JCR Vol. 05 No. 02: Symposium On Puritanism and Law
JCR Vol. 05 No. 02: Symposium On Puritanism and Law
JCR Vol. 05 No. 02: Symposium On Puritanism and Law
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A Chalcedon Publication [www.chalcedon.edu] 3/30/07
Editor’s Introduction
Gary North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Gary North
Since 1930, a true renaissance in Puritan studies has taken place. Schol-
ars in numerous academic disciplines have published a massive body of
materials. The late nineteenth century saw the publication in the
United States of painstakingly detailed reprints of the early colonial law
codes by men like Charles Hoadly, but for the most part, these dutiful
editors were not university professors, but self-educated antiquarians.
The pre–1930 attitude of American historians toward the Puritans can
probably best be seen in the writings of Vernon Parrington, who was
hostile toward the Puritan tradition in America. In the late 1920s,
when Perry Miller was trying to decide on a dissertation topic for his
Ph.D., he was warned by one professor not to touch the New England
Puritans, since Parrington had already dealt with them sufficiently, and
there was not much use in going over the subject again. Miller’s disser-
tation became Orthodoxy in Massachusetts (1933), a true classic, one
which was probably more responsible for reviving scholarly interest in
New England Puritanism than any other book, with the possible excep-
tion of Miller’s The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century
(1939). (It is also a curious fact that Miller was not employed by Har-
vard’s history department, but by the English department, yet few
twentieth-century scholars have had the singular influence on Ameri-
can historians that Miller exercised.)
Another professor of English, William Haller, produced The Rise of
Puritanism in 1938, and it was followed by M. M. Knappen’s Tudor
Puritanism in 1939. After World War II, the interest of English scholars
in English Puritanism grew quite rapidly, led by the Marxist historian,
Christopher Hill, who produces massively documented books faster
than some of his colleagues can read them. The English scholarly jour-
nal, Past and Present (which was originally Marxist in perspective), has
devoted much of its space to the question of Puritanism. The Marxists
see the rise of Puritanism as the first major break with medievalism in
Britain. They also see Cromwell’s revolution as the first successful
modern revolution, and for obvious reasons, Marxist scholars are
interested in revolutions. A representative book is the one edited by
Trevor Aston, Crisis in Europe, 1560–1660 (1965), a collection of essays
taken from Past and Present. Also important is the extraordinary book,
Religion and the Decline of Magic (1971), by Keith Thomas, which Hill
has accurately described as {2} “majestic.” These scholars are interested
mainly in England’s social, political, economic, literary, and intellectual
traditions that had their origins in the Puritan movements.
Far more narrow in scope, but very important, are the reprints of
Puritan classics by the Banner of Truth Trust in Edinburgh. These
books focus on Puritan piety and theology, rather than the social con-
cerns of the Puritan divines. The scholars associated with Banner of
Truth have devoted their studies to the questions of evangelism, piety,
and worship that were dealt with by the Puritans. By making available
inexpensive reprints of Puritan classics, Banner of Truth in the British
Isles, and several Reformed Baptist publishers in the United States (Jay
Green, Lloyd Sprinkle), have performed a much-needed service in
bringing a forgotten Christian tradition to the attention of twentieth-
century Christians.
Our problem, however, stems from the wide gap between the schol-
ars and the churchmen. The secular historians are interested in the
wider impact of Puritanism in Anglo-American history: Puritanism as
ideology, Puritanism as community, Puritanism as innovation, etc.
They are interested in Puritan theology only insofar as this theology
explains the origins of Puritanism’s wider impact. Furthermore, they
tend to misunderstand Puritan theology, or garble their explanations,
because of their lack of familiarity with the Bible and Protestant theol-
ogy in general. They have a masterful grasp of the primary sources, of
both sermons and the economic and political documents, but they
cannot seem to get the theological categories straight. In contrast, the
churchmen and modern orthodox theologians who have taken interest
in Puritanism understand the subtle nuances of Puritan theology, but
they have limited knowledge of and limited interest in the broader
questions of Puritanism in social history.
There is little likelihood that secular scholars who resist the truth of
Puritan preaching in their own lives will soon attain a mastery of the
meaning of Puritan theology. We need not be quite so pessimistic con-
cerning the possibility of neo-Puritans in the churches beginning to
concern themselves with the question of Puritanism’s impact on
Anglo-American society in general. Rushdoony’s comment that the
secularists are interested in history but not in God, and the modern
Christians are interested in God but not in history, seems accurate
when applied to the two-edged revival of interest in Puritanism. What
is needed is a fusion of the two concerns: an interest in God and there-
fore an interest in the working out of the plan of God in history.
The Journal of Christian Reconstruction is devoting two issues to a
consideration of Puritanism in history. This first issue concerns itself
with the question of Puritanism and law—specifically, biblical law. Bib-
lical law is the basis of a systematically Christian reconstruction of
every area of life. It is a tool of dominion. Therefore, it is important for
modern {3} neo-Puritans to understand the nature of their heritage of
law. The New England Puritans set forth Old Testament law as the ideal
for the civil government, the family, and the church. They wrote the
very first written constitutions in Connecticut (1639) and Massachu-
setts (1641). They provided later generations with a respect for the cat-
egories of biblical law, if not the actual content. Their vision became
secularized over time, but they did at least provide the legal foundation
which was to be secularized. Our next issue will deal with Puritanism
and society, to demonstrate the enormous impact of the Puritan tradi-
tion on science, economics, and social life in the West.
The heart of the Puritan view of God’s law is found in a passage writ-
ten by Thomas Hooker, the minister who founded the colony of Con-
necticut. It is cited in the essay by Terrill Elniff, and it provides the title
of Elniff ’s forthcoming book, The Guise of Every Graceless Heart:
Human Autonomy in Puritan Thought and Experience (Vallecito, CA:
Ross House Books):
Now by sin we justle the law out of its place, and the Lord out of his
glorious sovereignty, pluck the crown from his head, and the scepter
out of his hand, and we say and profess by our practice, there is not
authority and power there to govern, nor wisdom to guide, nor good
to content me, but I will be swayed by mine own will and led by mine
own deluded reason and satisfied by my own lusts. This is the guise of
every graceless heart in the commission of sin....
The assertion of human autonomy is necessarily an assertion of the
validity of some other law-order than that set forth by God in the Bible.
Therefore, the early New England Puritans were careful to establish
biblical law as the foundation of their legal codes, most notably the
Massachusetts Body of Liberties (1641). Of this code of law, the histo-
rian Edmund S. Morgan has written:
But the code was not merely a bill of rights to protect the inhabitants
of Massachusetts from arbitrary government. It was a blueprint of the
whole Puritan experiment, an attempt to spell out the dimensions of
the New England way. Trial by jury was part of the way (although the
General Court, exercising supreme jurisdiction, operated without a
jury) and so was freehold tenure of lands, but only because these prac-
tices seemed in accord with the laws of God; for the New England way
must be the way God wanted His kingdom on earth to be run, and
every law must be measured by His holy word. “No custom or pre-
scription,” said the Body of Liberties, “shall ever prevaile amongst us
in any morall cause, our meaning is [that no custom or prescription
shall] maintaine anythinge that can be proved to bee morallie sinfull
by the word of God.” And it enumerated all those crimes which the
laws of God branded as deserving of death: idolatry, witchcraft, blas-
phemy, murder, beastiality, sodomy, adultery, man-stealing, false wit-
ness, and treason. The list included several crimes which were more
lightly punished in England, but the very brevity showed that God
demanded lesser punishments for most offenses than the King of
England {4} did. In England the number of capital crimes amounted
to about fifty during the seventeenth century and rose to well over a
hundred in the eighteenth.1
We have reproduced the list of crimes that appeared in the Body of
Liberties in this issue of the Journal.
There are those who regard themselves as neo-Puritans who will
resent the very idea that many (though hardly all) of those who called
themselves Puritans in the seventeenth century believed that God’s Old
Testament law-order should be imposed in New Testament times. They
may resent the idea, but they cannot legitimately deny the evidence,
especially the evidence from Puritan New England. Here was the great
1. Edmund S. Morgan, The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop (Boston:
Little, Brown, 1958), 170–71.
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ples upon which this doctrine is built are {6} plainly present.” Time and
again, Rutherford appealed to Deuteronomy, especially Deuteronomy
17, the great chapter on the rule of God’s law over rulers and ruled.
Coming across the Atlantic, Greg Bahnsen introduces the reader to
John Cotton’s Abstract of the Laws of New England (1641). This was
first printed in volume 2, number 2 of the Journal, and we think it
needs reprinting in this context. Cotton, New England’s most presti-
gious minister in the first generation, was a thoroughgoing theonomist.
While the civil magistrates of Massachusetts chose Nathaniel Ward to
compile the Body of Liberties in 1641, they consulted Cotton as well.
The list of capital crimes in the Body of Liberties is reproduced follow-
ing Cotton’s Abstract. The use of Old Testament citations by Ward
should be noted. These historical documents should not be dropped
down some pietistic neo-Puritan version of George Orwell’s “memory
Terrill Elniff provides us with a comprehensive introduction to the
outlook and failures of New England Puritanism. This essay is a sum-
mary of his forthcoming book, The Guise of Every Graceless Heart:
Human Autonomy in Puritan Thought and Experience. New England
Puritans believed that purity of the church was important, not simply
for its own sake (as too many neo-Puritans seem to believe), but
because “on it depends the well-ordered liberty of the people, and on
both of these rests the well-balanced authority of the magistrate.” To
put it bluntly: “They are all of a piece; they stand or fall together.” The
heart of Puritanism was its commitment to the authority of the Bible in
every sphere of human existence. It was their failure to follow through
on this presupposition that led to the various internal crises of the holy
Kirk House offers us an example of just such a violation of Puritan
principle at the end of the century: the Salem witchcraft trials. Con-
trary to popular belief, there is evidence that some of the accused were
indeed occultists, and that they demonstrated occult power. Cotton
Mather and seven other men saw one woman’s body levitate up to the
ceiling, and all of them pulling down on her body could not immedi-
ately pull her down. Furthermore, the local ministers who presided at
the trials did not abide by biblical rules of evidence, nor did they abide
by common law. They were not supported by other ministers in the
colony; in fact, they were opposed. The central government was in dis-
array because of the abrogation of the original Massachusetts charter,
and the new governor, Phips, was initally absent, commanding an
unsuccessful invasion of Canada. Thus, it was not New England Puri-
tanism that produced the trials, but the disintegration of New
England’s theocratic rule.
My own essay on Puritan economic thought is an attempt to show
the extent of the medievalism of the first generation of New England
settlers. Their attempt to impose “just” prices, “just” wages, profit con-
trols, import {7} restrictions, quality standards, and similar pieces of
medieval legislation failed to accomplish their stated goals. Step by
step, the early Puritans learned the lessons of government interference
with the operations of the market. However, their theology of human
responsibility before God, when combined with their optimistic escha-
tology, gave impetus to the creation of a modern economy. These
strands of Puritan thought were ultimately to become the lasting eco-
nomic heritage of Puritanism, overcoming the latent medievalism of
that first generation. The Puritans’ experiment with medieval guild
socialism was a failure, and being a practical people, they learned from
their failure. (Those neo-Dooyeweerdians who are unfamiliar with the
history of this failure seem prepared to repeat it in the name of the
principles of cosmonomic law.)
Jack Sawyer
As the debate over the extent of the applicability of the law of God
rages on in our day, the charge is often pressed, against the Chalcedon
Foundation in general, and Greg Bahnsen’s Theonomy in Christian Eth-
ics in particular, that the position of theonomic social ethics is com-
pletely outside the consensus of Reformed tradition. This charge is
impossible to substantiate. When pressed, these objectors grudgingly
admit that the one exception to their thesis perhaps may be the “minor
exception” of the New England Puritans! In fact, others besides the
New England Puritans held to these views.
James B. Jordan has readily shown in his article (also appearing in
this issue) that the position of Bahnsen and Rushdoony, et al., is well
within the bounds of orthodox Reformed tradition. Along those same
lines, it is my purpose here to introduce the penultimate chapter of De
Regno Christi, a work of Martin Bucer, the first-generation Reformer
from the city of Strassbourg. Bucer was the leader of the reform in that
city and, indeed, throughout southern Germany. Next to Luther,
Melanchthon, Zwingli, and Calvin, he was the most prominent of all
the early Protestant leaders.3 From the beginning of the Reformation,
Bucer was a firm supporter of Luther, but
he went far beyond Luther in his insistence that not only the church as
an institution but the whole of human life, individual and social, must
be ordered according to the will of God as revealed in the Bible. He
3. Martin Bucer, De Regno Christi, trans. Wilhelm Pauck and Paul Larkin, ed.
Wilhelm Pauck, in The Library of Christian Classics, vol. 19 Melanchthon and Bucer
(Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1969), 155. I readily acknowledge my debt to Pauck’s
introductory essay to Bucer’s work.
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4. Ibid., 156.
5. Ibid., 157.
6. Ibid., 160.
7. Ibid., xix.
8. Ibid., 165.
9. Ibid., 164–65.
Martin Bucer
Lastly, the well-being of his people also demands of Your Majesty a
serious and thorough modification of penalties, by which wrongdoing
and crimes are kept in check in the commonwealth. But since no one
can describe an approach more equitable and wholesome to the com-
monwealth than that which God describes in his law, it is certainly the
duty of all kings and princes who recognize that God has put them over
his people that they follow most studiously his own method of punish-
ing evildoers. For inasmuch as we have been freed from the teaching of
Moses through Christ the Lord, so that it is no longer necessary for us
to observe the civil decrees of the law of Moses, namely, in terms of the
way and the circumstances in which they are described, nevertheless,
insofar as the substance and proper end of these commandments are
concerned, and especially those which enjoin the discipline that is nec-
essary for the whole commonwealth,11 whoever does not reckon that
such commandments are to be conscientiously observed is certainly
not attributing to God either supreme wisdom or a righteous care for
our salvation.
Accordingly, in every state sanctified to God capital punishment
must be ordered for all who have dared to injure religion, either by
introducing a false and impious doctrine about the worship of God or
by calling people away from the true worship of God (Deut. 13:6–10
and 17:2–5); for all who blaspheme the name of God and his solemn
services (Lev. 24:15–16); who violate the Sabbath (Ex. 31:14–15 and
35:2; Num. 15:32–36); who rebelliously despise the authority of parents
and live their own life wickedly (Deut. 21:18–21); who are unwilling to
submit to the sentence of a supreme tribunal (Deut. 17:8–12); who
have committed bloodshed (Ex. 21:12; Lev. 24:17; Deut. 19:11–13),
10. This is the last of the various subheadings dealing with all aspects of life in a
respublica Christiana.
11. See Westminster Confession 19.3, 4. This is for all intents and purposes the
position put forward by Bahnsen in Theonomy.
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Introduction to Martin Bucer’s De Regno Christi, Chapter 60 19
pheme the Divine Majesty in their rashness, using his holy name for
matters and activities that are shallow, base, or superstitious? God calls
them away from this in the Third Commandment of the Decalogue, in
which through the term “perjury” he prohibits all unworthy invocation
of his name (Ex. 20:7). Or they dare to despise and neglect the holy
days decreed by God, and thus the whole administration of religion,
i.e., of eternal life, in which all true knowledge and adoration of God
are preserved and augmented (Ex. 20:8). They show themselves guilty
of manifest defection from God and of a spirit that treats God, the cre-
ator of all things, as nothing and as an empty name, and finally, they
condemn all his Scripture and religion as deceit and imposture. Those
who have become guilty of such impiety cannot help intruding it on
others also, both by word and deed. For everyone brings forth from the
treasure of his {13} heart what has been stored there (cf. Matt. 12:35).
And Satan, who keeps such persons as his captives according to his
good pleasure, which is always intent on the ruin of mankind, uses
them as weapons for inflicting all possible harm on men.
And so it is clear that there can be no dangerous beasts as harmful to
the commonwealth as men who are plainly godless, empty of God,
sons of the devil. And so all the sons of God must exert their utmost
concern and all their strength to purify the commonwealth of such
pests as soon as possible, according to the Word of the Lord. “You shall
exterminate” (indeed, the Hebrew word is “burn out”) “evil from your
midst” (Deut. 13:5).
Thus whoever is of such wickedness and obstinacy of life, and so
impatient with proper education and discipline both public and private
that he rejects the authority and judgment of the fathers of his family
and country, how can he do anything else but undermine all public and
private decency, order, peace, and well-being? There should therefore
be no toleration among Christians of those who are openly opposed to
this Fifth Commandment of God, which enjoins that parents should be
honored and obeyed (Ex. 20:12), and which, therefore, is especially
applicable to rulers and magistrates of the commonwealth and all who
discharge paternal duties of teaching, exhorting, correcting, feeding,
and protecting.
Hence those people should not be tolerated among men from whom
human life is not safe, nor the chastity of wife and daughters, and the
liberty of one’s own people, which is no less dear to honest hearts than
life itself. Therefore, in every commonwealth consecrated to Christ the
Lord, there should be the penalty of capital punishment for everyone
apprehended in violating the Sixth and Ninth Commandments (Ex.
20:13 and 16), by bloodshed, or false testimony, or calumnious accusa-
tion, either personally or through others; or the Seventh Command-
ment by the ravishing of anyone’s wife, fiancée, or daughter (Ex. 20:14);
or the Eighth by stealing from one of the brethren, namely, a free man
(Ex. 20:15).
If men do not abhor such vicious crimes and misdeeds more than
death itself, how can there be preserved among them honesty, true
charity, humaneness, and a wholesome and necessary sharing of goods
and life which is worthy of human beings? And so there is required a
real desire both for showing forth the glory of God and obtaining the
salvation of men, so that these evils also may be completely removed
and burned away from the commonwealth, with no trace not even of
their names remaining, according to that saying: “Let not fornication
be named among you nor any uncleanness or greed”12 “as befits the
saints” (Eph. 5:3). {14}
For bringing this about, God has judged it necessary that those guilty
of these crimes and misdeeds should pay the commonwealth the pen-
alty of death in order to spread the fear of offending, since by their sins
they have done damage by suggesting a license for delinquency. And so
whoever decides that these misdeeds of impiety and wickedness are to
be kept out or driven from the commonwealth of Christians by more
mitigated punishment than death necessarily makes himself wiser and
more loving than God as regards the salvation of men.
Many worldly-wise men who are defenders of crime and wickedness
are wont to object against this severity commanded by God, which is at
the same time so uniquely salutary and necessary for the common-
wealth, by saying that those who have fallen into graver sins must be
renewed by penance and that the punishments decreed by God must
be relaxed. I have replied to their sophistry above,13 when I answered
them in accordance with the law of God which orders that the death
12. Here Bucer uses the word pleonexia and he adds in brackets this definition: “a
cupidity which seeks for itself more than is equitable.”
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13. Bk. 2, chap. 33. [Unfortunately, this chapter has not been translated into English
either by Milton or by Pauck.—J.W.S.]
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Introduction to Martin Bucer’s De Regno Christi, Chapter 60 23
things obligated to them; but those more common thefts are commit-
ted by unimportant men who rely neither on wealth of their own nor
on powerful patrons. As the common German proverb goes which cir-
culates among us: “Big thieves, who have accumulated immense lucre
by stealing and defrauding, are hung with golden necklaces; little
thieves, with hemp nooses.”
For if it seemed good to drive injustice, fraud, and injury of one’s
neighbors from the commonwealth, as it is fitting and as God requires
and urges in his law and prophets, clearly those thefts, robberies, and
plunderings should first be punished, and as severely as possible, which
damage and harm men most; for example, cruel usuries, monopolies,
portentous frauds in merchandise, counterfeiting and fraudulent
exchange of money, wicked pricing of goods, embezzlements and
devaluations, wickedly increased prices for produce and all the goods
that the present life cannot do without.
Your Majesty should decree such penalties for these frauds and
wrongs as will drive away and stamp out from his people every attempt
to harm one’s neighbor either publicly or privately, and bring it about
that everyone truly favors and seeks the advantage of others, so as to
buy and sell, lend and repay, and conduct all business of this present
life in such a way as to make it manifest that he desires and seeks with
his whole heart not only the public but also the private advantage of
every neighbor and puts it ahead of his own interests. Moreover, in
view of the fact that luxury, feasting, and pomp generate such ruin-
ously harmful avarice, and arouse and encourage boldness for robbing
both the commonwealth and private persons, these pests of human life
will also have to be excluded and driven from the common life by
means of very grave penalties.
In this institution, modification, and enforcement of penalties Your
Majesty will prove his trust and zeal for governing the commonwealth
in a holy way for Christ the Lord, our heavenly King, if for every single
crime, misdeed, or offense he establishes and imposes those penalties
which the Lord himself has sanctioned. By means of these, in addition
to changing and arousing to true repentance those who have sinned, he
will strike the others with fear and dread of sinning; thus he will seek to
burn away, i.e., deeply excise and exterminate, not only all licentious-
ness and boldness in {16} wrongdoing, but also all yearning and desire
for it. This is the purpose of penalties and punishments which God
proposes in his law.
For the nature of all men is so corrupt from birth and has such a pro-
pensity for crimes and wickedness that it has to be called away and
deterred from vices, and invited and forced to virtues, not only by
teaching and exhortation, admonition and reprimand, which are
accomplished by words, but also by the learning and correction that
accompany force and authority and the imposition of punishments.
Remedies of this kind are so efficacious and salutary for mankind
against its inborn ills that Plato rightly judged it the proper role of the
art of true rhetoric to require the accusation before a magistrate even of
oneself if one had committed some offense, and also of close friends
and relatives if they had been in any way delinquent, and to seek pun-
ishments prescribed by law as a necessary medicine of primary impor-
James B. Jordan
The problem of relating the Christian faith to vital social and political
issues is very much before the evangelical and Reformed communities
today. The Christian capital laid up by former generations has just
about been used up as the 1980s draw near. The left wing, with its opti-
mistic view of human nature, offers little to the Christian thinker, while
the negativism and rootlessness of the American right wing prevent it
from articulating a clear-cut alternative.
Into this milieu has come the suggestion that the Christian finds a
political philosophy laid out in the specific social laws of Scripture.
These laws, it is contended, exemplify Christian principles in socio-
political affairs, for they express God’s unchanging standard of justice.
Thus, they should be studied as guidelines for Christian thought today.
To the extent that these laws, given comprehensively through Moses,
address abiding social problems, such as adultery or theft, their dictates
are binding. The remaining laws should still be consulted, and the wis-
dom gained from meditating upon them should be applied to latter-
day affairs.
Recent writers defending this basic view include most prominently
R. J. Rushdoony and Greg L. Bahnsen.14 Others have proven sympa-
thetic to this thesis, and the reasons are not far to seek. As John Frame
has noted in his review of Bahnsen’s book, “It might turn out that our
search will lead us after all to a closer imitation of the old covenant
order, not out of Biblico-theological necessity, but out of a general
Christian political wisdom; for ‘what nation is there so great, that hath
14. Rousas J. Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law (Nutley, NJ: Craig Press, 1974);
Greg L. Bahnsen, Theonomy in Christian Ethics (Nutley, NJ: Craig Press, 1977).
A Chalcedon Publication [www.chalcedon.edu] 3/30/07
statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before
you [Israel] this day?’ (Deut. 4:8)”15
The thesis that the whole law of God—including details addressing
social and political morality—is valid today must, of course, be
attacked or defended on the basis of Scripture alone. As of the date of
this essay, no Scriptural argument against the whole-law position has
been issued, either {18} into print or into the many discussions the
present writer has engaged in. A variety of questionable arguments
have been presented at various times to the present writer, and since
these arguments apparently do circulate in conversations regarding the
whole-law position, it may be well to deal with them at this point as a
debris-clearing operation before moving to the matter at hand.
from the rampant moral decay seen in the history of the Roman
Empire. Is this “harsh”?
2. It has been contended that we today are not living in a “theocracy,”
but are living under “pluralism.” What does this mean? Surely every
Christian desires Christ to be King in some sense, and thus in some
sense desires a “theocracy.” Moreover, even if we are not living today in
a theocracy, is this not just the issue at stake? To argue that our present
government is pagan is simply to admit the need for a Christian theoc-
racy. Theocracy, after all, means “the rule of God” or “the authority of
God.” Common use of the term has equated it with “the rule of church-
men,” but ecclesiocracy has always been denied by Reformed Protes-
tants, especially those in the Puritan tradition.
The modern concept of “pluralism” is to the political order what
polytheism is to the religious order. Surely “pluralism” is the devil’s own
lie, that society can be neutral, neither for nor against God. In reality,
no zone of life is neutral, and “pluralism” is heresy. That some modern
{19} Calvinists believe that total religious pluralism is the proper goal
of Christian politics simply illustrates the poverty into which such
“Calvinism” has sunk.
3. It has been contended that the Older Testament does not actually
set forth a series of judicial or civil laws. With this criticism we may
agree. A simple reading of Exodus or Deuteronomy will show that
there is no place where a set of laws constituting a legal civil code is to
be found. Rather, social, personal, civil, familial, and “ceremonial” laws
are found all mixed up together. This shows that the law of God all
stands or falls together. It would be improper to maintain, as some of
the Fifth Monarchy Men did, that we find in the Bible a full-blown legal
system. Rather, what we find is the basis for a Christian legal system.
The laws of the Bible are case laws, and it is the duty of the Christian
ruler to extend the equity of these cases to cover the details he finds in
his own society.
To return to the case we discussed above, the Bible prescribes death
for a man who lies with another man in the way a man lies with a
woman (i.e., for homosexual acts). This case does not explicitly con-
demn lesbian acts, and we do not find a parallel case law forbidding a
woman to lie with a woman. If the Bible intended to set forth a com-
prehensive legal code, we should expect to find such an anti-lesbian
law. It is rather the case that the Bible expects us to extend the equity of
the anti-homosexual law so as to cover lesbian activities, pornography,
solicitation, and so forth. We are not free, however, to change the case
law so as, for instance, to punish homosexuality with prison rather
than with death.17
This criticism does, however, raise a difficult point. In the literature
of Protestantism, it is assumed that the law of God comes in three cate-
gories: moral, judicial, and ceremonial. The criticism rightly shows that
this category scheme is erroneous. What has been termed “judicial law”
is not in fact a legal code, but rather is a set of explanations of the moral
law. These explanations have judicial aspects and judicial implications,
but are not a judicial code.
What this means is that it cannot be argued that “the judicial law of
Moses” has been dropped out in the New Testament era, because there
is no such thing in Scripture as “the judicial law of Moses.” What the
opponent of theocracy must argue is this: that the judicial implications
of the moral law have dropped out in the New Covenant era. This argu-
ment, however, proves too much, for virtually nobody wants to main-
tain that our legal code should be totally divorced from moral
It would seem that there is greater wisdom in humbly and gratefully
receiving from the hand of God whatever explanations of the moral
law He sees fit to reveal, whether such explanations be personal, famil-
ial, or civil. {20}
4. It has been contended that this position does not do justice to
“common grace”—whatever that extraordinarily ambiguous term
means. However the term is used, it is not apparent how “common
grace” removes the revealed laws of God from operation. Did not
“common grace” operate in ancient Israel? Did God not give sunshine
and rain to the reprobate in Israel? Did God not restrain the sin of rep-
robates in the Older Testament era? If it is contended that “common
grace” has been increased in the New Covenant, so that the Older Tes-
tament laws have dropped away, where is the textual, Scriptural evi-
dence for this? Moreover, such a contention assumes a “law versus
grace antagonism,” which is anathema to the Reformed faith.18
5. It has been contended that this position does not do justice to the
“flow of redemptive history.” This contention, however, is not an argu-
ment, but only the form of an argument. It is necessary for the oppo-
nent to come forth with texts which demonstrate that the “flow of
redemptive history” has removed from operation God’s own explana-
tions of His moral law. Bahnsen’s book has shown at great length that,
despite very real and great changes in economy from the Older to the
New Covenant, the laws of God are not among the changes.19
6. A similar contention has been that the theonomic-theocratic posi-
tion is against the “tenor” of the New Testament.20 Like the preceding
argument, this is only the form of an argument, not the substance of
one. If there be such a thing as a “tenor” of a book,21 such a “tenor” or
“feel” would have to be built up from the text of the book.
7. It has been contended that whatever is not repeated in the New Tes-
tament has been dropped from the Older. No argument is offered in
defense of this slogan, except the assertion that the Older and New
Covenants are wholly disparate. Against this dispensationalistic argu-
ment is (a) the fact that Matthew 5:17–19 asserts that nothing of the
Older Testament has been dropped, and (b) the fact that the weekly
Sabbath is usually admitted to be nowhere explicitly repeated in the
New Testament, yet Calvinists continue to observe it.
8. It has been contended that the theocratic position fails to interpret
the Older Testament in the light of the New, but reverses the order.
Those arguing in this fashion reveal that they have read neither Rush-
doony nor Bahnsen, both of whom rigorously argue from the New to
the Older.
The fact that such arbitrary, sloganizing, and prejudicial arguments
are {21} seriously advanced calls into question the theological compe-
tency of those advancing them. These “arguments” have weight only
18. These notions are set forth in germinal form in Meredith Kline, The Structure of
Biblical Authority (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1972). Kline’s theology
is a neo-dispensationalism as rigorous as anything generated from the Scofieldian
19. Cf. note 14 above.
20. No one has yet argued that it is against the “soprano” of the New Testament.
21. Caruso’s biography would be an exception, of course.
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for those who already agree with them. They are embarrassingly light-
weight arguments.
9. An emotionally more cogent and persuasive argument has been
that the Reformed tradition has always maintained that “the judicial
laws of Moses” no longer bind the New Covenant community, and that
the Westminster Confession of Faith, at section 19:4, stands against
theonomy. If this were truly the case, it would not settle the matter
once and for all, since creeds and councils can err. Moreover, the Prot-
estant principle is not to test new ideas by tradition, but by Scripture.
