TET2016 PaperIISyllabus Telugu

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TSTET 2016



Development, Growth & Maturation - Concept & Nature

Principles of development & their implications
Factors influencing Development - Biological, Psychological, Sociological
Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships - Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social,
Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Child hood, Adolescence.
- Understanding Development - Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers and Erikson
- Individual differences - Intra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits,
Thinking (Divergent & Convergent), Intelligence and their Assessment
- Development of Personality - Concept, Factors effecting development of Personality, Child Rearing Practices,
- Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Defense Mechanisms, Mental Health
- Methods and Approaches of Child Development Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Anecdotal
Records, Questionnaire, Experimental, Rating Scales, Cross sectional and Longitudinal
- Developmental tasks and Hazards
- Concept, Nature of Learning - input - process - outcome
- Factors of Learning - Personal and Environmental
- Approaches to Learning and their applicability-Behaviourism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism
(Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)
- Dimensions of Learning - Cognitive, Affective and Performance
- Motivation and Sustenance -its role in learning.
- Memory & Forgetting
- Transfer of Learning
- Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner
- Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context
- Children from diverse contexts-Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education
- Understanding of pedagogic methods - Enquiry based learning, Project based learning, Survey, Observation and
Activity based learning, Co-operative & Collaborative Learning
- Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in class room like Study
habits, Self learning and Learning to learn skills
- Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups - Socio-economic background, Abilities and Interest
- Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric
- Theory of Instruction - Bruner
- Teaching as Planned activity - Elements of Planning
- Phases of Teaching - Pre active, Interactive and Post active
- General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of good facilitator
- Learning resources - Self, Home, School, Play,Community, Technology
- Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher, Creation of non-threatening
learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance & Counselling, Child abuse, Punishment and its
legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management.
- Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School based Assessment, Continuous
& Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective & Practice
- Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right To Education Act, 2009.

II. LANGUAGE - I Telugu (Marks: 30)


CONTENT (Marks: 24)
(1) Parts of Speech (2) Tenses (3) Active voice & Passive voice (4) Prepositions and Articles
(5) Degrees of comparison (6) Clauses (7) Verbs - Main Verbs - Auxiliary Verbs (8)
Adverbs - Types of Adverbs (9) Conjunction - coordinating conjunction - subordinating
conjunction. (10) Direct and Indirect speech (11) Questions and question tags (12) Types of
sentences - simple, compound and complex - synthesis of sentences (13) Phrases - uses
of phrases. (14) Composition - letter writing - precise writing
(15) Comprehension (16)
Vocabulary - Antonyms, Synonyms and Spellings (17) Meaning of idiomatic expressions, (18) Correction
of Sentences, (19) Sequencing of the Sentences in the given paragraph (20) Error identification within a

PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)

1. Aspects of English:- (a) English language - History, nature, importance, principles of English as second
language. (b) Problems of teaching / learning English.
2. Objectives of teaching English.
3. Phonetics / Transcription.
4. Development of Language skills:- (a) Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing (LSRW). (b)
Communicative skills - Imparting values through Communication.
5. Approaches, Methods, Techniques of teaching English:- (a) Introduction, definition & types of
Approaches, Methods &Techniques of teaching English (b) Remedial teaching.
6. Teaching of structures and vocabulary.
7. Teaching learning materials in English.
8. Lesson Planning.
9. Curriculum & Textbooks - Importance and its need.
10. Evaluation in English language basing on CCE



1. Number System - Prime and Composite Numbers, Tests of divisibility, whole numbers, integers, fractions,
decimal fractions, L.C.M. and G.C.M. rational numbers and irrational numbers. Properties of numbers, Real
numbers; laws of exponents, squares, square roots, cubes, cube roots, finding missing number represented
as alphabets in sums involving array of four operations, number patterns, number puzzles, Euclid division
lemma, concept of logarithms.
2. Arithmetic - Ratio and proportion, simple interest, compound interest, Time and distance, Discount, tax,
time and work, profit and loss
3. Sets - Concept of set, set language, empty set, finite and infinite sets, subset and equality of the set,
Cartesian product of sets, cardinal number of set, set operations, representation of sets, Venn diagrams and
their properties,
4. Algebra -Introduction to Algebra, expressions, exponents and powers, Factorization special products and
expansions, linear equations and their graphs, polynomials, Quadratic equations and its applications,
concept of progressions, progressions (AP and GP).nth term and sum to n terms of the first n terms in AP,
nth term of GP
5. Geometry - History of Geometry, Contribution of India in the Development of Geometry, Euclid
Geometry, Lines and Angles, Similar Triangles, Pythagoras theorem, congruency of triangles, Properties
of Circles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals and polygons, Parts of Circle : Construction of Circle, Triangles and
Quadrilaterals, Circles and concurrent lines in triangles, Co-ordinate Geometry, Co-ordinates of a point,

