Radiation Black-Body Radiation
Radiation Black-Body Radiation
Radiation Black-Body Radiation
trying to understand the emission of radiation from heated objects, known as black-body radiation.
By assuming that energy can only be absorbed or released in tiny, differential, discrete packets he
called "bundles" or "energy elements", Planck accounted for the fact that certain objects change
colour when heated. On December 14, 1900, Planck reported his revolutionary findings to
theGerman Physical Society, and introduced the idea of quantization for the first time as a part of his
research on black-body radiation. As a result of his experiments, Planck deduced the numerical
value of h, known as the Planck constant, and could also report a more precise value for
the AvogadroLoschmidt number, the number of real molecules in a mole and the unit of electrical
charge, to the German Physical Society. After his theory was validated, Planck was awarded the
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery.