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1947 Michigan Single Wing Offense Fritz Crisler
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1947 Michigan Single Wing Offense Fritz Crisler
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1947 Michigan Single Wing Offense Fritz Crisler
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1947 Michigan Single Wing Fritz Crisler‘ 4 MICHIGAN OFFENSE AND SIGNAL SYSTEX Holes are nuabered on offensive iineaen 2D etoonae@ i—?”% ae De Pune cp ED Deh wit sPacrNcs #8 man - 8 foot gap, vary it Wi man 2 1 foot gap #8 man - center #5 man - adjacent, (6 inches to 1'ft.) Wa nan = adjacent, vary it on sone plays #3 man - adjacent, vary it on some plays #2 man = 205 feat, vary it : Ri or Wingback - 1 gard Back, 1 fta1h out from 2 ma QB = Depth varios, noruaily arate length, Between 2 & 4 nen, varie with play. Uf or Taliback'~ Heels at 5 yds.-directly behind center. FB = Heels with Li's toes, 4 fect from LH. In general, Line wilt tighten on off tackle and wide plays & loosen on interior hits. sicyaL Systex snaThtee iplty are used to catt elgnat or pay. ‘the lot digit indicates ~~~ - = = = formation 0-100 deep wing on zero formation 100-200 up wing or single wing These "Loops" ineiude only. th formations. However, it can readil; ssily adapted’ to this sy: jesired, it could be called For instance, if.a double wing wo1 200 formation, ‘The 2nd digit indicates play series and to whom bali is passed from fenterg en eneee Rhee series and te toe balk semen O-10 Direct hits by fuitback. conter-soft pass to full's belly. Ge FEA Hore PH shoal otep etreight Up & veer of stide fo hole hit, On 7 hole, stop straight up & veer to 7 hole, 10-20 Weak side spin series by fullback te Ril,” Ball centered to Fighriknes gf Tall, Fall steps up withleft foot a9 he Catches ball and pivots or spins on left foot bringing Fight Foot thru a"into direction of hole, Spin should be inder control with shoulders over thruou’. “‘knecs must be slightiy flexed, When handing off or foking to B's, full Aust Keep back to Line of scrimmage, Ball shoutd be kept in fuli's belly thruout spin exeopt ‘when handing off. must come straight across thru fuil's position before fult fas. begun his sping 0n'16; £411 fakes to BU & keops in 6 hol On 10) full gives to Bil & fakes into 6 hole. 20-30 Strong side spin series by fullback to Li. Balt Gontered to-tert kney-ar Tul. FULT steps up vith right foot as he catches ball & pivots or spins on right foot bringing left foot thru (toward line) & into direction of holes ‘Spin should be under control with shoulders over thruout, Kneas must be slightly flexed, When handing off or faking to HB's, full must keep back to line of scrimmage. Ball should be kept in full's belly thruout spin except when handing off. LH must step up where full started, Toll shoulders over to cover ball or fake, On 8 play'R must get depth on ist two steps & full should spin to a tight 3 hole. Licarries ball on 1 & 2 hoi FB carries bali on 3-4-5 hole RH carries bail on 6-8-9 hole A common fault of fullbacks in'the beginning is that they tend to bob their shoulders up & down thruout the spin. The fullback should keep his shoulders in the same plane or on the same level thruout the spin for smoothness. FB should also move up toward the Line thruout spin & avoid spinning in one spot.80-40 Direct hits by Lil or Tailback. Center gives a lead pass Fo Lite igre im tanescer read th speeds LE carries on'1-2-3-4-5 holes 7-8-5 holes. Buckelateral serios. Center ally kes ball as he steps up toward Line bringing ball to his belly, He then fakes or gives to °B who has hopped around in position with beck to line. After accepting fake off full, QB fakes a pitch out to Li, 2B should bend knees & keep back straight. On plays when full carries he should move up under control to 1st pulling Line xen clear, When full hands off to QB he should get ball to QB as quickly as possible. Lit carrias on 1 hole. ¥B carries on 3-4-5 holes. HH carries on 6-7 holes, 8 man carries on 2 hol : 50-60 Spin Passes by Lil or Taitback, Full spins and hands off to ‘Uwe cones tari Turt as on 0 series: foils snociders over to cover ball & sets up to pass behind 5-4 seam at a depth of 6-7 yds. LW then steps up into pocket to throw. Full fakes a 124, "Loop" shows 154 "pass, Another favorite is 156 pass, and other patterns can be made up. kes a soft pass to full's (3% Ass 60-70 Buck-Laterel passes by QB. Full hends off to QB who fakes Sipitch cur To Ui or bandeer to Rt @ thon drops beck toa depth of S4-7 ydew behind tho 4 man, These passes are sane as off spin passes. Other patterns are possible frou the "Loop" example, 60'pass is a buck-lateral pass with a deep wings 70.80 Direct passes by Li or Taitback. center to-right knee of jo" steps to Fight, rolling Shoulders over & setting up to throw at 7 yds, behind the 5 wan. "Loop" shoes 172 pass. However, other patterns are obvious. The ard digit indiates the hole to be hit or podnt of attack, 124 Formation~series-hole, = 1 = Formation, Upwing or single ving, 2,-Plays serise, Spins by fullback 4'- Hole to be hit. Zn the deep wing formation’ the "0" is assumd. For instance, we do not cati "024" but merely call "24" which would give us the decp, wing formation, Heny of the sane plays can be used fron this form ation but give'a different problem to the defense. ‘The value of this system is that it givas excellent blocking angles with few exceptions. (on any exceptions, backfield deception wilt help hin get an angie.) Normaliy the hole wan called is the 1ead blocker but if he has'no blocking angle (i,e,-a nan directly on hia) he will pull away from the hole and the normal post then Becomes the lead. This will be made clear as you study the "Loops" and diagrans. The trap blocker has no problem because his only assignment ie to pull & head for the tail of the hole man called & trap the ist opponent that shows on or beyond him. This also takes Sare of shooting or plugging La's. The Blocking Principles Follow: Te Block ti-at the holes (Post-teed block) 2, Block out at the hole. (Trap block) + Block thru the hole in or out, 4. Block on Linebacker. 5. Check block or block in secondary."Loop" #1, End Run, 131 —— 131 vs. Overshifted 6,5,7 131 vs. Undershif ted 6,4 B B Vv Vv. % v Sods 8- Check and secondary 7 = Pull through off tackle hole and become personal interferer, 6- Check man on or to your left, 5+ Pull through off tackle hole and block in 4- Check man on or to your left. - 3- Check man on or to your left. 2- No man on: check and block on linebacker, Yan on or inside: Block in, ¥, man on: Block in, Yo man on: Check and block on Linebacker, YB. Fake block on end man and slip inside. Block on halfback, #B. Start as to block.end out and hook with cross body block. OH. Start as on off tackle and slide around block * FB.SI PPRR, VS. Overshiffed 65,7 a, "Loop* #1, Game clip, 131 Take Pass Ru Vv 1 O- Down and across on pass