March 17 2016
March 17 2016
March 17 2016
Lesson # 4
Lesson Title:
Persuasive Techniques and Writing
Context/Background: Students have started reading Tears of a Tiger, a novel by Sharon Draper about a
teenage boy, Andy Jackson, who, while driving under the influence of alcohol, crashes his car and his
passenger and friend, Rob Washington, dies. Draper uses different genres of writing (letters, homework
assignments, newspaper articles, dialogue) to explore Andy and his friends perspectives as they struggle
to cope with Robs death. The units overarching inquiry statements are:
Choices that we make in life often have consequences that greatly and directly affect our lives as well
as the lives of others.
When tragedy strikes, people tend to turn to others for support and encouragement. It is important that
we build and maintain positive and healthy relationships with others and ourselves to ensure a good
support system.
Students have had an introduction class, where they were introduced to the reading strategy Think Aloud.
Students were given an activity package which contains the writing assignments and notes for the entire
unit. Students must return both the novel and the activity package at the end of each class (typically, they
leave both on their desks once the class is over, and the arranged seating makes it easy for the teacher to
keep track of missing materials).
This ELA class requires serious consideration regarding behavioural and discipline management. The
class is on lockdown, a procedure enforced by all the core teachers who teach this class, whereby no
students are permitted to leave class during the 75 minute period (unless authorized by the teacher).
Students can become unruly quickly. Teacher follows a Clothespin Behavioural Chart whereby different
levels of discipline measures are written on a poster, and students names are written on clothespins. If a
student misbehaves or exhibits inappropriate behaviour, the teacher places his/her name in the appropriate
disciplinary box, following a sequential order. The poster is refreshed at the start of every week.
Cross-Curricular Competencies
Communicates Effectively
Students will use oral sharing and independent
writing to generate a list of techniques about Works well as a team
persuasion, and they will use this list, along
with their opinions, to begin a persuasive piece
of writing.
Persuasive techniques; convince
Materials/Tools/Technology Needed
on last class reading
(These are comprehension questions to ensure students Laptop
27 copies of Tears of a Tiger
are listening and following along with the reading in
(1 additional for Supervisor)
class. Recall Questions are given at the start of every
Student-teachers annotated copy of novel
class, as part of a lessons routine.)
Students Tears of a Tiger Activity Package
Lesson #4 Assessment: all students will be Internet access, YouTube: Mission Impossible
able to identify the purpose of persuasion and Theme Song
list 3 persuasive techniques (Exit Card)
Cue Cards (for Exit Cards)
Clothespin Behavioural Chart (classroom
Formative Assessment (ongoing):
Persuasive Writing Assignment that will
eventually be collected for grades.
Students will be able to employ the knowledge
they have acquired about the persuasion.
Due date: Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
1. Recall Questions (Appendix 1) - individual work.
Recall Questions handout will be on students desks before they walk in. They can commence right away.
Once students have all started, around a minute into their work after the bell, ask, Who can give me a brief
summary of what was read last class in Tears of a Tiger?.
For students who finish Recall Questions quickly: they can fill out their Vocabulary worksheet in the Tears of a
Tiger Activity Package.
(7-10 minutes)
2. Hook: Persuasion Anecdote (Appendix 2)
Give students the anecdote with Mission Impossible theme song music playing, not too loud, in the background
(Appendix 3).
Have students discuss with their partner, and answer the prompt: How do you persuade him to do it?
Other prompts to further student discussion:
What does it mean to persuade someone?
List several methods one might employ to persuade another.
Explain how these methods might be effective in the art of persuasion?
(5 minutes)
Activities Contd
3. Regroup as a class. Invite students to share their thinking. As they do, list key ideas and/or
concepts of persuasion students mention on the Smart-board.
Using student-generated ideas, teacher guides students toward the explanation that persuasive writing is:
Persuasion is about convincing the reader or listener to think or act in a certain way.
(5-7 minutes)
4. When students discussion is coming to a lull, start distributing Tears of a Tiger novel. Inform
students that we will return to the topic of persuasion and the list of persuasive techniques
later throughout the class.
5. Read Tears of a Tiger (~ pages 40 to 53*)
* The pages selected are subject to change depending on Lesson #3.
Oral reading led by teacher, and students contribute to reading on a volunteer basis. Short discussion questions will
be offered to the class throughout the reading by the teacher.
(20 minutes)
6. Mini vocabulary definition game to engage students, and change pace.
7. Ask students to take out Persuasion Maps (completed last class, or taken home to complete as
homework) (Appendix 4). (1 minute)
8. Using their Persuasion Map, students are given 2 minutes to talk to their partner about what
they plan to write about. Partner gives them feedback. (2 minutes)
9. Reverse roles for another 2 minutes. Speaker is now listener; listener now shares ideas.
(2 minutes)
10. Using Persuasion Map and Activity #4: Persuasive Writing instruction sheet (from Activity
Package) as a guide and their partners feedback, students begin writing their actual persuasive
essay (Appendix 5).
Teacher puts the list of persuasive techniques back on the Smart-board for students to use to help them.
(25 minutes)
11. Exit Card
What is the purpose of persuasion?
List 3 persuasive techniques.
(5 minutes)
12. Collect novels and activity packages.
- Shannon is on a modified program. She has the option to work with Ms. Clarke, or Ms. Coyne. For her
formative assessment, the Persuasive Writing Assignment, she is not required to write an introduction
and conclusion, and other provisions or modifications will be discussed, as needed, with Ms. Coyne.
- Jordan and Joshs behaviour always needs to be in-check; for they tend to get loud and disruptive
easily, and oftentimes are unprovoked. Also, they tend to choose not to do work, so it is important to
check in on them often and encourage them to participate in the lesson.
- Students will be paired up with the students next to them (as desks are made for partnered seating) but
in the event that it there are multiple weaker students in the class, pairs should be pre-determined by the
teacher in order to pair a weaker student with a stronger student. (In this case, Ms. Coyne has already
carefully paired students to facilitate their collaborative learning. Adjustments may be made, if
- Teacher will walk around the class while reading to help ensure students stay on-task, and are listening.
- Teacher will make rounds and talk to students on an individual basis when they write independently to
provide necessary assistance.
Appendix 1
Recall Questions from pg. 20- 40
Answer in full sentences.
1. What sentence (punishment) was Andy given by the judge?
(1 point)
2. Andy, when talking to Coach, reveals, I wanted to die right after the accident. I wanted it to
be me that was dead instead of Rob. (24) Why does Andy feel like this?
(2 points)
3. Name one of the items that Gerald Nickleby would get rid of if he could change the world.
Give one reason why he would get rid of that specific item.
(2 points)
Appendix 2
Persuasion Anecdote
It was a scorching hot summer day, and you mustve had a small heat stroke, because the next
thing you realize, you open your eyes and find yourself handcuffed to the bumper of an ice
cream truck. You panic, hearing the sweet, but chilling chimes of the truck start to play, and spot
a young kid, in front of you, licking his ice cream cone as it melts onto his hand, while in the
other, he holds a key. How do you persuade him to help you?
You are staying at a ritzy hotel in a big, busy, urban city. Youre admiring the view outside your
window, when out of the corner of your eye, you see a man in the hotel room right beside you
standing on the ledge of the balcony, outside the railing, about to jump. You note that you are
both on the fortieth floor of the building. Even if police are on their way, the hotels elevator is
broken. You are alone. You call out to him and get his attention. How do you persuade him not to
Appendix 3
YouTube: Mission Impossible Theme Song
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
(This graphic organizer is included, more clearly, in students Tears of a Tiger Activity and Study