plotting of points, linking linear equations into variables (of the type ax+by+c=0) in the Cartisian
coordination system), Linear equations with 2 variables, slope of a line, distance between two points in a
plane, section formula, Area of a triangle, collinearity of points in a co-ordinate plane, centroid of a triangle,
6. Mensuration - Perimeter and Area of a Square and Rectangle. Area of Triangle, Circle, Ring and
Quadrilaterals. Surface area and volume of Cube, Cuboid, Lateral / Surface area and volume of a cylinder,
cone, sphere and hemisphere, conversion of one solid to another shape, surface area and volume of
combination of solids.
7. Data Handling - Collection and Classification of Data, Frequency distribution table, Tally marks, Bar
graph, Pictograph and Pie diagrams, mean, median and mode for un-grouped and grouped data, cumulative
frequency table and ogive curves, concept of probability, simple problems (day to day life situation) on
single events, concept of complementary events.
8. Trigonometry Introduction of Trigonometry, Relationship between ratios, values of trigonometric ratios,
(0 o , 30o , 45 o 60 o and 90 o ) Trigonometric identities, trigonometric ratios of complementary angles,
applications of trigonometry, Angle of elevation and depression, simple problems.

PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)

1. Definition and Nature of Mathematics
2. Aims, values and instructional objectives of teaching Mathematics
3. Methods of Teaching Mathematics
4. Instructional material in Mathematics - TLM in Mathematics
5. Instructional Planning
6. Designing, Administration, Analysis of scholastic Achievement test (SAT)
7. The Mathematics Teacher
8. Resource Utilization
9. Curriculum and Text Book
10. Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching

IV(a). SCIENCE - CONTENT (Marks: 24)

1. Natural Resources - Air, Water: Water pollution, Harnessing of water, States of water, Hardness of water,
water pressure
Air pollution, Atmospheric Pressure, Air pressure, Archimedes' principle, Pascal's law, Bernoulli's
Principle, Hydrometer, Barometer.

Laws of floatation, Specific gravity, Surface tension, Fluid Mechanics.

2. Our Universe: Solar eclipse lunar eclipse - Constellation - Zodiac, Space travel; Solar system, Satellites,
stars, comets; Earth.
3. Natural Phenomenon:
Light: How can we see objects shadows Reflection of light laws of reflection plane mirrors
and images Virtual image, real image, pinhole camera, periscope, kaleidoscope spherical mirrors and
images Fermats Principal Applications of reflection of light Refraction of light laws of refraction
refractive index, Snells law total internal reflection and its applications refraction through glass
prisms and slabs refraction at curved surfaces and through lenses images formed by lenses and ray
diagrams construction of human eye least distinct vision defects of vision-formation of rainbowdispersion of light.

Sound: Sources of sound, Production and propagation of sound construction of human ear and its
working Properties of sound auditable range - Sound Pollution, Sound Waves, Kinds of Sound Waves,
characteristics of sound waves reflection of sound echo uses of ultrasonic sounds - Musical instruments.
Heat: Concept of heat and temperature thermal equilibrium - Measurement of Temperature Types of
Thermometers specific heat and its applications in daily life methods of mixtures evaporation
condensation boiling point melting point.
4. Mechanics - Kinematics, Dynamics: Concept of motion and rest.

Types of Motion; Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Newton's Laws of Motion, force types of
force resultant force Friction - types of friction factors influencing the friction fluid
friction gravitation Newtons law of gravitation centre of gravity and stability. Work and
energy types of energy conservation of energy.