pattern, Same 131 Same 131 Man on: check No man on: solid in position Pulls and hooks the 2nd man in. Checks 3rd man in, Fake post and block on linebacker. Down and: out pass pattern Same as 131 Same as 131. Raise ball faking pass, run like sevskGled b 5,7 y ' We QB. FB. LH. "Loop" #2, Running Pass, 131P =— ° . <> Down 5 yards, across at 45 degree angle. Pull, peel back on first man thru, Check man on or to your left. Check man on or to your left. Pull, hook 2nd man in. Check 3rd man in, Down 10 yards and hook; drift. Down thru the halfback and out, deep. Slips block end and is receiver in the flat at depth of 4 to 5 yards. Same as 131. Same as 131 and pull up and throw. Slweer yy van caunicy Loe 32 v3. vershigied 6, 5,7 $2 4s. dorsh fled 6, 4 Y Sohose ae 8, Check and secondary. 7. Pull thru off tackle hole and become personal interferer, 6. Check man on or to your left. 5. Pull thru off tackle hold and block in. 4, Check man on or to your left. 3. Check man on or to your left. 2, Post block on 2nd man, W. Lead block on 2nd man, QB. Block out at the hole. FB, Fake block on end and go around. Become personal blocker, LH. Run hard 3 steps to right, cut up thru off tackle hole,"Loops is: Off Tackle Jump Pass, 132 JF 1az2TP vs, OVERSHIFTEO L,5, 7. \ Vv 8, Fakes block, siides to open spot. 7. Pulls and fills solid at hole 6. Check man on him or to left. 5. Pulls and fills solid at hole. 4. Fills hole left by 5 man or checks man on hiz 8. Check man on him or to left. 2. Posts on 2nd man in from end. W. Leads on 2nd man in, QB. Blocks out at hole FB, Blocks out at hole with QB. Tail Runs same as 132 but jumps high and passes before reaching line of sfrimmage,"Loop" #5, Reverse Off Tackle, 138 xx 13B¥¥ vs. OVERSHIFTE 6, 5,7 [ 8 Vv SoSSY v 138xy¥ vs. UNDE SHIFTED ls, + B B Vv Soth v 8. Lead Man on: Pull away, block end man 7. Post No man on; Lead 6. Check right Man on: post 5. Pull, block out at the hole 4. Check man on or to right 3. Check man on or to right. 2. Pull thru off tackle hole and block 1st man outside, W. Open one step, level off. Accept ball from tail and run off tackle. GB. Thru off tackle hole and turn inside for block on 1st man. FB, Fake as on 131 with greater depth. LH. Head for tail of 2 man and give front hand off to right half,"Loops #6, Fake Reverse Lateral, 133 XXL 3B XXL VS. OVERSHIFTEO b,7,5. 8. Lead Man on: pull away, block 2nd man 7. Post No man on: Lead 6. Check right Man on: Post 5. Pull, block out at the hole. 4. Check man on or to right. 3. Check 2 counts and block out on HB. 2. Pull thru off tackle hole and block 1st man ‘outside. Wing. Same 138XX QB. Same 138XX FB. Same 138XX Tail. Same as 138XX but fakes to wing and options end either pitching or keeping."Loop" #6, Part II, Reverse End Run, 139XX 19x" vom OVERSHIFTBD 65,7 Y oe Sv v -- 8. Lead on 2nd man in 7. Posts for 1 count, pulls around and blocks BU 6. Checks man on or to right. Se 11s and sets up end for QB and blocks out ‘bn HR. 4, Check 3. Check 2. Release into secondary. Wing. Opens 1 step, levels off, accept ball from tail, run 138XX but slide to 9 hole QB. Hooks end in FB. Same as 138XX Tail Same as 138XX"Loop" #7, Fake Pass and Run, 170 F.P.R. ee 110 FRR. ys. OVE 2 SHIFTED 6, 5,7 Down 8 to 10 yards, turn outside and circle back on lst man you see, 7. Block solid 2 counts, inviting man on you to your right, Go along line of scrimmage and turn out on halfback. 6. Same as 7 man except turn in on first man you S06. 5. Same as 7 man except go up field as personal interferer, 4. Block solid in line, 3. Pivot block out on 2nd man. 2. Down toward safety and turn back on 1st man you see, W. Down at 45' angle turn and block back when LH starts run, QB. Block right on 1st man. FB. Move left and invite end man to inside then hook him, LHe Drop with back to 9 hole. When you feel block of FR, start run.@ 4/ ws. \ OVEGSHIFTED 65,7 2. QB. FB. LH. "Loop*_#8, Buck Lateral, 41 "hoop" # ) Ka Check and block in secondary. Check and block in secondary. Peel back on any retreating lineman. Check man on or to your left. Pull shallow and get depth to circle around block on end man, Personal interferer. Check man on or to your left. Check man on or to your left. Go inside 2nd man and block out on the Halfback Wing. Block in on end man on line of scrimmage. Reverse pivot, accept ball from fullback and pitch out to the lefthalf. Fake pass. Head for inside of quarterback and give him ball. Fake on thru 3 hole, Take off with speed getting 7 and + yards of depth, receive pitch out from quarterback.8. To 6. Se 4. 36 2. AIP vs. "Loop" #8, Running Pass, 41 P —_— OVERSHIFTED 3,7 Thru the safety man,, Pull and turn back behind 3 man. Block on first man you see, Check man on or to your left, Pull as on 41 and protect for LH passing. Check man on or to your left. Check man on or to your left. Same as 41, except slip behind HB when he comes up. Wing. Same as 41, QB. TBe LU. Same as 41, except help protect passer after lateral. Same as 41, Drift on thru to a depth of 8 to 10 yards. Same as 41, pull up and pass,"Loop" #8, Transcontinental, 41 T.C. 41TC vs. ONERSHIFTED 6,5,7 \ Same as 41 P. Same as 41, after pitch to left half hesitate and sneak back to weak side as per game clip, Same as 41 P, Same as 41 P, Look for QB after looking down field as on 41 P."Loop" #9, Part I, Buck Lateral, End Around, 142 ree 142 vs. OVERSHIFTED 65,7 8 142 W. UNDEQSHIFTEOL 4 8 * God & v 8. Open 2 steps, level off, accept ball from QB, hit into 2 hole. 7, Checks behind 8 man 6. Checks 5. Pulls and blocks out at hole. 4. Fills hole and checks, 3, Man on-block him in, No man on-hold solid. 2, Man on or inside, Block in;using open and shut techniques. No man on go to line backer. Wing. Block in on 2nd man if outside of end, if not, go to line backer, QB. Reverse pivots, except ball from full, fake pitch out to tail, hand off to ead, FB. Hits 4 hote-handsoff ball to QB. Tail, Same as 141,“Loop" #9, Part II, Buck Lateral Jump Pass, —=—== > 143 J.P. 143 TP) vs OVERSHIFTED b,S,7 7 Vv ‘ 6 A SESESH SX v \\ 8. Runs thru safety Kick out yard keeping a solid front. ng. Fakes 2 blocks and slides to open spot. QB. Reverse pivot, accepts fake from full and fakes to LH. FB. Same as 143 but jumps and passes soft pass to wing. Tail. Same as 141."Loop" #10, Buck Lateral, Guard Trap, 143 ent 143 Ws. QVERSHIFTED 65,7 8 6 @S& v SPW 143 v5. GleesH1F TED oF 8 Geos v Checks Pulls thru hole and out Checks, 5. Pulls and blocks out at hole. 4. Men on post. No man on Oheck block. 3. Han on post, no man on, lead left. 2. %If man on 3 man lead on him. No man on him. Blocks across on linebacker. Wing. Fakes block low on 8nd man in, then blocks linebacker, QB. Reverse pivot, accepts fake from full and fakes to tail. FB. Fakes to QB, hits into 3 hole. | Tail, Same as 141,“Loop” 11, Part I, Buck Lateral, Tackle Trap, 144 —— =—= 144 us. OVERSHIFTED &, $,7 B a Y o>6 ke OT, 144us. UNDERSHIFTED le, # 6 8 pw ees > 8. Check good & then relaase to secondary. 7. Pulls and blocks out at hole (map). 6. Noman on, check behind 7 man. Man on, poste 5. No man on, lead left, man on, post. 4, Noman on, lead left, man on, fake open & shut and block on Linebacker. 3. No man on, block across on Linebacker. Man on, fake open and shut and block on Linebacker. 2, Man on 3 man, block across on linebacker. No man on 3 man-block in secondary. Wing, Fake at end and block HB out. QB. Reverse pivot, accept fake from full and fakes to tail. FB. Fakes to QB and hit into 4 hole. Tail. Same as 143."Loop" 11, Part II, Buck Lateral, End Trap, 145 =e {. 145 vs. | OVE@ SHIFTED, S,7 B Vv vow a8 HS vs. UNDERSHIFTED 6,4, 8 0 GEES On SB at Oo ¥ 8, Releases and blocks in secondary. 7. Block across on linebacker. 6. Fakes open and shut and blocks on linebacker. 5. No man on, lead right, Man on, pull to left and pick up second man from hole. 4, No man on, lead right. Man on, post. 3. No man on-checks behind 2 man. Man on-post and check behind 2 man. 2, Pull and block out at hole. Wing. Fakes 147 QB. Reverse pivot, accepts fake from Full-fakes t wing, fakes to tail, fakes a pass. i ‘ake to QB and hit 5 hol Rai Same as 143,“Loop 12, Reverse Buck Lateral, 147 47 3 OVECSHIFTED 4 5,7 _ 147 vs. UNDERSHIFTED bt v v 8. Pivot blocks on end man. 7. Pivot blocks on 2 man in. 6. Checks man on away from hole-no man on-lead right. 5. Han on, post. No man on, check behind 4 man, 4, Pulls thru hole & blocks in on Linebacker, 3. Checks 2. Blocks across on HB. Wing. Opens 2 steps and slants into 7 hole, QB. Reverse pivot, accepts ball from Full, gives to wing, fakes a pass. FB. Gives ball to QB and hits into 5 hole. Tail. Same as 143.“Loop" 12, Fake Reverse Pass, 147 p | amen 147? Ws. \ OVELSHIFTEOGS7 Le bd& qv vi a 8, Go hard at safety, make him dodge you, break to side line, 7. Pivot block on 2nd man in, 6. Block man on or to left. 5. Block man on or to right. 4, Pull-block out on end. 3, Block man on or to right, 2, Pivot block on end man. Wing. Same as 147, Make a good fake, QB. Same as 147, fake ball to RH-Drop back and throw to 8 man, As he breaks to side line, FB, Same as 147 Tail. Same as 147 =“Loop” 13, Bart I, Buck Lateral, (QB Bass), 60P —= —= GOP vw. OVERSHIFTED 6,S,7 8, Run hard thru SS 7. Strike out and then pivot blocks 2nd man out. 6. Strikes out for yard and holds solid. 5. Strikes out for yard and holds solid. (May pull & block first man outside tail of 3 man. 4, Strikes out and holds solid or checks man over 5 man. 3. Strikes out and holds solid. 2. Checks for 2 counts and goes tc open spot. Wing. Blocks hard on end to attract him. QB. Reverse pivot, accepts ball from full, fakes to tall, turns and passes to RE. FB. Gives ball to QB and hits into 3 hole. Tail. Same as 143,"Loop" 13. part II, Buck Lateral, End Across, 164 leh vi. OVERSHIFTED G,S,7 8 RENHK PR vr , Oo XS 8, Goes down 5 yards, head feint out, angle across to depth of about 12 yds. 7. Strikes out and then pivot blocks, 2nd man out. 6. Pulls to left and picks up lst man outside 7 man pivot. 5S. Strikes out for yard and holds solid. Responsibl for man on himself of center. 