Chemistry Picture Vocabulary - Periodic Table

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The Periodic Table

Picture Vocabulary


Alkali Metal

Any of the univalent elements belonging to

Group 1A of the Periodic Table.

Alkaline Earth Metal

Any of the bivalent metals belonging to

Group 2A of the Periodic Table.


Any of the electronegative non-metallic

elements in Group 7A of the Periodic Table.

Inner Transition Elements

An element in the lanthanide and actinide series that is

characterized by the addition of electrons to f orbitals.

Noble Gas

Any of the elements found in Group 8A of the Periodic

Table; each have the s and p sublevels of their outermost
energy level filled.

Transition Elements

The B Group elements (3-12) found on the

Periodic Table, also known as transition metals.

Chemical Family

The vertical columns on the Periodic Table, also known

as Groups, where elements with similar properties are

Atomic Number

The number of protons found in the nucleus of

an element, represented by the letter Z.


A positively-charged subatomic particle of the

nucleus of an atom and contributes to the mass
of the atom.


A subatomic particle of the nucleus of an atom

that is without charge and contributes to the mass
of an atom.


A negatively-charged subatomic particle of the

electron cloud; involved in the formation of
chemical bonds.


The tiny, very dense, positively-charged region in

the center of an atom; made up of protons and

Valence Electrons

The electrons in the outermost energy level of an

atom that influence how an element will react with
other substances.


The columns on a Periodic Table that arrange the

elements by the number of electrons that are in the
outside shell.


The rows in a Periodic Table that classify the

elements by the number of atomic shells.


Most elements are metals, typically solid, shiny,

malleable, and a good conductor of heat and electricity.


Elements typically not shiny, usually a gas or brittle solid,

not malleable, and a poor conductor of heat and


Elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals; sometimes referred to as semiconductors.

Chemical Symbol

A 1 to 2 letter representation of a specific

element, sometimes referred to as an atomic

Periodic Trends

Picture Vocabulary


Atomic Radii

The distance between the nucleus of an atom to the

outermost electron orbital, usually measured in

Ionic Radii

The radius of either a positive or

a negative ion found in an ionic crystal.


Within a molecule, it is the ability of an atom in

that molecule to attract electron pairs to itself.

Ionization Energy

The energy required to remove one electron from a

neutral atom of an element in the gaseous state.


Atoms (or groups of atoms) that have an electrical

charge due to a different number of protons and


Having no electrical charge.

Energy Level

Regions around the nucleus of an atom

where electrons may be found.

Shielding Effect

An effect that occurs as the inner electron shells of an

atom shield the valence electrons in the outer
electron shells from the positive pull of the nucleus.


The quality or state of being periodic,

or occurring at regular intervals.


Any atom or group of atoms with a positive charge.


Any atom or group of atoms with a negative


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