5. Magnetism and Electricity:

Magnetism: Natural Magnets and Artificial Magnets, properties of Magnets, uses magnets methods of
magnetization - Magnetic Induction magnetic field Magnetic lines of force.
Electricity: Electric Circuit - Primary Cells conductors and insulators electric charge electric field
electric potential potential difference EMF Ohms law resistance specific resistance resistances in
series and parallel heating effects of electric current electric power magnetic effects of electric current
solenoid Flemings left hand rule electric motor electromagnetic induction electric generator electrical
conductivity of liquids electro plating Faradays laws of electrolysis.
6. Matter around us: States of matter properties of matter substances and mixtures methods of
separation of mixtures fibers types of fibers, plastics types of plastics use of plastics and
Acids, bases and salts neutralization - metals and non metals physical and chemical properties
of metals and non-metals Coal and petroleum combustion and fuels types of combustion
temperature of combustion calorific value.
7. Laws of Chemical Combination and Chemical Calculations: Physical change, chemical change Laws of
chemical combination, chemical reactions and calculations. Types of chemical reactions.
8. Atomic Structure : Atoms and molecules elements atomicity Daltons atomic theory Ions atomic
mass valency molecular mass concept of mole molar mass Thomson model of atom, Rutherford model
of atom Bohrs model of atom atomic number Isotopes quantum numbers electronic configuration.
9. Periodic classification and chemical bonding : Dobenier triads Newlands law of octave Mendalievs
periodic table long form of periodic table changes of properties of elements in groups and periods.
Chemical Bond ionic bond covalent bond shapes of molecules electron valency theory
properties of ionic and covalent substances.
10. Metallurgy : Extraction of metals and steps reactivity of metals and its role in extraction of metals
various methods of extraction of metals.
11. Biology: Its importance in everyday life
12. Living World - Characteristics: Classification of Plants and Animals and their characteristics.
a) Cell: Concept, Cell theory, differences between Plant cell and Animal cell, Cell division.
b) Tissues - Animal tissues.
13. Plant World - Types of plants: Parts of a plant - their functions
Reproduction - Asexual, Sexual, Vegetative propagation, Nutrition, Photosynthesis, Excretion,

Economic importance of Plants, Agriculture, Crop diseases & pest control measure.
14.Animal World: Movements, Organ systems and their functions including man
Digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Excretory system, Nervous system,
Reproductive system, Sense organs in man, Nutrition Deficiency diseases in man, First Aid
Economic importance of Animals, Animal husbandry, Pisciculture, Sericulture.
15. Microbes: Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Protozoan
useful and harmful, microbial diseases in plants & animals
16. Our Environment: Biotic & Abiotic factors, Natural resources, Biodiversity.
17. Recent trends in Biology: -Hybridization, Genetic engineering, Gene banks, Gene therapy,Tissue culture

PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)

1. Definition, Nature, Structure and History of Science
2. Aims, Values , Instructional Objectives of teaching Science and Academic Standards in Science
3. Methods of Teaching Science
4. Instructional Material in Teaching Science - TLM in Science.
5. Instructional Planning
6. Science Laboratory
7. Science Teacher - Changing Roles
8. Science Curriculum and its transaction, NCF-2005, SCF-2011
9. New Science Textbooks.
10. Evaluation - CCE Formative Assessment , Summative Assessment - Designing and
Administration- Analysis of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT)
CONTENT (Marks: 48)


1. Maps scale cardinal points types of maps evolution of

maps - conventional signs contour lines.
2. Globe oceans and continents - latitudes and longitudes origin of earth - realms of the earth
(lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) landforms movements of the earth and its
effect seasons - interior of the earth.
3. Solar Energy insolation temperature and its measuring polar regions.
4. Elements of climate types of rainfall.
5. Europe, Africa and Antarctica location physical features climate forests and wild life
population agriculture minerals industries transportation trade , exports and imports.
6. Geography of India and Telangana physical features rivers and other water sources
seasons forests climate and its factors affecting floods and droughts forests and animal
wealth soils electricity agriculture mineral wealth industries population, literacy rate
density of population - settlements and migration- transportation.
1. Production : Handicrafts, hand-looms trade factors of production (land, labour , capital and
organization) employment- organized and unorganized sectors.
2. Exchange : money and banking- types of accounts -banking system loans commercial banks
their new services - price index , constructing a Consumer Price Index , regulating prices,, barter
system , evolution of money , paper money, plastic money Internet banking Financial LiteracyReserve Banks and Self Help Groups.
3. Budget: Family budget government budget taxes types of taxes VAT government