4. Strikes out for yard and holds solid. Respon- sible for 3rd man in. 3. Strikes out for yard and holds solid. Respon- sible for 2nd man in, 2, Sprints thru safety. Wing. Sprints thru halfback & pulls him out. QB. Reverse pivot, accepts ball from full, fakes to LH, drops back and passes to LE FB. Gives ball to QB and hits into 4 hole. Tail, Same as 143."Loop" 14, End Around, 12 wos. — OVERSHIFTER 65,7 e 4 ® GC v ope ES “ 8, Gains depth with 1st stop. Accepts ball from FB and heads for 2 hole. 7. Checks man on or to your left. Checks man on or to your left. 5. Pull, block out at the hole, 4, Checks man on or to your left. 3. Checks man on or to your left. 2. Blocks 2nd man in. Ril, Accept fake from full, fake end, run as on 119, QB. Step left, whirl & come back thru 2 hole. Block inside thru the hole. LH. Run at end and block as on the sweep. FB. Spin to right, faking to RH. Continue full spin giving ball to LE, fake hard into 6 hole. a"Loop" 15, Weak Side Guard Trap, 16 ——aowenacame ” 1G VS? OVERSHIFTED &S,7 Y i an oy Ebdcae “ 8. Block on a linebacker, 7. Man on center, lead-no man on center pull left block in secondary. 6. Man on post. No man on lead right, 5. Man on post, no man on-check right. 4. Pull & block out at hole, 3. Check. 2, Check-block in secondary, Wing. Accept fake from full, fake end run as on 119, QB. Lead thru hole as personal interferer, FB. Spin to wing keep ball hit into 6 hole. Tail. Fake 9 block-block in secondary. Cope@ 2. RRe QB. LH. FB. *Loop*® 16, Weak side end run, 10 19 vs OVERSHIPTEO ©,5,7 Across line and laterals for block out on HB. Block linebacker, Check man on or to your right. Pull, fake block on end and turn up field for block in, Check man on or to your right. Check and go to cut-off. Go to cut-off. Lateral step accepting ball from FB. Dip to help block on end, then give a little ground in circling end. Leads interferénce going inside block on end if end drifts - otherwise go around him. Block in on end man on life of scrimmage, unles he drifts, then block him out. Bpin to right giving ball to RH. Continue spin and fake into 6 hole. to hold defensive tackle. 2 A EET ECR EARL?“Loop* 17, weak Side Running pass, 119 p GP vs. OUEQSHIFTED G,S,7 6 : v VY SOUS aah bV v 8. Thru and go for HB. Dip behind HB when reacts up. 7. Pull to block 2nd man in on line of scrimmage, 6. Check man on or to your right. S. Pull become personal protector for passer, 4. Check man on or to your right. 3. Check any man chasing the wingback 2, Thry safety, Wing. Leave one count early, accept ball from full. Run hard as on 19 and pass when end is open, Run if you are clear, QB. Become personal protector for passer, LH, Block in on end man on line of scrimmage, FB. Spin, give ball to RH. Fake thru 6 hole, Drift to open spot, LL“*Loop* 18, Part I, Off tackle, 122 J22 vs. OVERS HIFTED 6, 5,7 A 6 Vv Ve eo * Sodcés Rl” 8, Check and secondary 7, Pull thru hole and become personal interferer. 6, Check man on or to icft. 5. Pull thru hole and block in. 4, Check man on or to left. 3. Check man on or to left. 2, Post or lead on 2nd man. Wing. Lead block on 2nd man. QB. Block out at hole FB. Spins, hands off to tail and hits into 4 hole. LH, Accepts ball from FB, runs hards3 steps to right, Cut up thru off-tackle hole.weer ypoawee aay Vlt Levese yump rays, 166 UY 122 TP. vs. aa OVEQSHIF TED © 5,7 8, Fakes block slides to open spot. 7. Pulls and fills solid at hole. 6. Check man on him or to left. 5. Pulls and fills solid at hole. ! 4, Fills hole left by five man or checks man on hin 38. Checks man on him or to left. | 2, Post on 2nd man in from end, | Wing. Leads on 2nd man in from end. | QB. Blocks out from hole. FB. Spins, hands off to tail, hits into 4 hole. Tail, Accepts ball from FB, runs same as 122 but jumps high and passes before reaching line of scrimmage,“Loops 13, Fullback Spin Guard trap, 123 123 vs. OVERSHIFTED &, 5,7 8 v v 123 Ws. UNDERSHIFTED &, + 8 Y &Se v 8. Check, block in secondary. 