Traditionalism, however, does hold sway unofficially in modern
Reformed circles. Thus, it is the purpose of this essay to take up this
argument from history. Our purpose is not to try to prove that historic
Calvinism has always held to the whole-law position, or even that a
majority of Calvinists have held to it. Rather, our purpose is to demon-
strate that many within the Reformed fold, especially during the first
one hundred years of its existence, highly favored “the judicial laws of
Moses” as a model for the civil magistrate, and thus that there is no
valid historical argument against the position advanced by Rushdoony
and Bahnsen.
At the outset, however, it should be noted that the phrase “the judi-
cial law of Moses” is problematic. We saw above, under argument 3,
that the Mosaic law does not set forth a civil code, and thus that the
phrase “judicial law of Moses” is theologically erroneous. Moreover, the
phrase is ambiguous, in that the social or case laws in the Older Testa-
ment address much more than only judicial or civil penalties. There are
laws for the family, for the individual, for ecology, and for many other
areas of life. The only “civil laws,” properly speaking, are those which
have civil penalties attached to them. Thus, even if we were to try to
break down the law of God into categories—and it would be a reduc-
tionistic error to attempt it—we would find far more than the three cat-
egories of moral, civil, and ceremonial. We would also find ecological,
familial, marital, and other kinds of laws as well. Because of this, we
can expect to find much confusion and ambiguity in any discussion of
“the judicial laws of Moses.” And this is what we do in fact find. Many
writers state that “the judicial laws of Moses” no longer bind Chris-
tians, and then turn around and cite the Mosaic prescriptions as if they
were binding. Martin Bucer is a perfect example of this.22 One is left
wondering precisely what the author had in mind when he used the
term “judicial law,” and it is usually impossible to find out, since few
writers actually discussed the matter at any length.
22. Cf. Bucer, De Regno Christi, bk. 2, chap. 60, reprinted elsewhere in this issue.
23. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Ford L. Battles
(Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1975), 4:20:14:.
24. John Calvin, Commentaries, trans. C. W. Bingham (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans
Publishing Co., 1950), Deut. 22:22.
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Note that the punishment is said to be that of the law “of God,” not
more restrictedly the law of Moses. It is clear that Calvin is
commending the Mosaic penalty here, yet an element of confusion still
remains in the text. Whatever this “universal law of the Gentiles” may
have been, it operates no longer in the twentieth century.
Secondly, Calvin writes in his defense of the execution of Servetus:
Whoever shall now contend that it is unjust to put heretics and blas-
phemers to death will knowingly and willingly incur their very guilt.
This is not laid down on human authority; it is God who speaks and
prescribes a perpetual rule for his Church. It is not in vain that he ban-
ishes all those human affectations which soften our hearts; that he
commands paternal love and all the benevolent feelings between
brothers, relations, and friends to cease; in a word, that he almost
deprives men of their nature in order that nothing may hinder their
holy zeal. Why is so implacable a severity exacted but that we may
know {23} that God is defrauded of his honor, unless the piety that is
due to him be preferred to all human duties, and that when his glory is
to be asserted, humanity must be almost obliterated from our memo-
Philip Schaff ’s comment is important:
Calvin’s plea for the right and duty of the Christian magistrate to pun-
ish heresy by death, stands or falls with his theocratic theory and the
binding authority of the Mosaic code. His arguments are chiefly
drawn from the Jewish laws against idolatry and blasphemy, and from
the examples of the pious kings of Israel.26
Thus, Schaff considers that Calvin held a high respect for the Mosaic
Thirdly, Calvin was a close friend and, in his earlier years, a disciple
of the first-generation Reformer Martin Bucer. Bucer plainly held that
the penal sanctions of the Older Testament were the best ever devised,
being authored by God Himself, and thus should be enacted in all
25. Cited in Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church (Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1950), 8:791–92, emphasis added. Calvin is referring
throughout to Deuteronomy 13:6–10.
26. Ibid., 792.
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Calvinism and “The Judicial Law of Moses”: An Historical Survey 33
Christian states.27 Calvin’s high regard for Bucer may be seen in the fol-
lowing statement by Calvin:
Martin Bucer, a most faithful doctor of the Church of Christ, besides
his rare learning and copious knowledge of many things, besides his
clearness of wit, much reading and other many and various virtues
(wherein he is almost by none now living excelled, has few equals, and
excels most), has this praise peculiar to himself, that none in this age
has used exacter diligence in the exposition of Scripture.28
This statement is important in two respects. First, it shows the very
great respect Calvin had for Bucer. Second, it shows in particular that
Calvin regarded Bucer as a master exegete. It must be remembered that
even today Calvin himself is regarded as the greatest expositor of
Scripture of the Reformation era, and his works are still cited in Bible
commentaries written today. Thus, if Calvin held Bucer’s use and
exegesis of Scripture in high regard, this is no faint praise.
Also, Bucer’s personal friendship and influence on Calvin must be
considered. Pauck notes:
There was a deep affinity between Bucer and Calvin, not only because
their outlook, especially on the needs of the Church, was similar ... ,
{24} but chiefly because Calvin’s mind was profoundly shaped by what
he learned and took over from Bucer, particularly during the years
(1538–1541) when they were associated in common work in Strass-
When Bucer died, Calvin told a friend he felt as lonesome as an
orphan, so close and personal was the relationship between the two
27. Cf. Bucer, De Regno Christi, bk. 2, chap. 60, reprinted elsewhere in this issue, as
well as J. W. Sawyer’s introduction thereto.
28. From Bucer, Scripta Anglicana, ed. Conrad Hubertus (Basle, 1577); trans. John
Milton in The Judgment of Martin Bucer Concerning Divorce (1644). Cf. Complete Prose
Works of John Milton, vol. 2 (New Haven, CT: Yale, 1959), 422. Spelling and punctuation
modernized and emphasis added. Further praise of Bucer by Calvin can be found in
Calvin’s prefaces to his own commentaries on Romans, Psalms, and the Gospels.
29. Wilhelm Pauck, “Editor’s Introduction to Bucer’s De Regno Christi,” in
Melanchthon and Bucer, Library of Christian Classics, vol. 19 (Philadelphia:
Westminster, 1959), 157.
30. Wilhelm Pauck, “Butzer and Calvin,” in The Heritage of the Reformation, 1st ed.
(Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1950), 88.
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31. Ibid.
32. Bucer, De Regno Christi, bk. 2, chap. 60, second paragraph.
33. Ibid., bk. 2, chap. 28; trans. Milton. Cf. note 28. In Milton’s Prose Works, vol. 2,
34. Ibid., bk. 2, chap. 60, first paragraph, trans. Pauck. Cf. note 29.
35. B. S. Capp, The Fifth Monarchy Men (Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1972),
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judicial laws. Also, Article 36 states that it is the duty of the civil magis-
trate to “remove and prevent all idolatry and false worship,” indicating
a rather more favorable view of the Older Testament “legislation” than
we meet with in some today.36
The Second Helvetic Confession, of 1566, was almost entirely the
work of Heinrich Bullinger of Zurich, one of the great second-genera-
tion Reformers, who lived from 1504 to 1575. In an earlier work, {26}
Antiquissima Fides et vera Religio, translated by Miles Coverdale (1488–
1568) as The Old Faith, Bullinger had written regarding the judicial
Whereas, besides the ceremonies, there is much written also in the law
concerning civil polity, ordinance, judgment, to live peaceable and
well in city and land; of buying and selling, of war and peace, of inher-
itance and properties, of laws matrimonial, of the punishment of the
wicked, of the judgment and council, of lending and borrowing, etc.; it
is no news at all, and serveth altogether for the declaration of the six
commandments of the second table....
Such laws and rules to live in peace, in a civil order and virtue, have
also the holy fathers had from the beginning of the world written in
their hearts by God himself. Now hath God also caused all to be com-
prehended in writing by Moses, to the intent that the world might
have all more clearly and perfectly, and that no man might excuse
himself of ignorance.37
Bullinger’s Second Helvetic Confession does not, any more than the
Belgic Confession, state that the judicial law of Moses has expired.
Chapter 27 clearly states that the ceremonial was abolished. In chapter
12, “Of the Law of God,” we read:
For plainness’ sake we divide it into the moral law, which is contained
in the commandments, or the two tables expounded in the books of
Moses; into the ceremonial, which does appoint ceremonies and the
worship of God; and into the judicial, which is occupied about politi-
cal and domestic affairs.
We believe that the whole will of God, and all necessary precepts, for
every part of this life, are fully delivered in this law. For otherwise the
36. Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom, vol. 3 (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
House, 1966), III, 412–13, 432.
37. Miles Coverdale, The Old Faith, Parker Society ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, [1541] 1844), 47–48.
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Lord would not have forbidden that “anything should be either added
or taken away from this law” (Deut. 4:2, 12:32); neither would he have
commanded us to go straight forward in this, and “not to decline out
of the way, either to the right hand or to the left” (Josh. 1:7).38
The second paragraph cited above certainly reads as if Bullinger
intended us to keep all of the Mosaic law. The same is the case in
chapter 30, “Of the Magistracy”:
In like manner, let him govern the people, committed to him of God,
with good laws, made according to the Word of God in his hands, and
look that nothing be taught contrary thereto….
Therefore let him draw forth this sword of God against all malefac-
tors, seditious persons, thieves, murderers, oppressors, blasphemers,
perjured persons, and all those whom God has commanded him to
punish or even to execute. Let him suppress stubborn heretics (who
are {27} heretics indeed), who cease not to blaspheme the majesty of
God, and to trouble the Church, yea, and finally to destroy it.39
Noteworthy is the statement that the laws of nations are framed
according to the word of God, and that additionally the state is to
ensure that nothing be taught contrary to the Bible. Of further note is
the phrase “and all those whom God has commanded him to punish or
even to execute.” Apparently God has commanded the magistrate to
execute some criminals. These commands are found nowhere but in
Scripture, so that penal sanctions of Scripture must of necessity be
what is referred to here. This statement, as it stands in and of itself, can
only mean that those things which were civil offenses in the Older
Testament economy continue to be civil offenses in the New Testament
era (these offenses are listed), and also that the specific punishment
ordered by God for some crimes (execution) is still mandated.
In the Decades, however, Bullinger firmly insists upon the abroga-
tion of the Mosaic judicials.40 No nation is bound to receive them as its
laws. Nonetheless, “the substance of God’s judicial laws is not taken
away or abolished, but ... the ordering and limitation of them is placed
in the arbitrement of good Christian princes....”41 Bullinger also argues
that the good laws of the ancient world (Calvin’s “common law of
nations”) trace back to Moses,42 so that one reason Moses’s specifics are
no longer binding is that the laws of the nations so closely approximate
them.43 Thus, in a concrete sense, Bullinger’s rejection of the letter of
the Mosaic judicials is related to the fact that he saw their continuation
in spirit in his own culture.
Bucer and Bullinger have a number of things in common. It would
be well to summarize these, for we shall find them commonly occur-
ring in Calvinistic writings of this century and the next.
1. Both state categorically that the Mosaic judicial laws were
designed for ancient Israel and no longer bind modern
Christian nations.
2. Both turn around and invoke the penal sanctions of the
Mosaic laws as if they were fully binding on modern
3. Both hold that even though the Mosaic judicials are not
binding, yet they are also not abolished or removed.
4. Both hold that the Mosaic judicials must inform the
thinking of good Christian princes, who nonetheless have
the right to alter them somewhat.
5. Both seem to believe that the Mosaic judicials cannot be
improved upon. {28}
How are we to understand this? We should like to suggest that the
following is what is meant by these men. The civil aspects of the
unchanging moral law of God were phrased in case law, dealing with
cases common and sometimes peculiar to the ancient, agrarian Israel-
ite economy. Some, perhaps many, of these cases no longer exist in the
modern world. Nonetheless, the basic principles contained in the case
laws can be and must be applied to the modern civil order. Some cases,
such as murder, adultery, blasphemy, and Sabbath breaking, remain the
same; and thus the civil laws regarding these also remain the same
from age to age. As will appear later on, the English Puritans used the
But the statutes and judgments of God which are delivered and
expounded unto us by his holy prophets, endure for ever; the pure
wisdom, the upright justice, the true exposition and faithful execution
of his moral law, which laws were not made for the Jews’ state only (as
Mr. Calvin hath taught) but for all mankind, especially for all the
Israel of God, from which laws it is not lawful in judgment to vary or
decline either to the one hand or to the other.57
Barrow is quite straightforward: the judicial law (“statutes and
judgments”) is “the true exposition and faithful execution of God’s
moral law.”
Philip Stubbs (ca. 1555–1610?), a Puritan pamphleteer, composed
An Anatomie of Abuses in 1583. Very popular, it ran through three edi-
tions in two years, and was reprinted a fourth time in 1595.58 His view
was as follows:
S. What kind of punishment would you have appointed for these
notorious bloody swearers? P. I would wish (if it pleased God) that it
were made death. For we read in the law of God, that whosoever blas-
phemeth the Lord, was presently stoned to death without all remorce.
Which law judicial standeth in force to the world’s end.59
We have seen that the early leaders of Puritanism in England fre-
quently espoused the normativity of the judicial law of Moses, insofar
as that law addressed abiding circumstances. This is important as back-
ground to the Westminster Assembly, especially the use of the term
equity. The question {32} may well be asked, however: did the Puritan
movement retain this emphasis in its full bloom? The answer has to be
an unequivocal “yes,” for precisely when the Puritans had opportunity
to begin de novo with a new society, in New England, they turned to
Moses’s law as their own social code.
57. Cf. Thomas Rogers, Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, Parker Society ed.
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1854), 90.
58. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 19 (Oxford, 1968), 120.
59. Cf. Rogers, Exposition, 91.
A. The Continent
Johannes Wollebius (1586–1629), a theologian at Basel, published in
1626 a Compendium Theologia Christianae. According to Beardslee,
Wollebius provides us here with “the best brief summary of Reformed
dogmatics available from the period”—the period being the first third
of the seventeenth century.60 Beardslee further informs us that
Wollebius’s work was very popular on the Continent, and circulated
widely. In chapter 14, “The Ceremonial and Political Law,” section 6
reads as follows:
So much for the ceremonial law. The political law dealt with the civil
constitution of the Jews.
1. As the ceremonial law was concerned with God, the political was
concerned with the neighbor.
2. In these matters on which it is in harmony with the moral law and
with ordinary justice, it is binding on us.
3. In those matters which were peculiar to that law and were pre-
scribed for the promised land or the situation of the Jewish state, it has
no more force for us than the laws of foreign commonwealths.61 {33}
60. Reformed Dogmatics, trans. and ed. John W. Beardslee III (New York: Oxford,
1965), 10.
61. Ibid., 84.
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Calvinism and “The Judicial Law of Moses”: An Historical Survey 45
B. Scotland
Turning to Scotland, we have an interesting and detailed series of
remarks on this subject by George Gillespie, one of the Scottish
commissioners to the Westminster Assembly. Gillespie’s full remarks
on the relation between church and state consume a very large volume
and cannot be treated of here. He does, however, identify his sympa-
thies immediately in Aaron’s Rod Blossoming (1646), where in 1:1 he
I know some divines hold that the judicial law of Moses, so far as con-
cerneth the punishments of sins against the moral law, idolatry, blas-
phemy, Sabbath-breaking, adultery, theft, etc., ought to be a rule to the
Christian magistrate; and, for my part, I wish more respect were had
to it, and that it were more consulted with.
Gillespie goes on to distinguish between the roles of state and church in
civil matters. A clearer statement is found in his CXI Propositions
Concerning the Ministry and Government of the Church (1644), where
he states:
47. ... It is one thing to govern the commonwealth, and to make politi-
cal and civil laws; another thing to interpret the word of God, and out
of it to show the magistrate his duty, to wit, how he ought to govern
the commonwealth, and in what manner he ought to use the sword.
The former is proper and peculiar to the magistrate (neither doth the
ministry intermeddle or entangle itself into such businesses), but the
latter is contained within the office of the ministers.
48. For to that end also is the holy Scripture profitable, to show which
is the best manner of governing a commonwealth, and that the magis-
trate, as being God’s minister, may by this guiding star be so directed,
as that he may execute the parts of his office according to the will of
God, and may perfectly be instructed in every good work....
Note that Gillespie states that the Bible instructs the magistrate on how
to use the sword, i.e., on penal sanctions. Gillespie saw the magistrate
bound to rule according to the Scriptures, and especially according to
the judicial laws of Moses. Gillespie’s testimony is highly significant,
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since it addresses the issue directly, and in that Gillespie was very
influential at the Westminster Assembly.62 {34}
C. England
John Owen (1616–1683) wanted Oliver Cromwell to rule by the
Mosaic judicials. In a sermon, “Christ’s Kingdom and the Magistrate’s
Power,” preached before Parliament on October 13, 1652, the great
congregationalist leader said:
Although the institutions and examples of the Old Testament, of the
duty of magistrates in the things and about the worship of God, are
not, in their whole latitude and extent, to be drawn into rules that
should be obligatory to all magistrates now, under the administration
of the gospel,—and that because the magistrate was “custos, vindex, et
administrator legis judicialis, et politiae Mosaicae,” from which, as
most think, we are freed;—yet, doubtless, there is something moral in
those institutions, which, being unclothed of their Judaical form, is
still binding to all in the like kind, as to some analogy and proportion.
Subduct from those administrations what was proper to, and lies upon
the account of, the church and nation of the Jews, and what remains
upon the general notion of a church and nation must be everlastingly
We must not miss the force of the last sentence. What Owen is saying is
that whatever can be applied must be applied. Notice the parallel with
the Westminster Confession statement: some laws applied to the Jews
as a national entity, and had to do with their structures and institutions.
These have passed away. Other laws, however, are equally applicable to
all nations, and these are binding. In the language of Westminster,
“further than the general equity thereof may require.”
Thomas Gilbert was chaplain of Magdalen College, Oxford, from
1656 to 1660. In the Whitehall debates of December 1648, he argued
that insofar as the judicial law “was a fence and outwork to the Moral
62. For a discussion of the views of Samuel Rutherford, the reader is directed to the
essay by Richard Flinn, elsewhere in this issue.
63. John Owen, Works, vol. 8 (London: Banner of Truth, 1967), 394, emphasis added.
The Latin phrase means, “guardian, vindicator, and manager of the judicial law, and of
the constitution of Moses.”
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Calvinism and “The Judicial Law of Moses”: An Historical Survey 47
law, it stands with the Moral law, and that still binds upon men.... So ...
the Judicial law ... is still the duty of Magistrates.”64
D. New England
The Puritan experiments in the New World clearly reveal what their
conceptions were. Whatever ambiguity may have afflicted them in
England, given the opportunity to start from scratch they turned unan-
imously to the judicials of Moses for their civil order. We shall look
briefly at three of their leaders, and then examine the laws of three col-
onies, in order to confirm this point.
John Cotton (1584–1652) was one of the most prominent of the
Puritan pastors in Massachusetts Bay. He was an unabashed theocrat.
{35} Like all Puritan thinkers, he did not interpret theocracy to entail
the unification of church and state, but rather saw both institutions as
under the one rule of Christ. Greg L. Bahnsen has reprinted Cotton’s
most succinct theocratic work, An Abstract of the Laws of New England,
as They are Now Established (1641), which is (apparently) the same
work as Cotton’s Moses His Judicials (1636).65 This work consists
largely of verbatim quotations from the law of Moses. Although it was
not adopted by Massachusetts, it greatly influenced the Bible-based
code which was adopted, Nathaniel Ward’s Body of Liberties (1641).
The Body of Liberties influenced the Massachusetts Code (1648), and
this in turn influenced the constitutions of all the colonial states.
Cotton distinguished between the permanent judicials, which were
appendages to the moral law, and temporary judicials, which were
appendages to the ceremonial law. Some examples of temporary laws,
peculiar to the Israelite state, were:
1. the Levirate,
2. some aspects of the Jubilee,
3. Spirit-inspired Judges and the hereditary monarchy,
his day were in agreement that insofar as the Mosaic judicials con-
tained equity, they were binding on all nations.
Third, Shepard contends that the equity is not contained in the pur-
pose of the moral law, but in the moral law itself. According to the
Oxford English Dictionary, “equity” is here used in the sense of a
recourse to a general principle of justice. To be precise, “Equity of a
statute according to its reason and spirit so as to make it apply to cases
for which it does not expressly provide.”68 Thus, what Shepard is saying
is that the case laws of the Mosaic system reflect perfectly, in their par-
ticular applications, the universal justice of the moral law. Though
some of these cases do not apply directly today, they do show con-
cretely how the general principles are to be worked out in particular
Some cases apply directly to all times, such as death for adultery,
since adultery is the same in all times and places. Other cases, such as
the requirement that a fence be put on the roofs of newly constructed
houses, have little relevance to us today as they stand, since our roofs
are not flat and we do not use them for social gatherings. There are,
however, similar situations and equivalent circumstances in the mod-
ern world (such as high porches), and by studying the Mosaic legisla-
tion, we can discern how properly to apply the moral law equitably to
our modern situation.
It is very important that this concept of equity be understood, for it
is this very concept which is employed by the Westminster Confession
of Faith in section 19:4. The equity of the Mosaic judicials is perma-
nently binding, even though some of the cases or particular illustra-
tions in the Mosaic law do not appear today.
Shepard also is helpful in delimiting the use of the law of the Older
Testament in another way. In A Wholesome Caveat (1648), he notes
that {37} there were various forms of government authorized by God in
the Older Testament.69 Thus, as regards the precise form of govern-
ment, as distinct from its legal matter, none is legislated by Scripture.
The other work cited above was published in 1649. These works, writ-
ten and issued in the same decade as the Westminster Assembly, give
68. Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1971), 888.
69. Shepard, vol. 3, 289, 340.
us a good idea of what the consensus must have been among the
stricter Calvinists at that august assemblage.
More rigorous in his views was John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians.
Eliot was one of the most remarkable missionaries of all time, in that he
not only brought the good news of personal salvation to his Indian
hearers, but also sought to reorganize completely their societies in
order to make them prosperous, productive, and happy. His labors,
which were ceaseless, ran until his death in 1690 at the age of 86. In a
remarkable book, The Christian Commonwealth (1659), he argued
from Exodus chapter 18 that society should be organized by house-
holds, with elders over groups of ten, of fifty, of one hundred, and so
forth. He noted that Jesus operated on this principle in the New Testa-
ment (Mark 6:40). Eliot worked out this surprising scheme in great
detail, going into relatively fine points regarding at which level in the
pyramid capital crimes should be tried, and so forth.70 If this seems
innocuous to us today, it was regarded as “full of seditious principles
and notions” by the Governor and Council of Massachusetts when they
took it up on March 18, 1660. This extreme denunciation reflects the
fact that Charles II had ascended the throne in Britain, and all Puritan
thought was suspect.71 Eliot was required to renounce it, and with wise
discretion (Matt. 5:41) he did so.72 Still in all, his little work shows us to
what lengths the careful Puritans were ready to go in order to follow
the dictates of Cod. We must note, then, that if Eliot was to the right of
the consensus of his times, that consensus must have been well to the
right of what is popular in Reformed circles today.
We turn now to consider the legislation of three of the New England
settlements. Revisions were made in English law under the Crom-
wellian administration, as might be expected. Capp notes that “the
Rump [Parliament] actually passed measures establishing the death
penalty for adultery, incest, and blasphemy, and severe penalties for
swearing and for profanation of the Sabbath.”73 Despite this, the Cal-
70. John Eliot, The Christian Commonwealth (New York: Arno Press, 1972).
71. Convers Francis, Life of John Eliot (Boston: Hillard, Gray, and Co., 1836), 210.
72. The office of tithingman, established in 1675, divided Massachusetts into groups
of ten families for certain governmental purposes. Cf. Edmund S. Morgan, The Puritan
Family (New York: Harper, 1966), 148–49.
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Calvinism and “The Judicial Law of Moses”: An Historical Survey 51
vinistic experiment did not have full opportunity to do things its own
way except in the New {38} World, where there were no traditions to
overcome, no unbelieving power bloc to contend with, and little social
inertia from within the ranks, the New England breed being by and
large the stricter sort. In America they had a chance to start from
scratch, and it is surely significant that they turned directly to the
Mosaic judicials in doing so. We have noted already John Cotton’s
input in this, but let us now briefly examine the legal records them-
The Records of the New Haven Colony include the following entry,
which speaks for itself.
March 2, 1641/2: And according to the fundamental agreement,
made, and published by full and general consent, when the plantation
began and government was settled, that the judicial law of God given
by Moses and expounded in other parts of scripture, so far as it is a
hedge and a fence to the moral law, and neither ceremonial nor typical
nor had any reference to Canaan, hath an everlasting equity in it, and
should be the rule of their proceedings.74
Note that the judicial law is that of God, not that of Moses. Note also
the recurrence of “equity,” which is here said to be “everlasting.”
Thomas Hutchinson summarizes the laws of Massachusetts Bay Col-
ony. As regards the 1648 Code, referred to above in our discussion of
John Cotton, Hutchinson notes that, in common with English law, it
penalized with death: murder, sodomy, witchcraft, arson, and the rape
of a child under ten years of age. Added to these were: idolatry, blas-
phemy, kidnapping, adultery (several were executed under this law),
willful perjury designed to do another to death, unprovoked cursing or
striking of parents by children over 16 years of age. Additionally, many
lesser crimes were capital if repeated twice or thrice. Since high treason
against the king and rape of an unengaged girl were not capital crimes
in the Biblical system, neither were they capital in Massachusetts.75
Hutchinson also gives an interesting case of the application of Biblical
restitution laws: “Josias Plaistowe, for stealing four baskets of corn from
the Indians, was ordered to return them eight baskets....”76 Werten-
baker adds that, according to an order of the General Court on
November 4, 1646, incorrigibly delinquent teenagers were to be put to
death. This also was according to the Biblical judicials. No Massachu-
setts teenager was ever actually executed under this law—it seems to
have had its intended sobering influence.77 {39}
At Plymouth Colony the same situation prevailed. Hutchinson
remarks, “Cartwright, who had a chief hand in reducing Puritanism to
a system, held, that the magistrate was bound to adhere to the judicial
law of Moses, and might not punish or pardon otherwise than they
prescribed, and him the Massachusetts people followed.”78 Hutchinson
here is speaking specifically of the Plymouth settlement, which was of a
slightly different theological stripe than the Massachusetts Bay settle-
ment, but was Puritan all the same.
seems clearly to state that the Mosaic case laws no longer bind the
Christian community. The second half of the statement, however, gives
back with the right hand what was removed with the left:
... not obliging any other now, further than the general equity may
require. (emphasis added)
Modern readers will interpret this statement to mean that there is a
“spirit of fairness” in the laws which ought to be emulated by modern
states. This, however, is not the meaning of the term “equity” in its his-
torical context. As noted above, the Oxford English Dictionary gives the
meaning of “equity” as follows: “Equity of a statute according to its rea-
son and spirit so as to make it apply to cases for which it does not
expressly provide.” In other words, the Confession is saying that
though the precise cases addressed by the case law may no longer be
found in modern society, there are parallel cases to which they do apply,
and where these parallel cases are found, the case laws are binding
The proof texts of this paragraph reveal some of the same ambiguity.
The pattern of the proofs in the Standards is that each phrase or term is
footnoted with texts. Thus, we should expect that proof texts would be
given at three points in this paragraph: after “sundry judicial laws,”
after “of that people,” and after “equity thereof may require.” This, how-
ever, is not the case. Rather, the whole paragraph is given one footnote.
The texts given do point to the various phrases of the paragraph, how-
ever. Exodus 21 and 22 are cited as being the laws in question. Genesis
49:10, 1 Peter 2:13–14, and Matthew 5:17–39 are cited apparently to
show changes or expirations in the law. Finally, 1 Corinthians 9:8ff. is
cited to {41} show the permanent equity of the law. What are we to
make of this? It is clear that the framers of the Standards felt that there
was both continuity and discontinuity in the law of God. God had given
to ancient Israel a civil code, which was designed for that people at that
time. This code, in the strict sense, was not designed for other nations
particularly, and thus expired: Jesus was free to make some changes in
this law. At the same time, this civil code was based on eternal moral
principles, and these moral principles could clearly be seen in the laws
themselves, so that these laws should form the basis of all Christian
civil codes, according as the “general equity thereof may require.” Thus,
these laws could not be ignored or overlooked. Christians are not free
to take them or leave them. They must be consulted for their “equity.”
What the Standards do not do is spell out to what extent and how
these laws are binding and to what extent and how they have been
loosed. This is doubtless because this was an open question, much
debated at the time. Some held, as we have seen, that whatever could be
applied from these laws had to be applied, without any alteration. Oth-
ers held more lax views regarding their binding nature. The Standards
do not settle this issue in full. If, however, we make a careful examina-
tion of the Standards, we will be able to see at some points how the
framers regarded the binding nature of the judicial aspects of the law of
God, and to this we now turn.
In Confession 1:2, the Confession affirms that all of the books of
Scripture, not just the New Testament, are given by God “to be the rule
of faith and life.” In 1:6 we are told that everything man needs for his
life is “either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary
consequence may be derived from Scripture.” Since civil life is not
optional but needful for man, the Confession implies that to some
degree, at least, the ordering of civil life is found in Scripture. This is an
implicitly anti-pluralistic declaration.
In 20:1, discussing liberty of conscience, the Confession states:
But, under the new testament, the liberty of Christians is further
enlarged, in their freedom from the yoke of the ceremonial law, to
which the Jewish Church was subjected, and in greater boldness of
access to the throne of grace, and in fuller communications of the free
Spirit of God, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of.
