Registration 2016-17: The Buzz at Irmo Middle School "
Registration 2016-17: The Buzz at Irmo Middle School "
Registration 2016-17: The Buzz at Irmo Middle School "
School Hours:
8:20 a.m.3:35 p.m.
Registration 2016-17
Spring Hill High School
Students selected to attend Spring Hill High School, through
District 5 Choice, will register on Monday, March 7, 2016.
Counselors from SHHS will meet with selected 8th grade
students to present course options and help select courses
based on the students identified Academy of Study.
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Families of rising 6th, 7th and 8th-graders who will be attending the International Academic Magnet at Irmo Middle School next fall are invited to our
2016-17 Course Fair on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 6:00pm in the Irmo Middle School cafeteria.
We will share information on how to register for your student's classes as
well as describe the terrific array of programs and educational opportunities that are being offered at Irmo Middle for your child.
Teachers will be available to describe the many exploratory class options that include STEM Systems, Gateway
to Technology, World Languages, Art, Chorus, Band, Business and Computer Applications, Global Leadership,
Orchestra, Multimedia, and Music Technology.
The Irmo Middle School team will be on hand to answer questions about how we incorporate international
themes into our core curriculum, our Algebra Readiness, STEM Systems and Literacy labs, our foreign language
offerings, and the many choices in our International Arts programs.
Please join us for this excellent opportunity to learn about the variety of classes offered at Irmo Middle School
and how you can register your student for the courses that will best enhance his/her educational experience
while attending our International Academic Magnet program.
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We are pleased to announce that this year we will be facilitating student-led conferences (SLC's). For those of you who may be new to this procedure, the student-led
conference process empowers the student to direct and report on his/her progress at
school that specifically addresses certain learning targets and our school-wide Habits
of Scholarship. SLC's are research-based and used in many exemplary middle
schools. Our Crew leaders have been trained to assist, direct, and support our students throughout the preparation process. They have coached, critiqued, and evaluated their students in order to have them ready to present to their parents and guardians. In short, the students will be leading the conference while reflecting on their progress and setting goals for advancement.
During the conference process students will report on academic progress, articulate goals, report on assessment
data when appropriate, and share examples of their course work. They will present samples of schoolwork from
all of their classes.
The student-led conference process is much different from the traditional parent teacher conference in which the
teacher does most of the talking and the parent does the listening. Often in such conferences, the student is not
even present. The role of the Crew leader in a student-led conference is one of coach, mentor, and advocate. It
is likely that there will be several conferences will be taking place at one time within the same room. The Crew
leader will circulate and be present for specific questions related to the process and support students as they reflect on their work. If a parent wants a parent teacher conference with any particular teacher, they may request
one at any time.
We believe that the student-led conference process allows students to take ownership of their learning and possess the responsibility for creating goals and identifying support structures needed to achieve their desired level
of success. We are pleased with the learning that is happening at Irmo Middle School's International Academic
Magnet and know that our students are eager to present their progress to their parents.
We thank you for working with them in this journey. Below we have included some frequently asked questions
and answers.
Why are we doing them at Irmo Middle School? How does it impact student achievement? When students
are a vital component of student-led conferences, they have more ownership in the learning process with opportunities for increased student success. Students have an opportunity to present their work, reflect on learning,
revise goals, and determine specific strategies for continued growth.
When: Student-led Conferences will take place in March 2016 for all IMS students.
6th Grade March 7-11, 7th Grade March 21-24, 8th Grade March 14-18
Where: Crew leaders classroom, or another location decided upon by the Crew leader.
*Parent/guardian(s) will be given different times (20 minute time slots) during that week that they can sign up to
What Should Parents Expect: Parents will be welcomed, and then invited to sit with their student as their child
communicates their progress towards academic learning targets and Habits of Scholarship.
How can parents assist: Please support your child by signing up for a 20 minute time slot the week of their student-led conference. Your attendance at their student-led conference will mean so much to them! Our goal is for
100% of parents to attend. Sign up information will be sent home the first week in February.
For a sample of how these work, take a moment to watch the video at the following URL: https://
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