Prix Passionnés de Livres: Read, Enjoy and Vote!

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Prix passionns de livres

Read, enjoy and vote!
3 steps to improving your French language
skills and discovering magnificent stories.
Easy : Discover a selection of five recent French short stories and then vote online
for your favourite book.
Just click in the link on Internet : we will give you the link on the 23rd May 2016.
Five wonderful books to read : Five short stories written by some fantastic : all
French writers.
What do you have to do ? All you have to do is read ! You have until June 10th
2016 to read and then vote for your favourite one. A selection of short books to enjoy,
what could be easier? You will be able to read from 7th March up to 25th May.
Why? For the next four months you will be able to enjoy 5 fantastic books. And
another world of stories will be available to you.
You want more? You will be learning new vocabulary and improving your French
language skills. So you will be having a nice time whilst learning, what could be
better ? Andthis will also allow you to take a great step forward towards mastering
yeat another language and discovering magical tales and characters.
Is there any prize? If you decide to take part in this reading competition, you will
need to fill a form about the content of the book and then you will get a reading
award according to the numbers of books you have read. The class who will read the
most will get a special prize!

Please find below the selection :

1. Cinq, six bonheurs de de Jean-Marc Mathis

2. Vivement jeudi de Mikael Olivier

3. A table, prsident de Yann Mens

4. A bas la vaisselle de Yann Mens

5. Mademoiselle Pif Paf de Mathis

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