(emphasis added)
Mark that in noting the New Testament’s improvements over the Older
Covenant, nothing whatever is mentioned by the Confession regarding
the abrogation of the judicial laws. This is, granted, an argument from
silence, but it is a significant silence in context. Most modern writers
would surely have added the judicial laws’ abrogation as an
enlargement of Christian liberty. That the Standards do not do so
indicates that at the very least the framers as a group had no settled
opinions on the matter. {42}
In 20:4, the Confession affirms that the magistrate must punish those
who teach against Christianity or against the church. The proof texts
begin with Deuteronomy 13:6–12, which requires death for those who
advocate false religions. Also cited are Nehemiah 13:15–25 on the
enforcement of the Sabbath, 2 Kings 23:5–21 and several other pas-
sages in Kings and Chronicles wherein a godly ruler executed the
priests of false religions, and Zechariah 13:2–3, which makes the same
point as Deuteronomy 13.
In 22:3, the case law of Numbers 5:19ff. is cited as still binding with
respect to oaths and vows, as is Exodus 22:7–11. In 22:7, the case law
provisions of Numbers 30:5–13 are invoked as still regulative with
respect to oaths and vows.
In 23:3, the civil ruler is directed to suppress all “blasphemies and
heresies.” The proof texts include Leviticus 24:16 and Deuteronomy
13:5, which order death for blasphemers and heretics respectively.
In 24:4, the Older Testament laws regarding degrees of consanguinity
and affinity in marriage are cited as binding (Lev. 18; 20). In 24:6, the
case law of Deuteronomy 24:1–4 is cited as procedurally binding in
cases of divorce.
Larger Catechism question 28 tells us that the blessings and curses of
the Covenant operate under the New Covenant in the same way as
under the Older Covenant, citing Deuteronomy 28:15ff.
In Q. 99:7 the Catechism directs “that what is forbidden or com-
manded to ourselves, we are bound, according to our places, to
endeavor that it may be avoided or performed by others, according to
the duty of their places.” This statement is wholly anti-pluralistic, in
that it requires those in positions of authority to enforce the law of God
on unbelievers. Cited is Exodus 20:10, the law of the Sabbath.
In Q. 108 we are directed to remove false religions, according to our
position in life (Deut. 7:5), and in Q. 109 we are told that “tolerating a
false religion” is a sin (Deut. 13:6–12; Zech. 13:1–3). According to the
Catechism, thus, pluralism is wicked and evil.
In Q. 128, Exodus 21:15 and Deuteronomy 21:18ff. are cited, which
require the death penalty for striking parents and for rebellion.
In Q. 136, Numbers 35:31 is cited in defense of capital punishment,
and Numbers 35:16–21 and Exodus 21:18ff. are cited “concerning the
laws for smiters, for an hurt by chance, for an ox that goreth, and for
him that is an occasion of harm.” Apparently the permanent equity of
these laws was regarded as binding by the Assembly. These laws, it
would seem, are not among those that “expired together with the State
of that people.”
In Q. 139 the Catechism cites Leviticus 20:15–16, which requires
death for bestiality.
In Q. 141 restitution is required for theft. Leviticus 6:2–5 is cited, and
the command to add a fifth part in making voluntary restitution is ital-
icized, {43} showing that the concept of 120 percent restitution was
embraced by the Assembly. Also cited are the case laws concerning
helpfulness: Leviticus 25:35, Deuteronomy 21:1–4, and Exodus 23:4–5.
In Q. 142 the sins forbidden include the removing of landmarks, cit-
ing Deuteronomy 19:4.
In Q. 145 the sins include concealing the truth (Lev. 5:1; Deut. 13:8),
failure to reprove sin (Lev. 19:17), lying (Lev: 19:11), talebearing (Lev.
19:16), and raising false rumors (Ex. 23:1).
Finally, in Q. 151:3, Deuteronomy 22:22, 28–29 are cited as binding
exemplars of differing degrees of sin.
Much of the preceding argument has been taken from the proof texts
appended to the Confession and Catechisms, and of course these origi-
nal proof texts are not considered as having creedal status. Modern
Presbyterian denominations have often replaced these proof texts with
new sets of texts. Our concern, however, is to locate the thinking of the
framers of the Standards, and for this purpose a consultation of their
original proof texts is helpful.
It is also often noted that the Assembly did not originally attach
proof texts, and was reluctant to do so when so ordered by Parliament.
This reluctance is probably overdrawn by modern observers, in that
the delegates to the Assembly had been removed from their families for
several years already by this time. Even if they did have principled
objections to proof-texting, and were reluctant for this reason, the fact
remains that their thinking had been so shaped by Older Testament laws
that they instinctively wrote the content of these into the Standards, and
thus had to cite the Mosaic judicials when they added in the proof
texts. Thus, the proof texts are indeed of value in indicating the think-
ing of the delegates to the Westminster Assembly.
In summary, then, these citations serve to highlight the ambiguity of
the Standards’ position, and demonstrate that modern opponents of
the whole-law theonomic-theocratic position cannot appeal to the
81. Samuel Sewell, Diary, ed. M. Halsey Thomas (New York: Farrar, Straus, and
Giroux, 1973), 4.
82. Ibid., 380.
83. John Witherspoon, Works, vol. 3 (Philadelphia: Woodward, 1800), 356–57.
84. Thomas Ridgeley, A Body of Divinity, vol. 2 (New York: Robert Carter and
Brothers, 1855), 307–8.
By inference, all other laws were binding. (It should be noted that
Rushdoony and Bahnsen maintain the permanence of the six-year
limitation on slavery and of the usury legislation, as well as at least
some aspects of the jubilee and sabbatical year.) Ridgeley (ca. 1667–
1734) was an English Independent. His Body of Divinity, one of the few
commentaries on the Westminster Larger Catechism, was published
between 1731 and 1733. Later editions (the work was highly regarded
and reissued several times) included notes from the hand of John
Wilson, who comments in connection with Ridgeley’s views:
Dr. Ridgeley is of the class who appeal to the enactments of the judi-
cial law; and he even seems to maintain that these enactments, just in
the state in which they were made for the Israelites, are still in force.
He does not anywhere say, in as many words, that the judicial law is
permanently and universally binding; but, in several instances, when
expounding the decalogue, and especially when teaching the results of
transgression in the present life, he quotes its provisions in the same
manner, and with the same drift, as if they were precepts of the moral
Thomas Scott (1747–1821) was an Anglican minister who had been
converted under John Newton. His extremely popular Holy Bible with
Notes was issued in sections between 1788 and 1792. The following two
statements were read in many households across Britain and America
during the ensuing years.
Making some allowance for the circumstances varying in different
ages and nations, there is a spirit of equity in these laws, which is well
worthy of being transfused into those of any state.86 {46}
... a full investigation of the subject would evince, that the laws enacted
by him [Moses] were uniformly more wise, equitable, humane, mild,
and salutary in their tendency, than the complex body of laws, even of
the most civilized nations, nay of those where Christianity has most
flourished. For the former bear the evident stamp of a divine original;
the latter are tarnished by the infirmities and passions of our fallen
It is inconceivable that a man would have this view of the worth of the
judicial law of God, and not want it to be enacted in his own homeland.
88. James H. Thornwell, “Relation of the State to Christ,” in Collected Writings, vol. 4
(Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1974), 549ff.
89. Ibid., 553.
90. Ibid., 552.
Three matters of interest to modern Calvinists have emerged from
this study. The first is that the apparent condemnation of the whole-
law position by Calvin in his Institutes almost certainly does not apply
to modern theonomists, who stand with Bucer, not with the Anabap-
tists. The second is that the Westminster Confession of Faith and the
Catechisms do not condemn the whole-law position, but to a consider-
able degree presuppose it. The third is that during the period of Cal-
vinism’s greatest strength there were many, and often the most notable
theologians were among them, who advocated the same position taken
by Rushdoony and Bahnsen today. {48}
This demonstrates that the theonomic-theocratic position is not
“outside the Reformed tradition,” as some have charged.
Earlier editions of this study have circulated here and there, and one
verbal response has been made to it which requires attention at this
point. It has been contended that, whereas these earlier Calvinists
stressed that the “Mosaic judicials” could not be improved upon and
thus should be followed, Bahnsen and Rushdoony argue from Matthew
5:17–19 that every jot and tittle of the Older Testament law is binding
on Christians, save for the “ceremonial” laws, which the New Covenant
altered. Bucer’s argument, it is contended, is based on reason, while
Bahnsen’s is based on exegesis.
In reply we simply note that there is no conflict between these two
routes, both of which lead to an identical conclusion. Both Bucer and
Bahnsen (to continue to use these men as examples) hold that the judi-
cial aspect of God’s law is a revelation of His eternal standards. Both
hold that these laws are binding on modern magistrates. The fact that
Bahnsen’s arguments are primarily exegetical while Bucer’s are prima-
rily rational only demonstrates what Christians have always main-
tained, that there is no conflict between Scripture and reason. One can
divide Bucer from Bahnsen only by pitting reason against revelation.
Additionally, it should be noted that the whole-law position asserts
that the judicial aspects of the law of God are part of the moral law, and
thus are written on the hearts of all men (Rom. 1:32). Upon conversion,
men stop suppressing the law written on their hearts, and the more
men grow in grace, under the Spirit’s influence, the more responsive to
that law they become. The Reformation was a great movement of the
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Spirit. The fact that during the period after the Reformation, when
Christianity was at a height, the judicial aspects of the law of God were
widely regarded as binding is thus very significant. It indicates that
there is moral equity in these laws, and serves as a general and indirect
substantiation of the theonomic or whole-law position.
The fact that discussions of this subject in the past have not been as
clear as today’s discussion is becoming, only demonstrates the validity
of the remark by William Cunningham, the eminent church historian,
regarding the nature of theological controversy.
It holds almost universally in the history of the church, that until a
doctrine has been fully discussed in a controversial way by men of tal-
ent and learning taking opposite sides, men’s opinions regarding it are
generally obscure and indefinite, and their language vague and con-
fused, if not contradictory.95
Richard Flinn
96. Samuel Rutherford, Lex Rex, or the Law and the Prince (Edinburgh: Robert Ogle
and Oliver & Boyd, 1843), xix.
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morally obligated to submit to it, in the same way that a child should
submit to its parents. Thirdly, there is {54} the true-self theory which
holds that the individual has objective individuality and true person-
hood only as part of the collective universal Man—that is, the state.
The state is to be obeyed because it is necessary for my fulfilled exist-
ence. Fourthly, there is the natural law theory, which suggests that
human beings are naturally social and political animals; this being so,
some form of regulation of that society is rational and necessary. Then
there are the views which posit that choice and consent of the governed
are the factors which determine moral obligation. These usually have
to do with the notion of a social contract whereby the citizens commit
to a government certain responsibilities and obligate themselves to
obey. The contractual promise of obedience provides the basis of the
moral obligation to obey.
As with most unbelieving systems, each approach contains elements
of truth. But these elements of truth have been absolutized, and idola-
try is the result. These elements of truth can be properly balanced and
apprehended only within the Christian perspective. What, then, is the
biblical perspective? What does Rutherford suggest is the basis of the
obligation to obey government? He employs basically two arguments:
First, civil government is warranted by divine law. It is God who has
established and appointed government.103 The second argument is
drawn from the natural or creation order. Looking first at the argument
from divine law, Rutherford suggests that Romans 13 indicates that all
power is from God. In verse 5, God commands obedience and, there-
fore, subjection of conscience, to government. Now, declares Ruther-
ford, “God only by a divine law can lay a band of subjection on the
conscience, tying men to guilt and punishment if they transgress.”104
Government, therefore, is ordained and instituted by the law of God.
The principle enunciated here—namely, that only God can bind men to
guilt and punishment—is one with radical implications. It forms the
keystone of Calvinistic political theory. Rutherford develops some of the
102. I have taken this summary from Fred J. Abbate, A Preface to the Philosophy of the
State (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1977), 29ff.
103. Lex Rex, 1.
104. Ibid.
to the case law of Scripture. But the germs of such a doctrine are surely
there.106 He has {56} hinted at it when he argues that God alone can
bind the conscience and can punish or direct punishment for right and
wrong. He also gives an insight into his position when he discusses the
question of whether the king has the right to pardon criminals who
have committed crimes which God’s law says should be punished by
death.107 According to Rutherford, the king does not have this right of
pardon, but must faithfully carry out the sentence ordered by God.
Whereas a private man may forgive sin, one who holds the office of
magistrate may not do so. Using the example of murder, he reasons that
not to punish according to God’s law, when God’s law gives punish-
ment, is to be guilty of the crime that is pardoned. Pardons may be acts
of grace to one man, but they are acts of blood to the community.108 I
quote Rutherford at length here, because his argument is revealing:
106. There is a perplexing problem of historical interpretation here, which in our day
is causing some worthy men to engage in some rather vain polemics. In the face of the
political, economic, and social theory enunciated from the Scriptures by the Chalcedon
Foundation, some in the neo-Puritan movement have argued that the doctrine of the
continuity of the case law and its relevance for the church, state, family, and society was
never part of Calvinistic and Puritan tradition. The dispute arises partly because of the
ambiguity of the Puritans on this matter. There was some discussion amongst them on
exactly how far the judicial law of Moses was to be carried over. The doctrine of the
continuity of the case law was not articulated, to my knowledge, in a fully self-
consistent, self-conscious form. But the case law did form the bedrock of the Puritans’
outlook on society, as we will demonstrate below from Rutherford. To declare that the
doctrine of the continuing relevance of the case law was never part of Puritan theology is
errant nonsense, but I readily grant that it had not been developed as consistently by
them as it has been in our day by men like Rushdoony, Bahnsen, and others of the
Chalcedon Foundation. What we find in the Puritans and in Rutherford are the
principles—biblical, theological, and hermeneutical—upon which the case for
theonomy is built. The medieval social consensus was a Christian consensus. There was
much biblical truth that the Puritans could assume to be the “law of nations” and the
“rule of nature,” because from their perspective it seemed as though it was. But three
hundred years of humanistic autonomy give us a profounder insight, and enable us to be
more consistent and epistemologically self-conscious. We must ground our outlook on
the Scripture, if for no other reason than that there is no longer any social consensus
that is Christian.
107. Lex Rex, 107.
108. Ibid.
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Because the prince is the minister of God for the good of the subject;
and therefore the law saith, “He cannot pardon and free the guilty
from punishment due to him”; ... and the reason is clear. He is but the
minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil.
And if the judgment be the Lord’s, not man’s, not the king’s, as it is
indeed (Deut. 1:17; 2 Chron. 19:6) he cannot draw the sword against
the innocent, nor absolve the guilty, except he would take on himself
to carve and dispose of that which is proper to his master.109
The magistrate, then, is bound to the Scripture in his doctrine of crime
and punishment, because judgment belongs to the Lord. Either the
magistrate must judge according to God’s law, or he blasphemously
assumes the prerogatives of deity.
We will look more closely at this line of thought below. To summa-
rize, however, we have seen that a keynote of Calvinistic political the-
ory is that government is ordained by God, by divine law, and this obliges
the citizens of the state to obey. Turning briefly to Rutherford’s argu-
ment from natural law, he says that God created man a gregarious and
social creature. When men became numerous, it was natural that they
combine in a civil society. We must be aware that there is a profound
difference between Rutherford’s doctrine of natural law with respect to
civil government and, say, that of Aquinas. For the latter, “natural” is
that state of affairs which usually happens or is expected to happen.110
What is expected to happen can be discovered by the exercise of rea-
son. Because men naturally congregate together and do so more effec-
tively when they are governed, it follows that they ought to do so. But,
actually, this does not follow at all. Aquinas and other natural law theo-
rists err by committing the naturalistic fallacy: just because something
is a certain way, does not establish that it should {57} be that way. You
cannot reason from the is to the ought on rationalistic or autonomous
grounds. Rutherford effectively avoids this fallacy by beginning with
positive, divine law as revealed in the Scripture. But, further, he does
not draw the conclusions from the natural creation order which are
normally drawn by natural law theorists. He argues that civil society is
natural only insofar as God has created man a social creature. Civil
society, therefore, is natural in its root, but as to its mode or manner it is
111. Ibid., 3.
112. Ibid. We must be aware that the Puritans generally believed in natural law and
revelation, but in a way that was very different from the medieval scholastics or
contemporary Roman Catholicism. Jack Rogers, Scripture and the Westminster
Confession: A Problem of Historical Interpretation for American Presbyterianism (Grand
Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1967), points this out in his discussion of the Puritan
conception of “right reason.” The Puritans have been charged with fideism because they,
like Augustine, refused to give reason an independent sphere of operation prior to faith
(Rogers, 85). But, rather than being fideists, the Puritans acknowledged the noetic
effects of sin. Because God was the Creator, the universe could be inductively investigated
through the employment of reason: God had revealed Himself in some degree in the
world of nature. But, as a presuppositional commitment, it was impossible that there
could be any real conflict between “such disclosure and that other revelation which God
makes of himself in the written word” (cited in Rogers, 97). We see a good example of
this in the case of Rutherford, I believe. He refuses to allow the law of nature to inform
us of the form of government, because Scripture does not give us any particular form,
but clearly leaves it to the choice of the people. Natural law must not be set up against the
written revelation of God, but must always be in subjection to it.
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course, makes null and void the arguments of those in our day who
suggest that because the form of the Mosaic theocracy passed away,
{58} and the form of the Davidic kingship has ceased with the New
Age, therefore the case law has ceased to bind God’s people. Rutherford
would instruct us more correctly. The institution of civil government
and of magistrates to administer God’s justice is perpetually binding. It
is immediately given by God. Because God is just, and the magistrate is
an avenger of God’s wrath, the binding validity of the law does not
change. But the particular form or structure by which His justice is
administered is mediate and can change without the former being
negated in any way. There is a general equity in the divine institution of
civil government and in God’s justice that is timeless.
In summary, we find that natural law theorists argue that both the
institution of civil government and its form or structure are grounded
upon natural law and the exercise of human reason. The upshot is that
civil government in both its form and ethical roots becomes arbitrary
and autonomous. Eventually either tyranny or anarchy will result. The
pseudo-Christian position, popular in many Calvinistic circles, is that
both the institution of government and its form have changed with
time. A variety of reasons are offered, ranging from the unfolding of
redemption, the administration of a new divine economy, or a confus-
ing of God’s perceptive will with His providential government. (After
all, now that we are blessed with a pluralistic society, how could Ruth-
erford ever be right?) The upshot is the same, however, as the secular
natural law position: civil government becomes arbitrary and autono-
mous. It will end either in tyranny or anarchy.
The biblical perspective, which avoids these errors, calls for a careful
distinction between the institution of civil government and its form or
expression at any particular time. Government has been directly insti-
tuted by God, and in its exercise of justice, it must be governed by God
immediately. On the other hand, the particular method or form which
that civil government may take can vary, for here God works through
secondary means—that is, through the people who are governed.
Forms may change, but the root and basis of government does not.113
People, then, are obliged to obey governments, because they are
ordained by God’s law. This is the foundation of civil government,
according to Rutherford. But, as to whether citizens should submit to a
113. This may help explain why, traditionally, Calvinistic political philosophers have
paid very little attention to institutional forms of government, or to methodology or
policy manifestos. They have been more concerned to establish the proper root and
basis of government in their writings.
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sent of the governed, we must ask in what sense people in a state have
consented to obey the law. To suggest that people can and do consent
implies that they have a real choice as to whether they will obey or not.
But, de facto, that is a choice most people do not have and never make.
The vast majority of citizens have grown up in states where they have
not freely decided to obey the law. They have grown up obeying. The
notion of consent is little more than a figure of speech. (e) Even if it
could be established that citizens do give their free consent to be gov-
erned, how long does that consent last? As William Godwin has asked:
Allowing that I am called upon, at the period of my coming of age for
example, to declare my assent to dissent to any of the systems of opin-
ions or any code of practical institutes; for how long a period does this
declaration bind me? Am I precluded from better information for the
whole course of my life? And, if not the whole of my life, why for a
year, a week, or even an hour?117
These are some of the inherent tensions and prevailing problems
which can be found in any secular notion of contract or consent being
the basis of government. I have chosen to dwell at some length here
because modern democratic theory rests on notions such as these. The
Puritans, along with other Calvinistic political philosophers, also had a
notion of contract or consent. Its similarity with the secular aberrations
of it, however, is formal only. Let us see how Rutherford’s presentation
avoids the dilemmas introduced above. {61}
We have seen that Rutherford draws a distinction between the insti-
tution of civil government, which is given immediately by God, and the
form, which is given mediately. Rutherford goes to great lengths to
establish that God has given to the governed the responsibility to
choose and establish their own rulers. By this mediate means, God
establishes forms of government and appoints men to govern. The
office, then, of king or magistrate or ruler is from God alone, but as to
which particular man or person should rule, God establishes His pur-
poses and makes known His will through the second cause of the peo-
ple’s consent. What is the office or ruler which has been given by God?
Rutherford explicitly draws from Scripture as he delineates the func-
tions of the civil magistrate: they are God’s lieutenants and deputies on
the earth (Ps. 82:1, 6–7; Ex. 22:8); they are feeders of the Lord’s people
(Ps. 78:70–72); they are shields of the earth (Ps. 47:9); they are nursing
fathers of the church (Ps. 49:23); they are captains of the Lord’s people (1
Sam. 9:19); and their throne is the throne of God (1 Chron. 22:10). 118
With this doctrine of the office of the ruler, some of the problems of
the secular consent theories are immediately removed. One does not
call upon either citizens or rulers to act selflessly for an amorphous
“good of the community”: one calls upon rulers to be God’s deputies on
the earth. Secondly, it has already been established what is right and
just and good. When rulers fulfill the obligations of office listed above,
then their actions are morally right and correct, irrespective of the “gen-
eral will of the community.” It also follows that the consent given by the
people to rulers is legitimate consent only if it is a warrant and consent
to be governed by the office of magistrate that has been instituted of
Rutherford uses three arguments from Scripture which prove that
the people have power to appoint rulers. First, if it can be demonstrated
that in the Bible the people made one man king and not another, we
can infer that they have the power to make kings. The people made
Omri king, and not Zimri (1 Kings 16),119 and they made Solomon
king and not Adonijah (1 Kings 1). Some might object that the people
were simply publicly ratifying God’s choice. But this is not the case, for
we see, for example, in the case of David that he was anointed and cho-
sen king by God many years before he assumed the office, but he was
not a king before the people chose him as such. The fact that God sov-
ereignly chooses or appoints kings does not at all negate the consent of
the people, for {62} God’s sovereignty does not exclude, but establishes
the reality of second causes.120
118. Lex Rex, 4. Notice how Rutherford draws freely from the Old Testament text—
the law, the writings, and history—to establish his doctrine of the magistrate for our
day. That is why I suggest that the seeds of theonomy are present in Rutherford. He has
no hesitation in taking the institution (not the form) of government from the Old
Testament and applying it to the present.
119. Ibid., 6.
120. Ibid., 33.
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Samuel Rutherford and Puritan Political Theory 81
the people ....125 And further, arguing again from the case of Saul and
David, we read:
... Saul, after Samuel from the Lord anointed him, remained a private
man, and no king, till the people made him king, and elected him;
{63} and David, anointed by that same divine authority, remained for-
mally a subject, and not a king, till all Israel made him king at
Turning to the specific nature of the covenant, we see that it was “an
oath betwixt the king and his people, laying on, by reciprocation of
bands, mutual civil obligation upon the king to the people, and the
people to the king.”127 For example, the elders made a covenant with
David before the Lord prior to their appointing him king (2 Sam. 5:3;
see also 2 Chron. 23:2–3 and Eccles. 8:2, both of which indicate the
existence of an oath which binds both king and people). With our bet-
ter understanding of covenants and treaties in the Near Eastern world,
we see immediately that what we have here is not a vassal treaty, but a
treaty between equals.
This civil covenant made between the king and the represented peo-
ple is not the same as the covenant made between the king and the
Lord (2 Kings 11:17). The former was made and ratified publicly and
was solemnly made in the house of the Lord. When any party thus
enters into such a covenant, he, by definition, becomes bound by the
law. If the obligations of a covenant are broken, then those who break it
can be disciplined according to the oath made to God.128 The cove-
nant, then,
giveth the ground of a civil action and claim to a people and the free
estates against a king, seduced by wicked counsel to make war against
the land, whereas he did swear by the most high God, that he should
be a father and protector of the church of God.129
But what are the terms of the contract? Rutherford has already
hinted at this. Both people and king bind themselves to God. The king
125. Ibid., 8.
126. Ibid., 9.
127. Ibid., 54.
128. Ibid.
129. Ibid.
ment belongs in the realm of God’s providential rule and that, while we
may enjoy the right of representation and remonstration, it remains
that when the highest authority in the land has spoken (be it the
Supreme Court or some other body), Christians are obliged to obey.
Here again the Puritans and Samuel Rutherford have much to teach us.
My intention is simply to give an outline of Rutherford’s doctrine of
resistance. This will not solve all the problems, by any means. In all
cases of resistance against constituted authorities, there is a situational
element. This means that in each situation where active resistance
might be obligatory, there must be a careful evaluation of the facts by
the norms. Without those situational facts, it is impossible to establish
ethically whether it is right to resist in any specific instance. The
emphasis in this section will be upon the norms which must be brought
to bear upon the facts.
The first principle we must comprehend from the implications for
civil government is the distinction between God’s perceptive will and
His providential ordering of the world. The fact that a government may
be allowed to engage in tyrannical acts under God’s sovereign pleasure
indicates, in no sense, His moral approval of that government. For
example, although Herod massacred children in Judea, and although
Christ was executed on the cross by the will of God, this does not make
either action morally right.133 It follows that a particular government
does not have God’s moral approval, nor is necessarily a minister of
God, simply because it exists.
Further, a tyrannical government is always immoral. Rutherford
defines tyranny in the following manner: the king is appointed by God
to save, defend, feed, and protect the people; he is a minister of God for
their good.134 Tyranny exists when the king or political authority exerts
its power for ends other than those given in the nature of the office.
Scripture has given us a proper guide to evaluate whether a king is ful-
filling his office: the law of God. Rutherford asserts that the power of
the king is the
141. Ibid.
142. Ibid., 160.
143. Ibid.
144. Ibid.
145. Ibid., 91.
146. Ibid., 88.
of the case law. If civil magistrates in the Old Testament had to apply
the case law in their judgment and deliberation at the gate, then con-
temporary magistrates, being bound under the same covenantal obli-
gations as their Old Testament counterparts, are equally bound to
apply the case law. No one would deny, however, that the Old Testa-
ment magistrates had an obligation to apply the case law in judgment.
It cannot be legitimately denied, therefore, that Rutherford believed
that the case law is relevant to crime and punishment. {71}
But there are other indications that we are properly interpreting
Rutherford at this point. We have seen, second, that Rutherford holds
that God’s law alone can define crime. We have seen that the magistrate
cannot arbitrarily suspend punishment from or pardon those crimes
which God’s law stipulates as capital crimes, and requiring the death
penalty. To do so is to deify the state. While Rutherford is unclear as to
whether the penal sanctions should be carried over in all cases (for
example, he is prepared to suspend the death penalty for Sabbath
breaking, while maintaining it as a civil crime),148 he is explicit on the
fact that all crime and punishment must be tied to God’s law. For exam-
ple, he writes that
As the king is under God’s law both in commanding and in exacting
active obedience, so he is under the same regulating law of God, in
punishing or demanding of us passive subjection, and as he may not
command what he will, but what the King of kings warranteth him to
command, so he may not punish as he will, but by warrant of the
Supreme Judge of all the earth.…149
The general principle upon which this doctrine of crime and
punishment is based is, of course, that the magistrate is God’s minister
and His deputy. One of the strongest statements in Lex Rex on this
reality reads as follows:
Now certain it is, God only, univocally and essentially as God, is the
judge (Ps. 75:7), and God only and essentially king (Ps. 97:1 and Ps.
99:1), and all men in relation to him are mere ministers, servants,
legates, deputies; and in relation to him, equivocally and improperly,
judges or kings, and mere created and breathing shadows of the power
of the King of kings. And look, as the scribe following his own device,
Again we see that the case law is used to interpret and explicate the
Decalogue with respect to civil government, crime, and punishment.
The point, then, is that if the magistrate is to preserve the two tables of
the law, then the case law is indispensable in judgment and in crime and
punishment. Rutherford does not at all hesitate in thus employing it.
The most conclusive evidence for Rutherford’s position on the case
law being one of continuing validity for jurisprudence, government,
and theology is the way in which the author uses the case law in his
arguments. A cursory reading of Lex Rex, for example, will demon-
strate that Rutherford’s whole case is predicated upon Deuteronomy
17. This part of the case law is what he uses to provide the foundation
for his doctrine of the civil magistrate and civil government. What is of
particular interest in the use of this case law is that it specifically calls for
the application of that same case law to civil government, crime, law-
making, and punishment. If it could be demonstrated that this passage
of Scripture has no continuing validity in our day, as some self-pro-
claimed Calvinists and “neo-Puritans” loudly claim, then Rutherford
would have no thesis. But, what is of further interest in this regard, is
that whereas Deuteronomy 17 is the most frequently quoted passage of
Scripture in Lex Rex, it is followed in only slightly less frequency by ref-
erences to Romans 13:1–6. This is highly significant, for it proves
beyond doubt that Rutherford believed that there is continuity through-
out history of the divine prescriptions for civil government and the civil
magistrate. The doctrine of Romans 13 does not abrogate {73} the Old
Testament stipulations for government, but ratifies them and builds
upon them.
