Career Inventory Word Document

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Assignment Instructions

Using Microsoft Word, you will create a document that shares details about you to
tell the team who you are. Please follow the instructions, completing the task.
When this assignment is complete; you will be able to name three strengths and
weakness that describe you. You will also be able to share 1 career choice that you
are interested in. Finally you should be able to use Microsoft Word more effectively
and efficiently
Assignment details
1. Create your own designed cover page with a picture or pictures that
embody you
2. Insert new page
3. Change font size to 12, Times New Roman
4. Add Your name to the Header push enter
5. Add Career Inventory Assignment Header
6. Center both
7. Save document to your Century tech folder /Also remember to save
document before you leave class
8. Go to the MNIS website and access your Career Cluster Inventory List you
previously created
9. Use the information from your Career Cluster Inventory to answer and
complete the following
1. What are the three top categories listed in your Career Cluster Inventory
a. Use Bulleted List
2. Find three careers that you might be interested from each category -that
are listed in the career list under the additional information category?
b. Pick one career from each category, In bulleted list answer the
following question
i. Career
ii. Education or training needed
iii. Salary
3. Do you think that the career inventory assignment matched with what you
thought about what career you might do? Why or Why not?
4. Start a new page
5. Use a search engine to find a word list for personal strengths and
c. Add New Page
i. Use word art
ii. Use title all about me with your name in title
iii. Center title
d. Find three strengths and 3 weakness from list that match up with you
e. Write and define them in your own words using examples from your

f. Save Document and upload it to Moodle

g. We will share your research in class

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