April 16 Newsletter Pub Read-Only
April 16 Newsletter Pub Read-Only
April 16 Newsletter Pub Read-Only
April 2016
From Pastor Nathan
During the month of April, the focus of our Journey of 10x10
is one that is profoundly based in our Wesleyan heritage:
Connecting in Christian Conversation. This requirement can
be done in many different ways and in many different locations, but they all boil down to one specific purpose: the
more we talk about our faith and the more we listen to others talk about their faith, the more we grow in our own faith.
This was an essential factor in early Methodism. In order to
call yourself a Methodist, when you joined the movement you
were required to be a part of a small group that would keep
each other accountable for living out their faith as they met
three or more times each week.
It is also through this idea of Christian Conversation that we
get the idea of Holy Conversation, or Holy Conferencing. I
believe that Bishop Sally Dyck put it best when she wrote
Holy conferencing is what we call the
spirit and principles that guide us to be
caring in our conversationsthat is
what makes them holy. Based on the
premise that how we talk to and about
each other is as important as the decisions we make together, holy conferencing calls forth deep spiritual maturity
from each of us. That is what helps us to
relate to and even love one another in
spite of our differences.
I believe it is divinely inspired that we should be discussing
this at this time. It is this Holy Conferencing that should guide
us whenever Methodists come together to talk about their
faith; in every Bible Study, every committee meeting, every
Charge Conference, every Annual Conference, and, even
more pertinent for this year especially, every Jurisdictional
and General Conference. I believe it is Gods will that we
should discuss this topic as we prepare for the global gathering of United Methodists next month for the 2016 General
Conference in Portland, Oregon. I believe that God is calling
us in this moment to discuss what it means to be a Methodist, to discuss what General Conference is, how General
Conference works, and how General Conferences decisions
truly affect the local church.
I invite you to join us in this journey of Christian Conversation; this journey of Holy Conferencing. I invite you to come
with an open heart to learn about this concept that is so near
and dear to those of us who call ourselves Methodists. This is
a vital part of our journey with God and with each other, and
it is of the utmost importance that we join together at this
time, in the place, to be the Church, and to be the hope that
this world so desperately needs.
Finance Info
We need to bring in $2,200 each
week to stay on budget.
When May 6, 2016
March 6$1940.
Where Cartwright
March 13$2579.
March 20$2007.
March 27$1617.
Time 6:30 pm
Guest Speaker
Joyce Anders
Reservations: Church
Office-$ 366.29
Miscellaneous-$1,434.74 (Ashton
scholarship, cantata)
More details to be
Payroll taxes-$122.40
January-February OfferingsJanuary-$9,582.00
Page 2
Pioneer Club
Easter Egg Hunt
As I write this, we are looking forward to
our annual Easter Egg Hunt and The Story of Easter with Resurrection Eggs which will be held on
Monday, March 21st. Due to the wonderful support from the St. Paul Church Family, we have
many, many eggs filled and ready for a fun meeting
with the children. Thank you for all your donations
and help with this activity as we truly appreciate
you and all you do.
Thank you, Thank you to these ladies for hiding
1,200 Easter eggsBrenda Kelly, Wendy Krause,
Kathy Reinhardt, Pat Rubemeyer & Joyce Handling.
Trailblazers (5th & 6th)Large Trophy-Memorize and recite all memory verses, Fruits of the Spirit, books of the Old Testament,
books of the New Testament in order
Medium Trophy-Memorize and recite at least half of
the memory verses, at least half of the fruits of the
spirit, and either the Old or New Testament in order.
Small Trophy-Memorize and recite less than half of
the memory verses, half of the fruits of the spirit,
know some of the books of the Bible.
Free Swim/Pizza Party
When: Sunday, May 1st
On Monday, April 25th, we will have our last
meeting and trophies will be presented to the children. Guests are welcome to join us. Following is a
summary of the activities the children had to complete to receive the trophies.
Scooter Class (Prek-K)Large Trophy Introduction to the Bible and learn
7 memory verses.
Medium Trophy-Introduction to the Bible and
learn 3 memory verses.
Small Trophy-Introduction to the Bible and learn 1
memory verse.
Voyagers (1st & 2nd)Large Trophy-In class memory verses-learn all and
names of Jesus booklet-learn all
Medium Trophy-50% of all the items-any combination
Small Trophy-less than 50% of items-any combination
Activity Center-memory work, activity pages,
games related to the Bible story, etc
Age groups-PreK-K, 1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th, 5th & up
Phyllis Graham