Further, scattered throughout the text there are arguments about
civil government that are based on Old. Testament case laws.154 (a) The
law of rape, where a girl is commanded to cry out (Deut. 22:23–27)
and, by implication, others are obliged physically to defend her, is used
by Rutherford to prove that God’s law commands self-defense. He
employs the same argument from the case of the neighbor’s ox which
has fallen in a pit, and of the obligation of the observer to rescue the
animal, whereby the obligation to defend my neighbor is established.
The author uses this to demonstrate that we have an obligation to
defend ourselves and others from tyrannical government.155 (b) The
case law about defending one’s house (Ex. 22:2) is cited as proof of the
right of violent self-defense against tyrants and unjust governments.156
(c) The case law is used to prove that the lesser magistrates are minis-
ters of God and are responsible to Him. He cites the following texts:
Numbers 11:16–17; Deuteronomy 1:16; 5:18–21; 17:5; 19:12–13; and
21:19, 21.157 All of these case laws give the civil authority of the sword
to the lesser officials. Notice also how the case law is employed to bind
the institution of government in our day. No embarrassed equivocation
here about theocracies which pass away! (d) Although the Decalogue
commands obedience to mother and father, and hence to kings, judges,
and civil magistrates, Rutherford uses the case law to demonstrate that
such submission has its limits. Rulers can be resisted because, although
we are commanded to submit to parents, the law also directs that if
family members blaspheme, they are to be put to death. He cites Deu-
teronomy 13:6–9 and Leviticus 24:26.158 The principle of general
equity commands that when rulers command that which is contrary to
Gods law, they are to be resisted. Again, Rutherford’s use of Scripture is
significant. He cites Ephesians 5:25 to demonstrate that we are com-
manded to love members of our family, and juxtaposes this text with
Deuteronomy 13:8–9, which shows the limits of family loyalty. Both
texts are assumed to be equally binding upon believers and society. (e)
Although there were no examples in Israel of executions for blasphemy
(Deut. 13:6) or sodomy (Ex: 22:19), the author confirms that the moral
duty of the law still holds.159 (f) Rutherford argues from the case law
that governments should aid the church and others who are suffering
under {74} tyranny in foreign countries. The reason he gives is that the
law says we are to rebuke our brethren lest we hate them (Lev.
These six examples of the author’s use of the case law are not
exhaustive by any means, but they establish beyond doubt that Ruther-
ford believed in, and used, the case law, even to the extent that he freely
applied it to civil society, government, crime, punishment, interna-
tional relations, and domestic relations in his own day. There is no
theological argument in Lex Rex to justify his using the case law in this
way. It seems fair to conclude that he did not feel the need to justify or
explain or warrant his use of the case law. This, in turn, can be
explained only if he was genuinely and accurately reflecting the theo-
logical consensus of his day.
In the course of this article we have looked at one Puritan writer who
faithfully represents the tradition of Puritan political philosophy and
political theology. I have sought to relate his philosophy to some of the
more perplexing problems which have emerged in the history of politi-
cal philosophy down through the centuries. It is my conviction that the
approach to government presented by Rutherford and the tradition of
which he was a part do not suffer from the rational-irrational dichoto-
mies which are so much part of the unbelieving systems. Because his
approach to politics was firmly based on the infallible Word of God, it
provides the only satisfying answers to the issues and questions raised
with respect to the state and civil government. It is my hope that the
Calvinists of our day will become increasingly faithful to the tradition
which he and his peers have bequeathed to us.
Greg L. Bahnsen
It is well known that the rise of Puritanism in Britain led to the found-
ing of America’s New England some three and a half centuries ago.161
“Under the leadership of William Laud ... friends of the king deprived
Puritan ministers of their pulpits and moved the church of England
even closer to Rome in its ceremonies, vestments, and doctrines.... In
despair and hope [the Puritans] too turned their thoughts to America,
where they might escape God’s wrath, worship in purity, and gather
strength for future victory.”162 In 1630 a thousand people sailed with
John Winthrop to Massachusetts; soon they were joined by twenty
thousand others.
The attitude of the Puritans in founding this new land was governed
by the model set by Calvin in Geneva. They were convinced of the dire
need for godly politics and determined to let God’s infallible word
guide their endeavors. The renewed emphasis we see today on the
application of Christianity to every area of life and human activity is
the heritage of Reformed theology; much can be learned from the New
England Puritans in this regard. Their goal was to see the kingdom of
Jesus Christ come to expression in society as well as the private, inner
heart of man. Due to their zeal for a righteous political structure, they
“preferred a wilderness governed by Puritans to a civilized land gov-
erned by Charles I.... Here, in truth, was a self-governing common-
wealth, a Puritan Republic…. The New England Puritans agreed on a
161. Cf. William Haller, The Rise of Puritanism (New York: Harper Torchbooks,
[1938] 1957), 5.
162. J. M. Blum, et al., The National Experience (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World,
1963), 21–22.
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great deal.... They wanted a government that would take seriously its
obligation to enforce God’s commandments.”163
The Puritans were first and foremost men of the word of God writ-
ten. They acknowledged the authority of Scripture for all things, and
this naturally led to their affirmation of the full validity of God’s law. A
dispensational antagonism between law and grace was abhorrent to
them. Hence Samuel Bolton wrote in the Epistle Dedicatory for his
1645 masterpiece, {76} The True Bounds of Christian Freedom, that his
purpose was “to hold up the Law, as not to intrench upon the liberties
of Grace, and so to establish Grace, as not to make void the Law, nor to
discharge believers of any duty they owe to God or man.” The law was
integral to every area of theology. Sin is the transgression of God’s law,
for the law itself reveals the holiness of God. Christ’s death was the sat-
isfaction of the law; justification is the verdict of the law, and sanctifica-
tion is the believer’s obedience to the law.
Since God’s law reflects His immutable character, it is impossible
that the law should be abrogated; to speak of the law’s abrogation, said
the Puritans, is to dishonor God Himself. Thus, in Regula Vitae, The
Rule of the Law under the Gospel (1631), Thomas Taylor said, “A man
may breake the Princes Law, and not violate his Person; but not Gods:
for God and his image in the Law, are so straitly united, as one cannot
wrong the one, and not the other.” The moral law was viewed as “con-
sonant to that eternall justice and goodness in [God] himself ” so that
God could turn it back only if He would “deny his own justice and
goodnesse” (Anthony Burgess, Vindiciae Legis, 1646). Ralph Venning
expressed the view succinctly, declaring, “To find fault with the Law,
were to find fault with God” (Sin, the Plague of Plagues, 1669).
Therefore, in Puritan theology the law of God, like its Author, is eter-
nal (cf., e.g., William Ames, The Marrow of Sacred Divinity, 1641, or
Edward Elton, Gods Holy Minde Touching Matters Morall, 1625). Every
jot and tittle of it was taken as having permanent validity. John Cran-
don stated in 1654, “Christ hath expunged no part of it” (Mr. Baxters
Aphorisms exorcized and Authorized). Christ’s confirmation of the law
of Moses was likened to a goldsmith newly minting a valuable coin
(Vavasor Powell, Christ and Moses Excellency, 1650) or a painter who
works over and recovers the glory of an older picture (Anthony Bur-
gess, Vindiciae Legis). “Every beleever ... is answerable to the obedience
of the whole Law,” said Thomas Taylor (Regula Vitae). Unlike modern
theologians, the Puritans did not seek clever schemes for shaving the
law of God down to the preconceived notions of man or society. The
validity of the law meant the validity of all the law.
Without doubt, this had tremendous implications for their approach
to civil government. One of the key functions of the law is that of
restraining sin (cf. the works by Burgess and Powell mentioned above).
The law does this by means of its sanctions. Thomas Manton noted
that “a law implies a sanction,” and Burgess commented that such sanc-
tion is imposed “that the Law may be the better obeyed.” Consequently,
the penal commandments of the law of God need to be enforced by
godly magistrates, for to fail in this matter is to violate God’s righteous
demand. The positive attitude of the Puritans toward every stroke of
God’s law led them to oppose {77} antinomianism in both theology and
politics. Indeed, as Henry Burton recognized in 1631, theological anti-
nomianism leads to political antinomianism (Law and Gospel Recon-
ciled). Therefore, a proper political order had to conform to the
dictates of God’s law. As Ernest F. Kevan says in his brilliant study, The
Grace of Law, A Study in Puritan Theology, “This acknowledgment of
the authority of the Law of God affected the attitude of the Puritans to
the civil law.”164
Because the Puritans were students of God’s word and held to its
unity and abiding authority, their thinking and living aimed to be gov-
erned by the principle that only God can diminish the requirements of
His law (Deut. 4:2). Not one jot or tittle of it was abrogated by the Mes-
siah (Matt. 5: 17–19), and hence no man dare tamper with its full
requirements. The law is to be used as a social restraint on crime (1 Tim.
1:8) as well as guidance in holy living for individuals. The state, no less
than any other area of life, was taken to be subject to God’s authority
via His written revelation. The magistrate cannot escape his obligation
164. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1965), 21. This was Kevan’s doctoral
dissertation at the University of London and is well worth the reader’s full examination.
The preceding quotations from the Puritan writers have been derived from Kevan’s
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165. Larzer Ziff, The Career of John Cotton: Puritanism and the American Experience
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1962), 97–98.
166. Ibid.
167. Ibid.
religious power. Vane was a great friend of Cotton’s and shared the
same political and religious principles with him.
The character of this important historical piece is evident from its
lengthy subtitle: “wherein, as in a mirror, may be seen the wisdom and
{80} perfection of Christ’s kingdom, accommodable to any state or
form of government in the world, that is not antichristian and tyranni-
cal.” Cotton was convinced that believers ought to promote the pattern
of justice embodied in God’s revealed law as the guideline for any civil
community. Indeed, God’s law is the only alternative to despotism as he
saw it. A godly state will bring its laws into conformity with God’s,
thereby serving His just ends in society.
A copy of this document is reprinted below, serving as an illustration
of a civil code which attempted to be founded upon the word of God. It
is taken from the Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society For
the Year 1798, volume 5 (Boston: Samuel Hall, 1798, reprinted 1835),
pages 173–187. It deserves the serious attention of all those concerned
with the Christian reconstruction of society along godly and God-
pleasing lines. Today we are seeing a renewed interest in the Christian’s
obligation to be the light of the world and salt of the earth—in seeing
the influence of Christian faith permeate every aspect of life and effect
a widespread cultural renovation. As usual, history has instructive les-
sons for us here. The seventeenth-century Puritans laid a groundwork
and forged a path to which today’s Christian should pay attention.
This is not to say that everything we find written in Cotton’s work
should meet with our approval. Indeed, a disclaimer is necessary. There
are matters which today’s Bible student may wish to dispute in Cotton’s
analysis (e.g., in chapter 7, article 24, Cotton appears to make all per-
jury punishable by death, whereas the law of God more strictly says
that the false witness is to receive whatever punishment would have
been due to the accused—and that was not always death). There is
surely room to challenge some of his conclusions or applications (e.g.,
price and wage controls in chapter 5). Thus the reader should not
understand that the reprinting of Cotton’s work constitutes a blanket
endorsement of each of his various positions. Nevertheless, the docu-
ment is of significant weight in the history of Christian thought, and it
should not be lost from sight. Its noble attempt to bring God’s law to
that the little stone, cut out of the mountain without hands should
crush and break these obstacles ere the way can be prepared for erect-
ing his kingdom, wherein dwells righteousness.—And verily great will
be the benefit of this kingdom of Christ, when it shall be submitted
unto by the nations ... [Ps. 95:10; Isa. 66:12]. All burdens and tyranni-
cal exactions will be removed; God will make their officers peace, and
their exactors righteousness, Isa. 60:17.
John Cotton
The Contents.
Chap. I. Of magistrates, 82
Chap. II. Of the free burgesses and free inhabitants, 84
Chap. III. Of the protection and provision of the country, 85
Chap. IV. Of the right of inheritance, 86
Chap. V. Of commerce, 88
Chap. VI. Of trespasses, 89
Chap. VII. Of crimes, 90
Chap. VIII. Of other crimes less heinous, such as are to be punished
with some corporal punishment or fine, 91
Chap. IX. Of the trial of causes, whether civil or criminal, and the
execution of sentence, 92
Chap. X. Of the causes criminal, between our people and foreign
nations, 93
Of Magistrates.
1. ALL magistrates are to be chosen. Deut. 1:13, 17, 15.
First, By the free burgesses.
Secondly, Out of the free burgesses.
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Thirdly, Out of the ablest men and most approved amongst them.
Ex. 18, 21.
Fourthly, Out of the rank of noblemen or gentlemen among them,
the best that God shall send into the country, if they be qualified with
gifts fit for government, either eminent above others, or not inferior to
others. Eccle. 10:17, Jer. 30:21.
2. The governor hath power, with the assistants, to govern the whole
country, according to the laws established, hereafter mentioned: he
hath power of himself, and in his absence the deputy-governor, to
moderate all public actions of the Commonwealth, as {83}
First, To send out warrants for calling of the general court. Josh. 24:1.
Secondly, To order and ransack all actions in the court where he sit-
teth: as, to gather suffrages and voices, and to pronounce sentences
according to the greater part of them.
3. The power of the governor, with the rest of the counsellors, is
First, To consult and provide for the maintenance of the state and peo-
ple. Num. 11:14–16.
Secondly, To direct in all matters, wherein appeal is made to them
from inferior courts. Deut. 17:8–9.
Thirdly, To preserve religion. Ex. 32:25, 27.
Fourthly, To oversee the forts and munition of the country, and to
take order for the protection of the country from foreign invasion, or
intestine sedition, as need shall require, with consent of the people to
enterprise wars. Prov. 24:5.
And because these great affairs of the state cannot be attended, nor
administered, if they be after changed; therefore the counselors are to
be chosen for life, unless they give cause of removal, which if they do,
then they are to be removed by the general court. [1] Kings 2:6.
4. The power of the governor, sitting with the counsellors and assist-
ants, is to hear and determine all causes whether civil or criminal,
which are brought before him through the whole Commonwealth: yet
reserving liberty of appeal from him to the general court. Ex. 18:22. Deut.
1:16, 18.
5. Every town is to have judges within themselves, whose power shall
be once in the month, or in three months at the farthest, to hear and
determine both civil causes and pleas of less value, and crimes also,
which are not capital: yet reserving liberty of appeal to the court of
governor and assistants. [Deut. 1:16, 18].
6. For the better expedition and execution of justice, and of all affairs
incident unto every court; every court shall have certain officers, as a
secretary to enrol all the acts of the court; and besides ministers of jus-
tice, to attach and fetch, and set persons before the magistrates; and
also to execute the sentence of the court upon offenders: and for the
same end it shall be lawful for the governor or any one or two of the
counsellors, or assistants, or judges, to give warrants to an officer, to
fetch any delinquent before them, and to examine the cause, and if he
be found culpable of that crime, to take order by surety or safe custody
for his appearance at the court. Deut. 16:18. [Deut. 1:16, 18]. Jer. 36:10,
12. 1 Sam. 20:24–25. Acts 5:26–27.
And further for the same end, and to prevent the offenders lying
long in prison, it shall be lawful for the governor, with one of the coun-
cil, or any two of the assistants or judges, to see execution done upon
any offenders for any crime that is not capital, according to the laws
established: yet {84} reserving a liberty of appeal from them to the court,
and from an inferior court to a higher court.
Of the free Burgesses and free Inhabitants.
1. FIRST, all the free burgesses, excepting such as were admitted men
before the establishment of churches in the country, shall be received
and admitted out of the members of some or others of the churches in
the country, such churches as are gathered or hereafter shall be gath-
ered with the consent of other churches already established in the
country, and such members as are admitted by their own church unto
the Lord’s table.
2. These free burgesses shall have power to choose in their own
towns, fit and able men out of themselves, to be the ordinary judges of
inferior causes, in their own town; and, against the approach of the
general court, to choose two or three, as their deputies and committees,
to join with the governor and assistants of the whole country, to make
up and constitute the general court.
3. This general court shall have power,
Of the Protection and Provision of the Country.
1. FIRST, a law to be made (if it be not made already) for the training
of all men in the country, fit to bear arms, into the exercise of military
discipline and withal another law to be made for the maintenance of
military officers and forts.
2. Because fishing is the chief staple commodity of the country,
therefore all due encouragement to be given unto such hands as shall
set forwards the trade of fishing: and for that end a law to be made, that
whosoever shall apply themselves to set forward the trade of fishing, as
fishermen, mariners, and shipwrights, shall be allowed, man for man,
or some or other of the labourers of the country, to plant and reap for
them, in the season of the year, at the public charge of the common-
wealth, for the space of seven years next ensuing; and such labourers to
be appointed and paid by the treasurer of the commonwealth.
3. Because no commonwealth can maintain either their authority at
home, or their honor and power abroad, without a sufficient treasury: a
law therefore to be made for the electing and furnishing of the treasury
of the commonwealth, which is to be supplied and furnished,
1st. By the yearly payment,
First, Of one penny, or half a penny an acre of land to be occupied
throughout the country. Land in common by a town, to be paid for out
of the stock or treasury of the same town.
Secondly, Of a penny for every beast, horse or cow.
Thirdly, Of some proportionable rate upon merchants.—This rate to
be greater or less, as shall be thought fit.
2d. By the payment of a barrel of gunpowder, or such goods or other
munitions, out of every ship that bringeth foreign commodities.
3d. By fines and mulets upon trespassers’ beasts. {86}
4. A treasurer to be chosen by the free burgesses, out of the assis-
tants, who shall receive and keep the treasury, and make disbursements
out of it, according to the direction of the general court, or of the gov-
ernor or counsellors, whereof they are to give an account to the general
court. It shall pertain also to the office of the treasurer, to survey and
oversee all the munitions of the country, as cannons, culverins, mus-
kets, powder, match, bullets, &c. and to give account thereof to the gov-
ernor and council.
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Of the right of Inheritance.
1. FIRST, forasmuch as the right of disposals of the inheritance of all
lands in the country lyeth in the general court, whatsoever lands are
given and assigned by the general court, to any town or person, shall
belong and remain as right of inheritance to such towns and their suc-
cessors, and to such persons and to their heirs and assigns forever, as
their propriety.
2. Whatsoever lands, belonging to any town, shall be given and
assigned by the town, or by such officers therein as they shall appoint,
unto any person, the same shall belong and remain unto such person
and his heirs and assigns, as his proper right forever.
3. And in dividing of lands to several persons in each town, as regard
is to be had, partly to the number of persons in a family—to the more,
assigning {87} the greater allotment, to the fewer, less—and partly by
the number of beasts by which a man is fit to occupy the land assigned
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Introduction to John Cotton’s Abstract of the Laws of New England 111
to him, and subdue it; eminent respect, in this case, may be given to
men of eminent quality and descent, in assigning unto them more large
and honorable accommodations, in regard of their great disbursements
to public charges.
4. Forasmuch as all civil affairs are to be administered and ordered,
so as may best conduce to the upholding and setting foward of the wor-
ship of God in church fellowship; it is therefore ordered, that whereso-
ever the lands of any man’s inheritance shall fall, yet no man shall set
his dwelling-house above the distance of half a mile, or a mile at the
farthest, from the meeting of the congregation, where the church doth
usually assemble for the worship of God.
5. Inheritances are to descend naturally to the next of kin, according
to the law of nature, delivered by God.
6. Observe, if a man have more sons than one, then a double portion
to be assigned and bequeathed to the eldest son, according to the law of
nature; unless his own demerit do deprive him of the dignity of his
7. The will of a testator is to be approved or disallowed by the court
of governor and assistants, or by the court of judges in each town: yet
not to be disallowed by the court of governors, unless it appears either
to be counterfeit, or unequal, either against the law of God, or against
the due right of the legators.
8. As God in old time, in the commonwealth of Israel, forbade the
alienation of lands from one tribe to another; so to prevent the like
inconvenience in the alienation of lands from one town to another, it
were requisite to be ordered:
1st. That no free burgess, or free inhabitant of any town, shall sell the
land allotted to him in the town, (unless the free burgesses of the town
give consent unto such sale, or refuse to give due price, answerable to
what others offer without fraud), but to some one or other of the free
burgesses or free inhabitants of the same town.
2d. That if such lands be sold to any others, the sale shall be made
with reservation of such a rent charge, to be paid to the town stock, or
treasury of the town, as either the former occupiers of the land were
wont to pay towards all the public charges thereof, whether in church
or town; or at least after the rate of three shillings per acre, or some
such like proportion, more or less, as shall be thought fit.
3d. That if any free burgesses, or free inhabitants, of any town, or the
heir of any of their lands, shall remove their dwelling from one town to
another, none of them shall carry away the whole benefit of the lands
which they possessed, from the towns whence they remove: but if they
still keep the right of inheritance in their own hands, and not sell it as
before, {88} then they shall reserve a like proportion or rent charge out
of their land, to be paid to the public treasury of the town, as hath been
wont to be paid out of it to the public charges of the town and church,
or at least after the rate of three or five shillings an acre, as before.
4th. That if the inheritance of a free burgess, or free inhabitant of any
town, fall to his daughters, as it will do for defect of heirs male, that
then if such daughters do not marry to some of the inhabitants of the
same town where their inheritance lyeth, nor sell their inheritance to
some of the same town as before, that then they reserve a like propor-
tion of rent charge out of their lands, to be paid to the public treasury
of the town, as hath been wont to be paid out of them, to the public
charge, of the town and church; or at least after the rate of three or five
shillings an acre; provided always that nothing be paid to the mainte-
nance of the church out of the treasury of the church or town, but by
the free consent and direction of the free burgesses of the town.
Of Commerce.
1. FIRST, it shall be lawful for the governor, with one or more of the
council, to appoint a reasonable rate of prices upon all such commodi-
ties as are, out of the ships, to be bought and sold in the country.
2. In trucking or trading with the Indians, no man shall give them,
for any commodity of theirs, silver or gold, or any weapons of war,
either guns or gunpowder, nor swords, nor any other munition, which
might come to be used against ourselves.
3. To the intent that all oppression in buying and selling may be
avoided, it shall be lawful for the judges in every town, with the consent
of the free burgesses, to appoint certain selectmen, to set reasonable
rates upon all commodities, and proportionably to limit the wages of
workmen and labourers; and the rates agreed upon by them, and rati-
fied by the judges, to bind all the inhabitants of the town. The like
course to be taken by the governor and assistants for the rating of
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Introduction to John Cotton’s Abstract of the Laws of New England 113
Of Trespasses.
1. IF a man’s swine, or any other beast, or a fire kindled, break out
into another man’s field or corn, he shall make full restitution, both of
the damage made by them, and of the loss of time which others have
had in carrying such swine or beasts unto the owners, or unto the fold.
But if a man puts his beasts or swine into another’s field, restitution is
to be made of the best of his own, though it were much better than that
which were destroyed or hurt.
2. If a man kill another man’s beast, or dig and open a pit, and leave it
uncovered, and a beast fall into it; he that killed the beast and the
owner of the pit, shall make restitution.
3. If one man’s beast kills the beast of another, the owner of the beast
shall make restitution.
4. If a man’s ox, or other beast, gore or bite, and kill a man or woman,
whether child or riper age, the beast shall be killed, and no benefit of
the dead beast reserved to the owner. But if the ox, or beast, were wont
to push or bite in time past, and the owner hath been told of it, and
hath not kept him in, then both the ox, or beast, shall be forfeited and
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killed, and the owner also put to death, or fined to pay what the judges
and persons damnified shall lay upon him.
5. If a man deliver goods to his neighbour to keep, and they be said
to be lost or stolen from him, the keeper of the goods shall be put to his
oath touching his own innocency; which if he take, and no evidence
appear to the contrary, he shall be quit: but if he be found false or
unfaithful, he shall pay double unto his neighbour. But if a man take
hire for goods committed to him, and they be stolen, the keeper shall
make restitution. But if the beast so kept for hire, die or be hurt, or be
driven away, no man seeing it, then oath shall be taken of the keeper,
that it was without his default, and it shall be accepted. But if the beast
be torn in pieces, and a piece be brought for a witness, it excuseth the
keeper. {90}
Of Crimes. And first, of such as deserve capital punishment, or
cutting off from a man’s people, whether by death or banishment.
1. FIRST, blasphemy, which is a cursing of God by atheism, or the
like, to be punished with death.
2. Idolatry to be punished with death.
3. Witchcraft, which is fellowship by covenant with a familiar spirit,
to be punished with death.
4. Consulters with witches not to be tolerated, but either to be cut off
by death or banishment.
5. Heresy, which is the maintenance of some wicked errors, over-
throwing the foundation of the christian religion; which obstinacy, if it
be joined with endeavour to seduce others thereunto, to be punished
with death; because such an heretick, no less than an idolater, seeketh
to thrust the souls of men from the Lord their God.
6. To worship God in a molten or graven image, to be punished with
7. Such members of the church, as do wilfully reject to walk, after
due admonition and conviction, in the churches’ establishment, and
their christian admonition and censures, shall be cut off by banish-
8. Whosoever shall revile the religion and worship of God, and the
government of the church, as it is now established, to be cut off by ban-
ishment. [1] Cor. 5:5.
9. Wilful perjury, whether before the judgment seat or in private
conference, to be punished with death.
10. Rash perjury, whether in public or in private, to be punished with
banishment. Just is it, that such a man’s name should be cut off from his
people who profanes so grosly the name of God before his people.
11. Profaning of the Lord’s day, in a careless and scornful neglect or
contempt thereof, to be punished with death.
12. To put in practice the betraying of the country, or any principal
fort therein, to the hand of any foreign state, Spanish, French, Dutch, or
the like, contrary to the allegiance we owe and profess to our dread
sovereign, lord king Charles, his heirs and successors, whilst he is
pleased to protect us as his loyal subjects, to be punished with death.
Num. 12:14–15.
13. Unreverend and dishonorable carriage to magistrates, to be pun-
ished with banishment for a time, till they acknowledge their fault and
profess reformation.
14. Reviling of the magistrates in highest rank amongst us, to wit, of
the governors and council, to be punished with death. 1 Kings 2:8–9, &
15. Rebellion, sedition, or insurrection, by taking up arms against
the present government established in the country, to be punished with
death. {91}
16. Rebellious children, whether they continue in riot or drunken-
ness, after due correction from their parents, or whether they curse or
smite their parents, to be put to death. Ex. 21:15, 17. Lev. 20:9.
17. Murder, which is a wilful manslaughter, not in a man’s just
defence, nor casually committed, but out of hatred or cruelty, to be
punished with death. Ex. 21:12–13. Num. 35:16–18, to 33. Gen. 9:6.
18. Adultery, which is the defiling of the marriage-bed, to be pun-
ished with death. Defiling of a woman espoused, is a kind of adultery,
and punishable, by death, of both parties; but if a woman be forced,
then by the death of the man only. Lev. 20:10. Deut. 22:22 to 27.
19. Incest, which is the defiling of any near of kin, within the degrees
prohibited in Leviticus, to be punished with death.
Of other Crimes less heinous, such as are to be punished
with some corporal punishment or fine.
1. FIRST, rash and profane swearing and cursing to be punished,
1st. With loss of honour, or office, if he be a magistrate, or officer:
meet it is, their name should be dishonoured who dishonoured God’s
2d. With loss of freedom.
3d. With disability to give testimony.
4th. With corporal punishment, either by stripes or by branding him
with a hot iron, or boring through the tongue, who have bored and
pierced God’s name.
2. Drunkenness, as transforming God’s image into a beast, is to be
punished with the punishment of beasts: a whip for the horse, and a
rod for the fool’s back.
3. Forcing of a maid, or a rape, is not to be punished with death by
God’s law, but,
1st. With fine or penalty to the father of the maid.
2d. With marriage of the maid defiled, if she and her father consent.
3d. With corporal punishment of stripes for his wrong, as a real slan-
der: and it is worse to make a whore, than to say one is a whore.
4. Fornication to be punished,
1st. With the marriage of the maid, or giving her a sufficient dowery.
2d. With stripes, though fewer, from the equity of the former cause.
Of the trial of causes, whether civil or criminal,
and the execution of sentence.
1. IN the trial of all causes, no judgment shall pass but either upon
confession of the party, or upon the testimony of two witnesses.
2. Trial by judges shall not be denied, where either the delinquent
requireth it in causes criminal, or the plaintiff or defendant in civil
causes, partly to prevent suspicion of partiality of any magistrates in
the court.
3. The jurors are not to be chosen by any magistrates, or officers, but
by the free burgesses of each town, as can give best light to the causes
depending in court, and who are least obnoxious to suspicion of par-
tiality; and the jurors then chosen, to be nominated to the court, and to
attend the service of the court. {93}
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Of causes criminal, between our people and foreign nations.
1. IN case any of our people should do wrong to any other nation,
upon complaint made to the governor, or some other of the council or
assistants, the fact is diligently to be inquired into, and being found to
be true, restitution is to be made of the goods of offenders, as the case
shall require, according to the quality of the crime.
2. In case the people of another nation have done any important
wrong to any of ours, right is first to be demanded of the governor of
that people, and justice upon the malefactors, which if it be granted
and performed, then no breach of peace to follow. Deut. 20:10–11; 2
Sam. 20: 18–19.
3. If right and justice be denied, and it will not stand with the honor
of God and safety of our nation that the wrong be passed over, then war
is to be undertaken and denounced.
4. Some minister is to be sent forth to go along with the army, for
their instruction and encouragement. Deut. 20:2–4.
5. Men betrothed and not married, or newly married, or such as have
newly built or planted, and not received the fruits of their labor, and
such as are faint-hearted men, are not to be pressed or forced against
their wills to go forth to wars. Deut. 20:5–7, 8, & 24:5.
6. Captains are to be chosen by the officers.
7. All wickedness is to be removed out of the camp by severe disci-
pline. Deut. 23:9, 14.
