Student Slam Guidebook

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SENECA SLAM---April 2013 Student Info Packet

A POETRY SLAM is a concert-like event in which poets come together to share their work
through dramatic, rhythmic and sometimes even musical recitation. Typically in a slam one
performs their own work, but occasionally the work of others and famous authors are
included in the set list. Performers prepare their material in advance, planning and
memorizing their words, vocal elements and movements and come together on the day to
complete in an Olympic Style contest. The MC of the event announces each performer, who
then takes the stage and reads their poem for points. The points of all team members are
tallied together and a winning team is awarded the prize. Though poetry is a formal art,
throughout this poetry contest audience members are encouraged to make noise and
encourage their fellow slam participants along. We encourage you to do just that! Good
luck to your class and your teammay the best speaker WIN!

The Rules and Requirements

Choral Slam Element: (Time should be a minimum of 2 minutes)

Each selected poem HAS a story and this MUST be recognizable to audience
when the poem is performed.
Vocal Requirements/Considerations:

Physical Requirements/Considerations:

Some lines MUST be read chorally (all together)

Pacing and intonation should be used to express meaning
Volume is of utmost importance. (you will have microphones on stage, so if any group
member is inaudible for any reason your score will be thrown out)
Groups MAY choose to use vocalized sound effects and vocal qualities/accents, but
these SHOULD NOT distract from the meaning or execution of the poem (audience
should not have a hard time hearing or understanding the content)

Some choral movement is REQUIRED

Each character represented in the poem should be physically represented by a
member of the group in stage.
Appropriate gestures, posture and movement should be included to enhance meaning
OVERUSE of movement can potentially distract audience so use judiciously
Facial expression and posture should be considered carefully as this can make or break
a character and the performance of a poem (bored looking slam teams score LOW)
Props and costume-pieces are encouraged but not required and SHOULD NOT distract
from the meaning or execution of poem.
Some acting, dancing is acceptable in group pieces

No musical instruments or background music is permitted; but group

members may sing portions of their poem NOT EXCEEDING 30 seconds.
Bonus will be awarded to any groups that memorize their entire selection (1
point per person)

Individual Slam Element: (pieces should be a minimum of 30


Individual poems can be selected from any poetry anthology available ,

but MUST be approved by classroom teacher (School appropriate
content and diction/word choice ONLY)
Original Poetry is also an encouraged option for individual Slams, but
also MUST be approved by classroom teacher (deemed SchoolAppropriate) and written by the reader or someone within the readers
slam team.
Each original poem used will receive 2 bonus points toward the teams
overall score. Memorization of this poem will gain 1 bonus point per
minute of the poem toward teams overall score.
Individual should break this poem down seeking meaning and summarizing
the story of the poem. (identify who the narrator is, what he/she is seeking ,
who he/she is speaking to, and how he/she feels)
Vocal Requirements/Considerations:

Physical Requirements/Considerations:

Pacing and intonation should be used to express meaning

Volume is of utmost importance. (you will have microphones on stage, so if individual
is inaudible their individual and group score for the poem will be thrown out)
Individuals are encouraged to play with the sounds in the poem (consider
onomatopoeia and how you can make more meaning out of the words with a sound--Can the action of this poem be vocalized in some way?
Sound effects, altered vocal qualities and accents can be used, but should be kept to a
minimum to avoid distraction from the poems meaning.
Appropriate gestures, posture and movement should be included to enhance meaning
OVERUSE of movement can potentially distract audience so use judiciously
Facial expression and posture should be considered carefully as this can make or break
a character and the performance of a poem
Props and costume-pieces for these poems should be VERY minimal, if used at all.
Avoid urge to dance or act out the poem---this makes it feel less genuine in
individual pieces.

No musical instruments or background music is permitted; but individuals

may sing portions of their poem NOT EXCEEDING 30 seconds.

SLAM DAY Procedure and Scoring

Prior to Slam Day your group should:

Each Slam Team must come up with a unique and creative team name.
You are encouraged to coordinate your dress this day to look unified.
Make sure all poems are pre-approved by teacher
Submit Slam Team Form (attached) and a clean unmarked copy of each
poem you will use to your teacher

Group poem should have group name on the top of it

Individual poems should have both group name and individual name on the top
All papers MUST be fastened together with a PAPER CLIP or BINDER CLIP (no staples

On SLAM DAY you will:


Check the set list for your performance in the round for that day
Set up microphones (as needed)
Step up to mic and state the title of your poem and the author (done by
one member for Group Slams)
Step back and drop your head to signify that you will begin
When ready, lift head, step to mic, look at audience and begin
When you finish your poem pause (count 3 seconds) and say Thank You,
then leave stage


You will be judged by 2-4 people on a 30 point scale


Time will be kept by a timekeeper


The scores will be averaged for your Individual Standing (IS)

Your individual standing will be averaged with those of your Slam Teammates to
get an Average Individual Score (AIS), which will be added to your Average Group
Score (AGS)
Groups who do more than one Group Slam will have their score on both poems
averaged for their Average Group Score (AGS) and added to their Average
Individual Standing(AIS) for the Group Standing(GS).
1 point deducted from GS for any poems not reaching or exceeding the required
Additional points will be awarded for each minute of poem delivery to reward those
electing to recite lengthier pieces.

Memorization will be checked by an accuracy judge (1 point added to GS

for any perfect memorizations)

How to PREPARE for your Slam:

1. Read poem through Aloud
- Resist the urge to stop at the end of each line
- Use punctuation to dictate pauses and breaths
o Commas signify a breath or short pause
o Periods signify a longer pause (and usually a breath as well)
2. Identify the Meaning/Story of the poem (Literal Interpretation)
- Who is the narrator?
- What does he/she want?
- Where are they and who are they speaking to?
- How does the narrator feel about the topic?
o this is not just simply Happy or sad; consider the degree of the
- Identify and look up any unfamiliar words
- GROUP SLAMS will require you to identify any other characters in the
story/divy out roles and lines (DO NOT BREAK GROUP POEMS DOWN BY
CHUNKING STANZAS---have a reason for giving each line out---sometimes
lines can actually be divided right down the middle between 2-3 people)
3. Read aloud again trying to use voice to express emotion of the
4. Identify the Meaning/Story of the poem (Vocal Interpretation)
- Look over the words in the poem and find any that could be stated in a
unique way as to imbue meaning vocally
o Using word meaning:
o Using Narrators emotion: (See Video #3 below)
- What events happen in the story that could be signified by a sound effect
(if any)
- Are there any places in the poem that would be enhanced with an
elongated pause?
- Are there any places in the poem that could be sped up or slowed down to
express narrators emotions or intensify meaning?
- Are there any lines that you feel should be said in a unique vocal
quality/tone or sung
5. Read aloud again using voice to express emotion and adding new
pauses and sounds
6. Identify the Meaning/Story of the poem (Physical Interpretation)
- Select a few lines in the script that could be enhanced with a small
o Keep it simple
o at least one choral gesture for GROUP SLAMS
- Identify how narrator (or character)s emotion would be reflected in their
o Read again standing and using that posture
o It may change during the course of poem.
- Is there any purpose for you to move around while delivering the poem?

7. Practice! Practice! Practice! -Due to time constraints for this slam we are
allowing you to carry your poem with you on notecards or paper, but having
as much memorized as you can will enhance your performance and perfect
memorization will garner you a bonus point.



*** Please submit completed form to your teacher BY Friday, Jan 11th***

Team Name: _____________________________________________

Group Member Information

First Name

Last Name

Teachers Name


Please remember to bring any special props that you need on

SLAM DAY. We will have an empty stage with some chairs and 3
microphones for you. Aside from that, you are on your own with
anything that you may need.

Poems that group will be Performing

(please list all below----you may choose 4-6 poems in total)
Poem Title

Poets Name
(Please asterisk (*)
if original poem)

Person(s) Reading


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