 ax| 2 |88 8 ey a6 az Z = lp 2) a0 6 100 ae male a 1820 | stu [ston | 4 EY ory sity dayeysand | 3.20 ai ey 17.00 1 Mediun we20f 1050609) FS (heal PS 1830 | ciasan | OM as 7 29.00. | Taaaeal | Pe i Brownish eysity Sine 0 | 5 go main cand st | vey 2150 | trae} | dense si) | vey } 2100 woof 02730) | dease mes 2450 | patton | Hed 26.00 a wsiven : Pmt gop alt on mailers 2159 | uation | He 2800 | ugduon | Hrd 100 | very 5050-1 40¥S Oem’ | dense Greyish sty sand ee 32.09 1 42/50sm | dense Cond Page 38vELen CLINE: Mis: ADANT ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVELTD, VELCITI CONSULTING ENGINEERS IVE LTD. Ga ptrtan apt Faatbe Baa Ge TORELOG Cea ial Pt Ll, [Date of Sovied ISO 3074 Projet Soil nvenigaion for Jetty & Baekup: Svea [Date of Con pleted: 25-06-2074 Tocation ore= BIT 08 SENO= 0 [Grund Water Level: 290 M febw BG COORDINAIS = SM017SIS N= HOTT 7 - Standard Peneration iG 2 Test Date 3 ‘i 5 : gle #) 8? nye dh B/ 2 a 13 l2e Z & | Graphical Representation | 2/8 PL Ba 28 | crtenctaton Resstance | male a2 ie & Bi a8 3 jo 20 40 60 80 100 he >100 Very , 1 owyisnsaysand | aso] 3350] 2! bao 110. | deme =I00 3800 | gi | two : Greyishsiy sly | 3.00 z oo aso | gt | at Sion | vey 3800 | 27/50 | dense sion | vey 9959 | 2050.0 | dense >in | vey 1100 | 30/500 | dense se) i | vey 9250 | 32/50icm | dense 4] rownish gieysity fine © |, ol S100 | Very 2 ‘medium sand 12.50) 4400 | 550.0 | dense sa | 200 | ven $5501 050.200 | dense 00 | Ver 47.00 | 49/8010 | dence i ie wae dense 100 | ven $0.00 | 10S0,0ca | dease Toxine Tema SOOM a] Page 39VELent CLIENT Mis DAN ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINAL PVE LTD. VELCIT] CONSULTING ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. if Foundation Design DRS) BORE LOG Client — Adan Lid, [Deof Stated TUG HOTT = Trajet’—[:Sub- Sol Invesigatinn for Jelly € Backup Ave [Dat of Completed: 20-06-2014 Loe: |: Ennore - BH - 69 I SLNO- OF [Ground Water Level : 3.00 M Below EGL COONAN SEAMED NoHTOT IRL 3838- NICD. Standard Fenetation z TestData | 4 = Ble 2i|Ee A & Ls 2/82 gz 2 EL ETE] puoiptunatsn | S| 89| ¢ | 48 |Stuphea Remeron) 2|a ” 2 |? 2 & & | of Penetration Resistance a glee] * a6 #|2% ele p20 0 a 80100 2 100 Medium Browns sity net o weno) 3 fine sand oer a a 200 | ransie | Biowsh fre wellin 7 ? | a0 snd ho) 3% | trons) | 5 Bowtihsity mation | ggg lage [12100 | veo Res ftavent i pal 220m | dese sia | vey 5.00 | 5/S0scm | dense | zie | veo 650 | rris0,u0 | sense aw | ven Brownish sity fine to 800 | 29.3t.n | dese 4 fete | 599 tilts ae liye 930 | 3030... | dense 11.00 2 Medi foonas} al 30 ie 1250 | sia | Metin eihsiny medio ine al | econ ee | ee ‘sand 14.9 jorox0u) | ees Si? Conn} age 0ENNORE CONTAINER TERMINA ELI, VELCITL CONSULTING ENGINEERS FV LID. ‘Goll Exploration and Foundation Desk BORE LOG Cent ve Container Terminal Py¢ LA, [Date of Strted TOW62014 Project Soil investigation for Jedy & Backup Aizu [Dat of Complete 20-06 2014 Location]: tnaore=BH=09 | SLNO= (1 [Ground Water Level: 3.00 M Below EGL COORDINATES sE-AINISESIS N= HOTOITG RL 33.828 - MCD. Stan 3 “est Data Sls ‘ = 2 & 2112: 2 Bg) ele ae ¥ ae 3 2i(DSi |e le a Peel so lee 5 nea gles] # | es : & 2/5 aS =e 2 lp 29 40 60 80100 5.5 a 0936 '559 | ‘asoson | ae eit sity medium Be 4 06 a 601 1700 | oanaioy | Lt 6 Isso Lome 5_|19.s0 fs (373.03), alae leon ie chro f | Soitsty meses | 120] 2000 Taf r+ 5 20 200 | iggy) | Metom Gnyitsity fecana | 430 ee 2400 | gots) | Medium 7_ [2s 30 ed Weng) 28 | ven 2609) Hansisy | tit Gnypbatyyany | 4.10 200 | 2% | aa 8_ [29.40] ae ersinatn mctoniot] so] spqq] 310 | vox Allie - sm | dense >10 3150 | iaasan..| te ‘rey sity tay — >10 ih 8? Wasa |e Contd Page 41vetent CLIENT: Ms, ADANI ENNORE CONTAINER IERMINAL PVELID. TETCTHT CONSTITING FNGINTFRS PVT.LTD tr : TR Toator SUNDsbi [ened Wate: 03 (00 LS sama — JMC a : g/ele E33 2 Bi /esill2 || neeristen er cai on lei [aes = Graphical Representation | 218 peseianen, 8200 2|2 z ‘of Penetration Resistance | & ayes ge 8 | 3 & Fl,ae ~_ [p20 40 60 80 100 8 | 210 x =o 3 P 38 S 3720 | pans | et SS 100 3 9.00 ys Hard 40 | 40.00 FSS 3050.40 a9, dense 00 | ven Gr PO) 30150inm | dense oe} 2 | B50] sers0iam | dense 4500 ne medium sand 4:00) $8.00 | 30/5050 | dense saw 30/5Dixmq | dense 42. in Borshols Tenninated agepata T zea ec = or wee] [oe fo [= [oe |e [wen © 1 we] [ae fol |e | sux al | ae ee ee eH we| |e fel ele | s [eam © ven | me] [ac fa ||| o forfelo « os | pas sno Gs wing | mz] fo fe fa] | o | sean a wz] [a fe] a[z [0 | sm e fale |e | o | sean = 78 | aenpaitiomin | o re, wlelo]o [esa | | | a wf] o | o | susan E eles salen 2 3 El, S/2/2 12) 2 lalelelele a 4 Sela |é opie |2 |e] 2 | ElEl 2/22] ez ela Elal-|2/2/2]2 | « fele/2]2] 8 [Ele] 2/2/28] § [Elele)s| 213) asslelgie|2] | 2 | 3 se/e) 218] el e]e] 21s] = feels] | 2] 212 lslaleie]s| 3] |e i BET ELE ELe]el SU Ziel 2 (Eee|2 (eels laleleleta| a] a | elmo |: PE lie. (om Roce Ieee] ole |ieae |e Brrr sle13) 5 |é : 5 2 2 a © tae —arer Pld] e Tea wo CET ENOTNON AV a Si OUNOOT TORT HATA INA ANT HAO OUSTAR TOS WS STON AON = SULT TNIRWAL AANIVIN) AHONNTINVEY "NINA SUTISTW INS. 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