171. Spelling modernized. Scripture references appear in the original charter. The
complete document is reproduced in Edmund S. Morgan, ed., Puritan Political Ideas
(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965), 178–203. “Capital Laws” were listed in section 94
of the Body of Liberties. This document served as Massachusetts’ first legal code. It was
written by the Rev. Nathaniel Ward, pastor of Ipswich, who had received ten years of
training and practice in the law in London. The Body of Liberties was thoroughly
discussed in the towns and General Court (colony legislature) before it was ratified.
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Terrill I. Elniff
172. Edmund S. Morgan, The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop (Boston:
Little, Brown, 1958), 7–8.
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thesis. Edmund Morgan traces the life of John Winthrop in much the
same terms.
Yet the existence of this fundamental paradox presents a problem to
the student of Puritanism. Looking back at the Puritan, the modern
historian can see the contradictions and dilemmas, but the Puritans
who preached the doctrines and formulated the policies and practices
seem blithely unaware {98} of them, or at least unconcerned about
them. Not that the contradictions failed to cause them problems—they
did, and the history of the first sixty years of the Massachusetts Bay
Colony contains a variety of efforts and adjustments designed to deal
with these problems. Yet the Puritan leaders never seemed to under-
stand that the problems were caused by the inherent contradictions of
the Puritan world and life view. At least in an age and climate that gave
careful attention to every problem, however minute, we find little in
the Puritan’s writings to indicate that he was aware of the fundamental
dilemma which Morgan describes. Why not? Did the Puritan have
some other view of the problems that we have not yet understood, so
that when they appeared, he was able to fit them into his mental frame-
work rather than being disillusioned by them? What understanding of
reality did the Puritan have that enabled him to cope realistically with
the problems of life without either denying his theological perspective
or separating from the world into isolation and asceticism? Further,
why did these problems arise in the first place, and, finally, if he was
able to cope with them realistically so well, why did the Holy Com-
monwealth fail ultimately?
It is my purpose in this essay to reexamine the Puritan’s own under-
standing of reality and its implications for his social and institutional
thought. It will be my contention that in the Puritan view of sin and of
authority we may find a key to the Puritan understanding of the Puri-
tan dilemma. We shall examine first the doctrines of authority and sin,
then apply them in a survey of the Puritan institutions of church and
state, and the concept of liberty, and conclude with a survey of the
major Puritan dilemmas and their causes.
173. Perry Miller and Thomas H. Johnson, The Puritans, vol. 1, rev. ed. (New York:
Harper and Row, 1963), 207–8.
174. Ibid., 212.
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that no part of the creation, including man or any part of man, can
claim autonomy or self-sufficiency in any way. That is, in Van Til’s
words, man’s “ultimate personal point of reference” is not in human
thought or any part of the temporal reality. Cotton, whom Van Til
would accept as “orthodox,” did just what Van Til says that orthodoxy
does: he made the self-contained ontological trinity (God) to be the
source and ultimate personal frame of reference.
And more: Cotton further asserts that God is not the author of con-
fusion, and His ways are not the ways of confusion, but of peace. For
this reason, I think Cotton would have been surprised to hear the mod-
ern historian discuss the “Puritan dilemma.”
There seems to be a fundamental difference between Cotton’s asser-
tion that God’s ways are the ways of peace and not of confusion and
Morgan’s assertion that Puritanism created a dilemma which was “at
best painful and at worst unbearable.”177 In this light, it is not hard to
see why the Puritan seemed to think that his problems were caused by
his critics and opponents and departures, not by his own inherent
inconsistencies. From the Puritan point of view, the appearance of a
dilemma in Puritan life and thought occurs only because the critic is
looking at the Puritan from an autonomous point of view, not accept-
ing either the basic need for spiritual and doctrinal purity as a basis for
sound thought in the tangible spheres of liberty and authority or the
presupposition of the nonautonomy of human thought and temporal
The Puritan idea of nonautonomy may be seen in every area of his
life, but the idea was spelled out most clearly in his concepts of author-
ity and of sin. In the first the Puritan bowed his will and conscience to
an {101} ultimate source of authority outside himself; in the second he
defined what it meant to turn away from the authority toward auton-
178. Alan Simpson, Puritanism in Old and New England (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1955), 11.
179. C. Gregg Singer, A Theological Interpretation of American History (Nutley, NJ:
Presbyterian and Reformed, [1964] 1969), 9.
180. Miller and Johnson, The Puritans, vol. 1, 4.
181. Ibid., 10.
The rest, Miller says, the “relatively small number” of disputed ideas,
{102} “made all the difference between the Puritan and his fellow-
Englishmen,” so much difference that he was willing to leave England
and migrate to the wilderness “rather than submit to apparent
defeat.”182 This should indicate for us how seriously the Puritan took
the matter of biblical truth and “discipline out of the word.”
To understand how this came about, it is necessary to go back to the
history of the Reformation in England. During the 1530s, King Henry
VIII had repudiated the Roman Catholic Church for personal reasons
and established the Church of England. When his 10-year-old son
Edward inherited the throne in 1547, a group of English reformers
gained an important influence in his court and were able to take some
first steps toward reforming the English church in Protestant direc-
tions. But when Mary came to the throne in 1553, she returned the
church to the Roman fold, and the English reformers were executed or
exiled. Then, in 1558, Queen Elizabeth came to the throne. The exiles
returned and began again to agitate for reform in the Church of
England. In 1559, what was called the Elizabethan Settlement was
enacted, containing two major acts, the Act of Supremacy, which made
Elizabeth the supreme governor of the church, and the Act of Unifor-
mity, which authorized a “slightly moderated version” of the prayer
book which had been developed in Edward’s day.183 In 1563, the doc-
trinal standard of the Thirty-nine Articles and set forms of worship
and common prayer were adopted.
It was during this period of time that what is called Puritanism
began to develop. The term itself was originally used as a kind of slur,
implying that those who believed, as the Puritans did, in purifying the
church were Donatists, or perfectionists, an ancient heresy which
Augustine had fought against in the fifth century. But, slur or not, the
Reformers picked up the term and used it in their campaign to com-
plete all of the implications of the Reformation and of Protestant doc-
trine in church and state. The American Puritans left England in the
culmination of a long dispute between those who favored this Elizabe-
182. Ibid., 7.
183. Sidney Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People (New Haven, CT:
Yale University Press, 1972), 89.
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than Settlement of 1559 and those who opposed it. Thus, the Puritan
found himself confronted, writes Simpson, “by that Anglican piety
which had developed side by side, and in conflict with his own, within
the framework of the Establishment erected by Queen Elizabeth.” The
complexion of that settlement was “thoroughly frustrating” to the Puri-
tan.184 Simpson’s summary of the Puritan’s doctrinal problems with the
settlement is instructive:
He believed in the total depravity of nature; he was told that men were
not so fallen as he thought they were. He believed that the natural
{103} man had to be virtually reborn; he was told that he could grow
in grace. He believed that the sermon was the only means of bringing
saving knowledge and that the preacher should speak as a dying man
to dying men. He was told that there were many means of salvation,
that sermons by dying men to dying men were often prolix, irrational,
socially disturbing, and that what they had to say that was worth say-
ing had usually been better said in some set form that could be read
aloud. He demanded freedom for the saints to exercise their gifts of
prayer and prophecy, only to be told that the needs of the community
were better met by the forms of common prayer. He felt instinctively
that the church was where Christ dwelt in the hearts of the regenerate.
He was warned that such feelings threatened the prudent distinction
between the invisible church of the saved and the visible church of the
realm. He insisted that the church of the realm should be judged by
Scripture, confident that Scripture upheld him, and prepared to assert
that nothing which was not expressly commanded in Scripture ought
to be tolerated in the church. He was told that God had left much to
the discretion of human reason; that this reason was exercised by pub-
lic authority, which in England was the same for both church and
state; and that whatever authority enjoined in its large area of discre-
tion, ought to be loyally obeyed.185
The Thirty-nine Articles also caused another problem for the Puri-
tan dissenter in England, in that in requiring submission to these Arti-
cles and the set forms of worship which embodied them, the Church of
England was violating the Puritan’s liberty of conscience, which con-
science, the Puritan claimed, was to be subject only to the authority of
God. Thus, the difference between the Anglican and the Puritan was
the Puritans were faced with the sad alternative of choosing between
their religious beliefs and their political loyalty, between their belief in
the king’s supremacy or their obedience to God, between surrendering
their heads to the block or obedience to their consciences under the
discipline of the Word. Yet, writes Miller,
Precisely at the moment when this dismal solution seemed to be the
only one which would ever come out of England, a new enterprise was
born, a way conceived of resolving the conflicting allegiances that had
not yet been thought of.…189
And not only was a door of liberty thrown open to those who were able
to walk through it, but “through a remarkable concatenation of events,”
the door had been opened “by the unwitting hand, ironically enough,
of no less a person than King Charles himself.”190
So it was that Governor John Winthrop could tell his Massachusetts-
bound audience on the Arabella in 1630 that
For the work we have in hand, it is by a mutual consent through a spe-
cial overruling providence, and a more than an ordinary approbation
of the churches of Christ to seek out a place of cohabitation and con-
sortship under a due form of government both civil and ecclesiasti-
It is clear that the Puritan believed that the Bible is the Word of God
and that the Word of God is true, that is, true in the sense that its oppo-
site was not true. Miller writes,
That Protestantism appealed to the authority of the Bible against the
{105} authority of the Pope is a platitude of history. That the Calvin-
ists were vehement asserters of its finality is also common knowledge.
What is frequently forgotten is that without a Bible, this piety would
have confronted chaos. It could not have found guidance in reason,
because divine reason is above and beyond the human; not in the
church, because God is not committed to preserving the orthodoxy or
purity of any institution; not in immediate inspiration, because inward
promptings are as apt to come from the Devil as from God; not from
experimental science, because providence is arbitrary and unpredict-
able; not from philosophy, because philosophy arises from the senses
192. Perry Miller, The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1954), 19–20.
193. Quoted in Miller, Orthodoxy, 15.
194. Ibid., 160.
195. Ibid.
196. Shipton, in Billias, Law, 142.
Word of God does not come from man, but has been revealed from
God—through holy men who spoke as they were moved by the Holy
Spirit. This had two consequent implications. First, whatever the Bible
said is absolutely true and not conditioned by time and place, condi-
tions, or circumstances. It might not tell him everything there is to
know or everything he wanted to know, but whatever it did tell him is
absolutely true. Miller has explained the Puritan view:
He has not therein uttered the naked truth about Himself, He has not
revealed His essence; His secret will remains secret still, as we witness
daily in the capricious orderings of providence. The Bible contains His
revealed will, tells men what is expected, but does not explain why, for
even if it were explained men could never understand their relation to
the whole drama of creation.197
Miller goes on to point out that this distinction between the revealed
and the unrevealed was one of the “fissures” in the “impregnable wall
of systematic theology” which left the Puritan open to intellectual
development.198 The Puritans would not have put it in those words,
not recognizing the contradiction, but they would have recognized the
privilege of work and study (within the bounds of nonautonomy) in
areas which had not been revealed.
The second implication of the Puritan’s distinction between absolute
truth and finite apprehension was the distinction between the fact of
truth and appropriation of truth. The Bible, therefore, is to be studied
by men and progressively appropriated. But there is no apprehension of
truth apart from the Bible. The Puritans, says Miller, “agreed on the
essential Christian contention that though God may govern the world,
He is not the world itself, and that though He instills His grace into
men, He does not deify them or unite them to Himself in one personal-
ity. He converses with men only through His revealed Word, the
Bible.... He delivers no new commands or special revelations to the
inward consciousness of men.” Shipton records that the Puritans
“thought of themselves as in a current sweeping toward a better knowl-
edge of God, a knowledge to be reached by learning and study, not by
unpredictable personal revelations.”199 Consequently, one of the results
(“the vileness of the nature of sin”), and the second with what the result
of sin is.
Concerning the first particular, according to Hooker, the vileness of
the nature of sin lies precisely in the issue of nonautonomy. Sin would
dispossess God of His absolute supremacy: “Now herein lies the
unconceivable heinousness of the hellish nature of sin, it would justle
the Almighty out of the throne of His glorious sovereignty, and indeed
be above Him.” Man’s will is the chiefest of all God’s workmanship and
is made to attend upon God—to choose Him. God did
in an especial way intend to meet with man, and to communicate
Himself to man in His righteous law, as the rule of His Holy and righ-
teous will, by which the will of Adam should have been ruled and
guided to Him, and made happy in Him; and all creatures should have
served God in man, and been happy by or through him, serving of
God being happy in Him; but when the will went from under the gov-
ernment of His rule, by sin, it would be above God, and be happy with-
out Him....208
The nonautonomous Puritan, in other words, would be ruled by
God’s law in submission to God’s Word and find his happiness on
God’s terms; the autonomous man would attempt to be above God and
would try to find his happiness on his own terms. But how does auton-
omous man do this?
Now by sin we justle the law out of its place, and the Lord out of His
glorious sovereignty, pluck the crown from his head, and the scepter
{109} out of his hand, and we say and profess by our practice, there is
not authority and power there to govern, nor wisdom to guide, nor
good to content me, but I will be swayed by mine own will and led by
mine own deluded reason and satisfied by my own lusts. This is the
guise of every graceless heart in the commission of sin.…209
Hooker concludes with a passage that describes the dilemma of
those who choose the way of autonomy and reject the laws of God:
It’s a grievous thing to the loose person [that] he cannot have his plea-
sures but he must have his guilt and gall with them; It’s grievous to the
worldling that he cannot lay hold on the world by unjust means, but
conscience lays hold upon him as breaking the law. Thou that knowest
and keepest thy pride and stubbornness and thy distempers, know
assuredly thou dost justle God out of the throne of his glorious sov-
ereignty and thou dost profess, not God’s will, but thine own (which is
above his) shall rule thee, thy carnal reason and the folly of thy mind,
is above the wisdom of the Lord and that shall guide thee; to please
thine own stubborn crooked perverse spirit, is a greater good than to
please God and enjoy happiness, for this more contents thee.210
It is a wonder, Hooker concludes, that “the great and terrible God doth
not pash such a poor insolent worm to powder, and send thee packing
to the pit every moment.”211
The essence of sin, then, as it respects God, is that man tries to replace
God with himself, or, better, to be like God, knowing good and evil and
living by his own standards and law and not by God’s. Hooker then
turns his attention to the second particular, sin as it concerns man. Sin,
he says, affects man in four ways:
1. It makes a separation between God and man and thereby deprives
man of a “universal good” which does not include all the evil in the
world. The only universal known to sinful man is a universal that con-
tains all the good and all the evil and therefore cannot be truly good: “...
sin takes away my God, and with him all good goes.... A natural man
[i.e., man without God] hath no God in any thing, and therefore hath
no good.”212
2. It brings an incapability and an impossibility to receive grace from
God when man remains impenitent. The man who continues obsti-
nately in his sin is like one who spills the medicine that would cure him
or the meat that would nourish him, and thus he must die. “It’s thy life,
thy labor, the desire of thy heart, and thy daily practice to depart away
from the God of all grace and peace, and turn the tomb-stone of ever-
lasting destruction upon thine own soul.”213 {110}
3. It is the cause which brings all evil of punishment into the world,
for without sin the troubles of this world would not be evil: “The sting
of a trouble, the poison and malignity of a punishment and affliction,
the evil of the evil [emphasis supplied] of any judgment, it is sin that
brings it, or attends it.... So Paul ... plays with death itself, sports with
the grave. ‘Oh, Death, where is thy sting? Oh Grave, where is thy vic-
tory? the sting of death is sin.’ ”214 Hooker concludes by reasoning that
if sin brings all evils and makes them evil to us, then it is worse than all
the evils themselves.
4. It makes all the good and glorious things of life evil to us. “ ‘To the
pure all things are pure’ he said, quoting the Bible, ‘but to the
unbelieving there is nothing pure, but their very consciences are
defiled.’ It is a desperate malignity in the temper of the stomach, that
should turn our meat and diet into diseases, the best cordials and pre-
servatives into poisons, so that what in reason is appointed to nourish a
man should kill him.”215
Such are the effects of sin on man. Hooker concludes his sermon by
considering the holiness of God in contrast to the evil of sin: “But that
which I will mainly press is, sin is only opposite to God, and cross as
much as can be to that infinite goodness and holiness which is in His
blessed majesty; it’s not the miseries or distresses that men undergo,
that the Lord distastes them for, or estrangeth Himself from them ...
but He is not able to bear the presence of sin.” Therefore, he says, “it’s
certain it’s better to suffer all plagues without any one sin, than to com-
mit the least sin, and to be freed from all plagues.... Thou dost not
think so now, but thou will find it so one day.”216
These doctrines of authority and sin, and the concept of nonautonomy
which they embody, are the key to the Puritan dilemma, and we may
study the effects of them in two ways: their application and their viola-
Nonautonomy: Applications
In terms of the application of the principle of nonautonomy, there
were three aspects of the application that influenced the specific fea-
tures of Puritan institutions in the Holy Commonwealth.
1. The nonautonomy of man meant the absoluteness and sovereignty
of God. It followed that there is not only to be no sovereign power on
214. Ibid.
215. Ibid., 299.
216. Ibid., 299, 301.
earth, but that earthly power should be so divided and diffuse that no
one man or group of men can gain absolute or sovereign power. This
principle is the key to the Puritan’s resistance to the Elizabethan Settle-
ment and to the established Church of England. In the joining of
church and state, men gained or tried to gain supreme power; in sepa-
rating the church from the state, the Puritans intended that supreme
power would be prevented {111} by the check and balance of the coor-
dinate but unconfounded spheres of church and state. Thus, John Cot-
ton wrote to Lord Say and Seal that
It is very suitable to God’s all-sufficient wisdom, and to the fulness and
perfection of Holy Scriptures, not only to prescribe perfect rules for
the right ordering of a private man’s soul to everlasting blessedness
with Himself, but also for the right ordering of a man’s family, yea, of
the commonwealth too, so far as both of them are subordinate to spir-
itual ends, and yet avoid both the church’s usurpation upon civil juris-
dictions, in order toward things spiritual, and the commonwealth’s
invasion upon ecclesiastical administrations, in order to civil peace,
and conformity to the civil state. God’s institution (such as the gov-
ernment of church and of commonwealth be) may be close and com-
pact, and coordinate one to another, and yet not confounded.217
Cotton went on to say that the government of the church as set forth
in Scripture is compatible with any form of civil government (because
of the separation and non-confounding of the respective powers of the
spheres), but that if a commonwealth should have the liberty to form
its own frame of government, the Scriptures are also adequate for that
as well: “I conceive that the scripture hath given full direction for the
right ordering of the same, and that, in such sort as may best maintain
the vigor of the church.”218
Thus, the Puritan, coming to form a church government, developed
congregationalism, a form which so divided authority and power in the
church that there was no center of authority anywhere. It is my opinion
that in this he went too far in the other direction, as I shall show later,
but for now it is sufficient to note that in the congregational form of
government there was no final authority externally or even internally
except the sovereignty of God working by the Holy Spirit in the hearts
and laye snares, and cumber their spirits, if you give them less: there is
never peace where full liberty is not given, nor never stable peace
where more than full liberty is granted....224
And the same principle applies to children and servants or “any others
you are to deal with: Give them the liberty and authority you would
have them use, and beyond that stretch not the tether, it will not tend to
their good or yours.”
Cotton concluded his sermon and told his hearers to go home with
this meditation: “That certainly here is this distemper in our natures,
that we cannot tell how to use liberty, but we shall very readily corrupt
ourselves: Oh the bottomless depth of sandy earth! of a corrupt spirit,
that breaks over all bounds, and loves inordinate vastness; that is it we
ought to be care of.” Loving “inordinate vastness” is a good description
of what it means to reject nonautonomy.
This concept of limited spheres of authority and power and the need
to find a precise boundary of power for each sphere provides an under-
standing of the Puritan’s efforts to develop a due form of government
in the Bay Colony. As the colony changed itself from a trading com-
pany into a society, and the leadership from a management team to an
elected magistracy and a representative government, there were several
conflicts and disputes over rights, powers, interpretations of laws, and the
application of justice. Some of these disputes were over the “bounds” of
the respective spheres of authority (both of the extent and the degree of
power); others were caused by various violations of the boundaries that
were set. A brief recounting of what is called the “Deputy dispute”
should illustrate both points. The charter for the Massachusetts Bay
Company, issued by the king in 1629, had granted to the company and
its officials authority
to make, ordain, and establish all manner of wholesome and reason-
able {114} orders, laws, statutes, and ordinances, directions, and
instructions, not contrary to the laws of this our realm of England, as
well as for settling of the forms and ceremonies of government and
magistracy fit and necessary for the said plantation and the inhabit-
ants there, and for naming and styling [stiling] all sorts of officers,
both superior and inferior, which they shall find needful for that gov-
down, giving to the people, in the words of Nathaniel Ward, who drew
up the Body of Liberties, “their proper and lawful liberties.”231
3. One of the major disputes over the problem of power and the lim-
its of authority in the colony came in 1645 and brings us to the third
aspect or implication of the application of the principle of nonauton-
omy: non-neutrality or nonuniversality. (Nonuniversality is not the best
word to describe the concept and yet better than any of the others that
come to mind.) Nonuniversality is the idea that nothing except God is
to be interpreted in terms of itself. Everything on earth, in the view of
nonautonomy, is always interpreted in terms of something else. There
is no neutral standard behind God, as it were, whereby we may judge
both God and the creation. Instead, we see the creation either in terms
of God’s standard or in terms of some other standard. Thus, in Puritan
thought there was a great debate over the nature of good: is a thing good
because willed by God or does God will something because it is good?
Perry Miller records Samuel Willard’s intimation that by the end of the
century congregations were growing weary of the endless dispute. Wil-
lard, he says, “endeavored {117} to silence the debate by awarding judg-
ment to both contentions at once. Since all the attributes are one, he
said, ‘then God both wills the things because they are good ... and also
they are good because he wills them, his active will put the actual good-
ness into them.’ ”232 Miller calls this a disposition to “compromise”
indicating a retreat away from the position of the earlier Puritans, who
“unhesitatingly founded the goodness upon the fact of their having
been willed.”233 According to William Perkins, the central Puritan
theologian, “A thing is not first of all reasonable and just, and then
afterward willed by God: but it is first of all willed by God, and there-
upon becomes reasonable and just.”234 John Preston relates the concept
to the issue of man’s nonautonomy (though he does not call it that, of
course) and nonuniversality:
In our judging of the ways of God, we should take heed of framing a
model of our own, as to think because such a thing is just, therefore
the Lord wills it: the reason of this conceit is, because we think that
God must go by our rule; we forget this, that everything is just because
he wills it; it is not that God wills it, because it is good or just.... What
God wills is just, because He is the rule itself.…235
To deny this is to make man and man’s “rule” autonomous and uni-
versal rather than nonautonomous and nonuniversal. There is no
universal rule that man can place behind God; He is the rule and the uni-
versal, ruling according to His character and perfection, and therefore
all on earth must be judged on His terms and by His standard.
The significance of this doctrine as it relates to the Puritan view of
nonautonomy may be seen in John Winthrop’s “little speech” on liberty
at the close of the Hingham affair in 1645. The trouble began when a
disputed election in the town of Hingham came up before the magis-
trates for settlement. Winthrop, then deputy governor but acting as a
magistrate (judge), ordered the faction led by the Rev. Peter Hobart to
appear at court, and, when they refused, committed them for con-
tempt. The Hobart faction then petitioned the deputies for a consider-
ation of Winthrop’s charges against them and of their charge that the
magistrates had acted without authority in imprisoning them. The
deputies, not knowing how to handle the case, asked advice of the mag-
istrates, who agreed to hear the case if the petitioners would make a
specific charge against a specific officer. The petitions named Win-
throp and charged him “for illegal imprisoning of some of them and
forcing the first with others to give bond with sureties to appear and
answer at the next general court.”236
The details of the case and the decision are not our concern here.
{118} Winthrop was acquitted of the charges against him. After the
case was settled and the sentences read, Winthrop asked permission to
address the court. His “little speech,” as he called it, is, according to
Perry Miller, the “classic expression of Puritan political theory.” It is
also the clearest example of the Puritan rejection of human autonomy.
Winthrop begins by saying that he is satisfied with the decision of
the court and glad that the case’s “troublesome business” is done, but
yet humbled before God because to be charged at court (even though
235. Ibid.
236. Miller, Orthodoxy, 289.
237. John Winthrop, Journal: History of New England, 1630–1649, vol. 2, ed. James K.
Hoomer (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1908), 237.
238. Ibid., 239.
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Winthrop makes it clear that men choose between these two views of
liberty and authority. They will either see the issue in man’s terms or in
God’s terms, and that will make all the difference in public life:
Even so, brethren, it will be between you and your magistrates. If you
stand for your natural corrupt liberties, and will do what is good in
your own eyes, you will not endure the least weight of authority, but
will murmur, and oppose, and be always striving to shake off that
yoke; but if you will be satisfied to enjoy such civil and lawful liberties,
such as Christ allows you, then you will quietly and cheerfully submit
unto that authority which is set over you, in all the administrations of
it, for your good.239
If the answer to the problem of authority in the colony was not an
autonomous and arbitrary power in the magistrate (as the deputies
argued against Winthrop), neither was the answer in an autonomous
view of liberty (as Winthrop cautioned the deputies). Autonomy
belongs only to the sovereign and transcendent God. The freedom of
all on earth could be preserved by preserving the nonautonomous sta-
tus of human institutions. Thus, the Puritans divided and limited the
spheres of authority of earth and balanced them one against the other.
The aspect of nonuniversality was necessary to keep men thinking in
those terms. Let man gain a human or temporal or immanent universe,
and the limited and divided spheres would soon be united under it, as
autonomous liberty struggles to cast off “the least restraint of the most
just authority.”
Nonautonomy: Violations
It was these three aspects of the application of the principle of non-
autonomy that played such a large part in the shaping of Puritan
institutions. We have mentioned a few of them in passing and yet we
have said nothing on the relations of church and state, which come into
clear focus once the problem of nonautonomy is understood and its
aspects defined. Such a study needs to be done.
There were, however, a few features of Puritan society that denied the
principle of nonautonomy, and it is these areas of violation that have
led the historians to remark the existence of a “Puritan dilemma.” It
239. Ibid.
was at these points that the Puritans departed from their views of non-
autonomy and therefore reaped the consequences. The toll taken by
these compromises was great and in many cases vital in the long-run
effort to establish a Holy Commonwealth.
Following Cotton’s thought on the bounds of power, we can observe
two kinds of violations: (1) those which tended toward an autonomy in
human thought and a temporal reality, that is, violations in which there
is an attempt to fix an immanent and final authority; and (2) those
which {120} tended toward disorder, that is, in which there was a lack
of due order or arrangement.
1. The first and most important violation was in the area of intellec-
tual activity. Perry Miller has documented the toll taken in Puritan
thought by the logic of Peter Ramus which gave much authority to
man’s unaided reason and which was based essentially on natural pre-
suppositions rather than on revelation.240 Miller concludes his study of
Ramus’s influence on the Puritans with this comment:
They (the Puritans) often said, “Our Saviour Christ hath taught us
how to argue”; the historian, accustomed to the more conventional
attributions of the “source study” method, may at first be prompted to
counter that all the evidence of Puritan writing, education, and intel-
lectual history goes to show that Puritans were taught to argue not by
Christ but by Ramus, Richardson, and Ames. Yet he pauses just long
enough to remember that these men were spokesmen for Protestant-
ism and for the Renaissance, and that by appealing to the Bible both
reformers and humanists did indeed seem to discover new ways of
arguing, and that out of the consequent debates came, at the end of the
seventeenth century, a general movement toward rehabilitation of the
natural reason.241
2. Another violation came in the area of church membership. Puritans
of all kinds believed in a limited membership within the visible church,
but up until the mid–1630s, both in England and in America, this was
thought of as being a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and as a sub-
mission to the moral and spiritual discipline of the church. But in the
mid–1630s, the congregational churches of Massachusetts went one
240. Rousas John Rushdoony, This Independent Republic: Studies in the Nature and
Meaning of American History (Nutley, NJ: Craig Press, 1964), 4.
241. Miller, New England Mind, 206.
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step further and began to demand, not profession of faith and submis-
sion to discipline, but a recounting of one’s experience of salvation
before the church, after which he could be questioned and then
accepted or rejected by a vote of the congregation. The object was to
try to make the visible church as nearly as possible identical to the
invisible church (the elect known only to God).242
“Seen in full perspective,” writes Ahlstrom, “this was a radical
demand. For the first time in Christendom, a state church with vigor-
ous conceptions of enforced uniformity in belief and practice was
requiring an internal, experiential test of church membership. Many
future problems of the New England churches stemmed from this deci-
sion.”243 The reach for autonomy has been pointed out by Alan Simp-
son: “This New England church is going to be built out of the
conversion experience, and it is {121} assumed that a subjective experi-
ence can be detected by objective tests.”244
The consequences came almost at once. At one extreme stood men
like Roger Williams, who carried the test to the extreme by making
experience the only requirement for membership. And at the other
extreme stood Anne Hutchinson, who insisted that the Holy Spirit
could reveal to men with absolute certainty whether a man was truly
saved or not.245 Rushdoony’s comment on Anne Hutchinson’s position
is pertinent:
Salvation is in the covenant of grace, but, if the church or men rather
than God is the judge of that grace, then an omniscience is claimed, a
knowledge of the heart impossible to men. The Puritan position (in
opposition to Hutchison) was that a tree was to be judged by its fruits,
and faith by its works.246
In between these extremes, of course, were two possibilities: (a) the
return to nonautonomy, or (b) some kind of adjustment to reality to
which the Puritans were eventually forced in one form or another. In
242. Edmund Sears Morgan, Visible Saints: The History of a Puritan Idea (New York:
New York University Press, 1963), 89–90.