7%. Pull-through the hole and block out. 6. Check man on or to left. 5. Pull-block out at the hole. 4. Man on-post, no man onecheck left. 3. Man on-post, no man on-lead left. 2. Man on 8 man-lead, no man on 3 man-block on linebacker. Wing, Fake 2 block as on 122, Block on a linebacke QB. Block out on 2nd man from hole. FB. Spin fake to tail keep ball hit into 3 hole Tail. Accept fake from full and fake end run,"Loop" 19, Fullback Spin Tackle Trap, 124 = 124 4. OVEGSHIFTED &,S,7 v tad vs. » UNDER SHIFTED, 6, + } 7 B Y Yodods %_» 8, Check. 7. Pull block out at hole. 6. Man on post-no man-on chack left. 5. No man on-lead left, man on-post. 4, Noman on-lead left, man on-fake open and shut and block on linebacker. 8. No man on, block across on linebacker, man on fake open and shut, block on a linebacker, 2. Man on 3 man, block across to a linebacker; no man on 3 man block in secondary. Wing. Fake at end and block HB out. QB. Block right on 2nd man from hole. FB. Spin fake to tail and hit into 4 hole. | Tail. Accept fake from full and curl back faking ' a pass. (Cane anpro mene arena ere RE a NEST IE ETE,*Loop* 20, Part I, Fullback S5pin-gnd fraps, 125 las vs. DVERSHIFTED &,S, 125 vs. UNDERSHIFTED & 8. Releases and blocks in secondary. 7. Block across on linebacker 6. Fakes open and shut and blocks on linebacker. 5, Noman on lead right, man on pull to left and plock 2nd man from hohe. 4. Noman on-lead right, man on-post. 3. No man on-checks behind 2nd man, man on-post & check behind 2nd mane 2. Pull and block out at hole. Wing. Fakes 128 QB. Blocks 2nd man from hole. FB. Spins fakes to tail & wing hits 5 hole. Tail. Fakes passe"Loop 20, Part II, Fullback Spin, Bootleg-128 B 129 B. vs. OvVERSHIFTED & 5,7 3B Vv ay tyiet ~ Vv 8, Leads on 2nd man in. 7, Posts on 2nd man in. 6. Checks man on or to right. 5. Pulls & blocks out at 8 hole. 4, Checks man on or to right. 3. Checks for 2 counts then blocks out on HB. 2, Pulls thru hole and out on HB Wing. Fakes 128 QB. Thru hole and block in. FB. Spins-gives to tail, fakes to wing-hits into hole. Tail. Accepts ball from FB and boots arouni R&“Loop” 21, Wingback Reverse, 128 {28 vs. erie OQVERSHIFTED ©, 6,7 8 B vA v ca v ae iz8 ry DER SHIFTED 6,4 6 “YY orxBokats ~ oO 8. Lead block right. Man on: pull away, block end man. 7. Post. No man on: lead right. 6. Check right. No man on: post. 5. Pull, trap out at the hole. 4. Check man on or to your right. Ba Check man on or to your right. Pull and go thru the hole, blocking out. wing. Gain depth on first two steps and level off. Accept ball from FB and run thru 8 hole, \ 9B Go thru the hole and block in on linebacker. \FB. Spin to left, faking handoff to LH and contin. spin giving off to RH. LH. Fake to right as on 121."Loop" 22, Fake Reverse Pass, 128 Pass —— — 128 Pvs. OQVERSHIFTED ©, s, 7 8, Fakes 8 block for 2 counts and slide to open spot. 7. Fakes 8 block then hooks 2nd man. 6, Checks man on or to left. 5. Pulls left and blocks out at hole, 4. Checks man on or to right. Checks man on or to right. 2. Sprints hard thru safety. Wing. Run same as 128 accepting fake from FB. QB. Starts to left, turns and blocks lst man outside 3 man. FB. Spins-gives to tail, fakes to wing-hits into line blocks 2nd man in, Tail.
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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