4. Livelihoods: Changes in technology - Impact of Technology on the three sectors : agriculture

industries and services.
5. Public Health : health services public and private -health insurances state of health in
Telangana Nutrition safe drinking water Public Health centers.
6. Inflation : types of inflation reasons and effects.
7. New economic reforms: Globalization, Liberalization, privatization, FDI.
8. National Income : GNP, NNP, GDP, NDP and nominal and real GDP, National Income of India,
Per capita Income of India standards of living- Development meaning and its consequences.
9. Food Security -need increase of food security increase in food grains PDS and Sustainable


1. Tribal Panchayat system present local body system ( Gram Panchayat , Mandal Parishad and
Zilla Parishad) & Urban Governments formation and functions.
2. Emergence of kingdoms and republics first empires Mouryas Rajputs Rastrakutas Cholas
Deccan kingdoms.
3. Regional Kingdoms : Kakatiyas Vijayanagara Empires Qutubshahis.
4. Moghals Asafjahis British Empire landlords and tenants under the British and Nizams and
Moghals peasant movement in Hyderabad.
5. National Movement in India - Muslim League partition and migration merging of princely states and Freedom Movement in Hyderabad State.
6. Making of laws Assembly - Council and Parliament Election process.
7. Implementation of Laws Role of Collector, Tahasildar and VRO
8. Indian Constitution formation features and preamble - Justice Rule of Law Judicial System
- civil and criminal laws.
9. Changing cultural traditions in Europe 1300-1800 renaissance reformation modern science.
10. Democratic and National Movements England , American and French revolutions -unification of
Germany and Italy. Expansion of Democracy in Myanmar and Libya Civil Liberties.
11. Industrialization and social change - Britain, Germany and France movements of women,
workers (Socialism).
12. Colonialism in Latin America, Asia and Africa impact on India and other regional movements.
13. World Wars I and II reasons Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Holocaust
consequences Great depression.
14. National Liberation Movements in China , Vietnam and Nigeria
15. Post war world and India -UNO NAM - west Asian conflicts peace movements and collapse
of USSR.
16. Independent India first general elections - SRC Relation with
neighboring countries - regional agitations and formation of parties coalition governments
Emergency period Mandal commission.
18. The Movement for the formation of Telangana gentle men's agreement reasons for Telangana
demand different JACs TRS achieving Telangana.


1. Diversity in India gender inequalities sex ratio employment status of women and their work
with wages women protection acts.
2. Caste discriminations- reformers initiations.
3. Abolition of Zamindari System poverty -Land ceiling.
4. Right to Education Act Human Rights and Fundamental Rights.
5. Social Movements Civil Rights movements Green Peace. movements Bhopal gas disaster
NBM meria paibi.

1. Religion and society in early times Indus Valley Civilization Vedas Gautama Buddha.
2. Early Religious beliefs Hinduism , Bhakti movement, Alvars and
Nayanars Christianity and Islam Sufism.
3. Folk Gods worship Bonalu - Medaram jatara Moharram.

4. Christian Missionary activities Social Reformers.

5. Understanding Secularism.


1. Language script -great epics.
2. Sangam Literature.
3. Sculpture and Buildings Mauryan and Buddhist.
4. Rulers and Buildings -Engineering skills , temples, mosques , tanks and temples.
5. Performing Arts film and print media role in National Movement.
6. Sports, Nationalism and Commerce.

PEDAGOGY (Marks: 12)

1. Nature and Scope of Social Studies.
2. Aims, Objectives and values of Teaching Social Studies.
3. Methods & techniques of Teaching Social Studies.
4. Teaching, Learning Material and Resources.
5. Instructional Planning.
6. Evaluation.
7. Social Studies Teacher.
8. Curriculum and Text Book
9. Disaster Management , Deforestation, Socio Economic Problems
10. National Identity -Civic affairs - International Relations.

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