243. Ahlstrom, 146.
244. Simpson, 25.
245. Morgan, Visible Saints, 109.
246. Rushdoony, This Independent Republic, 103.
came to the fore in the period of the English civil wars and Cromwell’s
Protectorate in the late 1640s and 1650s.
In the matter of church government, the Anglicans favored a hierar-
chical form of government ranging from the local parish to the king, all
deriving their authority from the king in a bureaucratic chain of com-
mand in which the bishops would rule over local groups of local
churches. The Presbyterians wanted a system of representative councils
ranging from the local church to the general assembly of the entire
national church, preserving both the independence of the local church
and an involvement in a system of wider courts of appeal. The Congre-
gationalists stood only for the existence and autonomy of the local con-
gregation; their church would begin and end with the local
congregations, as would the Separatists.’ The difference between the
Congregationalist and the Separatist on this came in the Congregation-
alists’ willingness to engage in what they called “consociations” or
“noncoercive synods.” Recognizing the need occasionally for a wider
court of appeal or fellowship, the Congregationalist churches would
come together for that purpose, but it was always on a voluntary and
noncoercive basis.
In the matter of uniformity or of the state church, both the Anglicans
and the Presbyterians were agreed on an established church, that is, one
supported by the state and ruled by the state. They simply differed on
the organization of that church. The Congregationalists wanted a
“national” church as opposed to an “established” church, that is, the
Congregationalist church would be the only uniform tolerated church
within the national boundaries and would be supported by the state,
but it would not be ruled by the state. The difference between the Pres-
byterians and the Congregational groups on this issue determined the
ultimate difference between those Puritans who ruled and fell with
Cromwell in the 1650s (the Congregationalists) and those who joined
the Anglicans in restoring Charles II in 1660, only to be expelled from
the church in 1662. The Separatists wanted a complete separation of
church and state—an independent church in a secular state.
The fruit of the Reformation was to see that the church and state were
to be separated. The significance of the Puritan movement was that it
came at the precise moment that this issue was being worked out. It
was the particular fate of the non-separating Congregationalists, who
ruled in New England, that they stood for the separation of church and
state institutionally while opposing the separation of church and state
spiritually. It is not hard for us to see the consistency of the Anglican
idea that the church and the state are joined under a supreme king. Nor
is it difficult for us to see Roger Williams’s idea that the state is a tem-
poral kingdom and the church is a spiritual kingdom, and the two
should be separated. But the Puritan {124} idea is opposed to both of
these. It is that the church and the state are to be separated institution-
ally but to be joined spiritually under Jesus Christ, who is supreme Lord
and King. Puritan thought often seems to be confusing the two
spheres, but they were attempting to keep hold of the state as a spiritual
entity, recognizing that the magistracy is a religious work even if the
magistrate himself is not religious. In this view, the movement toward a
secular state is thus a move with significant spiritual overtones. We will
consider the differences between the Congregationalists and the
Presbyterians below.
On the matter of church membership, the Anglican Church was to be
comprehensive, embracing all the people of the nation. The Presbyte-
rian idea, following the idea of the established church, was that the
Presbyterian Church would be comprehensive, embracing all the
nation, but communing membership in the church would require a
specific profession of faith and submission to the discipline of the
church. The Congregational and Separatist churches shared a view of a
church membership as restricted only to those who professed faith in
Jesus Christ and submitted to the discipline of the church. The New
England Congregationalists, as we have seen, added a new wrinkle
when they added the idea of visibility to the profession and discipline,
requiring additionally an experiential testimony of conversion.
It is obvious that these positions and issues overlap in places, yet
from them we may plot the problems that came when the Puritans
sought autonomy in the area of church-state relations and in the area of
church government.
In the area of church-state relations, the problem may be seen by
concentrating on the significance of the Presbyterian and Congrega-
tional points of view. In New England, there was no established church
until late in the seventeenth century. It is true that the franchise was
limited to church members only, but that practice was as consistent
248. John Davenport, A Discourse About Civil Government (Cambridge, 1663), 8–9,
quoted in C. Gregg Singer, A Theological Interpretation of American History, 15–16.
A Chalcedon Publication [www.chalcedon.edu] 3/30/07
cipline prevented or reformed, and all the ordinances of God duly set-
tled, administered, and observed. For the better effecting whereof, he
hath power to call synods, to be present at them, and to provide that
whatsoever is transacted in them be according to the mind of God.”250
This section of the confession was in conflict with a later part (30:1)
which asserted that “the Lord Jesus, as king and head of his church,
hath therein appointed a government in the hand of church officers,
distinct from the civil magistrate.” A modern commentator on the con-
fession has written of this conflict in the confession and of this period
of history that
it is not to be forgotten that subsequent to the Westminster Assembly,
the Scottish Covenanters were called upon to suffer unto death from
civil oppression. To these rugged Presbyterians, who more than oth-
ers, resolutely adhered to the testimony of the Confession, we owe
much, for it was to assert the absolute spiritual independence of the
Church of Jesus Christ from civil authority that they gave their all.
Those who loved the testimony of the Confession best, suffered most
for the principle which was—after all—compromised in the original
formulation of these sections.251
The compromise, of course, was to allow a temporal ruler over the
church, and the result was autonomy, dilemma, and ultimately, death.
4. Finally, in the area of church government, the departure from non-
autonomy, coupled with the effects of the establishment, created a
dilemma of the second kind, one which tended toward disorder rather
than toward temporal autonomy. We have seen already that the Con-
gregationalists and the Separatists opposed any kind of synod or con-
sociation with coercive power, and though the Congregationalists did
see the need occasionally for a voluntary meeting of the churches as a
court of wider appeal, the Presbyterian alternative of a system of courts
of higher appeal in the church was not open to the Congregationalists,
not because they did not see the value of it, but because the accompa-
nying idea of a state-established and comprehensive church made the
synods coercive. Coercive synods, declared John Davenport, had been
“the cause of many mischiefs in the church, for {128} thereby the writ-
ings and decrees of men are made infallible and equal with the word of
God, which is intolerable.”252 “Congregationalists had glibly predicted
that the instructions of the Bible were explicit enough to keep
autonomous organizations facing in the same direction,” says Miller,
“but when they at last set up a number of such churches, they realized
that interpretations might vary more than they had imagined. Little by
little they came to rely upon periodic consociations of elders from the
various churches to make sure that they were all continuing in substan-
tial agreement.”253 There, says Miller,
Congregationalists had confidently predicted that the loyalty of Chris-
tian congregations would keep them obedient to the law as
expounded by the elders; confronted with the problem of ruling an
actual and often cantankerous crowd of erstwhile dissenters, they real-
ized this obedience had to be insured by more potent guarantees. If
the clergy failed to control the internal affairs of their churches, then
for all their attempts to maintain non-separation and unity, their par-
ishes would inevitably drift apart, divergences and schisms appear,
and popular frenzies break out.254
Thus, the Puritans developed two ways of taking up the slack caused
by too much disorder in the churches. Within the church, the power of
the elders, as opposed to the congregation, grew, and among the
churches the synod became more significant as a checking device.
Within the church, once the members had covenanted together to
form a church, they were expected to elect elders to rule the church.
John Cotton, says Miller, “insisted that the elders were given to the
church, ‘not as mere adjuncts given to a subject, but as integral parts
given to the whole body of the church, for completing the integrity and
perfection of it.’ ”255
These elders enforced the discipline of the church and directed the
church trials whenever discipline had to be exercised. They interpreted
the laws of the church, preinterviewed candidates for membership, and
advised the congregation whenever it was to take action. We “bring as
few matters as possible, into the assembly,” said Thomas Weld, “rather
laboring to take all things up in private, and then make as short work in
public (when they must needs come there) as may be.”256 Concludes
Thus when the internal government of a Congregational church was
perfected in New England, the ostensible result was a peculiar system
of balanced, interlocking, and yet independent authorities.... The
elders administered and the congregations rendered judgments, each
according to a set of rules devised for those particular functions....
This theory of dual authorities cooperating voluntarily in the
advancement {129} of Christ’s kingdom was a triumph of ingenuity. It
preserved the genuine Christian virtues that Puritanism opposed to
the formalism of the Establishment, and projected a church system
which followed the instructions of Christ, admitting members only
upon profession of their faith and allowing them as Christians to exer-
cise the privileges of the elect. At the same tine, the theory provided a
check upon human tendencies to go astray, a sure-fire method for
maintaining law and order.257
But, Miller continues, when the theory was put into practice, it
turned out that the elders still held the crucial power because they were
the interpreters of the Word in a church that was disciplined out of the
Word. “Individual members were no match for those who devoted
their days and nights to exegesis.”258 The answer, of course, is that not
enough slack had been taken up to tighten the basic disorder of the
congregational polity. A wall of brass or stone put in the wrong place,
Cotton had said, is never as effective as a wall of sand in the proper
In the matter of external government, the need for consociations of
the ministers began almost at once. In 1633, Roger Williams objected to
the custom, fearing that it “might grow in time to a presbytery or
superintendency.”259 Henceforth, writes Miller,
There are numerous evidences of the associated ministers being called
upon to deal with a lengthening list of matters, their survey soon
including a goodly part of the internal workings of individual
churches.... Within a decade it had become the established custom of
hands, are various .... There is as much beyond the truth as this side
thereof; as much in outrunning the flock of Christ and the Lamb that
leads them, as in struggling and loitering behind. Truth hath evermore
observed the golden mean.—Christopher Ness (1621–1705), An Anti-
dote to Arminianism
All men who live in the real world—even philosophers and histori-
ans and other professional analyzers—are men of mixed presupposi-
tions. Theoretically, the analysis of thought forms and systems divides
and classifies philosophies into “schools” or “systems,” but rarely do the
specific individuals being analyzed fit exactly into the analytical pat-
terns as individuals. In the face of this fact, men have often turned in
one of two directions in their analyses. One is toward classification and
the other is away from it. The first tends to make rigid categories and
force men into the one that is most similar. The other is to assume that
classification is falsification and therefore impossible and to argue that
each man stands equal and alone, immune from judgment because of
the individual nature of his thought.
Both errors are to be shunned by the careful thinker. It must be seen
instead, that though men have mixed presuppositions, they do rank
those presuppositions in some kind of order. Thus, when a man’s atten-
tion is called (either in argument or in experience) to a contradiction
in his thinking, he will usually work out, or rationalize, that contradic-
tion on the basis of his “most favored” or basic presupposition—the one
that is closest to his essential being. In this way, most men evolve in
their intellectual lives toward a kind of dialectical consistency between
thought and thought and between thought and action. In Christian
theology, this process is called “sanctification”—the Christian, as he
matures, becomes more and more {131} consistently Christian in both
thought and action. This must have been what the Puritans were look-
ing for when they looked for “visibility” in the saints!
What is important to realize, however, is that this process of
“sanctification” exists in all men, regardless of their presuppositions.
Every man, be he Christian or atheist, Marxist or capitalist, radical or
conservative, nihilist or stand-patter, will become outwardly more con-
sistent to what he is on the inside as he matures in his thought.
Classification, then, becomes possible without destroying the integ-
rity of the individual. While it is difficult or impossible to classify indi-
264. Richard Weaver, The Ethics of Rhetoric (Chicago: Gateway, 1953), chaps. 3, 4.
read too much or too little into the events he is investigating—to see in
the events only “what his eyes bring means of seeing.”
Thus, coming to a study of the Puritan and his philosophy and its
fruits, it is also important to realize that just as individuals have mixed
presuppositions, so too do societies. The Puritan view of authority and
sin embodied the principle of the nonautonomy of human thought and
temporal reality. As such, it became a basic presupposition for him and
infused all his thought in the creation and development of the Holy
Commonwealth. And yet, as we have seen, there were some basic
departures from that principle in several areas of Puritan life, and each
of these departures caused one or more of the problems that have come
to be called “the Puritan dilemma.” In each case, if viewed in the light
of the principle of the nonautonomy of human thought and temporal
reality, it was not the implementation of Puritan orthodoxy that caused
the dilemmas, but rather the departure from it. The Puritan dilemma
was, in short, a result of the mixed presuppositions held by the Puritans.
A study of how they worked out the contradictions in the first genera-
tion, as compared to the second and third generations, should help us
understand more clearly the development of Puritan thought, the grad-
ual changes in the “most favored” presuppositions of the Puritan soci-
ety, and the directions they took as they moved away from the
orthodox “golden mean.”
Kirk House
efforts of her pastor, who grumbled that she had been hanged for hav-
ing more wit than her neighbors.
In 1662, Anne Cole of Hartford went into fits, during which several
voices came from her, naming several people as witches responsible for
that condition. One of the accused, Rebecca Greensmith, sent for the
two ministers who had taken down the strange accusation, heard the
transcript, confessed her guilt, and accused the others, meanwhile
claiming to have {134} had sexual relations with the Devil. Greensmith
was hanged. Massachusetts trials in 1662, 1666, and 1673 resulted in
The Knapp case of 1671–72 is very instructive. Elizabeth Knapp of
Groton, Massachusetts, suffered great pains all over her body, followed
by violent fits. She saw specters, spoke with other voices, made animal
noises, and accused a neighbor woman of afflicting her. Knapp, whose
eyes were closed at the confrontation, identified this woman by her
touch. However, after this woman had prayed with Knapp for a while,
the afflicted girl decided that she had been deceived by Satan. A later
accusation was disregarded when two mistakes were found in the accu-
sation itself. Samuel Willard, who as Groton’s minister had supervised
the situation, considered Elizabeth Knapp to be possessed, rather than
Cases in 1675, 1681, and 1683 ended in acquittal. Mrs. Morse of
Newbury was convicted in 1679, but Governor Bradstreet and the
magistrates reprieved her. A specter appearing in the form of the
accused was no proof of guilt in their opinion, and besides, the prose-
cution had not produced two witnesses to the same act.
In 1688, the four Goodwin children of Boston went into fits follow-
ing a quarrel of one with a neighbor whose mother was reputed a
witch. Doctoring did no good, but one child was delivered after a day
of prayer. Goodwin finally swore out a complaint against Goodwife
Glover, who at length confessed herself a witch and demonstrated her
procedure with a number of images found in her dwelling. In her cell
she was often heard arguing with a demon for his refusal to come to
court with her. Suspecting insanity, the court appointed a panel of phy-
sicians to examine Glover. They ruled her sane, and she was executed.
Cotton Mather visited her in jail, discoursing and praying with her
without effect.
tedly signed books, flew through the air, and danced at night, but most
of their meetings were taken up with sermons urging them to win new
converts. {138}
Second, it was unusual for an English subject to be tried for being a
witch. English witches were tried for committing crimes by means of
witchcraft. Witchcraft was a weapon by which murder, or assault, or
theft could be committed. Thus, it was insufficient to prove a person to
be a witch, for that was not the crime under consideration. The war-
rants accused specific criminals of specific crimes on specific victims at
specific places and times, and these acts had to be proven for convic-
tion. This fact forces us to examine two legal aspects—the rules of evi-
dence and the conduct of the trials and hearings.
1) The Rules of Evidence
Criminals in general, and criminals using witchcraft in particular, do
not often commit crimes before witnesses. The first evidence against
the accused was the testimony of the afflicted, who claimed to have
been assaulted by a specter in the form of, say, Rebecca Nurse. Such
evidence could be strengthened. Was the accused a person of scandal-
ous life? Were any preternatural feats (e.g., unusual strength) ascribed
to him? Had he any unusual bodily excresence, supposedly for suckling
a familiar? Had mischief ever befallen his opponent following a quar-
rel? Did he give wrong answers to the Catechism, or fail to recite Scrip-
ture passages correctly? Did a confessed witch name him as a fellow?
Could images or other witch implements be found on his person or
However, an affirmative answer to all of these questions would still
be insufficient to prove the accused guilty as charged. The penultimate
question was, “Could spectral evidence be admitted in a court of law?
Could the afflicted’s testimony of a sight or action sensible only to the
afflicted be accepted?” The ultimate question was, “Will God allow an
innocent person to be impersonated by a demon?”
It will be recalled that in 1679 Mrs. Morse was reprieved when the
Governor and magistrates ruled specter evidence inadmissible. That,
however, was their personal opinion, and the issue was still a live one in
Salem’s trial when Judge Hathorne, supported by Judge Corwin, denied
the Devil’s power to assume an innocent shape. Their decision was
approved by three of the four pastors nearest the spot—Samuel Parris
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of Salem Village, Nicholas Noyes of Salem Town, and John Hale of Bev-
erly. The word of the afflicted was now virtually undeniable. Once
admitted, how could it be refuted?
2) The Conduct of the Trials
Such an attitude on the part of the judges almost guaranteed chaos in
the courtroom. Fits on the part of the afflicted were a necessary means
of gathering evidence. There were no lawyers for defense or state, and
the magistrates were themselves untrained in law. The uproar on the
day of {139} Rebecca Nurse’s hearing startled Deodat Lawson as he
walked in the street near the meetinghouse. Mrs. Pope, one of the
afflicted “girls,” threw her muff at Martha Corey, missed, got off her
shoe, and threw it into the old woman’s head, all apparently without
being hindered.
The judges’ questioning also reveals their attitude. Prisoners were
not asked whether they tormented the afflicted, but why and how they
did so. Mrs. Nathaniel Cary was ordered to stand with her arms out-
stretched, to prevent her from inflicting sympathetic harm. When Cary
asked permission to support his wife, he was told that if she had
strength to torment the afflicted, she had strength to stand by herself.
Sadly, records of many trials themselves have been lost, but appar-
ently their conduct was somewhat similar. The jury’s acquittal of
Rebecca Nurse was greeted with an outburst from the afflicted. Stough-
ton directed the jury to one of Rebecca’s remarks during the trial, and
asked the jury to reconsider. This was an accepted practice of English
law, and William Penn was another of its victims. The jury finally
returned a verdict of “guilty.”
Thus we may see that, guilt or innocence notwithstanding, the
accused were not granted fair hearings or trials. Indeed, a legally sworn
complaint (not all the accused were actually charged) almost inevitably
meant indictment, and, in time, imprisonment.
were lying. Captain John Alden, son of John and Priscilla of Mayflower
fame, referred to his accusers’ “jugling tricks,” but felt that they were
“distracted, or possessed.” Of all the accused, only the Carys are known
to have completely denied the validity of the fits.
Boyer and Nissenbaum imply that one segment of Salem Village was
striking out against the other, pro-Town segment. (Salem Village was
officially part of Salem Town. The western farmers generally favored
independence, while the more prosperous east preferred to remain
with the town. Salem Village is now the Town of Danvers.) However, in
isolating their study to the Village itself, they have missed an important
point. As they note, Salem Town magistrates and constables failed to
compel collection of rates to support Parris and the Village church, a
center of independence activity. They were active, however, in arresting
and conducting hearings of the accused witches, although the accusers
were their village enemies, and the accused their village allies. Obvi-
ously, sectional conflict has played a part in the accusations. Just as
obviously, it has been over-ridden by something more powerful. Once
we move outside the Village, this part of Boyer and Nissenbaum’s thesis
proves inadequate. Larzer Ziff ’s somewhat similar contention, in Puri-
tanism in America: New Culture in a New World, also has serious flaws.
True, the accusations were in part an uprising of the powerless women,
children, and servants, but they were accepted by a relatively wealthy
and powerful magistracy.
To look at a particularly striking case may help elucidate the point.
Captain John Alden was accused after a couple of false starts on the
part of the afflicted. They first pointed out the wrong man, and then
had to adjourn to the better light of the street. He was then accused of
inflicting sympathetic harm, and asked those who knew him if they
had ever suspected his being a witch. In Alden’s own words, “Mr. Gid-
ney [one of the judges] said he had known Aldin [sic] many years, and
had been at Sea with him {142} and always look’d upon him to be an
honest man, but now he did see cause to alter his judgment.” If we may
give Gedney and his fellow-judges credit for being of average intelli-
gence, reasonableness, and prudence, it is a fair assumption that such
alterations in judgment, especially in capital cases, were not based
upon fits of a “normal” nature. Something so unusual as to alter a life-
time of experience had been presented to them.
What was it? Medical science was lacking a good deal in those days,
and Dr. Griggs, who in 1695 signed a legal document with a mark, may
not have been an especially competent practitioner. However, even if
unidentified, it was clearly out of the ordinary. The Rev. Hale specifi-
cally stated that the fits were “beyond the power of any Epileptic Fits, or
natural Disease.”
Was it hysteria? This diagnosis is advanced, to greater or lesser
degrees, by Starkey, Hanson, and Boyer and Nissenbaum. It should be
noted that they, especially Hanson, use the term in its clinical sense,
rather than in the popular sense of general excitement. The fits in fact
often tally quite closely with the progress of a “typical” hysterical fit. In
many cases, hysteria could be the answer. But what do we really know
about hysteria and its causes? Is a diagnosis of hysteria much of an
advance, as far as information is concerned, over that of “an evil hand”?
There is, of course, a possibility which rationalistically inclined
scholars overlook. Demonic activity, up to and including possession,
may have been involved. Such a diagnosis fits the facts as well as one of
hysteria, so long as it is not rejected on presuppositional grounds.
Indeed, some aspects of the case are more easily explained by demon
activity. Such a case is the levitation of Margaret Rule. Taking place in
Boston in 1693, the Rule case is not directly a part of the Salem situa-
tion. Seven men, headed by Cotton Mather, Fellow of the Royal Society
of London and former medical student, testified that they had seen
Margaret Rule lifted from her bed to the ceiling, and that the combined
strength of several men was insufficient to pull her down.
The fits, then, though at times a deception, seem to have been in the
main real, and of such extraordinary force as to cause hundreds of peo-
ple to change opinions of many years’ standing. Their most likely ori-
gin would seem to lie in hysteria, or demon activity, or a combination
of both.
2) The Confessions
A surprising number of the accused, around fifty by some counts,
confessed their guilt. Some of these confessions were probably coerced.
Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Fry, and Mrs. Osgood of Andover were all badgered
into confessions by husbands and relatives. John Procter wrote that
three men had not confessed until they were tortured by being tied
neck and heels. {143}
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The Salem Witch Trials 177
ural knowledge, and that likeness increased at her hearing. She testified
that she had learned of the question about the clothes from Cheever,
who denied it. She then named her husband, who also denied it, and
finally testified that no one had told her. Giles Corey broadcast his own
feeling that she was indeed a witch. He changed his tune when he was
himself accused, but further weakened his credibility by perjuring
himself a number of times. {144}
There are other incidents. Bridget Bishop denied knowing John
Louder, a deponent against her. In fact, their orchards were adjoining
and they had had quarrels for years. Robert Downer claimed to have
been spectrally assaulted by Susanna Martin, and several people testi-
fied that the Martins had told of the incident before Downer himself
told anyone.
Along with much more of this sort, there are numerous cases of mis-
chief following quarrels, and incidents such as the one involving
Rebecca Nurse. In the hour that her irons were removed in prison, the
afflicted claimed to be assaulted by her specter, which had not
appeared since Rebecca’s imprisonment. Rebecca, however, was in Bos-
ton. The afflicted were in Salem.
Some of the accused were people of eminent piety. The most notable
examples are the Towne sisters—Mary Easty, Sarah Cloyse, and
Rebecca Nurse. However, contrary to the imaginations of anti-Puritan
writers, the accused were not universally sans peur et sans reproche.
Some, like Bridget Bishop, were thoroughly disreputable. Others fell in
between. For instance, Giles Corey and John Procter were frequently in
court against their neighbors, and even against each other. The Rev.
George Burroughs was well known for his harsh treatment of his wives,
had had only his eldest child baptized, and in 1692 couldn’t remember
the last time he had taken communion. Some writers have pictured
Burroughs as calmly and rationally denying the very existence of
witchcraft. In fact, he claimed to believe in it. Later on he submitted as
his own a paper denying some aspects of witchcraft. This was immedi-
ately detected as perjury, for it was copied from Thomas Ady. Bur-
roughs perjured himself further trying to explain this plagiarism.
Thus we may see that some unusual and even inexplicable events
helped to confirm the air of witchcraft. Also (writers such as Starkey
aside), the accused were not a universe of honest truth-seekers and
have minded a reputation as one well acquainted with the world of evil
At any rate, the powerful fits and unusually full confessions provided
a strong impetus for the proceedings. A number of unusual events,
difficult to explain without recourse to the spirit world, strengthened
the confessions and accusations. Defendants produced an inexplicable
rash of perjuries which would not bear a moment’s scrutiny and would
serve little purpose if they did. Finally, there was evidence that a num-
ber of defendants were in fact witches, or at least enjoyed the reputa-
tion of being witches.
5) Church-State Relations
Finally, and very importantly, there is the matter of church and state.
In the past, witchcraft cases had remained manageable because a min-
ister or public official had taken a firm hand. In this case, however, the
minister on the spot, along with two of his three neighboring ministers,
actually encouraged the trials. The other ministers were universally
opposed, but, under the congregational system, had no real authority
in Parris’s church.
Governor Bradstreet was too elderly, and his government perhaps
too tenuous, to take firm action in this matter. When Phips arrived and
took {146} office in May, he was concerned with the military threat on
the Maine frontier, and had little time for domestic problems. Salem got
out of hand because it occurred at the precise time and place in which the
traditional restraints—ministers and governor—were ineffective.
From the very beginning, there was opposition to the actions of the
magistrates. Deodat Lawson, a former minister in Salem Village,
preached the lecture day sermon there on the day of Rebecca Nurse’s
examination. There he urged the magistrates to discover all, but
reminded them that their concern was with civil matters, and told
them to use only regular means. He reminded the Christians that
Christ had conquered Satan, and that they needed to stand in Christ.
Prayer was urged as the proper remedy, and, in the sermon title,
Christ’s fidelity was upheld as the only shield against Satan’s malignity.
Despite Mather and Lawson, people turned increasingly to the
courts. In the past, pastoral or governmental action had served as a
check at this point. Here, however, was no Samuel Willard, carefully
supervising and scrutinizing the situation. Samuel Parris believed the
accusations, and he encouraged the hearings. Two of his neighboring
pastors, who might have provided restraining influence, supported
him. The third, John Higginson of Salem Town, was too elderly to take
a very active role.
As far as government was concerned, it was headed by Simon Brad-
street, who had been so skeptical of spectral evidence in the Knapp
case. Bradstreet, however, had become so decrepit as to be unable even
to attend church, and his government was both self-proclaimed and
provisional. No forthright action would come from that quarter. Oppo-
sition, then, was left to the ministers of the colony, who universally
opposed Parris, Noyes, and Hale. They, of course, held no political
power. Under the congregational system, they held no real ecclesiasti-
cal power outside of their own churches.
At the end of May, Cotton Mather attempted an intervention. Too ill
to accept Judge John Richards’s invitation to attend the trials, he wrote
Richards a letter of advice urging him to refuse admission of spectral
{147} evidence. Mather also denounced torture and semi-occult tests
such as “swimming” and reciting the Our Father. A credible confession
might be accepted, as well as images, witch marks, and evidence gath-
ered by cross and swift questioning. Clemency was recommended for
lesser criminals, and Richards was reminded that this was a spiritual
matter. Only its physical results gave the court any jurisdiction.
Sometime in June, two papers were circulated by a Baptist preacher
and others opposing the use of spectral testimony. The commission of
by their fathers and grandfathers. The new royal government, the rift
between ministers and magistrates, and the fact that Satan could lie to a
Massachusetts court, may have been too much for them to take. What-
ever the reason, they turned down an opportunity to intervene in an
area legally without their province. This is particularly odd in view of
the fact that two of them, Willard and Moody, are now known to have
urged accused people to flee, saying that the innocent were suffering.
The elder Mather did decide to inspect the trials on August 5, but he
chose that of George Burroughs. Evidence existed in this case, and Bur-
roughs persisted in his pathetic and pointless lies. Another trial might
have given a different impression, but this one, with little reliance on
spectral evidence, convinced Mather that all was well.
On August 9, Robert Pike, magistrate of Salisbury, wrote to Corwin
condemning most of the evidence submitted thus far. He advanced a
novel but well-reasoned view. Since the afflicted were under diabolic
torment, evidence taken from them came in fact from Satan. Thus,
those who took such evidence were, in fact, communing with Satan,
and thereby liable to charges of witchcraft themselves.
The next salvo was Cotton Mather’s letter of August 17 to John Fos-
ter. Foster, a member of the Governor’s Council who had asked
Mather’s advice, was told that spectral evidence was insufficient for
conviction and that devils could assume innocent forms. Reprieve
should be granted whenever the judges were uncertain, and bail should
be granted those jailed on spectral evidence only. As far as those actu-
ally convicted, Mather suggested exile rather than death as a punish-
ment. In conclusion, he hinted that “a famous divine or two” might be
seated on the court.
He was ignored, and on October 3, Increase Mather rolled out the
big guns. He read to the Boston clergy the manuscript of his new book,
Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits Personating Men. Here he
went on record as opposing any evidence taken from devils or confess-
ing witches. On October 8, Thomas Brattle wrote that all the elders
except Hale, Parris, and Noyes were opposed to the proceedings. Also
opposed were Bradstreet, former Deputy Governor Danforth, Major
Saltonstall (who had resigned from the commission), a number of cur-
rent and former magistrates, and most of the principal men in the Bos-
ton area. On October 12, Phips suspended the commission’s
had drawn up the bill, toning down an even more pointed version by
Cotton Mather. December 24 found Sewall deeply affected by Matthew
12:7. On January 15, the fast day, Sewall stood before his church as Pas-
tor Willard read Sewall’s confession and repentance. Twelve jurymen
signed a similar paper, confessing and repenting of their sin, though
done “ignorantly and unwittingly,” in shedding innocent blood. John
Hale in that year wrote A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft,
in which he described and refuted his own earlier views on the subject.
