Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections
Cohort: B1
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Physical Health & Education Volleyball Grade: 4 Date: Friday November 27th 2015
Subject/Strand: Physical Healthy & Education Unit: Cooperative Games Location: Gymnasium
(length in minutes): 30 minutes
(What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big
ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)
In this weeks gym session the students will be learning how to serve volleyballs. They have already
been introduced to bumping and volleying. We will be performing a variety of different drills to
teach and improve this skill. We will begin without a ball in order to get the foot steps down. Then
we will progress into our upper body motions. After we have mastered the pattern of serving down
we will incorporate the volleyballs. We will start serving close to the net and slowly move back to
the serving line. One last thing we will talk about is the rotation of the players throughout a game.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations
Active Living A1. Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and
demonstrate an understanding of factors that encourage lifelong participation in physical activity
Movement Competence: Skills, Concepts, and Strategies - B1. Perform movement skills,
demonstrating an understanding of the basic requirements of the skills and applying movement concepts as
appropriate, as they engage in a variety of physical activities
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations (numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3), have
expectations that match assessment
Active Participation - A1.1 Actively participate in a wide variety of program activities (e.g., lead-up and
small-group games, recreational activities, cooperative games, fitness activities, dance activities), according
to their capabilities, while applying behaviours that enhance their readiness and ability to take part
Movement Skills & Concepts - B1.4 send and receive objects of a variety of shapes and sizes at different
levels and speeds, using different body parts and equipment, while applying basic principles of movement
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to know
and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)
Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria
to assess students learning, as well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and
thinking, in language that students can readily understand).
Thank you very much for that great warmup Carys & Logan. Now onto volleyball skills.
I have heard that you already know how to
bump and volley. That is great, there is one
other main component of volleyball that I
will be teaching today. Can anyone guess
what this may be?
Thats correct we will be learning the proper
approach in serving today. Could I please get
everyone to move around this half of the
gymnasium and spread out far enough that
your arms stretched out wont hit someone. I
will first be teaching the footwork associated
with serving. The first thing you need to
decide is which arm you want to hold the
ball with and which arm will be your
swinging arm.
Next we will pretend to hold the imaginary
ball in the hand we had chosen. Then we will
take a step forward with the opposite leg. As
we take this step forward with the opposing
leg we will take our swinging arm and swing
at the imaginary ball in our hand. Once we
introduce the ball into our routine I want you
to keep in mind a few things. You will not be
throwing the ball with the hand that is
holding it, you will simply drop that hand
which makes the ball drop and you will meet
the ball with the base of your hand. Your
hand can be in a closed position or open
palmed. If you do keep it in a first remember
not hit the ball with your knuckles because
Okay class could I please get you to
practice the steps in one fluid motion.
I will walk around and offer
pointers/corrections at this time.
I will now perform a serve incorrectly.
Please tell me what I did wrong.
At this time I will be making an exaggerated
swing with my arm, making the ball go
super high straight up in the air.
That was a great answer, that was exactly
what I did in my swing. I think we are read to
incorporate the volleyballs now. Could
everyone please partner up, and get of one
of you to go and get a volleyball.
Now that you are all partnered up, please
go to the this line it is also known as the
attack line this is where volleyball players
will attack and spike the ball from. Your
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15
The students have now been informed on the main components and aspects of the game
volleyball. Our next class will consist of the students taking all of the information they are now
equipped with and putting it into game play.
Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:
The Teacher: