"Rffu$ffiffi . T:G: Ffir+ /'

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L" \r.

80, Mayur rnarl(et'l'iintillur Grlifli "' r

i\{oB- 998i361351

.l\iE'l' Lrstrs Object) as lt's r:iata aicc.ess and

AD'J .NET (Active -Yi Data
rnanipulaiion protocol r'vhich aisq enables us to ivork ivith data on tire

Evolution oi'ADO.NIIT \'€

'['irc fiLst clata access ac€€5s createcl tcr local
'e ADO (Active Data
Data Objec,
r Ciient res but soon ADO
was a good
c that wherl a
twtrict mealls
ie connejiti6ii ternains open. ql,Jil
[onnectiott opett tbl the liietime of the
tppd'"ti"n ruirgffiffiffit B!u6;t, dilitjas., . t:Cyti{'. ll'1 ,Y':':::
;i ;;"rffu$ffiffi;.
;,:.'i.6;. br.oi',l,.g iricreasi'gly mp orta'i an d s the.'r
i a

-,. a counected data acces-i uroclel makes Lrs think

applicatio: t:g
liq.", ii,s'irfu,',ltti'ity. Fgr' exa.rPJe,to an ::']:ff1^i1:
trvo clielts, the salrle may de PoollY
1i13*clo r,vell rvhen corutected
;6iiu".t.A ,; 10 and might be _unusable when gonpecteci tc lQC or
iiT#. ..\iso, open clateilrase connectiods r-rse s]/stem lcsoLrlces to a I'tttl):tl'lltl''i
,;l i f

i-o rcnror,'.: the of r\DO, z\DO 'NE-f came into exist?tt9,..)-?9

the ploblems .of connected database b,v maintaining'
.NE'f titicJresses
v;iten an appiicf
c'lisconnecieci ,claiabase access rnoci-el which
lrleans' i:'1.
to seli'e tlie |eqttest of
fr,ffitffi ,'i*. ,i,-,'.'rrr...tr, ,r*.nect.ion is openeci
rire aprplicaiiou anci is closed as soon as the request
a cli',tabirse is Upclate.t, ,h" conuection is opene'1
long enongh to Qpiete-fng*
upciate operz,.rio. and is ciosed. By -keepir.g .on'i"ctioni "ptn 1
rninirirurl per.iocl 'of time, ADO NET -.o1t9t,r1s sysiein fesoLr::-q::",T1
secrrrit,v for clatabases and also has less impact ot'l SYStem
;;;.;i,1.t ,',.,n*i,.,",.tnr
1ir,:,i.,,,rr,,,rce. i\ise. ,ADO
.r\llI'' u'i"en inteiacling I'vitl.1 th3 dltabase rises
Xlvil *'cj convei-rs all the clata into xML foiarat tor clatabase

operations making tl-renr ll1oie efficient'

\,V\ f,JJ'l*

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