A large part of this book was inserted with approbation into Cotton
Mather’s Magnalia Christi Americana.
Martha Corey’s excommunication was revoked in 1703, Giles
Corey’s and Rebecca Nurse’s in 1712. Ann Putnam Jr. publicly repented
when she joined the Salem Village church in 1706. {150}
There was also a sort of institutional repentance. Some attainders
were reversed in 1703, and a good many more in 1711. In that year the
General Court also approved money indemnities, to the total of £ 578
12 s, to be paid to the survivors.
All in all, those who have suffered most from the historical point of
view are probably the Mathers. Though their behavior was not perfect,
they probably deserve less blame than any other. This is partly due,
perhaps, to an anti-supernatural bias on the part of historians. It is also
partly due to their uncritical acceptance of More Wonders of the Invisi-
ble World, by Robert Calef, a contemporary of the Mathers. Hanson has
ferreted out a number of important lies on Calef ’s part.
In moving to the conclusions, it would be well to bear in mind the
conclusion of Kitteredge’s book.
“It is easy to be wise after the fact—especially when the fact is two
hundred years old.”
Gary North
265. Clive Day, “Capitalistic and Socialistic Tendencies in the Puritan Colonies,”
Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1920 (1925), 235.
266. A. Whitney Griswold, “Three Puritans on Property,” New England Quarterly 7
(1934): 276–77.
267. E. A. J. Johnson, “Some Evidence of Mercantilism in the Massachusetts Bay,”
New England Quarterly 1(1928): 371–95.
268. John Dickenson, “Economic Regulations and Restrictions on Personal Liberty in
Early Massachusetts,” Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Proceedings 7 (1929):
493–94. Cf. Carl Bridenbaugh, Cities in the Wilderness ([1938] 1955), 45; Bernard
Bailyn, The New England Merchants in the Seventeenth Century (1964), 21ff.
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Medieval Economics in Puritan New England, 1630–1660 189
269. Marshall Harris, Origin of the Land Tenure System in the United States (1953), 2.
Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, speaking for the majority in the case of Lynch v.
Household Finance, wrote that “the dichotomy between personal liberties and property
rights is a false one. Property does not have rights. People have rights. The right to enjoy
property without unlawful deprivation, no less than the right to speak or the right to
travel, is, in truth, a ‘personal’ right, whether the ‘property’ in question be a welfare
check or a savings account. In fact, a fundamental interdependence exists between the
personal right to liberty and the personal right in property. Neither could have meaning
without the other.” The United States Law Week 40 (March 21, 1972): 4339–40.
270. Thomas Shepard, “The Parable of the Ten Virgins,” (16, 9), in John A. Albro, ed.,
The Works of Thomas Shepard, 3 vols ([1853] 1967), vol. 2, 544. These sermons were
preached originally between 1636 and 1640.
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whole earth is the Lord’s garden and he hath given it to the sons of
Adam to be tilled and improved by them....”271 Man therefore has the
duty to manage God’s garden lawfully, judiciously, faithfully, for, Tho-
mas Shepard wrote, “when Adam stood before God, the Lord fully
convinced him; when death comes, then there is an end of man’s stew-
ardship (Luke 16:2), and when an end comes to that, what comes then?
Come, give up thy account....”272
Man is completely accountable to a sovereign and jealous God for
the proper use of all property that is given to man to administer. This
stood as the theological foundation for the Puritan diary as well as the
Puritan account book: man’s gifts—property, family, and especially
time—must be used productively throughout one’s lifetime. The Bos-
ton merchant, Robert Keayne, represents the model of the record-
keeping steward: {155}
All these books and accounts and writings I mention in this my will
the more particularly that my executor especially and my overseers
may call for them, find them all out, take special care for the safe keep-
ing of them, and peruse them diligently. For if any one of them should
be lost or conveyed away you would be at a great loss and much to
seek in my accounts; and it may prove a great loss to my estate. Of the
like use are many other written papers and books in my closet ... by
having recourse to these books and papers I can show them when and
how and in what it was discharged and evened. Therefore, very few of
those papers are to be neglected or cast by as if they were kept for no
use at all.
And when all these books and writings, not only of debts and
accounts and worldly business but also of divinity, sermon books, and
some of military discipline and exercise....—if all of these should be of
no other use, yet they will testify to the world on my behalf that I
would not have lived an idle, lazy, or dronish life, nor spent my time
wantonly, fruitlessly or in company-keeping as some have been to
ready to asperse me.…273
273. Robert Keayne, The Apologia of Robert Keayne, ed. Bernard Bailyn ([1653]
1964), 73. Weber emphasized the importance of rational bookkeeping in the Protestant
contribution to the process of rationalization: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism, 21–22, 170. Rather than subordinating himself under God’s sovereignty, the
capitalist subordinates himself to possessions as if he were “an acquisitive machine.”
The capitalist is therefore a secularized version of the systematic Puritan: Protestant
Ethic, 170.
274. Winthrop, “General Observations,” Winthrop Papers, vol. 2, 123; Winthrop to
[John Wheelwright] (1639), ibid., vol. 4, 101.
275. Winthrop, “General Observations,” ibid., vol. 2, 120.
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276. Cf. Gary North, “Ownership: Free but not Cheap,” The Freeman (July 1972). An
expanded version of this essay appears in North, An Introduction to Christian Economics
(1973). On Locke’s secularization of the Puritan view of original ownership, see Of Civil
Government ([1689] 1936), bk. 2, chap. 5. Locke argued that the addition of a man’s
labor to the soil gives him original title. Civil government was created to preserve and
defend these original claims of ownership.
277. “The Great Patent of New England” (1620), in William Brigham, ed., The
Compact with the Charters and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth (1836), 3.
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Medieval Economics in Puritan New England, 1630–1660 193
282. On the varieties of Puritan eschatology in the seventeenth century, see Peter
Toon, ed., Puritans, the Millennium and the Future of Israel: Puritan Eschatology, 1600–
1660 (1970); cf. my review of Toon in The Banner of Truth (January 1971). They were
generally postmillennial optimists: Iain Murray, The Puritan Hope (1971), chaps. 3, 5.
283. J. Franklin Jameson, ed., Johnson’s Wonder-Working Providence, 1628–1651
([1910] 1952), 49.
284. Ibid., 52.
285. Aletha Joy Gilsdorf, “The Puritan Apocalypse: New England Eschatology in the
Seventeenth Century” (Ph.D. dissertation, Yale, 1965), 119–20.
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Medieval Economics in Puritan New England, 1630–1660 195
Given this viewpoint, the sin of idleness, which had been regarded as
a terrible sin by Luther, Calvin, and English Puritans, became doubly
cursed in New England. The necessity of personal labor went beyond
individual self-discipline and natural necessity; it became the holy task
of a Christian soldier, a soldier whose army’s battle plan was guaran-
teed to succeed in the long run. Far from acting as a retarding and
fatalistic factor on Christians’ efforts, the New England clergy (like
orthodox Marxists in the nineteenth century) used the doctrine of
inevitable triumph as a rallying cry for even greater personal sacrifice.
Idleness was therefore an intolerable deviation in the holy common-
wealth. Prohibitions against it, as well as mechanisms of enforcement,
were inserted into the public law codes.286 Each town in New England
throughout the century enacted and enforced laws against gaming,
especially games of chance, whether in public inns or in private homes,
because such activities contributed toward the idleness of those partic-
ipating, especially youths and servants. The waste {159} of one’s scarc-
est resource, time, was a violation of the laws of God, and strictly
Puritan sermons brought home the people’s responsibility to allocate
their time judiciously. Unquestionably, Puritan divines relied heavily
on their conception of time to justify their challenge concerning a
man’s vocation. Thomas Hooker’s words are forceful in this regard:
Lastly we should learn to cut off all unnecessary expense of time; if it
be sinful to spend that time which should be for spiritual employment,
in worldly business, which in themselves are lawful, if seasonably dis-
charged, how much more sinful is it to spend it in sinful sports, and
pleasures; we should therefore learn how to redeem the time out of the
hands of our lusts and corruptions, which have too long employed
many precious hours.…287
In short, we are required to “learn so to order and overlook [i.e.,
oversee] all of our businesses, that we may be able to allot to every
employment a proportionable time....”288 Thomas Shepard stressed the
286. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., Records of the Governor and Company of the
Massachusetts Bay in New England, 5 vols. (1853–54), vol. 1 (1633), 109. [Cited
hereinafter as MGR.] Cf. Joseph Dorfman, The Economic Mind in American Civilization,
5 vols. ([1949] 1966), vol. 1, 43.
287. Thomas Hooker, The Saints Guide (1645), conclusion.
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time, and strength, for the duties of God’s worship.” 293 The goal, as
stated, is spiritual: we are to rationalize our external callings in order to
gain time for the spirit. But the effect of such advice is to create a neces-
sary interest in rational activities like cost accounting and forecasting.
Forecasting is crucial to the economic task of the capitalist entrepre-
neur. It is accurate forecasting, and planning in terms of accurate fore-
casting, that produce that economic residual known in modern
economics as “pure profit” or “entrepreneurial profit.”294 Given
Hooker’s concern for the proper forecasting of one’s external calling,
the incipient capitalist would be likely to find that the recommended
activity was producing economic returns. From this position to Frank-
lin’s “time is money” philosophy, only a modest shift of emphasis is
An eschatology of victory guaranteed the early Puritans’ ultimate
hope in establishing their city on a hill. The wilderness would be sub-
dued through the application of diligent human labor, which in turn
would be governed by a careful use of time. The focus of this concern
was in the allocation and conservation of one’s gifts of property. If the
whole community could be convinced, or if necessary, coerced, to fol-
low the rules of the calling, then civilization could be expected to
flower.295 The economy, like other godly Christian aspects of the king-
dom, could legitimately be expected to expand, bringing outward
blessings to God’s people. Here, buried very deep in the prolix sermons
of seventeenth-century New England Puritanism, was the foundation
of a wholly new attitude toward the possibility of linear economic
growth, an idea utterly foreign to both medieval Christianity and conti-
nental Protestantism in the sixteenth century.
if thou beest a man that lives without a calling, though thou hast two
thousands to spend, yet if thou hast no calling, tending to public good,
thou art an unclean beast.... and hast thou a calling, and art never so
diligent in it, it is but dead work, if thou want faith.298
Wise men should indeed seek wealth, while wealthy men should seek
wisdom: both together are a blessing.299 The popish myth of the
preferability of a voluntary state of poverty is utter foolishness.300
There is nothing wrong with the economic blessings that result from
honest labor, and we should not “defraud ourselves of such lawful
delights, as the Lord alloweth {162} us, in the good things we enjoy: we
shall do him and ourselves also injury in so doing.”301 In other words,
we labor “for riches so as we may have them with God’s blessing, which
addeth no sorrow: Prov. 10:22”302 The quest for wealth is legitimate, so
long as one’s heart is right with God. The key is moderation.303
Cotton, like his other clerical colleagues, had no faith at all in exter-
nal success as a sign of inward holiness. He saw only internal self-exam-
ination as a foolproof means of ascertaining one’s position in the sight
of God. The inward testimony of God’s Spirit to one’s own spirit is
alone a reliable test of salvation for any exercise of self-examination.304
Do you feel guilty, he asked, because of the harm you have caused
Christ? Then your guilt is a testimony of your salvation. Are you
ashamed only for yourself? Then such shame affords you nothing.305
While it is quite true that God promises prosperity to the faithful,
external rewards prove nothing.306 In an important passage, Cotton
pointed out that the following can often be the external, visible posses-
sions of both evil men and the righteous: success, a good name, wealth,
pleasure, health and strength, beauty, long life, learning and wisdom.
298. Cotton, The Way of Life, or, Gods Way (1641), 449.
299. Ecclesiastes, 134.
300. Ibid.
301. Ibid., 37.
302. Ibid., 49.
303. Ibid., 48; cf. Way of Life, 446, 456.
304. Ibid., 198.
305. Way of Life, 40–41.
306. Ibid., 452–53.
Similarly, poverty, sudden death, and violent death can come upon the
good and the bad.307 Ultimately, “outward prosperity is no certain sign
of the Church,” and Christians must be sure to warn wicked men not
“to bless themselves in their prosperity, as if it were a sign of God’s
favor....”308 Adversity in this life is equally no sign that God has pre-
pared future blessings for a man; He may only be giving a man a pre-
liminary taste of even more awful things to come. Thomas Hooker was
as convinced of these points as Cotton was:
... thou take that for an argument of God’s love and mercy which
rather may be an argument of God’s hatred and indignation: Psal.
92.12, The wicked flourish, saith the text, then a man may say ... they
will all be saved if they prosper here; no, saith the text, they flourish
that they may be destroyed, and perish forever: the oxe is fatted for the
There is an overwhelming danger to the soul in private property in
abundance: “Property destroyeth the soul; it is like a poison, like
ratsbane.…”310 {163} As for personal trials and defeats in this world,
“all the grievances, trouble, sorrow, sickness, be they what they will be,
unless thy heart be humbled by them, unless thou be brought unto the
Lord Jesus Christ by them, they are so far from being an argument of
grace and salvation unto thee, that they are harbingers of those
everlasting torments you shall endure in hell.…”311 Like citizens of
Sodom and Gomorrah, Hooker warned, it is possible to burn on earth
and subsequently burn in hell. The only thing a man can rest his hope
on is his trust in Christ’s atoning work at Calvary. It is the only hope
that survives all afflictions, overshadowing all other hopes.312
The task for the Christian, wrote Cotton, is to produce in one’s life a
mixture of virtues: “Diligence in worldly business, and yet deadness to
ters: “Did we ever live in a more impenitent, secure age? We shall sel-
dom meet one broken with sin; but how few are broken from sin
also?”317 “O, the wrath of God upon this God-glutted, Christ-glutted,
gospel-glutted age....”318
The jeremiad of abundance was not to be regarded by the audience
as a prohibition on all worldly enjoyments, however. In an ordered, sys-
tematic world, Christians have the responsibility of putting all things in
their lawful, respective places. This includes a judicious use of God’s
gifts, since these enable men to work more efficiently when they return
to their labor. This was one of the primary arguments behind the Sab-
bath legislation. God’s gift of rest must be taken; it is not optional at the
discretion of the individual believer. While this is not an exclusively
Puritan view, the all-encompassing nature of the Sabbath laws indicates
the extent of the commitment to what was regarded as an inescapable
orderliness in the affairs of a godly commonwealth. All things must be
done in due season:
... worldly employments are our strangers, yet they must be spoken
with. Religious thoughts and practices are our friends; these come
unto us while God calls us to parley with the other; you cannot speak
with both at one time, in one place, without much perplexity: take,
therefore, this course; make much of the good thoughts, but parley not
with them till your business is done with strangers; and toward the
evening, which is your season, set some time apart for meditation, and
make them most welcome.... So, when God calls you to worldly
employments, do them with all your mind and might; and when the
season of meditation comes, take it.…319
Not only did Puritan preaching point to the necessity of the calling
in the life of the Christian, it also reminded men of the necessity of all
lawful callings. In an organic commonwealth bound together by faith,
no one was to regard his lawful calling as morally inferior to any other.
320. President Nixon’s comment in the spring of 1971 that those who carry bedpans
should take as much pride in their work as executives take in theirs was in line with this
ancient perspective. The ridicule aimed at the statement by editorial writers and
political cartoonists reflects their commitment to a more recent form of egalitarianism
which assumes that status groupings necessarily imply ethical judgments regarding
people’s innate superiority or inferiority.
321. Shepard, Works, vol. 1, 308. Cf. Winthrop’s statement in “General Observations”:
“If any such as are known to be godly and live in wealth and prosperity here [i.e.,
England], shall forsake all this to join themselves with this church, and run in hazard
with them of hard and mean condition, it will be an example of great use both for the
removing of scandal and sinister and worldly respects, to give more life to the faith of
God’s people in their prayers for the plantation and also to encourage others to join the
more willingly in it.” Winthrop Papers, vol. 2, 118.
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toward them; their plenty of all things, which should have cheered
their hearts, and quickened their spirits in elevating both soul and
body to a thankful frame, through the work of his blessed Spirit; on
the contrary, it brought a fulness on many, even to loath the very
honeycomb, insomuch that good wholesome truths would not down,
yet had the Lord those that were precious unto him....322
Cotton had affirmed this same principle: the prayers and healing acts
of Christians within a corrupt society “will be accepted as if the whole
Nation did universally turn to God.”323 But how long His wrath could
be stayed was problematical. Only true reformation could guarantee
the survival of the covenant community. {166}
The paradox of Deuteronomy 8 was not to be taken lightly. Cotton’s
commentary on the passage served to remind men of their propensity
to accept the gifts but to forget the heavenly giver.
Yes, fear your own false, proud, and luxurious hearts, lest you should
then forget God, and was wanton against God, lest there be intemper-
ancy, and excess, unthankfulness, and unfruitfulness; which shows
you that a Christian man, though he trust upon God, yet he distrusts
himself, and he prays if riches increase, that grace may increase, and
so receives and enjoys all these blessings with a reverent fear.324
An enlarged estate, he said, should produce enlarged service to others.
If it did not, then the increased estate is a curse to the owner.
The theological leaders in New England—Cotton, Shepard, and
Hooker—made a serious attempt to convince their followers that no
external signs of blessing could be taken as signs of a man’s election
unto salvation. Yet Christ’s words concerning the testing of a man’s
faith through the fruits of his spirit must have stood out in the minds of
at least some of the New England merchants. “Ye shall know them by
their fruits” (Matt. 7:16) seemed clear enough to Robert Keayne:
And though I believe that all my ways of holiness are of no use to me
in point of justification, yet I believe they may not be neglected by me
without great sin, but are ordained of God for me to walk in them
carefully, in love to Him, in obedience to His commandments, as well
as for many other good ends. They are good fruits and evidences of
The early pages of his testament list some of these fruits: payment of
debts, readiness to make restitution for any economic faults, his gift of
£300 to Boston for the construction of a canal and a building in the
market place, his gift to the free school, and his profitable management
of the funds he had laid up for the poor. Furthermore, he took care of
his family: “I have endeavored to honor God with my substance and
with the first fruits of all my increase, and have endeavored to do good
with what God hath bestowed upon me so far as I might likewise
provide for the necessities of my own family, the care of carrying on my
calling, and other dealings in the world justly.”326 Keayne took the
externals of his life quite seriously, just as the church and the
magistrates took seriously his economic dealings that they regarded as
unjustified. The various institutions of social control looked carefully
at a man’s external affairs.
Any society officially founded on the basis of a received body of
infallible teachings, whether explicitly revelational (the Bible, the
Koran) or merely rational (orthodox Marxism, or a constitution), must
see to it that unofficial {167} misapplications of certain features of the
hypothetically consistent received opinion are not quoted out of con-
text. It is very easy to select one aspect of the tradition for emphasis,
such as Anne Hutchinson and her followers chose to emphasize in the
doctrine of free grace. In such cases, the protests of the official inter-
preters of tradition may be unsuccessful in convincing the “deviants” of
their error. (John Cotton, in the antinomian controversy, even seemed
unable at first to decide exactly where Mrs. Hutchinson had gone
wrong.327) If a particular interpretation of the received teachings is
overly subtle, it is likely to be misunderstood, especially when the mis-
understanding seems to be favorable to the interests of those involved.
In the case of the question of external evidences of inward salvation,
329. Max Weber, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, 184ff., 211ff.
[Economy and Society, vol. 1, 86ff., 107ff.] Cf. Weber, On Law in Economy and Society,
chap. 8. [Economy and Society, vol. 2, 809–38.]
330. Knight, The Economic Organization ([1951] 1965), 31–32.
331. Ibid., 33.
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Medieval Economics in Puritan New England, 1630–1660 209
332. James K. Hosmer, ed., Winthrop’s Journal: “History of New England,” 1630–1649,
2 vols. ([1908] 1966), vol. 2, 91–92. Weber made the impersonal-personal dichotomy a
basic foundation of his social analysis: “The tension between brotherly religion and the
world has been most obvious in the economic sphere.... A rational economy is a
functional organization oriented to money-prices which originate in the interest-
struggles of men in the market. Calculation is not possible without calculation in money
prices and hence without market struggles. Money is the most abstract and ‘impersonal’
element that exists in human life. The more the world of the modern capitalist economy
follows its own immanent laws, the less accessible it is to any imaginable relationship
with a religious ethic of brotherliness. The more rational, and thus impersonal,
capitalism becomes, the more this is the case. In the past it was possible to regulate
ethically the personal relations between master and slave precisely because they were
personal relations. But it is not possible to regulate—at least not in the same sense or
with the same success—the relations between the shifting holders of mortgages: for in
this case, no personal bonds exist.” Weber, “Religious Rejections of the World and Their
Directions” (1915), in Gerth and Mills, eds., From Max Weber (1946), 331.
333. Hosmer, Winthrop’s Journal, vol. 2, 92.
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338. Ibid., 104, 159–60. On the attempt of the magistrates to reduce competitive
bidding for goods at the dock by establishing a buying monopoly of nine men
representing nine towns around the bay, see Bailyn, Merchants, 34. This 1635 law was
repealed within four months.
339. MCR, vol. 1, 160. All of the preceding legislation came in 1635 or earlier.
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Medieval Economics in Puritan New England, 1630–1660 213
340. Edmund S. Morgan, The Puritan Dilemma (1958), 166ff. Cf. George Lee
Haskins, Law and Authority in Early Massachusetts (1960), 119ff. For the most thorough
discussion of the principles separating the magistrates’ concept of discretionary
authority and the deputies’ concept of specific delegated authority, see T. H. Breen, The
Character of the Good Ruler: A Study of Puritan Political Ideas in New England, 1630–
1730 (1970), 59ff., 81ff. Winthrop stated his position clearly in his “Discourse on
Arbitrary Government” (1644), Winthrop Papers, vol. 4, 468ff., a portion of which is
reproduced in Edmund S. Morgan, ed., Puritan Political Ideas (1965), 149ff.
341. MCR, vol. 1, 183.
342. Ibid., 223.
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343. Richard B. Morris, Government and Labor in Early America (1941), 62. Cf.
Morris and Jonathan Grossman, “The Regulation of Wages in Early Massachusetts,” New
England Quarterly 11 (1938): 479. Winthrop’s explanation of why the Court turned wage
regulation over to the towns is worth considering: “The court having found by
experience, that it would not avail by any law to redress the excessive rates of laborers’
and workmen’s wages, etc. (for being restrained, they would either remove to other
places where they might have more, or else being able to live by planting and other
employments of their own, they would not be hired at all), it was therefore referred to
the several towns to set down rates among themselves. This took better effect, so that in
a voluntary way, but the counsel and persuasion of the elders, and example of some who
led the way, they were brought to more moderation than they would by compulsion. But
it held not long.” Winthrop’s Journal, vol. 2, 24. The legislation provided for appeals from
one town against a rival town which was permitting far higher wage rates and thus
competing for the labor supply of its neighbors: MCR, vol., 183.
344. J. Hammond Trumball and Charles Hoadly, eds., The Public Records of the
Colony of Connecticut, 15 vols. ([1850–90] 1968), vol. 1 (1641), 65. [Cited hereinafter as
345. CCR, I (1650), 205.
346. Charles Hoadly, ed., Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven, from
1636 to 1649 (1857), 35–36, 52, 55. [Cited hereinafter as NHCP.]
347. Ibid., 55.
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These controls do not appear in the 1656 law code of the colony, indi-
cating that they abandoned price controls during the decade and a half
following their imposition.
Plymouth Colony was the exception. Its economic legislation focused
almost entirely on land tenure issues and foreign trade. Wage controls
on laborers were imposed briefly in December 1638; they were
repealed the following September.348 There was a price ceiling on beer
as late as 1685, but this probably should be classified under the cate-
gory of sumptuary legislation.349 Millers’ fees were regulated, but this
was (and is still) common for economic endeavors regarded as public
As to the effects of these laws, historians cannot seem to agree. Rich-
ard Morris says that for several generations, “the Puritans were in dead
earnest about their wage codes,” and the courts enforced them.351 Mar-
ion Gottfried, on the other hand, says that they had little effect on the
aggregate during the time of economic crisis in which they were
regarded by the magistrates {175} as being vital, i.e., in the depression
of the early 1640s.352 Between 1630 and 1644, the years of the most rig-
orous legislation in Massachusetts, less than twenty people were actu-
ally convicted for wage or price violations. Twice as many were
convicted for speaking out against public authority.353 The most
famous case of all, the trial of Robert Keayne, was unique, so historians
should be wary of viewing it as a representative situation.
348. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff and David Pulsifer, eds., Records of the Colony of New
Plymouth, 12 vols. ([1855–61] 1968), vol. 11, 30. [Cited hereinafter as PCR.]
349. The Book of the General Laws of the Inhabitants of the Jurisdiction of New-
Plymouth (1685), 33.
350. PCR, vol. 11 (1638), 30.
351. Morris, Government and Labor, 72.
352. Marion H. Gottfried, “The First Depression in Massachusetts,” New England
Quarterly 11 (1936): 640.
353. John Dickenson, “Economic Regulations,” 524. He relies on the Records of the
Court of Assistants (1904) for his data. Morris can cite only a handful of cases, and fewer
convictions, after 1650: 75–76.
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[My own offence] was so greatly aggravated and with such indigna-
tion pursued by some, as if no censure could be too great or too
severe, as if I had not been worthy to have lived upon the earth. [Such
offences] are not only now common almost in every shop and ware-
house but even then and ever since with a higher measure of excess,
yea even by some of them that were most zealous and had their hands
and tongues deepest in my censure. [At that time] they were buyers,
[but since then] they are turned sellers and peddling merchants them-
selves, so that they are become no offences now nor worthy question-
ing nor taking notice of in others.357
As more and more people began to work on the other side of the sales
counter, the former sins of the seller began to fade into obscurity. With
the expansion of the size of the market, crimes once horrible were
regarded with far less suspicion.
John Winthrop informs us of the outline of pricing principles sub-
mitted by John Cotton to the magistrates during the trial, and all of
them can be found in the writings of Aquinas. A man may not buy as
cheaply as he can, nor sell as dearly as the market might permit. He
may not take advantage of the buyer’s ignorance (in a special case—the
seller’s knowledge that fresh supplies are on the way to a besieged com-
munity—Aquinas had even allowed the seller to remain silent and take
a higher price for his goods). He may not sell above the current price,
even to make up losses on other items, a restriction which was basic to
medieval casuistry.358 Winthrop explained the magistrates’ leniency in
the case: 1) “there was no law in force to limit or direct men in point of
profit in their trade”; 2) because in all countries men “make use of
advantages for raising the prices of their commodities”; 3) “because
(though he were chiefly aimed at, yet) he was not alone in this fault”; 4)
because all men—cattle sellers, corn sellers, laborers—in the colony
practiced such gouging. But the fifth and final point is the crucial one,
for it had baffled commentators from the twelfth century onward:
“Because a certain rule could not be found out for an equal rate
between buyer and seller, though much labor had been bestowed in it,
and diverse laws had been made, which, upon experience, were
repealed, as being neither safe nor equal.”359 Aquinas had warned them
that “the just price of things is not fixed with mathematical precision,
but depends on a kind of estimate, so that a slight addition or subtrac-
tion would not seem to destroy the equality of justice.”360 Finding that
elusive “equal rate” {177} proved to be more of a task than successive
pieces of legislation could achieve.
Was Keayne a covetous person? The authorities had to prove this if
they were legitimately to impose serious sanctions. The standard to be
used in discovering true covetousnes was conscience. Just as Calvin had
opened the door to legitimate usury by his reliance on the role of con-
science in determining the limits of fair dealing, so the Massachusetts
magistrates also were forced to rely on this concept, given the over-
whelming difficulty of fixing specific prices as “just” in a formal law
code. John Cotton himself “showed that it is neither the habit of covet-
ousness (which is in every man in some degree), nor simply the act,
that declares a man to be such, but when it appears that a man sins
against his conscience, or the very light of nature, and when it appears
in a man’s whole conversation.” Keayne was not guilty of covetousness,
Cotton affirmed, because he was liberal in hospitality and in other
aspects of his life (church communion), and his crime was based on
“an error in judgment.”361 The magistrates therefore decided to reduce
the fine.
Erikson writes that the deviant is ushered into his role “by a decisive
and often dramatic ceremony, yet is retired from it with scarcely a word
of public notice.”362 This certainly was the case with Robert Keayne. He
later was elected as a magistrate, and his occasional lapses into drunk-
enness are noted in the records only by the imposition of a fine. The
humiliation of the trial disturbed him for the remainder of his life, but
the community apparently was perfectly content to let bygones be
bygones. It had asserted its standards, and it promptly went about
undermining them, a fact which Keayne saw clearly but which seemed
to bother few of his more energetic contemporaries. So long as a man’s
conscience was sound, he was free to go about his business. To prove a
The glut grew so bad, as Connecticut officials viewed it, that a prohibi-
tion was placed on all export of grain from Connecticut. The reason
was the hostility of Massachusetts and Plymouth against “our overfill-
ing their markets.…”370 The General Court awarded a monopoly of
exporting to the Governor, Edward Hopkins, and his associates; they
were to be responsible for the “transportation thereof into some parts
beyond the seas....” Price supports were guaranteed to all growers, but
only upon the safe return of the vessel. The magistrates hoped that
through the establishment of an export monopoly the effects of the glut
might somehow be alleviated. The impersonal free market and its sys-
tem of flexible prices simply could not be trusted; it was producing
temporarily undesirable effects. A monopoly was needed, they
explained, since “the advantages that have been taken from the multi-
tude of sellers and their pinching necessities” have produced condi-
tions in which “the rate and prices of corn is so little ... that much
discouragement falls upon the spirits of men in such employments....”
A way out of this must be found, the magistrates announced. Unfortu-
nately, export controls of this kind would only have reduced the market
further. By limiting the number of outlets for the produce, the glut
could be cleared on the home market only by a further reduction of
prices. The promise of price supports was only a promise; to fulfill it,
the ship had to get through safely, sell at the hoped-for high prices, and
then return safely to Connecticut. With Plymouth and Massachusetts
no doubt seeking external markets for their overflow, such a hope in a
guaranteed export market was not likely to become a reality.
Plymouth Colony had always imposed export and trade controls.
Winthrop wrote that in 1631 a ship from Massachusetts accidentally
sailed into the harbor at Plymouth, “where the governor, etc., fell out
with them, not only forbidding them to trade, but also telling them
they would oppose them by force, even to the spending of their lives,
etc., whereupon they returned....”371 Prohibitions were placed on the
export of sheep in {180} 1633.372 It seems safe to say that the doctrines
of free trade had not yet occurred to the Plymouth magistrates.373
Massachusetts passed a series of trade control laws in the latter part
of the 1640s. This seems odd in retrospect, since the revival of the
economy after mid-decade was fostered by increasing trade abroad.
Because of a temporary shortage of grain in the summer of 1648, the
General Court placed a three months export embargo, since “it appears
that there is not sufficient for the necessary sustentation of the inhabit-
ants for two months.…”374 A prohibition on the export of mares was
imposed in 1649.375 The year 1654 saw the import of foreign malt pro-
hibited and the export of sheep prohibited.376
Trade controls on the whole were sporadic responses to temporary cri-
ses, or such was the case outside of Plymouth. In Plymouth we find
fewer domestic controls over the economy and a greater proportion of
export and import restrictions. But in the other colonies, foreign trade
was acceptable in most goods most of the time. When a crisis seemed
to threaten the community’s supplies of goods, or else added to the
supply of a particular good far beyond expectations, the magistrates
moved to counter the new conditions through legislation. As long as
prices and supplies stayed within familiar boundaries, the central gov-
ernments were content to allow the market its free course, provided
only that the citizens remember that the general limitations on oppres-
sion were officially in force and available for implementation if neces-
377. Weber, General Economic History ([1920] 1961), 230–31. Cf. Christopher Hill,
Reformation to Industrial Revolution (1969), 74.
378. MCR, vol. 1 (1631), 82; NHCP (1645), 165; Samuel A. Bates, ed., Records of the
Town of Braintree, 1640–1793 (1886), (1641), 1. The town reaffirmed the monopoly
with new owners, after the original owners had sold the mill: 1662 and 1674; ibid., 15–
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that did not require such a heavy outlay in capital as would have been
normal with a mill or a ferry. The general features of the guild system
were the right of a group of men within a trade to enter into covenant
with each other, elect officers, control all further entry into the group,
and police the quality of the goods produced. In the case of the Massa-
chusetts tanners, they and they alone were permitted to tan leather, and
they were not permitted to work at any other trade.379 Public officers
were appointed to inspect the products of the various guilds.380 Guilds
were not to use their position to charge prices as high as they would
otherwise have been able to obtain on the legally restricted markets.
The trades involved were tanners, coopers, shoemakers, butchers, bak-
ers, porters, and brewers.381 A classic guild charter is the Massachusetts
grant to shoemakers in 1648; the public received, in return for the
monopolistic grant, the following guarantees: “... that no unlawful
combination be made at any time, by the said company of shoemakers,
for enhancing the prices of shoes, boots, or wages, whereby either their
own people or strangers may suffer ... no shoemaker {182} shall refuse
to make shoes for any inhabitant, at reasonable rates, of their own
leather, for the use themselves and families only, if they be required
thereunto.”382 In cases of disputes over fair pricing, “the said officers
and associates do not proceed to determine the cause, but with the
advice of the judges of the country....”
Monopolies in the seventeenth century were under attack by Parlia-
ment in England. They were used as fiscal devices by the king. They
permitted a thriving hierarchy of informers, and their real purpose was
to create saleable revenue items for the king. The Puritan Revolution
put a stop to all this. “The Middle Ages in industry and internal trade,”
writes Christopher Hill, “also ended in 1641, when the central govern-
ment lost its power to grant monopolies and control the administration
of poor relief.... Guild regulations and the privileges of town oligar-
chies, long opposed by the common lawyers, became far more difficult
to enforce.”383 Across the Atlantic, Puritans were erecting monopolies
at the same time. The guilds were not fiscal devices in New England,
however; they were generally regarded as a means of protecting con-
sumers. Furthermore, as Richard Morris has pointed out, these guilds
“did not last long enough in Massachusetts for the rank and file mem-
bership to resent the power of the governing body.”384 The one indus-
try which was regulated throughout the century was the bakers guild;
similarly, the assize on bread was the only price control to remain in
effect (apart from liquor, which was under the sumptuary statutes).385
Antimonopoly laws that were directed against unauthorized forestall-
ing—cornering the market—remained in effect into the late eighteenth
century, indicating that early New England Puritans created their
monopolies only to retain a measure of control over production in
those areas of the economy.386 With the expansion of the market, these
controls began to disappear.
387. Darret Rutman, Winthrop’s Boston (1965), 7ff. “The elaboration of the law, its
intrusion into every cranny of private life, the very pervasiveness of government—none
of these was part of Winthrop’s ideal.... A perfect society in which men would do their
duty to each other out of their godliness would have no need for law ...” (239). One might
imagine that Winthrop, at least “idealistically” (as distinguished from Winthrop the
former law student and future magistrate), was a forerunner of Lysander Spooner, the
nonrevolutionary anarchist of late nineteenth-century America. One wonders where
Winthrop received his training in Christian perfectionism; this doctrine certainly was
regarded as heretical by English Puritan theologians.
388. Ibid., chap. 9.
389. Ibid., 256.
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390. Haskins, Law and Authority, 60, 72. Cf. Sumner Chilton Powell, Puritan Village
391. F. A. Harper, Liberty: A Path to Its Recovery (1949), 106.
392. Don Gleason Hill and Jules H. Tuttle, eds., The Early Records of the Town of
Dedham, Massachusetts, 1636–1659, 6 vols. (1886–1936), vol. 3, 2. I am using the
modernized version of the town’s covenant provided by Kenneth A. Lockridge, A New
England Town, The First Hundred Years (1970), 5. New Haven’s 1643 covenant, Articles
of Confederation among Plantations, similarly establishes the community’s working
presuppositions: “Whereas we all came unto these parts of America with one and the
same end and aim, namely to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to
enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in purity and peace ...” (NHCP), 98.
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393. Lockridge, Town, 7. This is the hard realism of the Puritan “utopia,” rather than
the abstracted version derived by Rutman from Winthrop’s Model of Christian Charity.
394. Dedham, vol. 3, 20.
395. Ibid., 24, 162.
396. Watertown Records, 4 vols. (1894), vol. 1, 4.
397. Second Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston; Containing the
Boston Records, 1634–1660, 3rd ed. (1902), 5.
398. Ibid., 90.
399. CCR, vol. 1, 351.
that without speedy remedy our chiefest end will be utterly frus-
The Massachusetts town of Braintree, which lagged half a century
behind the other towns in disposing of its common fields, was equally
slow in abolishing the control on land sales. As late as 1700 a statute
was passed against selling land to outsiders.401 There is strong reason
to suspect that the retention of such control was related to the presence
of an undistributed commons, since the purchase of town land pro-
vided access to commons privileges and a right to any possible future
land distributions. Cambridge required a man to offer his home for
sale first to a member of the local congregation at his minimum rate;
only after a month had passed without a buyer could a man offer it to
outsiders, and then only to those approved by the townsmen.402
Originally, these prohibitions on sales to outsiders were paralleled by
restraints on the entertaining of visitors. Such restraints were imposed
for two reasons: to preserve the town from subversive influences and to
make certain that the town’s welfare rolls were not overburdened by an
influx of the handicapped. Charity was on the old English parish sys-
tem, supported by a mandatory tithe; it was not, however, a 10 percent
payment, just as it had not been in England. Examples of immigration
restrictions were numerous in the seventeenth century, especially with
regard to those who were, as a Plymouth {186} law of 1642 put it,
“apparently likely to be chargeable to the township (against whom just
exception is made at the time of his coming or within a month
after)….”403 Boston’s limit for entertaining strangers was two weeks.404
Braintree, the most conservative of all, set a three-day visiting limit,
and imposed a fine of 19s for each three-day extension thereafter.405 By
the end of the century, however, the prohibition no longer seems to
406. Sir Henry Maine, Ancient Law (1861); cf. George Feaver’s biography of Maine,
From Status to Contract (1969), chap. 5, for a survey of the literature on Maine’s
hypothesis. Feaver cites Sir Frederick Pollock’s statement that whatever the thesis’
limitations historically, it still holds true for the history of property; 279, note no. 40.
407. Larger Catechism (1647), answers 124, 126. I am using the standard edition
published by the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland (1967).
408. Ibid., ans. 127.
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Medieval Economics in Puritan New England, 1630–1660 231
which, beyond our expectation, the Lord hath been pleased to afford
unto us in this wilderness, and also declare our utter detestation and
dislike that men or women of mean condition, educations, and call-
ings should take upon them the garb of gentlemen, by the wearing of
gold or silver lace, or buttons, or points at their knees, to walk in great
boots; or women of the same rank to wear tiffany hoods or scarves,
which though allowable to persons of greater estates, or more liberal
{188} education, yet we cannot but judge it intollerable in persons of
such like condition....410
Unless the individual were of a good education, a military officer, or
a civil officer, he could not wear such items unless his estate could be
valued at £200 or more, according to a “true and indifferent value.” A
l0s fine was imposed, “and every such delinquent to be presented by
the grand jury.”
A similar, though shorter, statute was passed by the magistrates of
Connecticut in 1641.411 Lace was the focus of several Massachusetts
statutes: it was to be used as a small edging (presumably only by the
upper classes), but lace in general was prohibited from being worn
extensively on any garment.412 Import taxes were placed on luxury
items, “for preventing the immoderate expense of provisions brought
from beyond the seas.” Such goods as sugar, spice, wine, and tobacco
were included. The tariff was sixteen percent for direct buyers, and
thirty-three percent of import price for retailers (making it more diffi-
cult for retailers to compete in sales with London sellers).413
Tobacco consumption, which was regarded by Puritan leaders as
another unnecessary excess, had been under fire from some of the
directors of the Massachusetts Bay Company right from the beginning
of the colony.414 All four of the Puritan colonies—Massachusetts, Con-
necticut, New Haven, and Plymouth—passed numerous provisions
410. MCR, vol. 3 (1651), 243. This is the law as passed by the deputies. The version of
the full General Court is almost identical: MCR, vol. 4, pt. 1, 61–62. For a summary of
this status-oriented legislation, see William B. Weeden, Economic and Social History of
New England, 1620–1789, 2 vols. ([1890] 1963), vol. 1, 226ff. Weeden notes that Rhode
Island passed no such sumptuary legislation: vol. 1, 290.
411. CCR, vol. 1, 64.
412. MCR, vol. 1 (1635), 183; (1639), 274–75.
413. Ibid., (1636), 186.
414. Ibid., 387–89, 403.
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415. MCR, vol. 1 (1632), 101; (1640), 241; vol. 2 (1646), 151; NHCJ (1655), 148; PCR,
vol. 11 (1638), 27. Carl Bridenbaugh points out that this aspect of the tobacco legislation
was part of a larger body of laws in every colony enforcing fire standards: Cities in the
Wilderness, 55ff.
416. MCR, vol. 1 (1635), 136; (1635), 180.
417. PCR, vol. 11 (1641), 38.
418. CCR, vol. 1 (1647), 153.
419. MCR, vol. 4, pt. 1 (1654), 287.
them out.421 In some cases, such activities were not even permitted in
private homes.422
Certain forms of property control were so ubiquitous that they need
only to be mentioned. In every colony and village, law after law was
passed against cattle and especially swine running through the streets
without rings through their noses (making it easier to lead them to the
public pound). The constant repetition of these laws indicates the
extent of their failure. Sales of almost anything to the Indians were for-
bidden at one time or another; weapons and liquor were always under
such restraints. Laws fixing weights and measures were common in
each colony; Plymouth complained of confusion in its system as late as
1652.423 Sabbath violators were punished for laboring on Sundays in
every Puritan town. {190}
What, then, can we say about the attitude toward property which
was held by the first generation of Puritans in New England? Above all,
Puritans regarded property as a means of service to God, family, com-
munity, and themselves. Property involved personal stewardship in a
personalistic universe, and these responsibilities of stewardship had to
be exercised throughout a man’s life. To aid men in their tasks of
stewardship, God had created a pluralistic structure of institutions to
provide guidance, sometimes by persuasion and often through coer-
cion, but always in terms of a holy covenant among contracting parties
and God. Governments, warned John Cotton, are never to be granted
420. MCR, vol. 1, 199, 213; vol. 2, 100, 175, 253; vol. 3, 30, 142, 148, 289; vol. 4, pt. 1,
151; CCR, vol. 1, 332–33; NHCJ, 146, 214; PCR, vol. 11, 17, 50, 52, 66. Boston placed beer
under price controls: Boston, 90. Cf. Bridenbaugh, 113ff. He writes: “The tavern was
probably the most important social institution in the little seaports” (107). It is not
surprising, therefore, that the civil government took special pains to regulate its
421. MCR, vol. 2, 180, 195; vol. 3, 102; vol. 4, pt. 1, 20; CCR, vol. 1, 289; PCR, vol. 11,
66. Since the regulations concerning both taverns and gaming extend throughout the
period, and well beyond it, I have not bothered to cite the year in which each piece of
legislation was passed.
422. MCR, vol. 1(1631), 84.
423. PCR, vol. 3, 10.
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424. Cotton, An Exposition Upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Revelation (1655), 72.
Cf. Shepard, “Subjection to Christ,” Works, vol. 3, 343. This concept of limited
sovereignty was basic to New England town life in the era of Puritan leadership, as
Bridenbaugh indicates: “The town governments were further hampered in this period
by the fact that the powers and functions of municipal corporations were but
imperfectly conceived and hazily defined. They were limited by the medieval conception
of a charter which conveyed only the barest powers and privileges necessary for the
management of corporate property…. Moreover, the civic power being as yet feeble, it
was frequently forced to call on private aid to supplement it in many cases where today it
is all-sufficient” (136).
425. Cotton, ibid., 21.
426. Ibid., 73.
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427. The most comprehensive study of education in the Puritan period is Lawrence
Cremin, American Education: The Colonial Experience, 1607–1783 (1970).
428. Keayne, Apologia, 18–24. Keayne’s legacy was not typical of colonial Puritanism,
however. New England Puritans were far more likely to give money away during their
lifetimes, but they left relatively little in their wills. This was in marked contrast to
Puritan charity in England, which was very often in the form of long-term bequests to
charitable trusts. On this point, see Foster, Their Solitary Way, 137ff. On the widespread
private charities established primarily by English Puritans, especially the London
merchants, see W. K. Jordan, Philanthropy in England, 1480–1660 (1959), 42ff., 241,
335ff., 348. These laymen were almost fanatically devoted to the establishment of
educational institutions, especially grammar schools (279ff.). In two generations, such
giving dwarfed the charitable accumulation of England’s medieval past (230).
429. Ibid., 76.
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Six days thou shalt work, etc., and thus the English do. And if you
would be so wise as to work as they do, you would have clothes,
houses, cattle, riches, as they have; God would give you them.430
In the last analysis, when a Puritan minister had to put the theology
of covenantal blessing before simple people who could not appreciate
the subtleties of biblical paradoxes, he expressed his faith in the bless-
ings God gives to the faithful. God would reward the citizens of His
Holy Commonwealth, so long as it remained truly holy.
The tiny communities of 1630 had inherited a paternalistic tradition
of status, hierarchy, and restraint on private actions in the market place.
But Puritan attitudes concerning charity, the need for education, and
the inescapability of personal as well as communal self-improvement
worked in {193} the direction of an expansion of personal liberty.
Mature men were expected to rule themselves and the earth; con-
science was awarded a large role in earthly affairs. The imposition of
economic controls, especially price and quality controls, seemed neces-
sary to Puritan leaders in the first two decades. Once the country had
survived the depression of the 1640s, thus proving the resiliency of the
economic structure, it seemed less important to monitor the day-to-
day affairs of the market.
The economic revival of the late 1640s was in part stimulated by the
somewhat suspect trading community in Boston. The attempts of the
government to create self-sufficiency by underwriting mining, requir-
ing families to spin flax or plant quotas of grain, and financing iron
works had failed.431 Men committed to experiment could learn from
such failures. Furthermore, with the expansion of trade, the growth of
the market, and the spread of a money economy, no single individual
or institution could command the power that it could have com-
manded in 1630 in an isolated frontier town. The need for full regula-
tion of the economy declined as a direct result of its increasing market
complexity and efficiency. Those things which were close to impossible
for the civil government to achieve—finding a just price for commodi-
430. John Eliot to Shepard, in Shepard, “Clear Sunshine of the Gospel,” Works, vol. 3,
431. Bailyn, Merchants, chap. 3, provides a summary of several of these short-lived
experiments in economic self-sufficiency.
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Medieval Economics in Puritan New England, 1630–1660 239
David H. Chilton
432. John Knox, Works (New York: AMS Press, 1968), vol. 1, 177.
urinated on and hung over the wall for all to see, and his killers
announced their intention of holding the castle against government
Over the next year a steady stream of Protestants joined the rebels,
and for his own protection Knox was sent there by his employers in
April of 1547, taking his three young students with him. It was not long
before Knox’s gifts in both theological insight and preaching ability
were recognized, and before he had been at St. Andrews one month he
was asked publicly to accept the church’s call to the ministry. And what
was the response of this man who would one day shake kingdoms? He
burst into tears and fled from the room. Knox, whose orientation was
largely in the academic world, realized only too well his own lack of
training and unpreparedness. He had been content in his role as an
instructor of children; and yet the hand of God was continuing to move
him into the gap {196} left by Wishart. Edwin Muir, who was no
admirer of Knox, comments in a rare burst of insight:
What was it that transformed a man so timid and apprehensive into a
heroic figure? So far as one can tell it was a theory now completely
outworn; a belief that before the beginning of the world God had
ordained that mankind should be separated into two hosts, the repro-
bate and the elect: that the elect should prevail, and that after death
they should enjoy everlasting bliss; and finally, that it was alike fated
that they should fight and that they should win. To embrace this creed
was to enroll in an invincible army; to remain outside was destruc-
Knox thus could not resist God’s call, and having determined his
course, he pushed forward with all his might. Within a few days, he was
embroiled in the midst of a debate over the Church of Rome, Knox
boldly claiming he could prove the Church was more degenerate than
the apostate Jews were when they crucified Christ. This assertion,
made before a crowd of Roman Catholics (including members of the
St. Andrews faculty), was challenged immediately, and Knox set out to
demonstrate it in his first sermon. Taking his text from Daniel 7:24–25,
his thesis was that the Church of Rome was Antichrist. He examined in
some detail the doctrine and morals of various popes, and showed how
433. Edwin Muir, John Knox (Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1972), 300–301.
And again:
For the Lord Himself shall come in our defense with His mighty
power; He shall give us the victory when the battle is most strong; and
He shall turn our tears into everlasting joy.439
Knox landed at Dieppe and made his way to Geneva, where he met
with Calvin, and from there he went to see Bullinger, Viret, Farel, and
the other Reformers in Switzerland. Knox was developing a theology of
{200} resistance to tyranny, and wished to discuss the matter with his
brethren. He then returned to Dieppe and began smuggling pamphlets
into England. The most important of these was the Admonition to
England, published in July of 1554. In it Knox suggested that England
would not now be suffering if Mary had been “sent to Hell” (i.e., exe-
cuted) during Edward’s reign.440 He went on to ask God to “stir up
some Phineas, Elijah or Jehu” to punish the idolaters.441 (If you’re not
sure what Knox had in mind, see Num. 25:7–8; 1 Kings 18:40; 2 Kings
9:30–37.) He closed with a prayer:
Repress the pride of these bloodthirsty tyrants; consume them in thine
anger according to the reproach which they have laid against thy holy
name. Pour forth thy vengeance upon them, and let our eyes behold
the blood of thy saints required of their hands. Delay not thy ven-
geance, O Lord! but let death devour them in haste; let the earth swal-
low them up; and let them go down alive to Hell.442
In other words, while Knox did not exactly call for Mary’s
assassination, he came fairly close. With this move, he had stepped into
new territory, going much further than any Reformer had dared go.
Calvin eventually felt forced to take a similar position (though he did
not state it quite so baldly), and the theme was ultimately picked up by
the Reformed movement as a whole, particularly in France and the
Netherlands. Within a few years, tens of thousands of Huguenots were
offering armed resistance to the French government; and the year
Knox died saw the beginning of the successful Calvinist revolt and
takeover of Holland and Zeeland. Knox had shocked the world with his
Admonition to England, but he had also convinced it. As Ridley states
it, “The theory of the justification of revolution is Knox’s special
contribution to theological and political thought.”443
In November 1554, Knox took on the responsibilities of pastoring a
congregation of English refugees in Frankfort. The church was split
over the form of service, with a minority preferring the use of the
English Book of Common Prayer. The majority sided with Knox, who
was naturally opposed to it, and desired a more directly scripturally
oriented service. Knox desired unity, however, and was attempting to
work out a compromise when, in March of 1555, Richard Cox arrived.
Cox, an exiled ex-official who had risen to prominence under Henry
VIII, combined an aggressive personality with extreme traditionalism.
He hated passionately anything which smelled to him of independence,
and immediately on his arrival began to make trouble. He was able to
gain control of the church, and less than two weeks later Knox was
removed from office and forbidden {201} to preach. Cox’s faction was
able to prevail with the city authorities, and Knox was banished from
Knox returned to Geneva, where many in the Frankfort congrega-
tion followed him. Contrary to appearances at the time, this was not a
defeat but an advance, and marks one of the most significant events in
English history. For the issues surrounding the split of English Protes-
tantism at this time were the issues which would dominate the course
of the next century and more: the dispute between Anglican and Puri-
tan. The new Genevan congregation became the first Puritan congre-
gation, and Knox became known as the founder of Puritanism.444
Knox’s congregation restructured their life and worship along the lines
of the Calvinist Reformation, based upon the principle that everything
in worship must be ruled by the Word of God alone. Congregational
singing was limited to psalm-singing, the service was centered around
the day. Knox stood not for democracy but for the law of God. And it
was just because of this stand that he upheld the right of the godly com-
moner to rebel against an ungodly {203} ruler. Knox was no “man of
the people,” nor did he wish to be. His desire was to be a man of God.
Thus, for God’s sake, he opposed all who would play God in any area.
He was not against civil government as such, for it was ordained of
God, but kings had the duty of knowing God’s laws and obeying them
fully. “Kings then have not an absolute power in their regiment what
pleases them; but their power is limited by God’s word.” A ruler must
consider that he is “Lieutenant to One whose eyes continually watch
upon him.”449 If by this doctrine the common man was exalted, it was
not because that was Knox’s aim. He was concerned that God alone be
supreme Lord. It is primarily this characteristic which merits Ridley’s
Knox is one of the most ruthless and successful revolutionary leaders
in history. He was more ruthless, at least in theory, than any other rev-
olutionary of more recent times. Dictators ancient and modern have
killed their opponents whenever they considered that this was expedi-
ent. Revolutionary mobs have killed oppressors out of a desire for ven-
geance and justice. But Knox and his Puritans are the only modern
revolutionaries who proclaimed that it was sinful not to kill their ene-
In November of 1558, Knox received a letter from the Protestant
“Lords of the Congregation” in Scotland, again requesting him to
come. Knox delayed to respond, probably distrusting the lords, but this
time there was good reason for his presence. Archbishop Hamilton had
condemned and burned old Walter Myln, a priest in his eighties, for
teaching Reformed doctrine to a small group of children. The public
was outraged by the execution: there were large open-air meetings and
riots, and a large group of lords and commoners had signed an agree-
ment to defend the preaching of the gospel. The Revolution had begun.
Knox arrived in Scotland on May 2, 1559, and nine days later was
preaching in Perth against idolatry. At the close of his sermon, the con-
gregation destroyed the Church of St. John and all the idols within.
They then sacked the nearby monasteries, using the spoils for the relief
of the poor. This scene was repeated in town after town, but the real
showdown occurred in St. Andrews. Knox had prophesied years before
that he would again preach in the church there, and Archbishop
Hamilton got there first with 100 armed men in order to stop him. The
next morning, Knox ascended into the pulpit and preached on the
expulsion of the moneychangers from the temple. Hamilton hurriedly
left town, and the townspeople removed all remnants of idolatry from
the area. When Mary heard of it, she sent 800 French soldiers to attack
and crush the rebellion, and two days later the French force met the
Congregation. A thick mist surrounded {204} them, and under this
providential cover the Congregation’s forces swelled from less than 100
to over 3,000 men armed to the teeth and in possession of a cannon.
Needless to say, when the fog lifted and the French realized their posi-
tion, they made a hasty truce. The Congregation’s victory was not only
valuable for its own sake; it was also tactically impressive. The cause of
reform was on the upswing, and town after town surrendered to the
Congregation wherever they went.
After a great deal of letter-writing back and forth, a treaty was signed
in February of 1560 in which England promised to protect Scotland
against the French. Queen Elizabeth had ascended her throne in 1558,
just in time to be offended by Knox’s First Blast against the rule of
women, so there was no love lost on her part for Knox. All the same,
she realized that for the safety of England, Knox and his reform were
needed. Thus, an English army joined with the Congregation against
the French, and on July 15, 1560, the French were forced to leave Scot-
tish soil.
The real work of reformation now began. Catholicism was abolished.
A Confession of Faith was accepted by Parliament, and Scotland
became officially Presbyterian. The Book of Discipline was adopted,
laying down the standards for the life of the church. Ministers were
made responsible for their congregations; provision was made for the
education of children. The effectiveness of the new presbyterian system
was so great that the savage persecutions of the following century were
unable to root it out. The Reformation had come to stay.
Scotland was without a ruler, however, and so on August 19, 1561,
Mary Stuart returned from France. With the arrival of this crafty young
girl who was so adept at deceit and flattery, the last great contest of
Knox’s life began. Five days after her arrival, the new Queen of Scots
celebrated mass in her private chapel. Knox denounced her publicly in
his sermon that day and followed up with an even more impassioned
address the following week, declaring that he feared one mass more
than an army of 10,000 foreign troops. With the death penalty for
attending mass in force, the law’s effectiveness would be considerably
weakened if the queen herself were able to attend. The effect of these
sermons was tremendous, as the English ambassador, Thomas Ran-
dolph, observed: “The voice of one man is able, in one hour, to put
more life into us than 500 trumpets continually blustering in our ears.”
Mary, seeing this, called Knox to a private meeting with her and
accused him of spreading anarchy. Knox replied, “God forbid that ever
I take upon me to command any to obey me, or yet to set subjects at
liberty to do what pleaseth them. But my concern is that both princes
and subjects obey God.”
The state of the Reformation began to degenerate, with Mary con-
tinuing to observe mass and Knox continuing to denounce her. Over
the next several years Knox often had to stand alone against the queen,
because {205} the other leaders of the Congregation were at various
times deceived by her. Mary’s combination of flattery and crying fits
seemed to work on everyone but John Knox. But eventually, as always,
Knox’s preaching and writing won out. Mary was forced to abdicate her
throne in 1567, and her infant son James was crowned in her place.
Knox spent the last few years of life preaching and working on his
excellent History of the Reformation in Scotland, a work for which alone
he would be justly famous. It does not, of course, follow today’s stan-
dards of “objective” historiography; but then his philosophy of history
was vastly different from that of modern secular historians.
We affirm and maintain that God is Lord, Moderator and Governor of
all things; whom we affirm to have determined from the beginning,
according to His wisdom, what He would do; and now we say, that He
doth execute according to His power whatsoever He hath determined.
Whereof we conclude, that not only the heaven and earth and things
insensible, but also the counsels and the wills of men are governed by
His providence, so that they tend and are led to the scope and the end
which He has purposed.451
[Pr. 29:18]
(Genesis 1:28); without revealed law, they are left without guidance and drift
along with the standards of their day.
Once Christians invented the university; now they retreat into little Bible colleges
or sports factories. Once they built hospitals throughout Europe and America;
now the civil governments have taken them over. Once Christians were inspired
by “Onward, Christian Soldiers”; now they see themselves as “poor wayfaring
strangers” with “joy, joy, joy, joy down in their hearts” only on Sundays and per-
haps Wednesday evenings. They are, in a word, pathetic. Unquestionably, they
have become culturally impotent.
Chalcedon is committed to the idea of Christian reconstruction. It is premised
on the belief that ideas have consequences. It takes seriously the words of Profes-
sor F. A. Hayek: “It may well be true that we as scholars tend to overestimate the
influence which we can exercise on contemporary affairs. But I doubt whether it
is possible to overestimate the influence which ideas have in the long run.” If
Christians are to reconquer lost ground in preparation for ultimate victory (Isa-
iah 2, 65, 66), they must rediscover their intellectual heritage. They must come
to grips with the Bible’s warning and its promise: “Where there is no vision, the
people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he” (Proverbs 29:18). Chalce-
don’s resources are being used to remind Christians of this basic truth: what
men believe makes a difference. Therefore, men should not believe lies, for it is
the truth that sets them free (John 8:32).